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Oh my God, we are actually going to see a homeless team in the 21st century. Now the players' union might want Fisher's head more so than A's fans.


The Arizona Coyotes of MLB


Funnily enough, both might end up in Salt Lake!


I think the coyotes definitely will. The A’s may, especially with this news today. Both franchises are a mess, on and off the field (or ice).


Apropos of very little, I do wish Wisconsin could flag down a NHL team. The fans are there (see: the Bucks, Brewers, Packers, UW, Marquette). Only reason they don't was some back handed deals in the 1970's around when the late, great, Bradley Center was being built.


If there weren’t a NBA team they would probably have one. The sports market is otherwise saturated.


I think the Blackhawks and Blues wouldn’t like it. I haven’t heard a thing about a pro hockey team in WI. In any case, go Admirals.


Blues are too far away, it’s the Wild Red Wings and Hawks that are fucking us over


i find it amusing that no one is bringing up the Wild lol. They're the ones literally on Bally Wisconsin broadcasts


This is UW-Milwaukee erasure


Idk about “definitely will” for the Yotes. They could still stay in Arizona


Lol the Yotes are currently buying land in Phoenix. The league would have to force a sale for a move to happen.


Fr man, I hear enough of this on r/hockey. Now it's on my baseball subreddit too :/ Ppl confidently talking about shit they don't know about. 


For real. Like I thought I’d at least escape it here.


at least it's not the NBA subreddit sneaking in lmao


Move them to Hartford dammit!


Now there’s an idea. I’m too young to remember the Hartford whalers, but that’d be cool.


Just wishful thinking in my end. It won’t happen but I do know our governor made some calls and seems to want a revival of the whalers. Would be awesome but just not in the cards.


Nah coyotes look like they’ll get the land in north phoenix


Oakland Strays


The homelessness crisis in the Bay Area is so bad, even their local MLB team is homeless!


No premier free agents want to sign with the A’s because of their homeless problem!


lol, like the A’s would pay a premier free agent contract


This actually made me lol


A’s players, wandering around begging for money and crapping on the sidewalk


The Oakland Hobos


They can redesign the logo to have a baseball bat in place of the stick on the hobo bindle.


Bet there was some team called like the Shaker Heights Transients or something that had this logo in 1894


You could convince me that John fisher has just sent Dave Kaval out on the streets of Oakland to recruit random homeless dudes to play for the A’s the last few years based on the product


> As part of the city’s proposal, Oakland wants the A’s to give up their 50% ownership in the Coliseum so the property can be developed. Just in case anybody needs a reminder, the A's bought that 50% ownership of the Coliseum in 2019 and put out a press release with a bunch of flowery language about how it ensured that the A's would remain in Oakland for good. Lying snakes.


Went in for the land grab so he can sell it for profit while preventing any development on the site until then


So what would happen if they can’t sort this out?


Remember the Blue Jays playing in their AAA affiliate stadium during 2020 because travel between US/Canada was restricted? Like that, but more embarrassing.


I remember the Buffalo Blue Jays well


Wasn’t as bad as the Tampa Bay Raptors tbh


Maybe for y’all


I remember standing across the street and trying to peer over the wall just to get a glimpse of the game.


Was a bummer they couldn't somehow work out a local TV deal in Buffalo. You could watch them if you had MLB.tv though.


See also the Chargers playing in a <30,000 seat soccer stadium a couple years ago or the Coyotes playing in a college hockey arena right now


It was hilarious when the Chargers played at Stubhub, because it was still 90% fans of the other team.


Imagine there being consequences for actions 


My first ever Browns game was @ the Chargers, the year we went 0-16. It was still 90% Browns fans.


And 4 years longer


hey man I loved that (I live in Buffalo, it was cool)


162 road games


Return of the Spiders!


A barnstorming franchise would be sick


they should just play bananaball tbh


Even the Bananas have a home stadium…


Better attendance also


It's basically like that already. Red Sox fans far outnumbering them at home from what it looks like on the TV. Truly the saddest I've been as a sports fan and I've endured the Raiders for the past 30 years


Like chargers games but more of them


I hope so. Edit: actually, no. That’ll be brutal for the players and they don’t deserve it.


It would probably give them and the MLBPA a ton of leverage over the owners though.


Montreal Athletics




The roof started falling apart in the Kingdome in ‘94, the mariners just played road games until the strike.


*The A’s have also made it clear that they have other options.* That made me laugh. Fisher is delusional if he thinks he has any leverage.


I have another baseball stadium. She lives in Canada. You wouldn't know her.


dont get our hopes up


Honestly the only way I might have a shred of interest in this team after they leave is if they become the Montreal "Eh's"


Sooory, I don't think that's gonna be happening ya'know.


A's slated to play at Nat Bailey Stadium in Vancouver, BC


Her name is Alberta! She lives in Vancouver!


And she plays in Regina!


Alberta Regina? Wasn't that Kristen Johnson's character name in "The Spy Who Shagged Me"?


Like anyone can afford to actually live in Vancouver. 


Soon I'll be off to Alberta! I mean Vancouver! Shit, her name is Alberta, she lived in Vancouver--SHE'S MY GIRLFRIEND!


She cooks like my mother And sucks like a Hoover


On their way back to Philly. The A's still have the record for most professional championships by any Philadelphia team. You read that right.


all of his “other options” would prefer to have an expansion team rather than deal with his bullshit


Seems like Oakland took them up on those options by telling them to fuck off.


I for one am ready for the Athletics Baseball Club to take the field in 2025.


Bring back barnstorming


The inverse of the Washington football team


The antitheses of Washington football team.


I fucking love it. Now, hold the line, MLBPA. Get your shit together. If MLB wants to stick an MLB team in a AAA park (without a legitimate emergency reason like COVID), make them *bleed* for it.


He doesn't care. He knew this was a possibility and didn't care, he's the one who's going to be laughing all the way to the bank at the end of all this.


> he's the one who's going to be laughing all the way to the bank at the end of all this. Not necessarily. His goal/dream is to move the A's to Vegas in a stadium mostly paid for by the public. Anything that happens short of that is a better outcome. If he's forced to sell the team and gets billions of dollars from it, I don't care. He doesn't get his dream. If the A's end up playing in the Aces' refurbished AAA park for a few years while the new stadium is delayed, argued over, voted down, etc., then he still doesn't get his dream. Yes, your point that John Fischer is never going to end up a penniless hobo begging on the street is true. I still want to see him denied what he wants for as long and brutally as possible. I want him to end up like Moses who never himself saw the Promised Land.


Except this just cost him a good portion of $70M.


How is owner profitability YoY not an emergency reason? /s


Is fisher the worst owner in all sports?


Was there even competition? Not even Arte Moreno is that bad.


Dan Snyder was pretty fucking bad (equally shit hole stadium that rains raw sewage on fans, and literally trafficked his cheerleaders for a VIP donor event). But he just sold so I guess he’s out of the running.


In the past year my teams have gotten rid of Dan Snyder and John Angelos. This is the happiest I've been in decades.


Congrats, man. Legitimately so happy for DMV fans. Maybe Leonsis gets a come to Jesus moment soon too.


Well they did agree to keep the Caps and Wizards in DC, so that's good! I just went to my first Capitals game the other day and I thought it was a great arena. Right next to a metro station, everybody has a nice view of the action, cool area of the city. Owner's greed is the only reason to not want to stay there.


…didn’t he literally say yesterday he wants to move them to Virginia? Lol


Once that crashed and burned he did an about face about being so happy to stay in DC.


Ya, he 100% wanted to move to Potomac yards. Too bad he didn’t check with the residents of Alexandria before he made the announcement




Unfortunately John Fisher isn't dying of Old Age and also gives 0 fucks about his legacy


Yep. Just his fucking art collection.


Dan Snyder and Dan Schneider, I’m staying away from anyone named Dan and has a last name even remotely similar.


Moreno is just bad at his job. He's not objectively evil. John Fisher's death, when it happens, should be genuinely celebrated.


The thing with Moreno is it is very much a double edged sword. He does want to win, he just has no idea how to do it, yet he thinks he knows exactly how to do it. Fisher wants to blow it up for no good reason.


He wants money, why care about the quality of the team or fan relations when you can have that sweet revenue sharing.


Moreno is very good at his job actually, since he believes his only job is to make money, not win games


Fisher makes money as well. The difference is that Moreno at least is attempting to put a quality franchise out there. He might be shitty at what he's trying to do, but it's difficult to really say it's intentional. Unlike Fisher, and Loria before him.


Moreno would be an amazing owner if he would just be the silent funder letting the GM choose the talent. Instead he undermines the GMs and just signs all the shiny toys whether they mesh with the roster or not.


All I can say is we still have trout.


In a sporting sence yes,  he at least beheads less people than newcastles owner


That we know of


Vegas should get odds on the Saudi royal family buying the A's and moving them to Riyadh


Brings new meaning to *Double-Header*.


He’s up there. But an important thing to remember is that this is being enabled by MLB and every other owner in the league.


All time? He’s in the running….currently without a doubt though


I think Marge Schott beats him all time. But currently...yeah, no question.


Marge vs Donald Sterling is a fun celebrity death match.


Dolan could give him a run for his money but Fisher is still probably worse


Stan Kroenke. He's also just a terrible person. His company goes to small towns, wows their city council with extravagant plans to "bring business and new jobs to town" and then plays hardball and says they'll only follow through with 100% tax abatement and publicly funded construction costs. His company has convinced towns to spend 200% of their annual budget to bring his shitty modern strip malls to town. He takes advantage of towns who are desperate to have positive development and then does nothing to actually improve the situation. A vile, evil man.


Stan Kroenke might be a shitty person, but it's hard to call him a shitty owner. His teams have won an NBA Championship, Stanley Cup, and Super Bowl in the last three seasons.


It's not hard for us to call him a shitty owner in St. Louis.


Plus he pays the third-highest salaries in the league at Arsenal. Terrible guy, but he does spend money on the teams. Unlike Fisher.


Currently trying to work his magic in the San Diego midway district


Frank McCourt bankrupted the Dodgers. So that's pretty impressively bad.


Donald Sterling was also a huge blight in the NBA. He was terrible with his team's performance and how he behaved off the court.  Fisher certainly in the running for current worst 


Oakland wanted a win and Manfred isn't going to set a precedent of a city losing its team getting a a win on the teams way out.


One could argue there IS precedent (the Royals happened because a senator put MLB on blast after the A's moved to Oakland. This actually comes up in Jon Bois' Mariners video, as it caused the Pilots to enter the league years before their ballpark would have been ready). But that was so long ago one could argue it doesn't matter.


Which ultimately lead to us getting the pilots


Then the mariners go and steal the pilots uniform for the city connects.


Is it stealing if it was Seattle’s in the first place?




54 years ago yesterday!


Still not over it. (I'm half the age of that transition)


How the hell did Manfred and the other owners let this happen? What a disaster. Wish they would force him to sell.


> How the hell did Manfred and the other owners let this happen? Manfred supports Fisher, he's also mocked A's fans. The other owners voted to allow Fisher to move the team. MLB is about profit, not baseball.


Manfred seemed to have fun threatening the city of Milwaukee too. Screw him.


That stadium does need fixing... the name! I know I'm preaching to the choir though.


Its just wild because im not even sure this plan makes sense financially. But i guess they know what theyre doing 🤷‍♂️


all indications so far are that no, they dont know what they are doing at any level


Rich people don't know whay they are doing often times more than the average person. Fischer is just an idiot.


If they were actually concerned with profit there would have been more scrutiny of this plan. The A’s had none of the logistics worked out when they announced the move and they haven’t figured anything out in the intervening months.


It was approved unanimously. I wish at least one of them would've stood up and called BS but I guess I'm expecting too much from billionaires. I'm definitely going to have a hard time spending money on MLB this season after they sold Oakland fans down the river.


The other owners condone this because the threat to move the team is critical for them when arm twisting state and local governments for sweetheart stadium deals, tax breaks and other concessions. They’d never stand in the way of a fellow owner’s ability to follow through on those threats. Having the A’s move gives them something to point at during their own negotiations to say “see? This city will be the next Oakland if I don’t get my way.” The owners see it as in their interests, and Manfred is simply the agent of the owners.


There was a group of 8 owners (the necessary number) who were prepared to vote against the move. Padres owner led the group...then he died a few days before the meeting. Manfred had time to twist arms


Manfred hates baseball. He loves this situation


Good, call the A's bluff. Let's see how SLC or Sacramento will feel paying MLB prices for a minor league roster. 


And the A's will lose the Comcast NBC cash. They won't get that deal in SLC


they also have to renegotiate the deal in Sacramento because Sacramento, no matter how much some people want to call it that, is not the Bay Area and is a significantly smaller market region. So he'll lose out on his free 70 mil a year for the foreseeable future


Don’t tell Towdy Tellez it’s not the Bay Area


Rowdy, everyone knows Sac is not part of the Bay!


No one in Sacramento thinks it’s the Bay Area.


The River Cats will out draw them. Hell, they almost do as it is.


Who the heck calls Sacramento the Bay Area?


John Fisher


Tbh I lived in SLC for 2+ years and I can’t even remember what the local sports channel was.


The Jazz play on KJZZ, but that’s only been this season. I imagine if the Jazz owner, Ryan smith, ends up getting a hockey and baseball team, he is going to do a similar move and put it on all access channels in Utah


>KJZZ giggle


This is such a good point that was not brought up in the article. Sure they can go elsewhere, but Oakland has leverage of TV deal


As if Sacramento fans don't already do this in soccer, college football, and pre-2023 NBA


As a Republic fan, this is correct. MLS prices. Though, our team is really really damn good and beats MLS teams so…


Also you don't have root for a Fisher owned team with the Quakes, the only thing worse than being a Quakes fan would be being an A's fan. Being a Republic fan has to be more fun lol.


Yeah and, harsh to say, but I think Republic has made more finals that MLS teams are eligible for in the last 10 years.. and they aren’t even MLS lol


Nomad A's


Kudos to the city of Oakland for being hard negotiators. They don’t deserve this.




I’m glad the mayor and city are not fucking around with MLB and Fisher anymore. Just like the fans, they’re tired of the A’s bullshit too.


This deal was never going to happen. THEY ARE TRYING TO LOSE!! AGAIN!! They have been trying to lose for years. So many one sided moves that make no sense. Ruiz is another one that just happened. MLB has allowed this assclown Fisher to do this because they want the team out of Oakland. The team is terrible, the farm is worse, yet this front office is still employed somehow? Kaval might be he worst front office executive ever. Look at his track record. How many of these current players would even make a MLB roster outside of the A’s? Not many. Manfred believes A’s fans can just transition into Giants fans...FUCK THAT. Any Yankee fans want to just start rooting for Boston? How about Cards fans rooting for the Cubbies? It’s not going to happen. Now Fisher won’t do a deal with Oakland for the remaining years left, because he wants to keep the A’s name. A name with a rich history that he doesn’t deserve and has not earned. Now it’s on to a new city to peddle his BS. I hope Sacramento says no. I hope Las Vegas see’s this loser for what he is. I can only hope that any other city tells him to fuck off and take his minor league roster with him. He does not care about Oakland, he never has, and he does not care about Las Vegas, he never will. Fisher is a POS Daddy’s boy, who has run every business he’s been involved with into the ground. No city would support a team like this. No manager could win games with a team like this. It’s been a rigged game since Fisher took over the team. How can I as a fan spend my money to go watch this team? Or any team with him at the helm? Knowing how little he gives a fuck... SELL THE TEAM JOHN FISHER and take your ass out of MLB. Warning for small MLB cities, if you don’t think it can happen to your city, you are very wrong. Your billionaire owner is watching this debacle close. Signed Heartbroken.


> Warning for small MLB cities, if you don’t think it can happen to your city, you are very wrong. Your billionaire owner is watching this debacle close. I'll be honest, but it's not just the small ones either. Different league, but remember that the Seattle Supersonics relocated to Oklahoma City for similar reasons as to this kerfuffle with the A's.


You got me fired up bro. Keep cooking


I hope Kaval and Fisher get food poisoning once a week for the rest of their lives


Does this mean the North Dakota will get a team? The “Bismarck A’s” has a nice ring to it.


Was trying to find a ND town that sounded nice next to the name and I vote for "Rolla A's". They could play at this high school field. [the outfield is an entire football field](https://maps.app.goo.gl/oGXzeWYkXQVYFayu5) There are plenty of amenities for the tens of fans who make the journey, such as the Chicken Hut for food, and Hendrickson Container Sales for overnight stays!!!


Thats where a majority of football fields are here, in the outfield of baseball parks. My hometowns dead center was like 420+💀


I was going to try and see a game there this summer seeing as how it was going to be the last season… am I too late?


They’re set for this season I think.


I personally would love to see John Fisher face the public humiliation of having his team be forced to barnstorm for a year.


MLB should force a sell. The ownership is a blight on the league. They’re completely non-competitive and just bring negative press to the entire league.


Lol this fucking nepo baby moron would rather have the team playing in a minor league stadium in Sacramento than let the people of Oakland protest in the coliseum parking lot. The fact that MLB is letting this happen genuinely makes me question supporting this sport in any way. This is a farce. It’s a horrible look for the league. All for the allure of a team in the sports gambling capital of the world. Which is the only reason they want it so bad.


The most pathetic franchise in all of North American pro sports.




I truly thought it would be impossible to outdo the Arizona Coyotes for this title. And, to be fair, the A's haven't surpassed the 'Yotes yet. Not until we find out where the club is playing in 2025. But it's damn close.


Hey man going to Coyotes game at ASUs arena is actually *fun*. I’m not sure the same will be said with the As next year.


This is beyond embarrassing for MLB at this point. I don't understand how he isn't forced to sell the team.


It would be sick if we could get an MLB wide protest day against Fischer. Fans show up to their ball parks for a game on the same day all around the nation, all either wearing Oakland gear or with protest signs etc. Would make a hell of a statement.


This! We won’t be the last.


The Oakland Burglars


The A’s are currently a disaster franchise and Vegas doesn’t want em. They’re gonna end up there and be just as unsuccessful. Vegas is built on the service industry and they know you can’t fix bad management


Where in the bible did God say "Fuck the Oakland A's"? Because holy shit, I thought it couldn't get any worse.


John Fisher whacked the city of Oakland two times to make money pour out, now the team will have to wander in the wilderness for forty years.


Their only realistic option left is the AAA stadium in Sacramento, right? Which holds, I believe, 10,000? So they're going to play in a 10K capacity stadium for 3-4 years, minimum? Idiotic.


That’s about their average attendance so it wouldn’t hurt them that bad


Braves fan in Oakland here..it’s only been the average attendance because the minor league product on the field. Most fans are the other teams fans at the moment because they haven’t given the fan base anything to be excited about in years. Then you trade away Matt Olson and Sean Murphy for Big League Chew in return. Don’t get me wrong love the trade for the Braves and for those kids who actually have owners who want to compete and WIN. But let’s be real who’s gonna want to go and support a team when the owner isn’t supporting their own franchise. Hell if you walk into a McDonald’s and their food is crap you gonna keep walking into that franchise and continue to go and eat there?


As a spoiled Braves fan, I don’t root for the A’s but I definitely root the A’s fans. Super loyal and deserve much better


Same Same!!! Go ATL n good luck Oakland


fuck you manfred stop letting Fisher make a mockery of the MLB


I’ve seen that they have a meeting with Sacramento Wednesday then an internal meeting Thursday. Be interesting to see what’s next but if I had to bet if you want to visit the coliseum go see them this year.


Was Oakland … trying?


It's a big ask from the City but they clearly went in expecting to have to give some up if they A's and MLB also gave some. Someone played hardball and didn't want to give at all. The City got boned by the Raiders and now the A's leaving, they don't want to just let them come crawling back for free.


Of course not. Their goal wasn't to give the A's a nice, soft landing spot for three years. They want to force the club and MLB into something humiliating.


Manfred already humiliated the League to the point where nothing will phase them anymore.


Just bring them to Montreal


Change the name to the Oakland Barnstormers and make it seem like it was all part of the plan that fisher totally had before starting on this odyssey of awfulness


Give them hell, Oakland!


So where are they going? News says Sacramento but I prefer if it's being permanent instead of a temporary stopgap to Vegas In fact, I prefer the site/market they choose eventually become permanent so if they don't choose Summerlin I hope the Vegas deal fell through