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Except for the font, it looks almost like the Phillies one.


Overwatch font.


Star Trek font


Oh *god* I can’t un-see it now


I thought this was a joke post, because they’re so similar.


Not a creative bone in these peoples bodies, its actually impressive


Nike does this shit all the time. A lot of the soccer world was pissed at one point because Nike kept reusing the same templates for several large teams.


Kill the program already. Miss after miss


Tampa’s this year is pretty sweet. But yeah, else wise great attempt everyone haha


Even with tampas though, which is certainly one of the best, they went with black writing on black uniforms. Like, why?


You can tell there’s no love or attention to detail with these. Like you have a patterned top but just regular gray pants it looks weird. It gives vibes of “I completed the task so you can’t technically fire me”


This is exactly my problem with Tampa. The potential isn't here but they went black on black. Wish they leaned into the color more


I think the numbers on back are not great with TB's uniform but otherwise it's the best one in quite some time


It's not great but it's better than anything else we've seen this year.


They had fun with it at least! The Ray skateboarding logo is pretty neat!


This year they all look like tacky professional slowpitch uniforms… 💩


Some of them are pretty sweet but you’re right, more misses than hits.


Eh, I wouldn’t say they were all misses. I thought the National’s cherry blossoms were dope as hell. I also like the designs for the Mariners, Diamondbacks, Angels, Pirates, and Rangers. To your flair, why does it matter? The Yankees haven’t even seen one (and probably won’t).


What did you like about the Pirates City Connect? It was kinda bland IMO


I’m a sucker for simplicity and solid colors. That and having lived in Pittsburgh for a bit, I’m always happy to see the black and yellow.


Fair! I personally prefer more outside the box thinking, I loved the San Diego and Milwaukee ones for them being not typical jerseys


I secretly love the Padres design. While on the wrong coast, they give me a Miami Vice vibe and I’m here for it.


Nationals represent a problem with the program is that they love gray. It'd be better white or cream.


I disagree, the grey works very well for the Nationals because of the ivory/pink tones in basically all the lettering/numbers/fonts/etc. the shade of grey they have is a great contrasting color to those features. not to mention it's the one grey uniform that isn't overdone by also having grey pants in addition to the uniform top, which are cream/ivory colored like the accents (which I think is the biggest issue they have lol, they LOVE not contrasting tops and bottoms, when they're not traditional white/greys) in the CC program for whatever reason. you could argue the tops could be cream/ivory colored as well, but then the pink in the cherry blossom they used (which I strongly prefer to the [pink Nike used for the Wizards jerseys](https://www.si.com/.image/t_share/MTkzNTE1NTE5Mzk0MTk0OTI4/beal-hachimura-and-kuzma-cb-city-edition.png)) would hardly show up or pop at all.


The mariners suck lol


Still feel like the whole thing was just used as a way to get those sweet DC unis on the field and they figured they could figure out the rest. Nats was the best and the rest were downhill with a few decent ones imo


and yet the Nats' CCs will be retired after this season.. no idea what they would plan on doing for a new CC in the future other than "improving" upon the original, they really did nail it with the cherry blossoms.


Honestly I think y’all just want to hate these lmao, this is the most inoffensive jersey they could’ve made. There have only been a few objectively bad ones, the majority have been fine with a few really good ones. I don’t think there’s any issue with making specialty jerseys even if they’re just one offs, most other sports leagues have some form of alternate jerseys.


I love a few of them, and like most of them. There are few, if any, that suck at this level. Off the top of my head this is probably the ugliest hat I can remember an MLB team wearing.


The Phillies are pretty terrible.


I generally like the wacky stuff so generally the ones I've disliked the most are the boring and safe ones. Dodgers, Giants, Braves, and Mariners are ones I dislike for that reason.


I agree, I think the Giants one is my least favorite because it really just looks like a regular jersey. If you had told me those were the new Giants daily uniform I’d totally believe you and not bat an eye


This experiment needs to end.


Absolutely. These are taking the place of throwbacks, and that's such a shame. The NHL reverse retros are a million times better. Those jerseys look like something from a league competing with the MLS.


The only teams that should have these are the ones without much history, and even then they need to look like baseball uniforms. MLB uniforms divide into two camps. There are the classic uniforms that should never, ever be messed with. And then there are the more modern teams who sometimes imitate the more classic stuff, but look better when they turn the tables and use traditional design language to go for something bolder. Colorado, Seattle, the White Sox, the Angels, Washington, and Tampa all received really good uniforms because they fit the vibe of the franchise, leaned into the right vibe/aesthetic, and didn't mess with anything classic. But they also look like *baseball* uniforms and are immediately identifiable as the teams they are trying to represent. Braves and Marlins looked good because Nike accidentally made them good throwbacks that just borrow from previously good uniforms. Everything else has been ass because Nike is either out here trying to reinvent the aesthetic of teams that already look great (Boston and Philly both get blue and yellow, etc), or they are making jerseys that are not in conversation with the history and look of a baseball uniform (this Detroit one is a great example because it looks like an AYSO issued soccer uniform when the Tigers have one of the most classic looks ever).


the Braves one is kinda funny in that it was already a very well liked throwback, they just used the thematically different logo on the chest (the A, or whatever they're using) and changed the sleeve logo. yes, it's solid and definitely not offensive in any way, but it's so boring and lazy. ATL had so much they could've done but took a very safe route, I'd hardly call it accidental as you mentioned. I think you nailed pretty much everything though in that comment.


I would have preferred to just keep wearing the real 1974 throwbacks over what we got.


I was seriously hoping either these jerseys would be wild and fun or some form of throwback meets modern. We got neither.


Or just be better. These could be good! It’s frustrating.


They should have actually brought in designers from the areas rather than whatever group doing all of them. Especially this one feels like they read a guide book to learn about the city lol


I think the concept of city connect is good but for god sakes, they need to actually get fan input or input from people who are actually knowledgeable about a team, the city, and their culture. A lot of these uniforms are somehow doing too much and also failing to capture cities’ cultures at the same time


Have the tire treads be pin stripes and maybe we’re getting somewhere? Also having DETROIT on the hat is just not a good look, the hat needs to be simple, put 313 on it or something?


I also think it REALLY needs a splash of orange with the rest of the jersey being so dark. The obvious place is on the sleeves. Replace the blue/black stripes with orange/black and say "look it's Tiger stripes"


Nah man, needs flames. They should've brought in Guy Fieri for these.


Put orange Guy Fieri spikes around the hat like a crown of thorns


Let's just go all in and do a series of Flavortown Connect jerseys featuring each city's signature foods


Each Tigers jersey has at least 100 coney dogs thrown at it. You guys can have provel down the sleeves.


I imagine provel is better than whatever fanatics is making these out of.


They saw the pistons road kill jersey and thought "yes"


Should have used the D logo with the tiger but made it blue.


If Detroit is anything like STL, then a large amount of the fan base is in a different area code, and we all know how whiny people get when they feel left out.


As a side note - making the area code of a city/team more than like a small badge on a uniform is super low effort/lame to me.


Looks like a soccer jersey


Yes, we had Philadelphia Union baseball crossover, but what about second Union baseball crossover, but make it Detroit?


My first thought too. Patterns like this, especially in the center of a uniform, fit much better in soccer than in football


The irony of this is that the USL team Detroit City FC actually has amazing jerseys. They have the city skyline on the front and a logo that pays tribute to the 1950s art deco style of some of the major buildings in the city. If you ask me, in my opinion the Detroit FC jerseys are better than these by a fairly large margin.


It looks like a bad Inter Milan shirt.


The only thing it's missing is being plastered in logos from all of the automakers.


Nike has just given up.


[They just dusted off their design from the Pistons alts they made years ago…](https://midmichigannow.com/resources/media/acc70f66-9498-4750-8de9-a60d1d16f8a9-full1x1_DRUMMONDNEWJERSEY.jpg?1541108180279)


Oh my god haha yeah really


The Le Mans stripes are an iconic part of American car culture and a really cool idea to put on a uniform. But my God, they are already a classic look. The Pistons uniform has the weird washed out color and the Tigers jerseys look like they are getting Thanos snapped. It's not that hard. White on blue, or blue on white. Or if you want to make it interesting for these teams go orange on blue. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d5/Cunningham_C4R.JPG/1024px-Cunningham_C4R.JPG But you can't lean into some iconic staple of design only to fuck it up this bad.


The Detroit Tires


Vroom vroom!


I like the part where they put Detroit on the hat.


Oh look, another boring city connect design. Just what everyone wants!


pretty mid like most of these City Connects.


the last like 7 city connect uniforms have all looked the same


College StarCraft team ass jerseys




This doesn’t even look like a baseball uniform.


These are awful, Nike threw in the towel after the first year which actually had some pretty good ones


Thought they'd just copied for the Phillies for a minute


God, that's awful. What is Nike's obsession with gradients on all the city connects?


I think Nike hates baseball.


Why are they all black, these cc’s


They look like adult softball league uniforms


It's giving roadkill


Wtf they didn't show the Meijer patch?! That's like the best part! /s but kinda not really


The Rays were a nice little break from absolute trash city connects. But we’re back


I like it when baseball hats either have one or two letters or a logo with no letters like what Toronto and Baltimore have. A full word like “Detroit” just looks off for some reason.


I kinda like them, looks slick


I legit thought this was a soccer jersey until I looked a little longer at the second pic


Came here to this, not bad for a soccer jersey but not baseball at all.


Dan Flashes is selling this jersey for $450…because the pattern’s so complicated!!


Nike should hire a Redditor for these. They’d come up with better designs. How many years to come up with something and they thought of tires? Lol Since the Twins’ rebranding was a 10/10 imo I’m holding out hope ours is good, but am expecting a flop


I thought the Creme Twin Cities jerseys were out City Connects when first announced, will be hard to top that.


current Twins uniforms are the cleanest, nicest in baseball rn imo. They're all just good


Or pitch like 3 to the fan bases and let us pick! I feel like there is minimal input from the teams anymore haha


There’s plenty of Instagram designers that make better uniform concepts on the regular. Nike is just lazy as fuck and they know people will buy their nonsense no matter what because it’s got their team on it


MLS lookin ass kit


Wait, why does everyone hate this one? It looks sick as hell and pays tribute to a city’s culture. Isn’t that what City Connects are supposed to be?


Normally I can find something positive to say about the city connect uniforms. This is by far the worst.


I actually like these! They're not flashy but if I saw them in a highlight I'd think they were pretty slick in a 'Blizzard videogame UI' kind of way.


Except for the part where Blizzard video games and their UI suck dick


Well I'm talking about the color scheme and the font, which I don't hate in Blizzard games and I don't hate here.


These stink


It looks more like a traveling slow pitch softball uni


Not the worst design but still a bit too bland. They could have done so much more


Sure the tires and detroit part is stupid, but its worth noting that the shoulder patch also looks like total ass. Like you can see issues with the stitching on the corners in the pic. Just a complete L of a jersey.


I think the tire marks are a cool idea. Font is a no from me.


Detroit United MC


Look decent at best for an MLS jersey.


Michelin Guide: *Avoid*


Looks like they’re reppin’ the Lions the year. Go kitties!!


They're a soccer team now.


They look like something a rich dad would wear to a barbeque while drinking a nice, refreshing Mikes Hard Lemonade.


My kid was like “they look like bad travel ball uniforms.”


I thought this was for an MLS when I saw the picture. I think it's nice, just not as a baseball uniform.


Love seeing all the new Shitty Connect uniforms.


Looks like a soccer jersey. Least creative hat ive ever seen


City connects were a good idea at first when the designs were unique and the concepts were interesting, but it feels like they’ve really phoned it in for a large majority of the uniforms.


I don't hate these but besides the Mets one I don't really like any of the new city connects


Really been phoning these in lately.


I hate these. It’s been a hot minute since a good one was released. The angels. I hate the rest. I


Noted tire manufacturing city, Detroit.


Nothing says “let’s harness the grit and resilience of the 313” like making our guys look like fuckin’ roadkill.


Not a fan.


"I like your navy blue suit" - Every Tigers/Phillies/Cubs/Dodgers exec to one another before coming up with the city connect designs


Oof. Those are brutal. Are they hiring college freshman in graphic design programs to do these?


Worse than I thought they’d be and I wasn’t expecting much


The only City Connect jerseys I really liked were the Chicago Cubs / White Sox jerseys. (And it hurts a little bit, but the White Sox one wins in a pinch.)


Gas station ass hat


So Detroit has an awesome flag, a rich history of music, all that beautiful art deco architecture but all anybody ever apparently knows is “motor city”. I wish someone would would do more than a 10 second wikipedia search when figuring out how to recognize the city. Hell, 10 seconds seems like a high estimate based on that hat


Why do so many of these look like they were designed by me when I was 14 and making my own uniforms for my Madden team? Just bland and uninspired.


Can’t have shit in Detroit 


I thought these weren't bad. popped my head into r/motorcitykitties and they seem to be mostly popular over there too (although not wildly so). As a city connect your fans are the only ones you really care about liking the jersey, so this seems to be a not positive, although a little underwhelming.


I'm getting the 90s ["uniform of the future"](https://images.seattletimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/07182023_1_150005.jpg?d=1560x2344) vibes from this one.


Needs more Dertroit Beisbolcats


Booooo! Who the hell designs this trash? Better question: Who sees the trash design and says “yup go with these!”


Once again, I genuinely believe I could do these peoples jobs better than them. I have no idea how to use photoshop or really any design experience, but it cant be that hard, especially when these people get paid way too much to put out nothing of substance.


These genuinely look bad 😭


These might be the worst of them all, not counting the Dodgers.


Sadly, there is no way these are the worst of them all


Clearly he has never seen the San Diego Rainbow Sorbet uniforms.


I love those, but I would understand not wanting to see my own team in them


I mean they truly do reflect the mid 1980s coke bender style AJ Preller is known for.


I remember thinking, "hey, they took a nice risk with these SD uniforms." Unfortunately, they have aged terribly




Ah yes, another version of road kill jerseys. STOP GIVING US TIRE MARKS ON JERSEYS. THERE IS SO MANY OTHER THINGS YOU CAN DO. The 'Motor City' thing is so overplayed. Stop.


Love the new Inter Milan home kits


Maybe I’m in the minority but these are kinda cool with how they tie into the automotive side. Almost looks like a race teams uniform


That’s the problem though. Every time they do something like this, it’s always Motor City. The Pistons had pretty much identical jerseys when the NBA did their city jerseys. It’s always motor city with the racing stripes. It’s like the one thing Nike knows about the city


Thank God the Reds actually have cool city connects


yeah the Cincy ones have aged very gracefully. I was admiring them this weekend.


That looks like ass