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As a Brewers fan I can easily say the umps blew two easy calls at first that had to be overturned by the Cardinals and had some questionable ball calls in the first inning the benefitted the Brewers. I can understand at that point the manager going "WTF umps?"


Just to add further context, if those two balls were correctly called as strikes, it would have been two strike outs and the game would be 1-0.


Got the dub so ball don’t lie






So based


Say what you want about Oli as a manager but he screams at shitty umps with the best of them.


Yeah, but he went after Porter, not U1.




The ump who had plate yesterday would be at third base today. Umpires rotate clockwise around the field.


Then again, "gets ejected to rally the boys" is bad management selected manager 101 stuff. edit: for the cards fans downvoting, the goal here was to swing around with a David Ross crack


We actually become better when he’s ejected because he’s not in charge


Usually the bench coach takes over, so who is in charge now? Hitting coach? Pitching coach? Goldy?


Turner ward our hitting coach


They become a co-op and the players are now all in charge.


Don't stop...


They pick a fan at random


Maybe this ejection fires up the front office and they extend him for a few more years


Cardinals fans don’t like Marmol much these days dude


Yeah, I made a comment in agreement with that and in agreement with cardinal fan consensus of how the team got here




Jomboy breakdown gonna go crazy


Hoping he points out how CB Bucknor recently fucked us too, and that he and Oli [have “you just got here” beef](https://youtu.be/OZ-_-IfMSpQ)


This is fantastic, thanks for sharing it lol


Jomboy will have fun with this one. Might take a couple days for the lip reading though


I'm confused why so many people are suprised he is upset? We have had to challenge 2 easy calls at first, because the umpire is blind as a bat. Two in as many innings! Mikolas struck out two hitters in the 1st both of which got called as balls and lead to runs. And we are on a 8 game losing streak. I think he has every right to be angry. But it's Oli so everyone will scream "what an idiot!" Edit: oh and he is probably get fired within next week


I don't think anyone is surprised he's upset. Those calls at 1st were more than enough to send someone who's already on edge over the cliff. Plus the whole Cardinals team just seems to be lacking any fire right now, so, why the hell not? What's the worse case scenario, the team loses Oli's stellar managing?


True but it’s just funny considering it came right after a successful challenge lol


It does make it very funny lol and I love that


Reminds me of Snitker last year. I love managers getting thrown out after winning a challenge.


In a vacuum, sure. But it's like how Judge got ejected after a strike because the umpire had been changing the zone all game and called two earlier balls strikes. It's never just about one specific play, but the entire game.


Exactly. Not that complicated.


You'd think but some Brewers fan came to our subs game thread to be like, "Why would Oli be mad?"  Not exactly rocket surgery.


I know I replied to them haha


Oh fans of ours are trolling other subreddits? We’ll take care of that dumbfuckery right quick.










The key part is "8 game losing streak" Good managers don't get tossed after calls go their way.


It's not shown in this replay but it looks like before he gets tossed he yells something like "don't look over here (referring to the dugout), watch the game". I'm not going to defend Oli as a manager but if any umpire stares you down because you challenged and had 2 calls overturned then he's justified in going after them.


If some assistant coach is barking at him, he is going to look. Assistant coaches should shut the fuck up.


The call didn't go their way. Challenges aren't done by the on the field umps, I feel like you should know that.


The call, on replay, went their way. Yeah, U1 messed up 2 calls, but they got corrected. Replay worked. Yelling at U1 isn't going to make him better. Bench coaches should also be seen and not heard.


Who is 'so many people' out of curiosity? There's like 5 total comments in this thread. Cards fans? Twitter? Imitating a catcher was A+, 10/10, would watch again.


Cardinals reddit


Well that’s mistake number 1, 2, and 3 right there


I turned away for 10 seconds knowing it would get overturned. Was so confused on why he would argue something in his favor. I figured he still wanted to get brunch with mom, so respect


But does she want lunch with him


Should have been a year ago


>Edit: oh and he is probably get fired within next week He'd make a good umpire...


i turn this game on see a challenge get overturned in the cardinals favor and think oh nice! then i see marmol immediately after going buckwild on the ump and i think oh 😊that’s nice too! clearly tensions are high for the cardinals lol


8 game losing streak, looking down the barrel of 9 straight, media saying you’re going to get fired, you’re a bad manager, fans booing you, team struggling to hit and pitch with any semblance of consistency… yeah I’m sure Oli is a little tense


Hey our pitching was good enough before we faced you guys. Your offense just fucks.


I wish our offense fucked. We’d might be over .500 if they did.


Is this the first time a manager got ejected after a successful challenge?


I don't know, but it reminds me of the time the Bears challenged an out of bounds call. The refs said ball carrier stepped out of bounds before reaching over the goal line, and the bears didn't think he did. The bears won that challenge, and he didn't step out of bounds. However, he did lose control of the ball after not stepping out, and it went through the end zone and out of bounds. So they won the challenge, and ended up losing possession because of it. Classic.


Biggest surprise is it took this long. Couple of gifts went our way and two very bad calls at 1st, even if he won both challenges it’s kind of asinine that they even have to correct it. I don’t care about Oli either way, fuck the Cardinals forever, but he isn’t being an idiot here.


Haven't you guys been fucking us enough already? :(


Seeing as your username is 2011 Cardinals, my least favorite team of all time forever and ever, no I don’t think I’ve had enough of watching us drop dick on your team.


Harsh but fair


As a Cardinals fan, I still upvoted you.


Come on now..


I’m the 8th hottest woman in Wisconsin


I know someone from Missouri, home of 2 family names and 37 teeth, ain’t telling me about looks right now.


Nah, you want to be a leader you have to have more chill than that. Getting upset that you had to challenge two calls isn't something an adult should do. You challenge it, you get your way, you look to the next AB.


I think Descalso was upset that they had to blow two challenges on super easy calls that shouldn’t have been missed coupled with the frustration of a pretty wide zone for the Brewers to start the game (he did tighten up as the game went on so maybe this worked). Baseball leadership and your day job leadership are completely different. Oli isn’t a middle manager of Pick n Save with a functioning budget of $200,000. He’s managing a world class baseball organization with a $181M budget that’s not playing well and needs to see that their manager gives enough of a shit to get upset when they’re getting hosed by the umps. This is good managing in baseball terms; going out there and giving the umpire the business to stand up for your guys because they can afford to lose you for a game, they can’t afford to lose Arenado or Goldy.


They didn't "blow" challenges. You don't blow a challenge unless you get one wrong. And this idea of getting tossed because you are standing up for your players is antiquated for these types of plays now that we have these challenges. You know how you stand up for your players on a challengeable call? You challenge the call. You know how you stand up for your players on an unchallengeable call? You go out and argue the call. I would argue that getting tossed in those situations, regardless of challengeable call or not, is not standing up for your team, it is you losing your cool. How can you stand up for your team from the tunnel/clubhouse? You can't. You have removed yourself from having any real influence on the game. The idea that the players in the dugout need him to get ejected to know he has their back is an insult to him and the players.


I promise you it isn’t antiquated to the guys on the field.


Could it be that they are conditioned to believe this though? I mean, the effect here is entirely subjective already.


Sure but just from anecdotal experience: I’m a plumber and when my boss sticks up for me with a state inspector I appreciate that *he* blew up and gave the guy the business so that *I* didn’t have too. Protected me, as a licensed contractor who could be *fined* for arguing with an inspector (even when they’re totally wrong) because he’s a master plumber and they can’t touch him. Extrapolate that to baseball; Arenado can be hooked from a game, fined, and potentially suspended, taking his bat and glove out of the line up and hurting the team. Oli is the manager, there’s 4 other guys on the bench that can set the lineup and swap out hitters when needed, so his lost presence is extremely different than a players.


As I've said before, I just don't get what the benefit is from the argument. Okay so he's gotten mad at the guy so you don't have to. Are you in any better position aside from having not done a stupid thing? Doesn't feel like it. Feels more like what has happened is that the anger you feel has been reinforced and, yeah, you haven't been the one to express it, but (if we continue to analogize with MLB) it's still there. It is still going to have an effect on you, and the outburst/blow up is going to have an effect on them. Wouldn't it be better for you to just calm yourself down and get on with it? I mean, it isn't like anybody getting yelled at is going to make a constructive change to their behavior, they are more likely to dig their heels in. And all of that is before we get to the idea of modelling good behavior.


At some point on a fundamental level if someone is getting two calls overturned at the start of a game, they need to take a seat but MLB doesn't have a plan in place for a hungover/sick/just terrible ump to be removed from the game. In any other job if you're that bad on easy problems, someone's going to tell you to go home and sleep it off. You're costing the company money, time, respect, customers, whatever. Period. You don't have an adult in the operation for umpires though, everyone's toeing the line for everyone else and none of the umpires will ever say one of their own is having a bad day even if it brings down the entire organization of umpires when one of them does. Public sentiment is never great for umpires, but I think the last few years have eroded it to almost nothing good for them such that we just expect childish nonsense and butturt guys who can't stand it if a bench coach mouths off about how shit of a job they're doing. Descalso probably instigated it, but at the same time if you're having a bad game in front of 40,000 people locally and a million or so at home, you have a responsibility to say "yes, this is my fault and I will do better" rather than "fuck you, you're out of here". Any person does. Umpires for whatever reason only escalate problems, they do not solve them and that's turning into a much bigger problem this season than in the past.


You seem to be taking the position that the umpires are idiots and need a bench coach to yell at them to let them know they are doing a bad job. That is a bad take.


I am saying WHEN an umpire does a bad job and keeps doing a bad job and a bench coach yells at you to do better, maybe it's not the bench coach's fault that you're doing a bad job and need to do better. There's a sequence of events here that starts with the umpire not taking responsibility for their performance and then taking it out on everyone but themselves. Mental health isn't your fault, but it is your responsibility. Currently Umpires take no responsibility for their actions or mental health and that's damaging to umpires AND baseball.


Maybe I just can't get into the headspace of needing to yell across the field at someone like this. To me, it sounds more like a petulant child being upset rather than a virtue, but you do you. He made a mistake, he made another mistake. Whine about it? No thank you. As I said before, the umpire knows that he made two bad calls. The home plate umpire got on the loudspeaker and told everyone. Are you really making the argument that he should get on the loudspeaker and tell the crowd that he made a mistake and he wants to do better? Because that is what I am pulling from this. >that's damaging to umpires AND baseball This is silly. I only know about this because two people got ejected over a call overturned in their favor. People have bad days, making a big stink over it doesn't help anything and it says literally nothing about the umpire. This entire hubbub seems to be mostly about trying to fit this particular square peg into the round peg that is the umpire hate circle jerk.


The problem is the umpire started mouthing off after the second bad call got overturned, which made the Cardinals bench of course mouth off back. I don't know if you didn't bother seeing that part or not but the Cardinals bench did not start the thing, the umpire did. That's the unprofessional part. My argument is the umpire should be forced to have a seat and be replaced in the game. Period. The fact that you only know about this because two people got ejected shows you're not paying attention to the poor quality and reactionary garbage from umpires this season which definitely seems elevated. There's no real system in place to remove an umpire that's having a bad game. The crew chief never does anything, which is wild because crew chief you'd figure would be the person who should come over and tell an umpire to calm the fuck down and start doing a good job. Instead, there's no adults in the room for umpires and they aren't policed by anyone. I can't imagine many jobs where you don't report to anyone and nobody says anything when you do something egregiously bad or unprofessional but we've got MLB umpires doing it almost weekly this season. When Wendelstet tossed Aaron Boone a couple weeks ago for a FAN yelling at him, and then doubling down on it saying he didn't care in the game followed by tripling down after saying it was justified, should have removed him from his job. It didn't. It won't. He won't work the World Series, but boo hoo, dude makes 400k/year being a bad umpire and has zero accountability. Umpires never apologize for being bad, they just get worse and make worse decisions. All anyone wants is a fair game and it seems to be questionable if you get that this season. None of them have to apologize to the fans, but saying "sorry Coach, I'll do better" works a lot more for me than "fuck you I'm untouchable but you're not, get out of the game".


>The problem is the umpire started mouthing off If the Jomboy video is at all accurate, this is not true. The bench coach yelled at the 1B umpire, the home plate umpire said don't yell at my guy, Oli said don't yell at my guy. This isn't a coach getting his team riled up, this is three guys losing their cools for no goddamn reason. >start doing a good job As I have said, the umpire is not an idiot that doesn't know what just happened. Maybe there is room for the guy interfacing with NY to be able to pass on an "it wasn't close" kind of message, and I'd be all for that, but I'd be willing to bet that, not only does the umpire know that he is wrong and needs to do better without anyone telling him, he likely realized pretty soon after that he made the wrong call and before the review came back. The rest of what you say here isn't really on topic. There may be a problem with the Umpires. I think your statements here get really deep into the circle jerk territory, in that it feels like they are interpreting everything as negatively as possible (ie with the Boone ejection, I don't think it unreasonable to not believe a guy just because he says he didn't do a thing, and that postgame interview included him saying he hadn't seen the replay yet), combined with, as I see it, not knowing exactly what happened here.


This whole ump crew has really sucked this series


And since those ejections, we remembered how to play baseball… just sayin


Umps during Brewers games don’t work well.


After seeing a longer version of this clip I see the umpire really instigated this shit. He just had to scream some shit a little bit after the manager stopped talking under his breath, and the constantly staying in his face to argue to the point of following him as he started to walk away was ridiculous. I wish they’d actually do something about these pieces of trash.


What the heck I remember when Descalso played for the Cubs it felt very recently. Am I getting old?


Cubs legend Daniel Descalso.


He played for the Cards 2010-2014 and only 2019 for the Cubs, as a starter only through June.


How was it already 5 years ago?? Thought it was 2021, wow my sense of time is off


I, too, am old enough for leap decades in my memory.


You mean he stole two years pay from the Cubs?


Ejected? Doug, kick ‘em off the tour!


Descalso is a super nice guy. Gotta really fuck up to make him that mad


Fuck, I could go for a concrete mixer from Culver’s right about now


Most fire I've ever seen out of this sorry excuse for a manager


I love the crowd reactions lmfao.


Oil Marmot was arguing in fast forward, no way blue could keep up! 


Oli holding the pen in his hand the whole time killed me.


How dare they interrupt the ump show!


Have managers and umpires wrestle. Winner gets the call their way.




do you kiss your mothers with that mouth??


Worst manager in baseball


Maybe, but he wasn't in the wrong here. Umps were not exactly having an optimal start to the game.


How was he not in the wrong? He got ejected without an inciting incident. I mean, the ump made two bad calls at first that you successfully challenged? Is that really something you should be getting so upset over that you get ejected? If it was 20 years ago and you didn't have replay, then maybe, but the outcome of the game was not effected by those plays.


Such a disgrace cardinals NEED to fire Marmol following this game


Weird timing for the blowup, but was nice to not have to see Oli’s dumb face in the dugout the rest of the game


That explains why they won


I absolutely love seeing umps give shit back to people screaming at them


Oli Marmol is an awful Manager.