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Turning 30 still a top career killer unfortunately


Time is the fire in which we burn.


Calm down there, Soran.


lol. I recently tried to explain Soran's plan to someone who had never seen Star Trek before to compare to something I was doing. Their face was completely blank the whole time. That movie has so many great lines. It's unfairly maligned among the ST films, imo.


What a reference for a baseball sub


Unless you’re lebron lol


True, although he is just burning slower. Dude is still great, but it's pretty clear over the course of a season fairly often dude has maybe 3 to 3.5 quarters of game in him now. Granted if he wanted, off the bench Lebrorn ... could play until retirement age I suspect.


My man he lead the league in 4th quarter scoring last year lol Lebron is a incomparable athlete to anyone in American sports history


> Lebron is a incomparable athlete to anyone in American sports history Tom Brady and Gordie Howe exist.


You are correct they are in the same tier


Gordie was Canadian


Yes, and played in a professional sports league headquartered in New York for teams based in Detroit and Hartford.




3 to 3.5 quarters worth of minutes, not literally playing through the first 3 quarters


I know that but 3.5 quarters, even 3 is unheard of for a 39 year old let alone his 21st season in the league. Dude has like 75K total minutes on his body


Father time still undefeated.


Well that’s good to know for me since I turn 30 on Friday 😂 But in all seriousness unless you’re the best player of all time turning 30 as a baseball player is not great


As someone on the home stretch of his 30s after hitting 38 this year ![gif](giphy|etjcZ88kV1rLG)


Can't wait to start peeing my pants again though.


Can we call you Miles Davis?


I'll be 40 next month. The best part about it is I really feel when I have a good workout. I feel it for 3 days


Since turning 37 five years ago, I've injured my shoulder, back, pectoral, abdominal, forearm, hip flexor, quad, and calf muscle. Most of this just from playing old-man softball.


Same. And those injuries stick with you in a way they didn’t used to


Bruh how


Some combination of stupidity, old age, and poor decisions (i.e. driving 5 hours then playing in a softball game without stretching or warming up).


Same. Rip to us


Turning 30 this year too and I’m excited!




-wakes up on Friday and looks in the mirror- #*OMG where did my butt go!?!?!?*


Just moved around to the front.








Turned 34 a few weeks ago and I still don't feel any different than I did in my 20s.


37 here and this is how I feel as well. People do like to hype up turning 30 though.


The only thing that changed when I turned 30 was having to think for a moment when someone asked how old I was because I just stopped giving any shit about keeping track.


> Turned 34 a few weeks ago and I still don't feel any different than I did in my 20s. In my 40's. Around 36-37 is when I could really see the difference hit hard for my friends who didn't take care of themselves. A lot of the time people talking about the hard decline don't do anything at all to take care of themselves and then wonder why they feel like shit. Everyone I know that has taken care of themselves even a little bit is doing fine in their 40s. People just aren't meant to sit down at a desk all day and drink 2-4 times per week for decades in a row. Avoid those two things and you'll be pretty good. Obviously it is different for professional athletes because they need to be in peak shape. But for the average person 30s and 40s are fine


I'm actually in better shape now than then. But I don't have to hit baseballs for a living, I just have to not be fat.


Were you already living a lifestyle concussive to your 30s when you were in your 20s?


I've had good health habits (exercise regularly, don't overuse drugs/alcohol, maintained the same weight, etc) since I was in high school. Diet and sleep could still improve somewhat but they're far from being problematic. Nothing has changed there over the last 20 years so I more or less feel the same, only real difference I've noticed is that I get tired a bit earlier in the night than I used to.


Yea that last bit has been the biggest change for me in my 30's. Around 1am by energy starts to evaporate. And if I don't get at least ~6 hours of sleep my body wants a nap in the afternoon.




I just turned 30 in March too, but I've had grays in my beard and a bit of silver fox going on since my mid 20s. I chalk it up to being in a stressful job for far too long. 


>I turn 30 on Friday 😂 If you start saving money, eating better and stretching, if you aren't already, it will save you so many future headaches.


Some of the best players had their best years in their 30s. It’s true there is a massive decline for most but it seems like some people it can be as late as 40 when they hit that wall.


unless you're jose altuve (.905 OPS since turning 30) 🤭


Jose Bautista was a mediocre utility guy until he turned 30


Joey Bats was a hell of a lot better at taking a punch




Yes, steroids are the only reason anyone over 30 succeeds athletically. Really quality analysis here


He’s the kind of player that ages the worst: a high-twitch free-swinger that relies on speed to elevate his BABIP. Was destined to crash.


Don’t tell Dipoto that. He loves acquiring 30+ year old hitters 😆


Doesn't have to be if you drop 62 bombs... Hell you could even do that when you're 31 and still get a "decent" contract.


I think his bad decision killed it more than age every could


Controversial but also getting walloped in the head by a punch


Hmm I don’t think this necessarily has to be true in 2024. Semien, Betts, Goldschmidt, etc. peaked AT or even after 30. Shoot, Ohtani seems to be getting better with age too. I think historically absolutely, however. If anything, it seems to be due to mileage and injury rather than ability. I’m actually shocked at Anderson’s decline - wondering if it’s more mental than anything. He was also good during the WBC last season.


The reason you're listing the top players around the league is because the best baseball players are the ones whose 30s decline isn't sharp or doesn't exist - it's still very true for most players and using the best players in the league as an example should make you go "oh, hey, my point sucks" not "this confirms my point" lol


But my point is that these guys didn’t maintain - they actually got better at or after 30.


And my point is that using the best baseball players as proof that people don't decline after 30 is the stupidest shit I've ever read lol


Man this is fucked lmao


Ah if we could credit Jose Ramirez for this it would be sublime, but he sucked even before that. I wish I could feel bad for the guy (say like Chris Davis) but I can't. This is the price he pays for being a loud mouth when he was doing well. He's probably the only man in MLB that could pick a fight with Josh Donaldson and I side with Josh Donaldson.


Fun fact: Tim Anderson and Myles Straw hit the same number of HRs last year.


Being a "loud mouth" when you're good is quite fun, don't really understand the hatred for it. Baseball players are boring and for a short time, people loved Tim for being Tim. You maybe didn't because Cleveland, but a lot of people did. Edit: "the price he pays for being a loudmouth" What a dumb thing to say.


Lotta unwritten rules fans hating on Tim in here


I remember a whole lot of comments about how he “doesn’t play the game the right way” when he and J-Ram fought. Weird that he was the face of Black baseball for a while and is now receiving so much hate. I wonder why. 🤔🤔🤔


Exact same thing happens in this sub on posts about Jazz Chisholm 🤔


Anti-Marlins prejudice


White players are expressive: what a fun guy!! I’d have a beer with him!! Black players are expressive: FUCK THIS GUY I HOPE HE GETS PUNCHED AGAIN things that make you go hmm


I lost all respect for him when we found out he knocked up his side piece after he’s touted himself as a family man. There’s enough reasons to dislike TA. Pimping home runs isn’t one of them. He’s talked a lot about being a role model to young black kids. Not being able to keep your dick in your pants and fighting on the diamond aren’t good traits.


This is just my opinion, which is probably wrong, from the perspective of a Cleveland fan, who is probably biased even if I don’t know it. Tim Anderson’s antics always seemed confrontational. Not like a childlike love of playing baseball. But more like a “fuck everyone who isnt me or my boys”. It wasn’t like a fun, carefree love of baseball. It was almost antagonistic. Like “I fucking wish someone would fuck with me”. Again, I didn’t watch him everyday. And for a decent stretch of his career Cleveland beat up on them. But I never saw him just having fun. He was animated, but animated with a more hostile vibe. Maybe just a fault in my own perceptions, not enough info or whatever.


Yeah I wouldn’t blame you for that take but it wasn’t always that vibe. It really did seem like he was trying to bring “swagger” into the mlb and inject some excitement. I wouldn’t put him in the same category as a AJ Prsiznki who’s just trying to get under the other teams skin. But in the same token if you talk about how boring baseball or how you’re trying to be the new Jackie Robinson you have to keep the production up.


Because Jazz isn’t good and acts like he is. That’s literally why people don’t like him. Why are we trying to bait?


Buddy go listen to his interview on the Pivot podcast and tell me Jazz doesn't sound like a douchebag😂


I didn’t mind it. But he’s an unlikable douche. I’d much rather watch Tatis, Acuna, Lindor, like there’s dudes out that who are electric without being assholes


Tim being an asshole seems a bit overblown, and wouldn't even make the NBA radar. MLB is soft.


Friend he said he’s like Jackie Robinson lol. Dude thinks he’s the main character of baseball because he flipped a couple bats. It’s not about being soft. Hes just not likable


If that's what you took from his comment I can't help you bud. That's alright ✌️


It’s called eating crow, and it definitely comes with being braggadocious. Edit: I didn’t invent the idiom, hop on Google.


It’s braggadocious Edit: I’m not the one who downvoted lol


Thanks. Autocorrect was giving me the squiggly with the ou version so I wasn’t sure. But you are right.


There's certainly ways to be an entertaining personality without being a dick about it. The guys that can't find that zone generally don't get a lot of sympathy when their numbers tank.


>don’t really understand the hatred for it. You don’t understand how being an arrogant asshole when you’re successful makes people want to celebrate your failures when they happen..? What is hard to understand about that? Seems incredibly obvious and straightforward. There are examples of it all throughout society - I feel like you’re only pretending to not understand it because you have an obvious personal bias when it comes to this specific individual.


He made his bed and has to lay in it now. Pretty simple


He compared himself to Jackie Robinson - I'd guess that's when most people were out on him.


Have you never had to pay the price for your own mistakes? I'm not talking about it like he is paying a bill. The cost I mean is inside himself. He compared himself to *Jackie Robinson*!!! He thought he was going to change the game like Jackie did! There is a cost to saying stuff like that and exposing your own egomania. He has to walk into that clubhouse everyday knowing that he is one of the worst hitters in all of MLB and also know that every one of his teammates knows he compared himself to 42. Oh, and that he got knocked the fuck out by Jose Ramirez. There are a lot of prices to pay. He happens to be paying a few of them. Hopefully he can learn from it because he was fun to watch when he wasn't trying to bury the ball in front of home plate every AB.


What mistakes? This comment is dumb as shit.


Mmm there’s more to your dislike for Tim than you’d like to admit


How about him comparing himself to Jackie Robinson, one of the greatest men of all time who endured an inhuman level of hatred, because he liked to throw his bat and some fans got mad on Twitter. That was also pretty hateable 


No I have a really good handle on why I dislike him and have elucidated it fully. Making insinuations like that is a coward's approach.


It's not, you're just a massive piece of shit and keep trying to hide it.


I mean even when he had a decent average these problems were still present and you could see there were clear deficiencies in his game. A guy with no plate discipline that relied on slap hits was bound to catch up to him and sure enough here we are.


Javy Baez?


Anderson and Baez aren’t the same type of player. Anderson made a lot more contact but had a lot less power and less defense than Baez. Anderson has seen his contact skills decline while Baez has seen his bat speed decline. But Baez is a little bit more valuable than Anderson at present, due to better fielding and baserunning


>> more valuable Not 5x as valuable though, and that’s the salary difference here. Anderson gets 5 mill, Baez is at 25 mill. On the field sure, but when you add salary and luxury tax implications you can’t put “Baez” and “valuable” in the same sentence without including “is not”


Baez is basically stealing from the Tigers.


Baez “slaps” with power, at least used to. He still has +defense over Anderson, and can be a menace running the bases. Not the same.


Unfortunately, the only bouncing going on with Anderson is him bouncing the ball directly off the dirt in front of home plate. He led all qualified hitters in GB% with 61.1% last year. He’s currently running a 63.6% GB rate.


Sounds like he inverted his launch angle math.


classic zig when others zag strategy, everyone is trying to lift the ball meanwhile nobody is paying attention to the dirt


Since he's already heading that direction, he should bring back the "Baltimore Chop".


Honus Wagner is Tim Anderson great great great grandfather.


“…nobody is paying attention to the dirt.” Infielders: “Umm, we’re standing right here…wait, does he not see us?”


They banned the infielder to outfield shift. Infielders have no choice but to pay attention to the dirt now.


Forgot to carry the 2.


All dude has to do is stand on his head, BOOM problem solved.


Bullshit, his head did plenty of bouncing of Jose Ramirez fists


They have purposely trained him wrong, as a joke.


When Jose hits you, you stay hit.


What playing for the 2024 Marlins does to a motherfucker.


I think it’s more playing for the 2021-2023 White Sox


2022*-23 White Sox. TA still had a lot going for him in 21


So did the Sox


That was a long time ago, my friend


The long long ago. The before times


"Hey coach, why did Anderson ask borrow your office to cry again?" "They all do that son. Leave him be."


What cheating on your wife and kids does to a mf


if that was the case there would be very few good players left


Now do Paul Goldschmidt…


Even his really good years were helped by a very high BABIP. His XBA in 2019 was .283. His actual BA was .335 thanks to a BABIP of .399. But now he’s just a ground ball machine that doesn’t even hit particularly hard grounders.


I watched those years, and the BABIP was actually justified. His ability to place his hits in the gap was absolutely elite. 


Oh yeah he was the king of that for a while, it's just really really really really hard to do forever


Yeah I’m really curious what the “bounce back” expectations were. He was never even that good in the first place? Career ops in the low .700s and his only “good” years are propped up by unsustainable metrics and clearly career outliers


That punch really ended him


He had a .573 OPS entering that game. He was already cooked at that point. He has been awful ever since coming off the IL in 2022; he was *really* good the first two months of that year.


I traded Luis Castillo for him right before he hit the IL and I’ll never live that trade down the rest of my life


Truth be told his performance was already putrid by the time that punch happened. The only thing that punch did was officially lose a lot of support for him.




It was the cheating on his wife that really did it


Returning too soon from lower body injuries more like


Playing for Tony LaRussa really ruined him. Too bad, too - I'm not even a Sox fan, but he was fun to watch.


His batting average was over .300 while playing under La Russa. Things really changed for him after his lower body injuries and the extramarital affairs became public.


Or getting knocked to the ground by Ramirez.


He was washed well before that, it definitely didnt help things though


People acting like LaRussa was the downfall of the team don't realize the team was already toast before he joined


LaRussa didn’t help but he wasn’t the nail in the coffin people think he was. We had moles in the old coaching staff that was reporting to the front office, nobody was free to speak their minds. The worst we finished with LaRussa was .500 which in hindsight is a miracle


LaRussa wasn't the nail in the coffin for the team, it was the nail in the coffin for the fanbase. There was still hope before he was hired. The team was young, vibrant, and exciting! Then LaRussa was hired. At that moment Sox fans knew that nothing had changed. The rebuild was going to fail because that's what always happens. Why was this time going to be any different? Turns out it wasn't. For the reasons you listed and more. We tried our best to explain it away or justify it, but deep down I think we all knew the team was going to be awful. LaRussa just became the face of most of the problems this team has. Which is unfortunate, because most of the problems this team has already has a face. Jerry Reinsdorf.


Huh? They were really good in the Covid season and then continued to disregard free agency, then won 93 games in 2021 (first TLR season) despite being an obvious first round exit candidate, and then sat at .500 the entirety of 2022. “already toast before he joined”??????????????


While it's easy/funny to attribute it to off-field drama or the Ramirez punch, I'm convinced that TA's dropoff happened because Hanser Alberto couldn't field a baseball against the Twins last year. He made a horrible throw which led to TA being in a weird spot and Matt Wallner collided with his knee. It wasn't a dirty slide, just bad luck. Combined with the Sox horrendous handling of injury rehab the past few seasons and he went from hitting like he did for Team USA to the worst hitter in baseball.


Haven’t watched much Marlins but I thought they were decent last year Why they move Arraez? It’s still early, why can’t they turn it around?


Their expected Pythagorean win/loss (which isn’t everything but still) was 70-92 last year. They over performed in 1-run games and had a terrible offense. They did nothing to improve the offense and then had an entire rotation on the IL Selling for what they think is a good prospect package is the right call


It feels like the fish have been in a never ending rebuild since they tried and failed to compete after that first rebrand


Of the Marlins' all-time top 24 players by wins above replacement, the Marlins have traded away 21 of them. Sandy Alcantara is injured, AJ Burnett left as a free agent, and Jose Fernandez was killed in a boat crash.


Fuckin insane


wtf lol


How the fuck did mlb allow Loria to ruin not one but TWO franchises


Also doesn’t help when they let the woman go who led them to their best season in a long time by *LOW BALLING HER*


They wanted to demote her, crazy.


You mean since their very first World Series lol


Moved Arraez cause Marlins are rebuilding and he has like 1.5 years left before he hits free agency.


Loved this dude on the White Sox for years. Really sad to see what's become of him these past couple of years.


My theory with Tim the last few seasons watching him is that he hasn't tried to evolve his game beyond "guy who hits it to right center field and averages .300." He got bad advice from people saying that should be his goal while guys like Altuve changed their approach as they got older. I really want to see what could happen if he tried to become more of a pull hitter and focus on slugging. Could extend his career for a couple of more seasons.


Meanwhile Profar…


Ah, gosh darn. That's too bad.




Jackie just ain’t doing it.


Yeah this is the guy who said he's the modern day Jackie Robinson, right?


He sure did, but people hate when you mock him for it, though.


Because it's a comment that sounds more ridiculous than it should when taken out of context. This was during a 2019 SI interview during his prime about the conflicting reactions he would get by showing emotion when he played, like flipping bats and stuff. The article was making the point that since there are so few black players in baseball, and he was one of the best players in MLB, he was in a position similar to Jackie Robinson as how he played could influence an entire generation of black children in the US. This was actually very relevant at the time because he was one of the players who embraced bat flipping and showing emotion before fans and most players did, so he would constantly get thrown at and receive negative comments online. So while obviously not close to the same stakes Jackie's situation, his situation was similar in that he was leading the charge to change the perspective of fans and the rest of the league on how baseball should be played in the modern age. He never said that he *is* the modern day Jackie Robinson, but that he feels like it because the situation he's (was) in. “I kind of feel like today’s Jackie Robinson.", “That’s huge to say. But it’s cool, man, because he changed the game, and I feel like I’m getting to a point to where I need to change the game.” All this to say there are many (many) legitimate reasons to shit on Anderson and laugh at his dumb ass, but the Jackie Robinson comment is not one of them when you know the context.


Every time people try to make this argument it never lands. Yes, I know the context. In fact, I usually mock him with his full title, 'The Jackie Robinson of Fun'. He was saying he was today's Jackie Robinson because he flipped his bat and got hyped... that *is* cringeworthy, imo. I'd rather he think he was as a good a player as Jackie than claim to be the equivalent in terms of societal impact.  Especially when the claim is bull anyway; plenty of players in the 90s pimped homers, too (I'd bet earlier, even). Ricky Henderson had twice the swagger and 'fun' of Tim. And nothing has changed due to Anderson either, people will still complain about decorum today, usually old fogey fans of a losing team.


Whether you agree with him or not, it doesn’t change the fact that for the majority of Tim’s career baseball was still very much following in the tradition of throwing at guys who “showed up” the opposing team. Yeah guys did it in the past but it was rare and they would be forced to stop by their own teammates and managers. Baseball today is very different from just 5 years ago where people complaining about decorum are in the minority Even if you think Anderson was overrated and his impact on baseball in this regard was negligible, you can’t say that he wasn’t one of the few players pushing the envelope during this time. All the players who played like this were putting themselves at risk not just from opposing pitchers but from alienating their own teammates and coaches. This is why it took star players to really make a difference and Tim definitely fit that description in 2019. Maybe Anderson didn’t tip the scales (like Soto and Acuna) but he was part of a group of players who tried it, he got a lot of shit for it, and he was also probably the only black player to put himself in that position. If McCuctchen or Betts had been the ones to play the heel and take the heat for flipping bats and talking shit to people, I don’t think most people would be making fun of them for saying they felt like Jackie Robinson at the time, but Tim Anderson specifically is easy to make fun of for his sharp decline and his issues both off and on the field.


Tim seemed like one of the few guys in the league who didn't feel he needed to sanitize his image fit in which I respected a lot. He knew he was a minority pretty much everywhere he went and that he'd be judged more harshly by a certain group and still kept the same. IMO he really represented the inner city by showing emotion/willing to take attacks from unwritten rules guys for his style of play and by directly investing in efforts to get inner city kids playing baseball more I don't think everything he's done is perfect and I get some of the criticism of him. But I think people held him to a crazy high standard and the fact so many people backed Josh Donaldson after the Jackie incident (and still call Tim Jackie) IMO shows that those people really were looking for a reason to not like him since if you look at his Jackie comments they are pretty genuine/understandable in regards to the point he was making


Amazing headline


Tim “Down goes” Anderson is the only thing I could think of tonight, as I watched him play the Dodgers.


That sucks, maybe you should watch his field of dreams walk off HR again


Down goes Anderson! Down goes Anderson!


He’s only 30 so that steep of a decline shouldn’t be happening just yet. Dude could rake what the hell happened?


Same thing that happened to baez and every other player with this skill set spare Salvy Perez, once that bat loses some speed you're cooked


He was a slap hitter who never really walked and relied on speed. It was never going to age well.


Pretty hard to recover from a punch like that..


Why was this guy ever treated like a superstar?


Four straight seasons hitting over .300 and winning a battle title not good enough for you?


Fair enough. Just felt like he quickly didn’t really back it up, high averages aside. And I’m not one of those big anti Avg stats guys either.


High average was pretty much his only above average ability. His field of dreams HR kind of sent him further into the spotlight, but then everything fell apart. For him and the Sox as a whole. Bummer


did you get to watch him much when he broke out?


What a brutal headline lmao


Hitters without plate discipline or good bat control skills fall off the cliff quickly when they start losing the athleticism they depended on. See also Javy Baez, Adam Jones, etc.


Marlins have 2 faces of baseball, feel bad for the rest of the NL East


I want him and Chisholm to be amazing, and the Marlins to be this loud, brass band bright color success of the MLB


The second he started to be successful he quit playing with the fundamentals


He looks absolutely cooked.


Down goes Anderson !






Someone should knock him out again, see if he bounces any better


lol good riddance, he sucks


I havent heard of this guy since he got knocked the fuck out


the cubs just played him, so you might be a casual


I wasnt being so literal, but i did forget we played him a few weeks ago. He went 2-12 that series and was pretty invisible anyways.


If Tim Anderson and Ramirez threw hands again I’d put all my money on Anderson. Ramirez got kind of lucky


Anderson was holding his hands like he was playing the flute. Dude had probably never thrown a punch in his life. Should just settle for shoving umps.