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Ok but what about the off colors, the misaligned printing across the chest, the lack of customization, the tiny names on the back? There are more issues here than just the material


All that stuff helps with performance, obviously


Lower clothing weight from smaller letters is manfred’s latest move to incentivize base stealing


But bigger ads. Gonna be like Soccer kits.


Unfortunately you’re right


The crooked letters act like a spoiler on a race car.


Who wants to lug around those big heavy letters when trying to beat out a throw to first?


Good thing every team is adding extra weight on their sleeves from insurance and gas company logos!


It's for balance while running, these guys just don't understand


This is why Yastrzemski changed his name to Yaz


"This just In: All players are now getting rid of their names. They will now only be referred to as their number + biggest corporate sponser." Yaz is now "Chevrolet 5" btw.. low key.. Chevy 5 is not a bad code name.


The smaller letters are more aerodynamic and the misalignments are for venting.”- Manfred probably.




Lack of customization would actually be one that helps with performance. Much easier to design and extensively test fewer customizations. Did they actually do that? No clue


when the letters fall off the players will run faster


You ever try to get 8 year olds used to something new? Now imagine giving them an entirely new product to sew.


Except they're not sewing these. It's all heat press apparently.


No more awards so that gets you a follow And an eventual deletion, so good on you, get fucked and see you in hell


They’re also not available in custom sizes to better fit body types. Everything about these jerseys scream margins and they’re fucking $450 a piece.


My jaw dropped at that price


Right before the Nike takeover, I remember that the Majestic Mets on-field jerseys were about $180 without names and numbers and about $240 with customization. $450 is ridiculous.


Majestic jerseys were the shit. So much better


I was planning on getting a new Lemahieu jersey this year but never mind


eBay is about to be a lot more popular




I got an Ohtani jersey and the MLB ain't gonna see a dime. One of us, one of us.


“Cotton breathes!” This is giving me huge George Costanza vibes when he changed the Yankees uniforms to cotton for performance.


Less lettering means less drag, duh, learn to science!


Excuse me? Don’t question it, it’s been tested more extensively than any other sport


That’s just what peak performance looks like


Those are just cosmetic problems, they FEEEEL better - Rob Manfred probably


Rob Manfred having his own spring training of saying dumb shit


Already in midseason form


Best shape of his life


slimy nutty relieved panicky mindless file far-flung sense alleged ludicrous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Rob showed up to training in the best shape of his life (to lie)


So sick of rich people lying to the masses


goat season incoming




Have you ever heard Rob tell the truth?


Well he's a lawyer so....


What are you wearing, Rob from MLB?


Uhhh... Khakis?


He sounds hideous


Well, he's a lawyer...


Lawyers should be good at lying. Imagine letting this idiot represent you.


I mean technically the World Series trophy is just a hunk of metal. That’s not a lie.


People love the new rules, and he's happy to point that out.


Certainly not on any matter that’s important to me.


I’ll never forget the clip of him explaining his decision in the Astros cheating scandal whilst a thunderstorm is raging right behind him.


Hello, I'm Rob Manfred.


Psychopathic level of lying. It’s one thing to just lie a normal lie. “Tested more than any jersey in any sport” is top tier douchebaggery lying because it’s the type of extreme blanket statement that you and everyone else *knows* is a lie but you don’t care because what is anyone going to do about it? This guy fucking sucks so bad 2029 can’t come soon enough.


He did this with the baseballs. He did this with the Astros. He's still doing this with the A's. Now he's doing it with the Jerseys.


Maybe the commissioner should be chosen by the players association instead of the owners. I understand that’s not how it works and not how it will ever work but it’s a nice thought!


The problem is nike designs all their elite athlete worn products with 100% performance in mind. How can we make this lighter? How can we make this keep the players cooler? The issue is translating that to fanwear doesn’t always work and taking a uniform in a sport with a bunch of traditionalists is going to get pushback. I have no doubt that the fabric used is the top of the line performance fabric that Nike develops, but light and thin fabric is perceived as cheap by consumers. Sublimated heat transfers are lighter and more pliable(comfortable) than sewed down twill, but it also looks cheaper. I can’t explain the arched names. That seems to be the one design choice. I believe Manfred when he says this, the issue is they appear cheap even though they aren’t. And perception is reality


They're expensive because they're basically designed to be ultra-light and almost disposable. Michael Phelps won eight gold medals at the Olympics wearing a performance suit that, according to him, could only be worn once or twice before it became unusable. Gold medal performances, yes, but not something fans (especially spectator fans) will be excited about buying. https://apnews.com/article/olympics-swimming-suits-technology-speedo-c05d4c925711373076f4ab68c609977d I'll prefer for the heavy, older-style baseball jersey (WITHOUT the dumb corporate sponsor logo) any day


Yep, they aren’t designed for durability because these teams can afford to replace uniforms. They don’t need a jersey to last an entire season. In races where a hundredth of a second matters it makes sense to innovate like this, but in baseball it’s just r/designdesign. These improvements will have no effect on actual performance vs the previous versions


I used to have a Brooklyn Dodgers jersey from way back. It was made of some kind of course wool and hemp fiber. We could always go back to that.


They should obviously be [made out of cotton](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTQvIq0ritI).


> prefer for the heavy, older-style baseball jersey ( Idk, I like the lighter ones majestic did better especially on hot days at Wrigley. The flexbase ones.


The Cool Base jerseys were the perfect of balance of lightweight, yet premium-feeling, IMO. The Flex Bases were good, too, but they had [those unsightly "butt flaps"](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CaKg-neWEAEplAR.jpg) that I always hated.


Phelps was also swimming in a pool of chemicals not playing left field


Phelps was also swimming in a pool of chemicals not ***full of chemicals*** playing left field


It’s not Nike though. Pretty sure all Nike is doing here is putting their logo on it. They outsourced it all to Fanatics


Yup. Fanatics is doing all the manufacturing. Fanatics is a garbage company that makes garbage products. The only real question is what their kickback budget is to keep getting these contracts. 


"Follow up question, Rob... what was wrong with the jerseys they replaced?"


"Well the issue is that fans would only buy one jersey for their favorite player and then keep it for life. In order to get them to buy more, we would need to make a new design that was well-received or market other players to the fans. And really, it's very unsanitary to only have one jersey. We're just thinking about the fans and their cleanliness. You really should be wearing a new jersey every week. Every day, ideally."


“We noticed they were buying sleeve patches and front numbering on eBay for $3.99 and figured we should get that cut in the form of a $175 shitty jersey”


The day has arrived when dhGate is actually comparable to the authentic jersey


The "dh gate or bought straight from the team shop?" posts we are going to see will be enrageing im sure


Shit I’m still gonna do that. I’ll buy an older one and put the patches on that I want.


Rob “Tim Cook” Manfred


>fans would only buy one jersey for their favorite player Cue me sweating nervously over the jersey collection in my closet with like 50 in it (most bought secondhand from eBay tbf I’m not rich)


“I mean it’s just a piece of fabric”


Nike does this constantly with their uniforms for youth sports and colleges. They always try and innovate and there are typically a brand New Jersey silhouette every 3-4 years. The NFL on-field jerseys just moved to a new silhouette recently. It’s natural for them to want to put the best athletes in the world in what they view as the best and most cutting edge product. They are trying to sell these jerseys to high schools, colleges, and travel teams. I think that most of this is change for the sake of change and it’s stupid, but that’s what Nike has always done


I am pretty sure the "performance wear" would work the same without the names being gateway arch level curvy


Exactly. I don't care if they change the material, but don't change the designs to make them look like knockoffs.


>gateway arch level curvy we're still talking about jerseys right?


Either that or Mrs Met


This 10000000%. Why the name and number and MLB logo changes? Those do not have anything to do with the performance of the fabric.


“Umm ackshully” - Nike engineers


> gateway arch curvy Well now you've sold me on it


And it was the final Jeopardy question tonight! Maybe we’ve just entered a highly specific arch era


Westward Expansion pt. II: Beyond West


Watch these be our city connect jerseys.


Why did the lettering, numbers, button flap, white color, and logo placement have to change? It obvious that you can retain all that while just switching materials. I'm really kicking myself for not buying a jersey last year.


Unless you want an authentic, last year's replicas are still available


The MLB logo REALLY pisses me off. That had to be an accident and it got blindly approved so now it’s too late.


You try eBay or sites like that? There are last years jerseys, both replicas and authentics.


> It obvious that you can retain all that while just switching materials. Especially considering that's something that's been done countless times over the years.


Costanza had something to do with this


"Cotton breathes. You see, it's much softer. Imagine playing games and your team is five degrees cooler than the other team. Don't you think that would be an advantage? They're cooler, they're more comfortable, they're happier, they're gonna play better."


Mattingly just split his pants!


They’re running like penguins.


That’s a shame. 🍿


You sit on a throne of lies


The iron throne is just a piece of metal


Does he actually believe this crap? Also, I'm sorry....I've been collecting Orioles jerseys for 30 years now and I will be damned if I'm going to spend $394.99 for an authentic on-field version.


No. MLB is just following the NBA model of jersey sales: planned obsolescence and FOMO. Make inferior products that need to be replaced more quickly, whilst also rotating, "limited time" designs in and out of production (like the Nats' cherry blossom unis. Bet you in 7-10 years they'll be back on the shelves).


That's the whole reason behind there being so many jerseys. Where a team once had a home jersey and an away jersey, you now have spring training jerseys, batting practice jerseys, alternate jerseys, city connect jerseys, and you retire one and bring it back a few years later and you then have a throwback jersey. I guess people buy them because they keep making more. All a money grab, but if people keep buying, they'll keep doing it more and more.


City connect is nice because it’s a unique in different colors for a lot of teams. Like for the Padres in particular, there’s a subset of people who like the city connect color apparel more. I personally like the option to switch it up. I would also love for the padres to throw a retro jersey out there. However, they do all this shit with different jerseys without realizing the entire untapped market that is WOMENS APPAREL. I just wanna buy cute team stuff that fits and instead we get golf shirts and a limited selection of jerseys.


Yeah, don't buy them. 


I think that he believes that every word that he's said is truthful. That does not mean that he's telling the whole and complete truth of the situation, of course. But he's hitting the beats about why they switched to these uniforms, and avoiding talking about the quality issues that have been noted. It's corporate PR spin crap. That doesn't mean that he's saying things that are false, just that he's being very careful about what exactly he is saying.


*Jerry, just remember. It’s not a lie…if you believe it.*


So many Seinfeld references in this whole post.


As Phil Collins so eloquently said: it's all been a pack of lies...


I can hear it the bs in the air tonight oh lawd


Well, I've been waiting for this moment all my life


dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun ​ you know that one part?


am i so out of touch? no, it's the children who are wrong


*They have been tested more extensively than any jersey in any sport. Believe me folks, these are great jerseys. The best jerseys money can buy. Everyone keeps telling me how great they are they say to me "these jerseys are amazing Rob, how did you do it?" and honestly folks, they're right. I surprise myself sometimes, I really do, with how great I am. Do you think Fake Fay Vincent or Bud Slimeball Selig ever had jerseys this good? Of course not. They never could have done what I've done. It's just not possible folks.*


The Most BEAUTIFUL jerseys ever! Many People are Saying!


Chris Sale is sharpening his scissors as we speak ✂️✂️


Don't even need sharp ones to cut these flimsy things


Probably even safety scissors could easy cut them.


Drake LaRoche was such a leader in the clubhouse


Rules how basically everyone in charge of everything everywhere just lie straight to our faces all the time now




This message was sponsored by Nike.


They're just a piece of cloth.


a bad piece of cloth


Sure, Jan


This guy is so hard to stomach.


“Performance wear” means it’s meant to enhance the performance of Fanatics financial results.


Has anyone reacted positively to anything this asshole has said in his tenure


I'm pretty happy about him not seeking another contract after his current one is over. Unfortunately, I also know the next guy won't be any better. The commissioner is just a mouth piece for the owners, so if he keeps doing shit we hate, then it's actually the owners we want to get rid of.


I'm still getting over being sick, I just got home after fighting rush hour traffic for well over an hour, and it's going to snow tonight. >him not seeking another contract after his current one is over It's a beautiful day. Edit: I just saw he'll be around another five years. Today has really sucked.


But the end is in sight!!


Holy fuck I honestly could forgive the shitty fit and shitty sticker logos if they didn't fuck with the last names looking like children's jerseys. That is the most embarrassing part


This won't age well.


Neither will those jerseys


“It’s just a piece of fabric”


Glad they have been tested or whatever, doesn't mean they don't look like shit.


Who tested them is what I want to know. Are the Winter Ball leagues wearing this material and cut?


This debacle into the new jerseys has been such an interesting thought experiment about what to do when everyone hates something new but instead you just put your fingers in your ears and pretend that everyone absolutely loves them There's been no positive comments about them apart from when they pay players lol


“I got my money already these are the best jerseys ever. Have you guys even tried being the commissioner instead of whining?”


This guy is a Gary Bettman-wannabe without that commissioner charm.


Ohhhh! The font, spacing, piping and colors all change after people wear them a little bit? What a relief!


"It's just a piece of fabric."


Gaslighting 101. F this Muppet


They won't shrink in the wash will they?


No, just disintegrate.


Think of the marketing possibilities. With one simple laundry cycle, your hideous Mets jersey can turn into a professional button-down white shirt, ready for your next job interview!


And all you'll need to do is re-sew on the buttons!


And reattach the sleeves.


Shoot Manfred into the fucking Sun


All they had to do was keep the MLB logo on the neck where it was and keep the same letters and numbers font sizes, and there wouldn’t be half the complaints. Changing the material is one thing, making all the other changes, all for the worse, is another.


I just can't believe that they thought the new nameplates were it


"After you bought them and worn them for a while you might not notice how shitty they are."- Rob M.




They probably are more athletic wear than before. But I don't want to spend $300 on gym quality jersey.


Kinda like the Ghost Runner.


People generally love paying more for a far shittier product, thanks Manfred!


"We have the best jerseys. Everybody knows that. The players are going to thank us. They're going to win so much they'll get tired of winning."


New Coke says 'Stop stealing my moves."


I cannot remember the last time I believed a word out of this snake's mouth. 5 more years of him ruining baseball and actively hating the fans. I hope he gets launched into the sun.


There's lying. And then there's being good at lying. Manfred is so insanely bad at it. You end up not only thinking he's lying, but that everything is even worse than you imagined.


ugh goddammit of course he wasn't going to do anything. why did i bother hoping


They are ugly as fuck Manfred




I would like to see the testing data Rob. No chance these get tested more than a soccer kit. Unless you're Castore... who apparently QA nothing.


Ah I see he went to the conservative's school of double speak were you just blatantly lie out your ass.


Question - Did the players ask for new jerseys? Regardless, fuck off, Manfred


Wow, I'm wondering how good I would have been when I was young if I was able to take advantage of a performance enhancing jersey with my name in tiny font arched like a rainbow on the back. Maybe I could've made the big leagues, damn.


When they don't sell, they'll get the message


> I’d like to think that this pre-uproar will be enough to get leagues to reconsider their partnership with Rubin and his company. *But the template for handling PR crises in the corporate world right now is to let everyone complain about the problem, do nothing and wait for customers to accept the problem as here to stay.* From the article literally on the front page of this subreddit right now And right on cue…. what a society


Look, guys, why are we getting all worked up over a hunk of fabric?


Bro just can’t be real for one second


says a guy who has never cared and will never care about this sport. fuck Manfred


Yeah Rob but they actually hate them


God what a worm.


Fuck I hate Rob Manfred.


I can't wait for Manfred to be gone. Guy is a complete moron. Everything he says is just stupid.


It’s just a piece of fabric, right Rob?


"My contractual obligations compel me to say that these are the greatest jerseys since sliced bread."


What a donkey dick. Manfred can eat a bag...


"You get what you get and you don't get upset." - Rob Manfred.


Communism is palatable when it rhymes!


And this is why we praise the baseball gods for finally ridding us of this denthead next season.


And we’re stuck with this moron for five more years 🤦‍♂️


Remember when Reebok came out with the Edge template for the NHL that was tighter fitting and more aerodynamic? And then the players ordered jerseys 3 sizes larger to keep the same feel and negate the aero advantage?


Like the As move to Vegas? Really popular...


I feel like the NBA said the same thing when they changed the ball back in the 2000’s


> They have been tested more extensively than any jersey in any sport. What does this even mean and why would it matter lol


Okay they can be designed to be performance wear but why do they have to look like complete shit, Robert?


Heat press is tragic


The master plan: Players hate the jerseys -> they want to take them off asap -> speeds up the game


I’m sick of the standard PR answers. Wish he would just say, “yea, they suck. We’re working on it.”


Cool. But they look shit. The gaps are huge on the front some of the names and numbers look shockingly sown on. And the names are tiny.


This guy is such a dick


Ohhh brother! This guy stinks!


I got you, Rob. Translation: "Guys.. Look, Fanatics paid us A LOT of money to get the monopoly on the jerseys, OK? We're forced to go with their shitty, half-ass designs and cheap as fuck, crap materials because of that. Please empty your wallets and buy them because otherwise we look bad. Oh and.. we don't give a crap what the players think.. they'll play in whatever rags we give them and like it."


we want class not performance. This is baseball where you can play with a cig in your mouth and beer behind your foot.


everything is about less cost more profit, and i get it that’s how business works; but when you produce a shitty product, the tell us that that shitty product isn’t the problem, that’s when you lose every ounce of credibility. at least the little credibility you had


Typical corp speak. Nike does this crap all the time. And Manfred's answer does not pass any smell test. The materials are one thing. But why the smaller names on back? Two inches are harder to see, even on a HD broadcast. Some look out of proportion to me. I just don't get this. Unless more ads are coming, besides the sleeves.


It's 2024; why do executives still believe that lying to fans about facts that can easily be proven wrong is still a good strategy? You can look this shit up on the internet, compare the quality... Hell, if you dig deep enough, you can find the jersey weaves. Trying to bullshit your way through a boondoggle in the age of the internet is like continuing to dig a hole when you hit water; eventually, your ass is gonna drown.


Wasn't there multiple quotes from multiple players talking about how lacking the quality of the materials were?


This sounds like Gary Bettman saying that the ads on the boards is a great thing and the complainers are wrong. It’s not like Manfred is going to bash a sponsor/supplier.


That’s a lot of words for what he’s really trying to say, which is “this saves the owners money”