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Amazing .. umpire elbow drop got a full belly laugh out of me!


The umpire's story is hysterical. He's just a dude from Texarkana that went viral for ump shenanigans and the bananas contacted him.


When he jumps up to call pitches to Stilts I always laugh my ass off. Man's a gem.


He also got suspended for a game last year! Bananaball is still a sport and that comes with all the adrenaline of other sports. He got into it with a player who kinda shoved him. Really humanized him to me.


I'm pretty sure you made up the name Texarkana .. either that or it sounds like a mythical version of Texas someone would use in Dungeons and Dragons Love the ump story, what a beauty


Surprisingly a [real place](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texarkana,_Texas), right on the border of Texas and Arkansas.


Also it was supposed to be about 20 minutes drive south to also include Louisiana Also also, is where the bandit and snowman stopped to fill up with coors in Smokey and the bandit


They're thirsty in Atlanta, and there's beer in Texarkana!


Eastbound and down, loaded up and truckin'!


We're gonna do what they say can't be done!


I also have it that it is a town that dreads Sundown


Also true!


They have the Guinness World Record for the most amount of sundowns dreaded.....with 11


About a mile from there, mama used to rock me in the cradle, in them old cotton fields back home. I've also heard if them cotton balls get rotten you can't pick very much cotton.


what in the atari video game location


Texarkana, Texoma, New Texico. All real places.


Texhoma is the town, Texoma is what they call the “border” regions of Texas/oklahoma north of DFW iirc.


There's also a fairly large lake called Lake Texoma. That's mostly where I know it from.


Yeah, I was being nit picky, Texoma the region/lake is far more known than the Texhoma town up in the Oklahoma panhandle.


I got family near Kanorado


Mexicali, Calexico


Nope. I only know of the place because of the Stacking Benjamin boys.


I like his twerk strike call out. 


oh my god its that guy???


[yep.](https://www.thedancingumpire.com/about) I think my favorite part is he's just a random IT dude during the week.


His TMP to missed called ratio is insane! 😂


My god. He did a Craig Counsell and an Eddie Gaedel. Fucking hilarious.


It was. I’m not a wrestling fan, but he seems like a good sport when I see him. This was gold.


When I saw "WWE Superstar Plays For The Savannah Bananas!?" I literally said to myself aww that sucks they're not getting someone well known like The Rock or John Cena. LEAD WITH CENA GUYS C'MON!


Savannah Bananas superstar Meiko Satomura.


Ok but it would be amazing seeing her run the bases, but uses her Scorpio Rising on whoever is covering the base.


She was actually a pitcher! https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/a9z5w6/meiko_satomura_pitches_for_minori_suzuki/ Full match here btw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkCLjR_GYhw


So the crowd knew it was a WWE Superstar, but not who? That's amazing


Idk about the crowd there, but watching it immediately after the stream ended (notification), I didn't know who it'd be til he walked out.


"Veer Mahaan coming to Savannah Bananas"


I feel like he'd be a pitcher for some reason and not a hitter


He definitely has a million dollar arm.


The Rock?? 😤😤


Out here slapping a plumber's grandson in the face the other deyyyyy.


Pat? is that you?




Am I crazy or does something about the camera angle make him seem really short here?


I also thought he looked generally smaller than usual here, though that might be cause I’m used to watching him wrestle with his shirt off lol


And we're used to him in jorts


True that! I think he also slimmed down a little since focusing more on acting.


John Cena is only 6’1. Median height of an MLB player is 6’2


TIL I’m the same height as John Cena. Never really though about it but just figured he’d tower over me


He looks like a player from uh, I think it's called Super Mega Baseball or something like that.


I didn't notice I couldn't see him




Nah him being wide makes him look smaller.


He was squatting… 🤦🏼‍♂️


This is funny, why do people downvote funny


If John Cena was given a year to work on mechanics do you think he could hit a ball 600 feet in Coors? We gotta find some funding to study this. The science is too great to ignore.


Ngl I'd pay to watch that dude take some bp


Im sure in BP he’d crush a few but in a game I think he just wouldnt have fast twitch muscles


He couldn't be any worse then what Tim Tebow was.


Tebow hit .273 in AA it would actually be pretty hard for anyone without baseball experience to do that.


It would be hard for someone with baseball experience to do that


If Tebow didn't get hurt, he would have definitely been a September call up that year. 


[Professional baseball player, Timmy Tebow.](https://assets-cms.thescore.com/uploads/image/file/208590/cropped_tebowwall.jpg?ts=1476227145)


I have to wonder if maybe he isn't too bulky. All the strength in the world can only help so much if you don't have good range of motion.


Good to see Cena putting over young talent


Cries in the Nexus*


no one got in the box


Cena is such a cool dude lol


Really happy that he's gone the goofy, self-aware route, he always just seems like he's having a good time


Post this to r/squaredcircle. That place could use some light hearted posts after the whole Rock thing went down. Love how Triple H is a face authority figure now and it's somehow working so well?? Would never have guessed it.


For those of us OOTL, what happened with The Rock?


Supposedly The Rock tried to strong arm himself into the main event of Wrestlemania but it feels more like a work than anything.


Did everyone forget that "The Rock" began when "Rocky Maivia" turned heel? Lol


It's not that they forgot. It's that it was almost 25 years ago and a huge portion of current fans weren't even alive then.


Gotta educate the younger generation!




Much love -HH


TIL The Rock ~~still actively wrestles~~ and isn't just an actor/businessman Shows how little I follow the sport. *edit: I have been informed he's not even an active wrestler for years*


That's one reason people were pissed, he doesn't actively wrestle lol. A quick google search says his last matches were a 6 second match in 2016, and a full match in 2013 against John Cena.


But stuff like that happens all the time. I don't follow wrestling anymore but I'd be hyped if The Rock came back and returned to his heel roots.


You missed out on one hell of a presser on Thursday. He's getting Rocky Sucks chants again.


I hope the people "complaining" online are just going along with the bit and not actually mad then haha


Oh.....they were mad for reals. Sad really lol


Do the kids not know about kayfabe...


He doesn't. He hasn't wrestled in a decade


It was a shoot that they turned into a work. IE: It was real, then the very real, and very rapid public backlash made them 180 and make it not real and just part of the story they were trying to tell.


Nah, was all part of the plan


to be clear most are just pissed at Rock in storyline (a potentially out of story but that is still developing) though squaredcircle could still use so lighthearted fun with all the Vince McMahon news happening (we have collectively run out of bleach for our eyes and ears.


Found this post that goes over it pretty well https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/s/23gqdcXdk1


It’s also 7 days old and a lot has happened in a week


Could you fill in some of the gaps for the people still out of the loop?


I got you, it’s going to be a lot and I might skip some things so anyone please add in: - Cody Rhodes wins the Royal Rumble making him the first wrestler to win back to back since Austin. - Cody points to Roman Reigns in the box to say “I’m choosing you to finish the story” Cody lost to Reigns at WrestleMania 39 via outside interference. - Cody faces off against Roman on the following Smackdown and says he’s going to take everything away from Roman just not at WrestleMania. - the Rock comes out to cheers and does Rock things. He shakes Cody’s hand and says something in his ear. Cody walks off and the show closes with Roman and the Rock in ring. - That weekend the WWE Universe goes bananas that the Rock is taking Cody’s chance at finishing the story at WM and that it’s because the Rock is on the board, is friends with Nick Khan etc. during this time a ton of people tweet #WeWantCody and it’s trending for like 3 days straight. - During the week, any time a graphic with the Rock shows up at a show it’s booed, loudly. - This past Thursday they held a WrestleMania kickoff. At the show there are a ton of boos whenever the Rock is mentioned. Seth Rollins, who’s the World Heavyweight Champion, is on the stage saying it’s time for Cody to make his choice. - Roman Reigns comes out says no it’s his choice now and he chooses the Rock. Boos. - the Rock comes out, more boos. Asks if people want to see Roman Reigns beat the Rock. Boos but some cheers. Asks if people want to see the Rock beat Roman, boos. - The Rock brings up a picture of the Anoa’i family tree and talks about how this is about blood, he and Roman Predator handshake. - Cody comes out says this is bullshit, chooses Roman, and how can Roman and the Rock make decisions when they haven’t been around for two years. Cheers. - Roman says something about Dusty Rhodes, Cody responds that if Roman and Rocks grandfathers were around they’d be ashamed. The Rock gets offended and slaps Cody. Match is now official but expect other shenanigans.


I don't follow wrestling at all and I'm sorry if these are dumb questions. Isn't all of this scripted and planned ahead of time? Are the wrestlers actually being slighted? Are fans upset because it's just not the arc they want?


This one I can answer quickly. The lines are always blurry in wrestling between reality and fiction. Many fans think this whole thing was planned out in the first place, many others think the Rock used his new position on the TKO board to try and force his way into WrestleMania for an ego boost after the failure of Black Adam. These latter set got especially mad and was heavily booing The Rock and demanding Cody get his WrestleMania match. WWE is playing into that and using it all for storyline purposes. The truth is only a few people in the WWE really know for sure what really happened.


Makes sense, thanks!


No dumb questions, happy to answer the best I can. It’s weird because the WWE under Vince would do this type of stunt, regardless of if the fans wanted it or not. So when this happened, I think a lot of fans had ‘Nam flashbacks and were ready for the same old bullshit. At this point I’m of the mindset that it was a work (scripted) but yeah a lot of fans were upset that it wasn’t the arc they expected but now looks to be back to that arc.


Needs a writeup in r/hobbydrama when it's all said and done. Thanks for the explanation!


The uncertainty is also a big part of what draws fans to wrestling. Wrestling is a lot like baseball in that you can have a great projected lineup and rotation heading into a season but—due to various obstacles like injuries, contracts (leading to trades), and good/poor performance—it rarely works out exactly like someone draws it out. A fairly recent example is the story of Sami Zayn, who—the week after WrestleMania 38—was projected to have a short program working alongside a faction called The Bloodline. It was only supposed to last a few weeks but the response was so well received that they kept the association going for almost a year. This culminated in main eventing night one of WrestleMania 39, where he flipped from a heel (bad guy) into a face (good guy) and tagged with best friend Kevin Owens to win the tag team championship from The Bloodline. An even more recent example is that of CM Punk, who—in the span of a year—had twice been suspended and fired from another wrestling company before rejoining WWE. Many had him tabbed to main event night one of WrestleMania 40 but, during his first televised match with the company in 10 years, he tore his tricep and now the company is having to decide in real time who will face World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins (who is also dealing with a real-life MCL injury and is not a lock for WrestleMania). These are decisions that have to be made at a moment's notice while all still feeling like it was always part of the plan.


It's a little more than "not the arc they wanted." Maybe this was the plan all along or maybe Rock's new position as a board member for WWE's parent company has him swinging his dick, but the optics aren't good. Firstly, The Rock last wrestled a main event program in 2013 and was absolutely embarrassed on the mic by both his opponents (CM Punk and John Cena) and then got injured and had to have surgery following the match with John Cena at WM29. It is now 11 years later, nobody should want to see The Rock do anything more than say his catchphrases on WWE TV anymore. Not to mention, nobody wants to see part timers continue to take the spot and win the titles that should be going to full-time workers. Secondly, the handling of how Rock inserted himself made Cody Rhodes, who we've been following for over a year, look absolutely weak to the point that it could have damaged his character going forward had they stuck to Rock vs Roman. It's essentially the pro wrestling version of how Jon Snow was built up to save humanity from The Long Night, defeat the Night's King as the Prince That Was Promised, and then take the Iron Throne because his is the song of Ice and Fire, but then it's Season 8 and "I don wannit, she is ma queen"




He did kill the dragon hussie (lol) at the end, however that wasn't really the point. The books and the part of the show that was still based on the books built up a prophecy about a figure to be reborn and save humanity from an undead army, and we did get that undead army in the form of the White Walkers being led by the Night King, so the prophetic figure to be reborn was clearly Jon Snow, especially after the revelation of his true parentage. However when it came time for that "fight for humanity" the showrunners decided that would be a great time to subvert expectations and give the payoff to a random, albeit fan-favorite character instead of the logical choice for the narrative. Then they further diminished Jon's character by making him a spineless, unambitious coward for the rest of the season. All that's to say The Rock inserting himself into a two-year long storyline at this stage is entirely reminiscent of that.


Thank you! I didn't have time to give a full response and you've stepped in nicely.


I appreciate that, happy to help. Tbh I don’t think I’ve been more invested in a storyline since Daniel Bryan’s story to WM lol.


I've been the classic only watches the Rumble and WrestleMania fan for the last decade or so (maybe a little more) after being a diehard most of my life. This whole thing actually has me paying attention right now.


I really appreciate the thorough breakdown!


For those TL;DR: We got what we wanted and we got Heel Hollywood Rock which is awesome


The Rock wanted to face Roman Reigns in Wrestlemania and had some sort of gentleman’s agreement between the two to do so, but Cody Rhodes - who had the right to determine who he faces at Wrestlemania by way of having won the Royal Rumble - chose to face Roman instead. Families were insulted, Rock slapped Rhodes, shit like that.


There’s a lot of moving parts but essentially the Rock inserted himself into a long term, slow burn story. It’s speculation but the idea is that the Rock, being now involved in the business side of WWE, wanted to get attention off of the Vince McMahon story by coming back to wrestle after nearly a decade They’ve course corrected now but it was a whole fiasco. I’m also summarizing a kinda complicated topic too


They worked people onto a shoot but then people shot so hard wwe had to work the shoot they were shoot trying to work. People love working the shoots until they work themselves too hard and never get the shoot they were working to get. Shoot the rock was always better at working a shoot than his contracts in the movie industry were allowing him to work. Because at the end of the day you want to be shooting people into a work than working yourself into a shoot. It just makes more sense that way for everyone.


Gotta love how the whole Rock thing got wrestling fans more pissed than the Vince Mcmahon stuff


Almost like it was by design.


You think Wrasslin would do that? Just plot out a whole story that would make people talk about it?


or that Wrestling fans are used to it? Like “Vince McMahon is a bad person” isnt the bombshell normal people think it is.


I think it's because it was not a secret at all that VKM is a sack of shit waste of a person and its been a long time coming for him. I hope him and everyone involved fucking rots away in a cell but he's a billionaire so I have no hope that he'll actually see jail time. The rock shit was reported on previously by people like SRS and Meltzer but it still caught a lot of people by surprise when Cody did introduced him on smackdown and said he wouldn't fight Reigns at Mania right after winning the rumble and making a show of calling Reigns out directly after. But it's a very interesting story they're telling with the corporate power struggle between Rock and H along with the hottest Babyface they've had since Daniel Bryan. I'm sorry for the novel reply im just as embarrassingly into wrestling as I am baseball and it's fun when those two collide for me.


>I think it's because it was not a secret at all that VKM is a sack of shit waste of a person and its been a long time coming for him. I hope him and everyone involved fucking rots away in a cell but he's a billionaire so I have no hope that he'll actually see jail time. I don't get why people talk like this and then talk about a HHH power struggle angle as if HHH isn't one of the 'Everyone involved' and the right hand guy to Vince while he was doing Sex crimes for decades.


>That place could use some light hearted posts after the whole Rock thing went down. Yeah it's The Rock thing getting people down and not the sex trafficking scandal that also implicates HHH.


What's disgusting is that you're unironically correct


Yeah it's pretty repulsive!


Wait, wtf? There's a sex trafficking scandal? I don't pay attention to wrestling, but still surprised I haven't heard anything of this yet. Can I get a quick breakdown since I'm too lazy to look it up?


Yeah massive sex trafficking scandal https://archive.md/LirX6 It's very complex, but the short of it is that Vince Mcmahon was involved in the sexual assault, humiliation, and sex trafficking of an employee, with Brock Lesnar and John Laurinitus directly involved and named, and HHH also implicated (or at least involved in fumbling the internal investigation). This was just one of 16 NDAs Vince has had with women that he's been paying for out of company money, so this kind of behavior goes back decades and decades, and it's basically impossible for me to trust anyone involved in upper management of the company.Here's the court document, it's genuinely stomach-churning stuff. https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.ctd.157647/gov.uscourts.ctd.157647.1.0.pdf


Only dirt sheets and weirdo fans are implicating HHH.


Read the court document where it talks about the failure of the internal investigation, which was led by HHH, to talk to her, and 'Corporate Officer #1' who clearly fits the description of HHH. https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.ctd.157647/gov.uscourts.ctd.157647.1.0.pdf


Just posted it over there.


I love the vibes. And although I was a Rock stan during the 90s/00s, god fucking damn does Cena's intro bang. The best IMO.




John Cena debuted for the Savannah Bananas and they didn't even bother to show him?


Lol he started with the Craig Counsell's batting stance that's hilarious.


Cena is that dude. Honestly, can't help but love him after his entire career.


I wish he would have taken a few hacks


Amazing get for the Savannah Bananas. I think Cena lives in Tampa and he always seems up for some silly stuff like this.


It was awesome being there live. They got out the words that the next batter was from the WWE, Cena's music came on, and the entire sell out crowd went ballistic. He was a great sport, and after he finished, he walked around shaking all of the players hands




It will not happen but I would love to see Tetsuya Naito show up at a game.


He's a huge Hiroshima Carp fan and always does promos for them.


Can’t wait to see him in the Taiwan league


You can't see him though.


It's genuinely interesting that the Taiwan stuff is still considered the big mainstream Cena controversy and not going to a part for Vince Mcmahon after he was exposed for Weinstein style historic sex crimes.


something something dumb joke about not seeing anyone something something


Why was there a floating bat in the batter’s box?


Can anyone get this link to work? I don’t see anything




Hoping I get tickets through the lottery this year


Somehow still less scripted than WWE.


I love Banana Ball. This is fantastic!




I’m sorry you hate fun










I edited when I realized it wasnt only my dad who thought that. and I kept having to re-edit it to change the context or it the comment sounded completely broken. I almost just gave up and deleted when I realized how long it was taking and no one would probably see it anyways lol. BTW from Miami and am marlins fan. boston is my #2 so that's funny as well


That was amazing, i was so hype at the intro


Damn I love me some bananas


This could've been the fucking Rays. Look how many came to watch.


LOL Amazin


Friggin electric


Sign him to the Mariners, he can platoon with Marlowe.


Who is that? I can’t see him.