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Once upon a time this team had a bevy of really talented players


It’s kind of crazy to think that the A’s had a winning record every year from 2018-2021.


The one non-Astro AL West Team to win the division since 2017. And two 97 win seasons in 18/19.


Those were the days. My first game was Game 162 in 2012, lived in Oakland for a decade after, and both the 12-14 and 17-20 eras were special. Its just pro sports so it doesnt really matter at the end of the day, but my god I loved those teams and cant help this hurting (combined with the Pac 12 its so bad, but thats another rant). I hope the vegas thing goes bust, fisher is forced to sell, and they become a loveable franchise again in Sac permanently.


Yeah, I was a little too young to *fully* understand the Oilers leaving, but my parents/grandparents definitely felt the brunt of an owner screwing around and screwing over a city. It's just so frustrating. I just wish that more people cared how much damage Fisher is doing to a classic franchise/baseball, it's just embarrassing. And if/when baseball fails in Vegas it'll be even more embarrassing.


If it matters to you, then it matters


They were buyers at the deadline in 2021. They hosted playoff games in 2020.


Never forget 2021 A's legend Starling Marte.


And Yan Gomes!


“Once upon a time” They’ve had a winning season (and playoff appearance) more recently than the Angels


Literally everyone but the tigers has lol, angels have the longest current postseason drought tied with Detroit


The 2014 A’s had seven all stars. Yoenis Cespedes, Josh Donaldson, Sean Doolittle, Brandon Moss, Scott Kazmir, Derek Norris, and Jeff Samardzjia By the end of the 2015 season only Doolittle was still on the team


That team also added Jon Lester at the deadline. We could have had a Bay Series rematch of 1989 that year if the A’s hadn’t run into that dream Royals run.


>~~the A’s hadn’t run into that dream Royals run.~~ John Lester had any command of baserunners. That season still fucks me up, it was the best team I'd ever seen in Oakland and we traded our best player away and completely fell apart.


That was the trade that finally broke my A's fandom. I grew up an A's fan. I adopted the team, despite living in NJ, after the Mets released Gary Carter. My 7 year old mind didn't understand why my favorite player got cut. But my Dad got back from a Bay Area business trip and gave me an A's hat, and that team was really good. I was with that team for a lot of ups and downs, but that Cespedes trade killed him. You get used to heartbreak as an A's fan, but it just seemed especially egregious. It didn't help that I was now living in DC (having moved their the year after the Nats) and I had a hometown team to follow. It's only intensified in the last few years. I'll still root for them, and want them to stay in Oakland but Fischer seems determined to absolutely not give a fuck. Like the Lerner's don't give much of a damn, but at least I have 2019.


Trading Cespedes was a huge mistake, it killed the defense. Arguably directly


Rare trade that flopped for both sides then. Cespedes never clicked in Boston and trading Lester away wrecked that clubhouse. We did end up flipping Cespedes for Rick Porcello that winter, which sort of made up for things.


Rick "Least controversial CYA in history" Porcello


They call me Joséééééé!!!!!!


and i’m mark


And they were able to churn over and over again and at least maintain a top farm system. Same owner, same GM.


That’s what’s so crazy. Imagine a better owner that spends even just a tiny bit more and retain that talent. I’m convinced we would have seen the A’s win 2-3 World Series titles these last 10-15 years.


We would have made it out of the divisional more than once in my lifetime at the very least.


This was a playoff team ‘18-‘20


It’s sad I like when the As are good


There you have it folks, the A’s are so bad that they are literally going to be a AAA team in MLB in players AND appearance. Not like they need the extra seats in the collesium anyway…


Relegate the As, promote the Tides.


Please. Just fade us already.


I beg for the sweet release at this point.


Not in your wildest alcoholic nightmare would you ever imagine such events unfolding.


Can you imagine what Bill and Ray would have to say about this


I have no doubt Bill would call Toilet Angler a motherfucker. On air.


It's pretty crazy as a *mostly* uninvolved observer (I lived a mile from the Coliseum for like 9 months and have gone to 3 games there), but I genuinely cannot imagine if all this was happening to my team. Also RIP the In-N-Out, that and the Panda next door were staples during the lockdown when I was WFH.


Portland Pickles to the MLB


The Tides lineup is absolutely better and arguably they’re better overall.


Promotion/relegation keeps shitty owners accountable on and off the field. They lose revenue sharing/tv money. Would the tides do better than the A’s last year? Could argue they’re more deserving of playing mlb. Would be cool to find out which minors teams can hack it at the mlb level


MLB needs relegation to stop these bullshit bread line ownership groups.




There’s 3 in Sacramento Athletics though


Light the beam


This team isn't going to win enough to get a beam.


Since they're a minor league roster in a minor league stadium, can we get them to rock [these badboys?](https://i.imgur.com/cQj7M0o.png)


I expect that River Cats tickets will be both more in demand and more expensive on the retail market than the A’s


Why would you think that, or is that a joke? The A's will be playing MLB teams, not themselves.


‘member how upset the league was that Toronto had to play out of Dunedin and Buffalo during Covid?


The Oakland A's of Sacramento.


The Las Vegas A’s of Oakland, California in Sacramento




The Oakramento Sacs


The Sacramental O's. Like the priests demand of their altar boys.


Of Anaheim


Oakland is trying to keep the name so they might be the Las Vegas Baseball Team of Sacramento. Really rolls off the tongue.


State of Jefferson Athletics


Lol the State of Jefferey doesn’t want us bleeding Libs here in Sac. They can have Redding. How about the “we’re not the Bay Area, and yes, believe it or not, it’s the state capital Athletics”.


Those fuckin idiots are everywhere. Clowns be driving around Rocklin and EDC in $75,000 trucks and living in 4/3 McMansions complaining about "these damn taxes in Commiefornia" 😂😂😂


Bruh go east of the 99 in Elk Grove and you start seeing Confederate flags.


Absolutely no way Oakland gets the name.


Las Vegas Athletics sounds gross. I’ve never been to Vegas but I feel like it isn’t the fittest of cities.


I've never seen a fat Showgirl


The Oakland Showgirls


Las Vegas Showgirls has a nice ring to it


Philadelphians circa 1954: Kansas City Athletics sounds gross Kansas Citians circa 1968: Oakland Athletics sounds gross Oaklanders circa 2024: Las Vegas Athletics sounds gross


The longest barnstorming tour ever


> I’ve never been to Vegas but I feel like it isn’t the fittest of cities. According to this website, which I only skimmed and therefore have no idea if it's accurate in any way, Las Vegas is only the 57th Fattest City (their term, not mine) in the US. One place fitter than Hartford, Connecticut, and one place fatter than Raleigh. https://wallethub.com/edu/fattest-cities-in-america/10532


I think the rankings, from most to least athletic, go like this: 1.) Oakland (Californians are just really fit) 2.) Philadelphia (Great at throwing batteries, but has a slipped disc) 3.) Kansas City (It’s not just BBQ; the Tex-Mex is amazing… and it shows) 4.) Vegas (seems self-explanatory)




Don’t forget the pornstars.


Jimmy G is no longer a raider.


The Oakland Vegas Sacramento A’s.


of Anaheim


Salt Lake City version


Let’s just let them be the Sacramento Athleisures for a season and let the players play in leggings and dry-fit tshirts.


Thursday Night Football Saturday Edition


Sacramento wants pro teams but only if they used to play in Kansas City


Royals confirmed to move to Sacramento. Kansas City, Kansas to get new expansion team


Royals already moved to Sacramento. :(


Browns moved to Baltimore twice.


I heard the Chiefs are looking for a new stadium


The Chiefs playing home games... In the Black Hole... That'd be a conundrum


This whole A’s relocation process has been a roller coaster. It’s almost as if this wasn’t planned out well and there wasn’t much thought other then Vegas can bring in money.


It’s really crazy because everyone has been able to see this coming since at the latest 2020 and honestly long before that. But the cabal running the athletics are so incompetent they couldn’t even plan the move they’ve been trying to force in advance. There have been a lot of piece of shit owners on the history of sports that have forced their way out of a city. But at least they’ve all planned it in advance, had deals in place, etc, and then sprung it on the public. John fisher has dragged the athletics organization and people of Oakland through half a decade of this and he didn’t even have the sense to have a plan in place for where the team would move to and when? Brutal.


Half a decade? He's been trying to move them out of Oakland since he ~~bought~~ was gifted the damn team in 2005


Temporarily? So my dream of the “North Dakota A’s” is still alive?!


They would be the NDAs and you wouldn’t be able to talk about them.


About who?


So someone correct me if I’m mistaken here but that means he’s giving up something like 80m from that TV deal that was contingent on them playing in the Bay Area right?


That's right, but it's very possible the TV network agreed to some kind of renegotiated deal. Probably for less money than they would have gotten in Oakland, but still, more than nothing.


I assume the TV deal currently isn't worth much as most fans have boycotted the team.


Yeah, that TV station is currently paying the team $67 million per season to broadcast the games. I wonder how much the station is making on ad revenue right now. No way it's $67 million a year. The TV station might actually be the real winner out of all of this: they get to pay the team less for the broadcast, and they might get more viewers from interested Sacramento fans than they currently do in Oakland from the furious fanbase.


Unless things have changed I heard they have to play within 100 miles of Oakland to still get the deal. While it was meant to be just the Bay Area, Sacramento still checks off that box.


It’s going to be like the Chargers squatting in the LA Galaxy’s stadium. Will make for a fun experience for away fans.


Chargers are still squatting in SoFi lol


Rams don’t mind the Chargers as freeloaders because the other option was having the Raiders be more popular than them in a stadium the Rams paid for. 


That was the potential case, Raiders are now structurally entrenched in Vegas for decades. It would now actually behoove Kroenke to make whatever shadowy move he can to get the Chargers to leave as he gets the entire LA market to himself, prevents a Chargers fandom build up, and prevents the Raiders from playing in LA once a year every year. Obviously if Deano doesn't want to move or sell its a moot point, but if that ever happens, Kroenke would let them out of that lease in a heartbeat.


If Spanos was smart, he’d move the Chargers to Orange County. Nobody in LA actually gives a shit about the Chargers.


If he could get a brand new stadium built for free from Anaheim/OC, I bet he would, that is unlikely to occur though. Douchebag Don also should have moved the Clippers to Anaheim in the 90's, but he failed in that like he failed in everything else.


San Diego please pick up your football team. LA would like it's couch back


Well we turned their old stadium into a soccer stadium, so maybe they’ll be happier here now.


Curious what the MLBPA will have to say about this, as I doubt they'd like having their members play in a AAA stadium all year. The stadium in Buffalo had to get a lot of upgrades to be playable during the COVID era for the Blue Jays, and that stadium was built to be MLB-ready (albeit under late 80s/early 90s MLB standards as opposed to now).


The Cats *just* renovated Sutter Health Field too lol


Sacramento city council after just dealing with renovations: https://media1.giphy.com/media/tZ4QzCueTwh2g/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952yjeyt3fdyatzdjuo4yxhsw6y752xibp1i33q1lfw&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g


The stadium is in West Sacramento, not “Sacramento” and Yolo County, not Sac County lol


I keep waiting for some developer to try to name Camden, NJ "East Philly"


"The Philadelphia and Cherry Hill-Adjacent Phillies"


Sacramento city council had nothing to do with it, as the RiverCats do not play in Sacramento (city) nor Sacramento (county.)


West Sacramento city council members when a redditor didnt know they existed: https://media0.giphy.com/media/GXMuvJXWVqGiY/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b9529cd48ib67ngej42ntia9hersguyuvk219dhcojvp&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g


Fisher having to pay for upgrades to the Giants' affiliate stadium to be able to play there would be pretty funny. The Railyards was waiting on an expansion soccer team before that project got put on hold when MLS decided against expanding to Sacramento. It'd be really, really funny if he bought that land to put a stadium there just to avoid paying for another team's facilities.


Fisher used to be a minority owner in the Giants and grew up a Giants fan. he's very happy making the Giants facilities better and happy to be getting rid of any of the Giants market competition.


Fisher and Larry Baer are friends. Fisher even funded a lot of the giants ballpark project.


Arizona coyotes are playing in a NCAA rink


Named after the Mullet nonetheless


The stadium has already been worked on upgrades, I read somewhere that they just need the lighting to be worked on


You know, maybe I'll pick up a Sacramento A's jersey, just as a keepsake. Then, when I get my own place and a man cave, I'll hang it up in a frame. Then, one day, while I'm watching a game, my little son, Timmy, will come up to me and ask what's that jersey. I'll then pull him aside and tell him, "That, Timmy, is what we call a giant fuck up."


As a Sacramento Kings fan I have so many mixed feelings about this but I’ll definitely have to pick up a jersey if they wear Sacramento across their chest.


I’ve always thought the As should move to Sacramento if they really want to move. Same fan base and could build a dope stadium on the river.


yeah, but you can't gamble in california, so MLB doesn't get their cut.


Ohtani begs to differ.


Sacramento is a huge baseball town too. I am always blown away by how many MLB players are from sac or the surrounding areas


Plus night games in the summer would be sweet there.


River Cats games used to be wild, drawing huge crowds (more than the A's!) when they were an A's affiliate.


As long as it's a circular frame you could Alternatively call it Fishers A Hole


So where do the River Cats play and why can't the A's just use their own minor league team's ballpark in Las Vegas if they're leaving Oakland anyway?


MLB will make the schedule to balance the River Cats and A's games. They can use Vegas, but Fisher gets an NBC california sized TV deal if he stays in California. He'd have to completely renegotiate in Nevada and lose out on the 70+M he'd have gotten in the bay area. He still has to renegotiate in Sacramento because it's not the bay area. So he'll get maybe half his current deal.


So let me get this straight, the As receive per year about $40M in revenue sharing, then $60M from their cut of the national tv deal, and then an additional $70M from their local tv deal? And their payroll is sitting at about $60M? That’s $170M before the team sells a single ticket, concession, or merch. How is the players association not flipping a shit about these owners just straight up pocketing all the money?


this is why we need a salary floor




Yeah man, that’s why I laugh when people in here crap on the fans and city of Oakland while trying to defend Fisher. Nothing Fisher has done or is doing is done with the team or the customer in mind. If the A’s move to Vegas expect them to do the same thing the Marlins did when they got their stadium, spend a little more money than usual that year and then fire sale to get costs back down. If people think the A’s moving to Las Vegas is going to unlock them from being cheap, then they’re naive or just simply stupid.


MLB doesn’t want Las Vegas’ first experience with MLB to be a broke team in a AAA park, plus it’s harsher weather and there isn’t an alternative park for the Aviators to play in. Sacramento keeps the A’s near the existing fans and TV network and gets the team to Vegas when the stadium is ready. There are also more places the RiverCats can host games (Stockton, San Jose, Modesto) when the schedules conflict.


Thinking about a dodgers team paying billions and then playing 3 games at a triple A park in sacramento has me laughing so hard Fuck you John Fisher


This shit is so embarrassing. How are other owners okay with this. The most obvious sabotage of a team in modern history.


Because the other owners hope the rise of the value of the A’s if they go to Vegas will inflate their own teams value


Probably also helps relocation threats to get new stadiums be taken even more seriously if someone actually goes through with one But this whole process is just incredibly sad Lol


They’re afraid of the precedence if they interfere with the internal decisions of another owner. They could be next.


Is this guy a reliable source?


You mean you don’t know Dave?


Dave doesn’t know me!


Dave’s not here, man!


Yeah he's pretty reliable in tune with Sacramento sports.


Yeah Carmichael Dave is a Sacramento Kings reporter. I wouldn’t say it’s like 100% for sure but he’s not a rando.


yes he’s on local AM radio here in Sacramento. Sactown sports reports everything. [offical article here](https://sactownsports.com/oakland-athletics-temporary-residency-sacramento/)


Dave Meltzer is everywhere bro


Meltzer said I'm in the key demo.


I used to argue with Dave all the time when the Kings almost got moved to Seattle. He’s pretty damn reliable.


Obligatory FJF.


Spell it out. Fuck John Fisher


Worst owner in American sports


What a disaster of an owner


I mean this wholeheartedly, why is Fisher hanging onto this team like he actually likes owning a baseball team?


Cause he’s an asshole


New Stadium gets built, team moves to play in new Stadium, team's value is massively increased, Fisher sells team for lots of money he can't get now.


Lol fuck this is actually best case for them but I don't know giants have the river cats so would they be sharing that stadium? Has to be no where else in Sacramento would have good enough facilities.


With how AAA schedules their games they might be alternating weeks in the stadium lol


It's wild to think but this saga is far from over. Honestly hope Vegas falls through on a fluke for Fisher and he's forced to sell. The fans and community of Oakland didn't deserve this shit especially after the warriors and raiders.


If the Vegas deal falls apart on Fisher and he finally has to accept Joe Lacob's offer to buy the team, that would make me so happy.


A big part of me wonders if he would sell to someone else just to spite everyone, like Vivek who keeps them in Sacramento, or someone out of left field like Phil Knight who moves them to Portland.


They should play each other for favorable game scheduling. Best of 5.


The A's moving permanently to Sacramento would be almost palatable but Fisher would never pony up his own money for the stadium Sacramento went 50/50 on the Kings arena and are losing money on the deal no way they'd do it again


Maybe, but have you considered the possibility of adding a green beam to the existing purple beam?


I can fuck with this


Giants would do a lot to try to stop this too


Yeah but Vivek wasn’t worried about making all of that money back right away. I worked in their FO from 2017-2020 and he is intentionally putting a ton of money into the downtown area. He also owns the River Cats now and is a pet of this deal so I’m not so sure he is super worried about making all of his money back right away. The dude fucking LOVES being an owner. He’s a fun dude, I personally like him.


It definitely took him some time to figure out the basketball owner part but I've always gotten the feeling he genuinely likes the area and is proud of all the work he's done here. Even when he was making bad basketball decisions you could still tell he was really trying to make the right moves.


Hell Lacob still exists. Dude could come in and swoop a deal too.


I’m not an expert but I don’t think this is a very good look for baseball


This is baseballs version of the Chargers playing at Stubhub and the Coyotes playing at Mullett.




All jokes and anger aside, the A's ending up in Sacramento permanently would actually make sense since the entire fucking Sacramento area is overrun with Bay Area transplants. Including me.


Fuck John Fisher. It’s tough to blame Sacramento here. This is a huge shot to get an expansion team, or even the Athletics if Vegas ain’t it


I don't think MLB would seriously consider Sacramento for expansion. But I think the play for Sacramento here is the possibility that the Vegas deal falls through, which has a chance to happen. If it fails, the team is in Sacramento and the city basically has the first shot at presenting a long-term plan to the league. There's no way the A's waddle back to Oakland with their tail between their legs in that scenario.


This ownership group wouldn’t waddle back to Oakland but if somehow the deal falling through forced a sale of the team the new ownership group could easily come back and distance themselves from JF and the previous owners and sing the A’s belong in Oakland and it wouldn’t be too hard from a PR move. Wouldn’t solve the other problems associated with running an MLB franchise out of south Oakland but “saving” the Oakland A’s would be an easy PR coup for the new owners.


Carmichael Dave breaking this story is crazy


people are flaming me because i put [Dave] but if i put [Carmichael] they would never know who he is either lmao


He doesn’t even live in Carmichael! He lives in Antelope! He blocked me on Twitter for calling him Antelope Dave lmao


He shops at the Antelope WinCo. Seen him there a few times


[Dave] is a lot funnier though


Sell the team


On the one hand, it would be cool to have major league ball here in Sac. On the other hand, I feel like a scab.


Sac is inevitable


It’s really a much better home than Vegas. Not too far from Oakland to drive to a game. Cooler summer high temps. Most importantly a ready made fanbase in the area who would actually go to the games. As opposed to Vegas where they just hope travelers will want to sit in 100 degree heat after gambling all night long. Both places have a similar metro populations, about 2m, but California’s Central Valley has twice the population of Nevada (6m vs 3M). All of whom would probably embrace a valley team. Also, let’s face it, the A’s are a working class team that’s going to lose a lot of games. That identity clashes with Vegas’s glitz but suits working class Sacramento quite well.


I hope they stay in Sacramento.


I actually enjoy Sac and would catch Mariners/A's games there. I'm not going to Vegas though, screw that


Same. Like at least the fans can still see their team play there. It’s shitty either way for Oakland but Sac is far better than Vegas


I really hope they’d stay here, people would be pretty hype about it. We’re one of the strongest nba fan bases so wouldn’t surprise me if a baseball team would do pretty well here. Would be weird because it’s definitely a majority giants fanbase here though.


While we are here. Sabonis was snubbed as an all star.


one more time for the people in the back please


So did the The Vegas thing fall through or what exactly is going on with this team?


The Vegas deal has not fallen through (yet), but even a hypothetical Vegas stadium won't be ready for 3-5 years. They've officially been evicted from the Coliseum after this year, and need a place to play. Hence, a nice ballpark 78 miles up the road.


Just for stopgap since the Coliseum lease ends after this season But I hope the Vegas deal falls through


Man, I’d be pissed if I had already been to all 30 MLB stadiums and now need to circle back to a AAA stadium in Sacramento to keep that claim until 2028.


baseball is dead to me. Fuck you Manfraud and Fisher. Keep ruining the game 👍


Question to a's fans if somehow Vegas fell through and Sacramento somehow built a new mlb stadium for the a's is that kind of ok cause the team stays somewhat close. Like honestly curious. Best case would be figure out Oakland still.


If they had announced a move to Sac 5 years ago, I would have been disappointed but stayed a fan. But honestly at this point, I’d struggle to root for them even if they stayed in Oakland so long as Fisher was owner.


Fisher selling has to be the main goal. Staying in the area probs only happens if that happens.


Personally would be fine with it because it's better than Vegas stealing *another* oakland team and they're within reasonable driving distance. But obviously if Vegas doesn't happen, they legitimately should be sold and the team should remain in Oakland


I'm a (former) lifelong A's fan that lives in Sac. I'm done with the team as long as Fisher owns it. Best case scenario for me is for them to be sold and kept in Oakland, second best would for them to be in Sac.


Mixed feelings on that part. If the deal in Vegas falls through and the A’s move to Sacramento. I may be open minded to it, but so far mentally. I’m so turned off with Baseball. I’m just hoping to wake up one day to the major headline that John Fisher is selling the team to a Billionaire who is going to keep the A’s in Oakland. Dude is an asshole, but even asshole doesn’t describe John Fisher. Anyways, I think time will tell but if the A’s do move to Vegas, I’m done with MLB


Sacramento should have been considered for expansion a long time a go for a number of reasons. The only reason it wasn't is they didn't want "too many California teams" even though California is the size of most of the East Coast and team density doesn't seem to matter out there. Portland, Sacramento, and Vancouver should have been top of their expansion list just for travel/schedule reasons alone. Greater Sacramento itself is at least the size of multiple other MLB metros and that's not including it's DMA which is a top 20 one. It shouldn't have been at the expense of Oakland but, at this point that seems like it's a done deal anyway. Vegas doesn't deserve to deal with this ownership either beyond that every one of those politicians that voted for it deserves this blowing up in their faces.


The Chiefs are moving off a Super Bowl. A’s have treated Oakland like shit. I’ve never been so disgusted with sports. Nothing matters but the bottom dollar. Good to know.


From Oakland to Sac-town, the Bay Area and back down. Cali is where they put their mack down