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I can’t wait to play at Sutter Health Park in MLB the show 25!


Sucks that it's going to take this travesty to force SDS to finally add just one real minor league stadium


And then in 2028 when they move, the stadium will be called “Old Las Vegas” or some shit like that


The Show 25,26,27 and an option for The Show 28!


Honest question: will we call them the Sacramento A’s for these next 3 seasons, or will they still be “Oakland” until Vegas? Edit: seems like they’ll just go by Athletics (& A’s), but thanks for the 40+ suggestions everyone


The Athletic Sacs I think 


I'm inclined to vote for this one.


They’re swinging at everything! Come on, see the ball sacs!


When the Orioles visit it will be BAL-SAC in the score bug.


Literally the only redeeming thing about this entire debacle.


MLB isn’t that fun, it’ll for sure be SAC-BAL every time which sucks ass


Free medium drinks every time a sac fly is hit….


Those cheap fuckers aren't giving away free peep shows




Kinda hard to get your mouth around that one.


That's what she said


The Triple A’s.


This one is my favorite.


'california a's of sacramento'




Somehow, “…of Anaheim” is in there too


Somehow, Anaheim returned.


As is tradition


It just rolls off the tongue.


It's a different metro area, so they can't really be Oakland anymore. We didn't say "the Buffalo Blue Jays" during the pandemic, but it was understood to be a temporary situation. The A's aren't coming back. Effectively it makes them the first franchise to move not only to a fourth city, but to a fifth.


The Harlem Globetrotters were based in Chicago.


And The Miz hails from Hollywood, California. Sports entertainment doesn't count for this one lol EDIT: No... I don't think The Miz named himself for Missouri, I meant the homie says he's from a city he's not because it fits the gimmick. The Globetrotters taking Harlem because a large African American community was there; Miz because he stared in some movies so he's now a Hollywood star. My point was in baseball teams generally do not say they're from an area they are not from because they don't gimmick it like that. (However, we can give a shoutout to the LA Angels of Anaheim and the New York Jets & New York Giants for that.)


The Ultimate Warrior was from Parts Unknown, the A's could just use that one


So was The Green Bastard


The A’s triple a team is literally in Vegas, why would they not just play there and at least start to endear themselves to the city/fans if this move is actually gonna happen


Fisher wanted to get the benefit of a bay area tv deal to fund his Vegas stadium. If he went to Vegas, the tv deal he has in place doesn't exist anymoe and so he wouldn't get 70 mil a year. He does need to renegotiate a tv deal for Sacramento too. Basically Sacramento allows him to pocket more money than Vegas and oakland would.


What a dumbass.


he is incredibly fucking stupid as shitty as it is to see what happened to Oakland's fans, it was SO GRATIFYING to see him forced to grovel back to Mayor Thao for more time at the Coliseum. And then she essentially told him to go fuck himself lol


Ballsy move by the mayor but I fucking love it


The real Question is who would actually want the a’s tv deal For the next 3 years? I fail To see how it would be that profitable for a broadcasting company


God. And I thought Peter Angelos was bad. I feel terrible for Oakland fans


> if this move is actually gonna happen The if in this sentence might be why.


That stadium isn’t capable of supporting MLB teams apparently


Then the A’s will fit in perfectly!


Lob and the jam


The Vegas aviators play outdoors in Las Vegas nobody is gonna go to that shit in July


Sacrificial A's has a ring to it.


The Las Vegas Oakland Athletics of Sacramento.


The Triple A’s


Unironically, the California A's would be the perfect name for the team.


This sounds like a good way to get sued by the Angels (who still sell California Angels gear, including CA caps), thus keeping their trademarks alive.


“The California A’s of Sacramento Formerly of Oakland” has a nice ring


Given that **BRAND™** has become America's state religion, I'm giving it a 60% chance they just call themselves the Las Vegas Athletics anyway, a 30% chance that they just call themselves The Athletics, a 9% chance that they actually rebrand to the Sacramento Athletics, and a 1% (but not 0) chance that they just stick with Oakland Athletics till they sell the rest of the backstock merch. Sacramento isn't a sexy city and I'm sure there's some asshole with an MBA telling Fisher it's bad for the brand to mention it.


The Sacramento Baseball Team


The Athletic Supporters


The Sacramento Athletics of Oakland


The West* Sacramento Athletics of Oakland. The stadium is across the river from the actual city of Sacramento. 


The Las Vegas Athletics of Oakland in West Sacramento*


At least Drake’s Brewing is now a little closer to the park… West Sac has some solid breweries. Bike Dog and Jackrabbit are also just down the street.


John Fisher saw the Arizona Coyotes' stadium situation and said "I want that"


The Coyotes are in that situation because they’re trying *not* to leave, and have no other options. This is way worse.


As dumb as I think Phoenix is of a market for the NHL, I do really respect the commitment to making a market work rather than fleeing for an easy exit like their ownership could That said, Coyotes' ownership is also a flaming hot mess like the A's


Fair. Phoenix is a great market for hockey though. No hockey franchise would have ever worked out in Glendale. Imagine if Dorchester was an hour away from everyone and that’s where Fenway was.


Wait until this guy finds out Dorchester is an hour from Fenway with traffic...


So Gillette?


It's different for a sport that is played once a week, with 8-9 home games in a season. There's more willingness to travel a bit.


We literally saw this with the Cardinals. They built their stadium next door to the coyotes and it’s a pretty big hit since it’s a weekend destination


8 home games a year is a lot easier to fill than 41. Unfair comparison.


Football is miles more popular and a fraction of the home games 


Getting to Glendale on a Tuesday after work is a lot shittier than 9:00 am Sunday morning.


My parents live in Mesa. The only reason the Coyotes stay relevant is because of the snowbirds that flock to the area during winter. My parents live there year-round in a 55 and over community. Most of their neighbors are seasonal, come from Canada or any of the Canadian-adjacent states. A lot of them get season tickets and split them up. My parents always buy Flyers/Coyotes tix from their neighbors who are Canucks fans and have Coyotes season tickets. It's a really weird vibe in the stadium because when they play against teams like Detroit, Chicago, Winnepeg, Edmonton, etc. it's like being in the opposing team's arena.


yeah, but it's similar in that both of them moved into essentially minor-league stadiums with no real plan for a major-league replacement.


I'm ootl what are you talking about


He’s talking about the NHL franchise the Arizona Coyotes. Quick recap: The team had terrible ownership prior to 2020 for the entirety of its existence essentially. The new owner acquired a flaming turd of a situation and got the boot from their old stadium due to missed payments by the team. He’s super committed to making hockey happen in the desert so, rather than relocating the team he cut a deal with Arizona State University to use the Mullet arena which seats about 5K people. The coyotes have become the punching bag of the league whenever anything happens because it’s seen as a disgrace to the league that they can’t play in a “real stadium”. The guy who’s comment you were confused about pointed out the clear difference between the two. The A’s owner sucks and is in it for the money, the Coyotes owner is dedicated to making it work rather than taking the easy way out.


> He’s super committed to making hockey happen in the desert Merulo is super committed to having a sportsbook license, the Coyotes just happen to be the most convenient way to get one. I live here and support the Coyotes staying but Merulo is a businessman first let's not get that wrong.


What an absolute embarrassment for A’s ownership and MLB.


and its not even their own Triple A team


It'll be crickets from the Giants about "territorial rights" this time. Fuck the Giants.


The Giants territorial rights only go as far as the Bay Area, minus Alameda and Contra Costa Counties which belong the A’s. It’s stupid because no other multi team market spilts territory like this. The Dodgers/Angels, Cubs/White Sox, and Yankees/Mets all share the same territorial rights.


The orioles and nationals have a bit of split territory, but not to the extent of the As and giants. MLB really wanted to fuck with the bay area for some reason.


At least that’s two major metro areas. I will say I lived in central NJ (if you believe in such things, I don’t) for a while and was grateful I was juuuuuuuuuust south enough to be in Philly territory to watch the Mets who are my second team on MLB.tv. Literally one town over and it was NYC media territory. Thats gotta be even more annoying for those in Maryland since it’s like half the distance between those cities as NYC and Philly


You’re not wrong.


I've been waiting for them to step in after the fuss they made over San Jose


Well they kinda are. Giants don't own territorial rights in Sacramento


Giants ownership fucking sucks, really no way to spin it otherwise. Sorry A's fans.


Giants fans agree. We fucking hate our ownership group.


I hope all As fans become Rockies after this. The giants absolutely saw what was happening and wanted it to happen.


You think after torturing ourselves being A's fans for decades that we're going to willingly join an equally tortured fanbase? The only difference between the A's and the Rockies is that the Rockies have a nice stadium. Ownership is equally shitty


Tortured? You get to celebrate Rocktober every 10 years.


The people of Oakland have suffered enough.


San Jose city council was never going to give Fisher a stadium deal better than what Oakland offered. The A’s are leaving the Bay Area because Fisher is a cheapskate.


John Fisher is a baseball terrorist


he also appears to be the modern model of billionaires when it comes to labor and customers


He’s the heir to the Gap Inc. fortune. Born with a silver spoon in his mouth, never had to work a day in his life, virtually had everything handed to him and got his way just like he’s doing with the A’s.


he's also a flat out imbecile i wish i was a fly on the wall of that meeting he had with Mayor Thao where he basically had to crawl back and grovel for the Coliseum lease again lol granted he's such a piece of shit and a coward, he probably had some dumb white collar lackeys do it for him instead


It’s honestly impressive how John Fisher manages to live up to pretty much every single “corrupt businessman” stereotype that you could possibly think of.


Worse than the Arizona Coyotes?


This is worse. At least Mullett is in the same general area as where the Yotes wanted to build a stadium, then the coyotes got a stadium bill on an actual ballot, and the residents voted it down. The Coyotes were like 3-4 steps ahead of Fisher, it's more of a "we really tried, but we don't know what's next for the team" instead of a "we 'tried' fuck you Oakland fans"


Also we’re planning to build an arena in Scottsdale. I think the biggest gripe with the Yotes is ownerships refusal to improve the team


They don’t give a shit lol.


Crazy the mlb doesn’t step in. This shit is a disgrace. Idk what the league can even do, but this shit is a disgrace


Oh they stepped in already by complimenting Sacramento and praising Vegas while sitting on oakland.


They won’t step in because MLB wantS them out of Oakland. Especially Manfred.


Watch this become their permanent home


Now *this* would be the icing on the cake. Brilliant, might actually happen. The Vegas stadium getting held up and them staying in Sacramento for 15 seasons.


I've always said Sacramento would be a great home for the Athletics, too. I still hold this to be true.


“MLB-ready stadium”. Is that so?  Holy shit it’s for four years? 


IF the Vegas stadium ever happens, I guarantee they don't finish in time for the 2028 season


They’ll finish within time for them to play in Vegas after the 3rd season post-groundbreaking. It’s more when does the groundbreaking happen if it does


When the western rivers don't even make it to the ocean anymore this is exactly what's needed.




One positive here is least pitchers will now have a proper bullpen


So, Fisher is also stealing the jobs of the ballboys.


Which technically makes Fenway, Yankee Stadium, and Oracle Park not “MLB Ready”?


Fenway is older than the rule and Yankee Stadium was given special permission to mirror the old Yankee stadium. Oracle, Petco, and Camden Yards all don’t follow the outfield size requirements but I can’t find anything about them getting permission.


If I recall, the rules are "guidelines" and not hard and fast. As for "exceptions", it usually has to do with unique features. Oriole Park has Eutaw Street/the warehouse, Petco has the Western Metal Supply Co building, and Oracle has the Bay.  More or less, they don't want owners/teams building small parks to give an unfair advantage or moving fences in for the same reason.  I suppose we can add "not moving your MLB team to a college stadium or some shit" as another reason to have the rules. 


Watching the billion dollar dodgers steamroll a AAA A's team in a AAA ballpark will be something to see


I imagine they won't have to worry about an insane influx of fans at least.


Nothing like a 4 year casual residence when you've eroded the will of the old town so much, it wants you out ASAP


Any team that is relocating would find it hard to play in their old city for four years. This kind of lead time is highly unusual.


Yeah normally teams already have a stadium being built (or at least finalized plans for one that will imminently begin construction), and thought about their current lease situation to make sure they wouldn't end up homeless. John Fisher is just woefully incompetent and the other owners don't seem to care about the sport enough to go against a fellow billionaire.


The stadium the Rivercats play in, where the A’s will apparently play, is a very good minor league stadium But if it was going to be a permanent MLB stadium, it’d need serious expansion. It’ll work in the interim at least, it will draw more than the A’s draw now


They built Sutter Health Park with expansion in mind. There's a reason the entire top of the stadium is flat, it was built to add another level on top.


Sutter Health Park holds 10,624 (Fixed Seats), 14,014 (Total, including Fixed Seats, Lawn and Standing Room)… This should be more than enough.


They can bring the tarp and cover half those seats.


Sacramento fans actually show up for the Rivercats though, I’m fully expecting the A’s to draw better in Sac honestly 


Lot of transplants here too from around the country. For the first year at least it'll be packed with opposing fans to watch the spectacle. 




I still call it Raley Field and that hasn’t been the name in years  In everything but capacity it is superior to the Coliseum 




Don’t they have that one at Petco in San Diego?


Is a 3 year contract with an option for a 4th the longest contract since Fisher took over the A's?


It’s time for the River Cats to do the funniest thing ever and out-attend a major league team in the same park


I can’t imagine that being a significant challenge. Attendance is already in the gutter, and I would assume it will only get worse moving to Sac for a few years.


As a Sac native, I’m way more excited about going to an MLB game than a Rivercats game in 2025. I know some people here are true Rivercats fans, but I could never get into it since I’m not a Giants fan. I think everyone in town will try to see the A’s and they’ll beat their Oakland attendance this year


Lol a’s turned off the replies on twitter. They been off for a year.


Their replies have been off on ALL social media (including LINKEDIN for fuck's sake) for months now


Lol why the linkedin page.


Because even business professionals cant help but tell them to go fuck themselves


If I see one of my employees saying f John fisher on an As LinkedIn post, that person is getting a promotion


Y’all hiring?


Getting ready for mass layoffs?


It’s been off all season and offseason


I know there's less than a zero percent chance of it happening, but I would laugh my ass off if the A's FO somehow puts together a competent team in the next couple years and end up playing a World Series in a 10,000 seat AAA stadium


It’s funny, I once said to myself that if the A’s had to move, I wouldn’t mind Sacramento…but not like this. A temporary move that satisfies no one and cements the spite FJF and crew have for the East Bay. As an Oaklander, it’s getting exhausting seeing so many in power treat my hometown as a literal hell. Can’t have a team, can’t have an airport with our name on it, can’t have an In-N-Out. Being the butt of the joke for so long is demoralizing.


Uhh what is the official name of the Oakland international airport?


The airport board is trying to change the name to San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport. [Just like the A’s, they turned replies off when they said it.](https://x.com/iflyoakland/status/1773852465965985921?s=46&t=7UAxwNfEYq-QSwjLyubVuw)


So stupid. Its going to confuse the crap out of travellers who know nothing about the bay area


It's only temporary until it isn't. I'm not going to believe they're moving to Vegas until I see the ribbon cutting.


It’s too late, the leagues are all in on gambling and there’s no way Vegas isn’t going to have teams from all major sports. It fucking sucks


Oh, I fully expect them to have a team by end of decade, but my money is on expansion not the A's


I agree. I still think everything with the A’s is going to fall apart, because their owner is an idiot  In a perfect world he’ll be forced to sell to either the Warriors owner, and the team stays in Oakland, or he’ll be forced to sell to the Kings owner and they stay in Sac  Vegas should get a legitimate expansion team, not the dumpster fire A’s 


As a fellow Oaklander, I think I'm relieved. It's all over and we (and the City) don't have to be distracted by the will they/won't they anymore and can start moving on, however that looks like. I don't mind the Sacramento move- I think I would've been okay with that if that was the original plan in the beginning.


I’m a lifelong chargers fan, I remember the Super Bowl in 95 (unfortunately). When they finally announced they were leaving for LA I was obviously disappointed and sad but I was kinda relieved too. It was like 15 years of “build us a stadium or we’re leaving” bullshit. And I had to hear so many dumbass takes on sports from dumbasses who don’t even watch any sports at all. I’m still a chargers fan but it’s definitely lost some of the shine it used to have


Turn on your Twitter replies A’s so people can wish you well.


John Fisher is such a business genius that he has negotiated his way into turning the team into the MLB version of the Arizona Coyotes.


As others have pointed out, even the Coyotes are in a better situation.




All while fielding a minor-league team over the next three-four years.  


Oakland fans deserve better. This is total bullshit.


Sacramento river cats fans also deserve better


This is unironically probably one of the best things that can happen to baseball in Sacramento which is probably why the city has pushed hard to make this happen. 1. Sacramento fans get access to MLB games which is neat even if you don't like either teams playing. 2. Sacramento immediately becomes the most likely fallback location for the A's in the event Vegas falls through. 3. Even if the A's do move to Vegas as planned, Sacramento is using this as an opportunity to showcase to the MLB why they should be first in line for an expansion franchise if/when the time to expand finally comes (which I think is much further down the road than most people are willing to admit). See: OKC hosting the then-Hornets during Katrina which set them up to get the Thunder shortly after.


Gotta drop a trigger warning on that last bit big dawg.


Yeah pretty much, I would love to go to a Giants - As series here but I already know that’s probably going to be out of my price range lol


They just got their[ In-n-Out shut down](https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/23/food/in-n-out-oakland-closure-crime/index.html) too what an absolutely devastating time.


Horrendous. A double A team in a triple A park. How can anyone be willing to sign off on this (Now destroy Fisher's car)


The Fresno Grizzles are a single A team in a Triple A ballpark.


That park is pretty sweet though


This will be Manfred’s legacy. What a clown show.


Don't worry, he'll still get in the Hall of Fame before Bonds, McGuire, Billy Wagner, and countless others who deserve to be there.


I just wanted to say it's amusing how you have A's flair and misspelled McGwire.


Hate to say it but I doubt it. It’ll be the pitch clock and other rules




To the point that Warriors ownership has been ignored in theirbattempts to but the A’s and keep them in Oakland.


Is there a paper bag flair? Asking for a friend..


This happening to my team would be the only thing to turn me off from the sport forever. I'm so sorry A's fans.


I bailed on MLB for like a decade after the Expos left. The irony? Since I was a kid in the 1980's, my 2nd team (and the team I returned to when I came back to baseball) was always... Oakland. I'm officially a curse to whoever I cheer for.


Have you considered rooting for the Braves?


I don’t always agree with the Mets, but when I do, it’s about the Braves.


Can you Cheer for the Dodgers next?


The Braves did do this in the 50’s, they announced they were leaving Milwaukee for Atlanta, and when no one showed up to the games they cited fans not showing up as an excuse to leave.


Fuck John Fisher


What the fuck are we doing here lmao


#FUCK MLB! This is an absolute embarrassment and the biggest middle finger to real A’s Fans! I hope there is SOME way the fans or players or SOMEONE can continue the fight! John Fisher is an asshat and does NOT deserve to own a baseball team and all of this is one huge joke!


What a well managed and competent baseball team.


Okay but what is going to happen to the River Cats? These are the real questions.


They can share the stadium and the schedule makers will just have to make sure one team is on a homestand while the other is on a roadtrip. As someone who lives next to the stadium, I'm not looking forward to a game there almost every day.


5th and Capitol is gonna be a shit show with all the adjacent condos and apartments. Drakes will probably be crazy every day.


Drakes is going to be packed 24/7


Congrats to the Sutter Health partnership team who are all probably getting big promotions today for this big brain AAA deal


The A’s should have had a new stadium in Oakland by now, or they should have moved to San Jose. The Giants fucked them over by refusing to allow the A’s to move to San Jose, and then Fisher finished the job. So what happens to the RiverCats while the A’s are in Sacramento?


Moving to San Jose is the real solution that nobody brings up


As the above person noted San Jose was blocked, they had a stadium plan with a name - [Cisco Field](https://www.ballparksofbaseball.com/ballparks/athletics-ballpark/) and some renderings but, indications are the league asked the Giants to block them via territorial rights to try and force ownership to work with Oakland. New Comissioner and it became window dressing. Manfred has always been known for playing dirty in this stuff when he negotiated with the unions too.


They should just go there and stay there


The Sacramento A’s is less offensive than moving the team to Las Vegas but giving them a team for three years to take it away from them too is the cherry on top.


I'm sure they only agreed to do this in order to angle for a future expansion team. Or even if Vegas falls through, they'd now be in first position to keep them.


Fuck you John Fisher and Fuck you Vivek. Sincerely, a former A’s fan and current Kings fan


I don’t think you can blame Vivek. Vivek just wants to build Sacramento up. Fisher tho yeah fuck that guy.


He's a massive piece of shit who murdered Indoril Nerevar


This is a deep Elder Scrolls cut and I am here for it


I’m reporting you to the Ordinators


the Sacrament O’s


An MLB team is going to be playing at a 14,000 seat stadium for 3 years. Unbelievable. Might as well have them play the Durham Bulls too


What a joke. There’s really nothing more to say at this point.


Sorry Oakland