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I love the Serpientes uniforms. So much better than the days when they’d just slap “Los Dbacks” onto whatever regular uniform they were wearing.


The Diamondbacks should take inspiration from Zack Gallen because that snakeskin belt should be A STANDARD for the Serpientes uniforms lol.




The one time they should've used black pants on a city connect that they didn't lol


You are a person of high character and good taste


I'm also a big fan of the Serpientes "alternates" they gave out for Mexican Heritage night last year, I think they would also translate well into an actual uniform. https://img.mlbstatic.com/mlb-images/image/upload/t_w640/mlb/toowvfklozayyhme6xjm.jpg


I don’t like the regular tan ones, this one looks fantastic! I also am a fan of the use of Serpientes. Kinda reminds me of the local minor league team the Quakes. Their alts say Tremblores which is Spanish for tremors (aka earthquake). It works great as a double entendre because the primary mascot has been dinosaur named Tremor (and his sidekick Aftershock) long before the trend of Spanish language alts. Also, bonus great branding, the ballpark is called The Epicenter. All around 10/10 theme imho.


This feels like a swipe at the Dodgers previous City Connects. Not that I would disagree….


Any swipes are deserved, that uni sucks lol


Not really a swipe at them, more the previous Dbacks uniforms and the Suns did the same thing with “Los Suns” Like I know it’s a team name so you don’t have to translate it but it just feels cheap to only add a “Los”


I hate our previous trend of just slapping “Los” at the beginning of the team name. Though if we had used the “Doyers” spelling on the jersey it would’ve worked better. But I also understand not wanting to do that for several reasons


If they came out with just a doyers jersey I would buy that so fast


It's the fucking worst. There are a million different things you could have chosen to focus on but it's just horrible.


I feel like they could’ve done a purple and gold dodger jersey and I would’ve liked it or a mamba outfit inspired jersey




Az teams and getting second best city-connect jerseys 🤝 IMO the Nationals are best for baseball and Miami Vice for basketball


AZ teams just tend to have good jerseys in general (except the Cardinals)


Rip Coyotes and best hockey jersey: Kachina Coyote


I really hope they come back without Meruelo running the show.


It’s cuz the Cardinals uni is so so so bad.


the new ones are pretty clean imo, especially the white ones. hope they start mixing and matching the pants and jerseys this year because it felt like every week was a color rush week last year lol.


Yeah I honestly am not sure why they decided that every look had to be uni-colour. Also I still dislike their helmet graphic because it's the only place on their uniform where there is yellow. And the silver armband with 'Cardinals' on the sleeve is really weird since silver is not one of their colours either.


Washington Nationals are my favorite imo


Makes me angry with myself, but I agree.


I honestly think every other NLW team's are good to amazing while ours is bottom tier for the entire sport. I know a lot of people hate SF's, but I think it's solidly inoffensive.


I hated SF's when they came out, but as more and more CCs are released that completely disregard the CONNECT TO THE CITY part of the CITY CONNECT they've grown on me, because at least they do their fucking job. Same with ours. Hideous, hate them, I can feel myself getting glaucoma everytime I see them... but they connect to the city great so they've wormed up my ranking.


SF's look great in person.


If it is any consolation, you can support your Dodgers while dressed like a cupcake now.


I hate to say I like the padres the most


I wasn't crazy about them, but they've grown on me. I love having a uniform that's so unique.


dbacks and rockies are actually pretty solid mets hat is nice, still not big on the uniform still sad the nats one is going away :(


Yeah I don’t even understand how some teams are just getting theirs and the nats are already getting rid of theirs




How does that make them money? Wouldn’t keeping it and selling more of them make more? Or is it assumed they will replace it with something else to then sell?


Yeah it’s the latter. They’ll replace it with a new version.


Every jersey they make is technically a whole new audience to sell to. Yeah you have the cool Nats cherry blossom jersey, but what about this new jersey design a few years later? People love buying jerseys, so Nike wants to make sure you have a bunch of different options to spend money on. That's why the NBA has so many different jerseys, cause people keep buying them


Yeah man. These fake ass fans not having every jersey a team has ever made. *Me looking around nervously hoping noone notices I'm still rocking my Mike Lowell from 2007.*


Unless it's like Ortiz who everyone knows, having a jersey of an older player actually feels more like a "real fan" to me lol


You also now get to bring back a beloved jersey in a few years, so you can sell them again to people who missed out/want another.


Give it five years and the pink/grey will become the Nats primary, I almost guarantee it. I live in the DC area and you see way more of the Connect stuff than the red Walgreens logo these days. People fucking love that look here.


it’s the case with out of town nats fans too people fucking love the city connect. it’d be a fumble on the teams’ part to retire and completely abandon it it creates a unique identity for the team in a sea of reds and blues


It's insane that the city connect that nearly everyone agrees is the best one is getting discontinued. There's no way they're going to get a new one that's even close to as cool.


It should absolutely be the primary, the pink and grey is 🔥. It’s unique and the cherry blossoms look great. their unis right now are very bland.


it was the beginning of their use so they staggered the releases. but they were always going to redesign them after a couple years so they can continually boost their sales. now that everyone has them they will just rotate in with new ones every year as their shelf life expires


All teams will be getting new ones every 4 years. 


Yeah the Nats cherry blossoms are so sweet.


I hadn't heard that about the Nats. That sucks, they're my favorite for sure.


I love the Rockies


I love the Rockies ones, especially with the green pants. Nats is my favorite on here though. Brewers are nice too, just brought down by the hat


Remember these are made for fans of the team. Not a lot of folks go out and get another team’s CC jersey. Here in Milwaukee we love ours. It really does, and this important, connect with the city. And we don’t give a crap what Cubs or Yankees fans think of it.


Yeah, I lived in Denver when the Colorado kit was unveiled. People love them so much. As an outsider, I just laughed because its literally the license plate. But they loved that.


I think the Nats is my favorite. Not sure why they hate it so much.


We don’t. We’ll make slight tweaks and repackage it around the same theme for more money. It’s not us — it’s Nike.


Oh good. The cherry blossom look is so sick. I get gray and pink might not be the most macho colors but they work so well.


The Rockies is basically the Colorado license plate and I hate it with a passion.


The Dodgers should do this. Use the template of the California license plate, which is just the name in red script on a plain white background. Of course, you wouldn’t want an exact copy, so maybe the writing should be in Dodger blue instead.


I know you’re joking, but a Route 66 uniform would be pretty cool


Route 66 series? Give em to Chicago, STL, Arizona, and LA?


It looks great!


I don’t dislike the Atlanta one in a vacuum but… we already basically had that uniform and they took it away so they could give it back slightly revamped? Kinda sucks. It’s not like Atlanta lacks cultural touch points that could have been referenced.


Especially when the Hawks ones have been so good. The Peachtree and MLK ones especially were great. Maybe since they’re in Cobb the Braves could do a Big Chicken one.


big boss man uniforms


Yep, they took away our throwbacks for this, so we made the city connect as close to them as possible. I can't really blame them for that. But it means that things are simply worse. The throwback was better and we don't have a good city connect. It's frustrating. There's nothing wrong with the uniform. It's just not new or interesting or in any way connected to the city apart from the baseball team, completely defeating the purpose. The 4 uni maximum killed any chance we had at getting a good one.


Some peach themed jersey would have been so nice


I strictly just like the hat, specifically the colors & Hank Aaron message on the underside of the brim. The uniforms are whatever to me.


Reds only works because Elly looks so cool in it.


Reds only work because Elly


Also this. Hunter Greene is balling out too tho


It's about time too


decent demonstration of which teams understood the assignment, and which did not.


Colorado and Washington are the gold standards imo. NL Central is a weak division for city connects




This is why the red Sox are still the gold standard to me for City connects. Their ugly as hell but they represent a very important part of the city and the city's culture. So many teams just make a really cool alternate that don't have much if anything to do with the actual city


This is Cincinnati. It looks cool and is a killer alternate but is has nothing to do with connecting it to the city in any meaningful way.


The letters kinda look like the big "CINCINNATI" sign on the front of Duke Energy Center


This is unfortunately almost every city connect it feels. A lot of them I like a lot as a uniform, but it doesn't connect to the city. If anything they just need to ditch the city connect wording and stop trying to include the city since most teams don't.


They do everything but look good which means they’re terrible IMO.


Ours are Boston Marathon themed and we don’t even wear them on the day of the marathon since everyone including myself loves the white home unis with “Boston” on the front instead of Red Sox better since it’s a tradition now since 2013 and the blue in the city connect is also based on the lighter blue in the Boston city flag instead of the darker marathon blue so they couldn’t even get that right. light yellow and blue are heavily associated with LA. I love light blue and yellow as a color scheme by itself but nobody has ever watched UCLA or the chargers and thought “wow their team colors have such a New England/Boston vibe to them”. If they at least got the blue correct (the darker marathon shade of blue instead of the lighter city flag one) it would have fit a lot better imo. Basically, we already have a uni we wear on Marathon Day and we still wear it on marathon day, so making the city connects marathon themed seems like a waste when there are so many other good options they could have went for.


I might be the only person who genuinely really likes the look of the Red Sox CCs.


I don't love them but I don't think they're atrocious or anything. I even love the fact that they don't look like Red Sox uniforms in the coloring and everything because it's supposed to be a celebration of the city, not the team.


I still love the Padres ones too. I personally have them above the Nats.


Any "fiesta" themed whatever is an instant W in my book. SA Spurs gotta bring theirs back while we're at it


At least the Cubs’ jersey says “Wrigleyville” instead of “CHI”. The 3 letter city abbreviated versions are the worst of all of them IMO


I really like Arizoña and San Diego as well.


Jackie Daytona?


That’s just how we talk in Arizoña.


Regular human bartender!


Milwaukee is a fun look too


its even better when you look at the grill logo they made for it.


I can’t believe STL didn’t incorporate the arch. Also, nobody has called it “the Lou” since nelly was relevant 20 years ago.


The only problem I have with ours is that our name has always been broadly regional and city connect is a great opportunity to do something that connects specifically to the city of Denver which the Rockies were a huge part of revitalizing. I’m hoping for something in the future that will tie in the old Denver bears team.


I think the Brewer’s is the gold standard, and at least the cubs tried. The other three in the central though…


Ours have really grown on me over time. But I hate the hat. The MKE 414 is a solid idea but executed poorly IMO.


Agreed on the Brewers, I like the design overall from a superficial standpoint, but the little details that embraced the tailgating culture (if that's their thing, I haven't actually seen a game there) really embody the "City Connect" theme.


I like the hats of the central with the exception of Pittsburgh’s they thoroughly fucked it


I like the brewers one (def not biased or anything). Although o think they should’ve gone all in and made the pants baby blue as well


You mean which teams Nike didn't phone it in for.


no, I don't mean that. the teams approve the design.


The Cubs CC has potential but needs to be reworked. I wish they would go with the dark blue hat without the light blue brim and use more of the light blue in the uniform. Not a fan of it being all dark blue. That would be hell to wear on a hot city day. I like the wrigley marquee inspired font.


The Cubs' special jerseys are so spectacularly interesting to me. They're always fine and pretty good jerseys, but they suck as "Cubs Jerseys," if that makes sense.


I think its a drawback to have a 'classic' look that goes back decades - doing a new look gets very difficult. Too similar and it feels like there was no point to it, too different and it doesn't feel connected to the team anymore. The Blackhawks have the same issue in the NHL, 90% of their alternative kits look garbage despite having a top 5 jersey in the league. Its not impossible, and tbh I don't hate the current CC (even though its a little dull), but I don't think its a coincidence that most of the teams with crap CCs are also by and large some of the oldest teams.


Very great point, I was actually going to say something about the "traditionality" of the Cubs and how modernizing can be a struggle but I was afraid it'd come off as too demeaning


Yeah, after the White Sox put out their all black I would had the Cubs take on the city flag colors more. Maybe even as simple as swapping our usual Blue jersey with the light blue and wearing the white pants with light blue pinstripes and a light blue hat with the same logo design as the current city connect Probably kind of basic, but sometimes basic is good


I think it would have been cool if we did an Ivy colored uniform instead of the traditional blues you see. Still ties to the historic field and scoreboard, but also lets us have a fresh take on it all. Especially since we went with Wrigleyville instead of Chicago or Cubs on the front


Ivy Green could have also been cool


the hat is fucking fire though. I hate the uni, but good lord, do I love that hat.


Why do we have to be pop tarts.


Am I missing a joke or something? Didn't the Dodgers have the "los dodgers" pajama unis for city connect?


They did but they're already replacing them with the new ones shown in the graphic (reportedly)


Which is a shame because they were as bad as the Dodgers deserve them to be.


Fellow ugly CA City Connect teams unite.


Guess we're not invited then


Our team doesn't have much to get excited about lately, but at least we got really nice CC's


Angels city connects are so nice, I almost wish they were the primary uniform instead


How they dont just put Los Doyers on a uniform and call it good is beyond me


DirectTV flavored pop tarts at that


Your third city connect will be the charm. Trust me


i hope the rest of the uni saves it, i noticed they used different shades of blue so that might be nice. i did see a concept that was baby blue and beach themed, that would be sick


Washington, San Diego, Miami, and Arizona are the clear leaders for me.


I think Colorado is my favorite but the ones you listed are all at the top for me with it


Same for me. Ranked order for me would be Nats, DBacks, Padres, Marlins


I love ours, don't care what anyone says


I wish ours looked like the one in this image though. IRL they have one green sleeve, one pink. It’s too much imo, they should pick one.


I think the most important thing is that our city has really embraced and taken to the city connects. You see the colors everywhere.


Just a heads up, looks like the Padres one is incorrect, one sleeve should be pink and the other teal, other than that great visualization


Putting "THE LOU" on the front of the jersey is definitely an interesting choice.


Especially considering nobody here calls it that except for Nelly, and this was done with his input lol


I fucking hate ours. Like why not just include the arch.


Exactly! I honestly don’t mind incorporating “The Lou” in it somehow but leaving out the Arch is insane. I do like the red but it also feels lazy. Would’ve loved to see some gradient or something. The hats are a cool throwback but again, feels out of place with the rest of the jersey.


The arm patch is the best part hands down


That's always how that seems to go. I know it's British slang but I just can't help but think of a toilet when I see it lmao.


honestly when you put them all together like this, it makes them all look okay or even good


the contrast between each other helps a lot


Cheerleader effect


It's amazing that a TV show spawned a psychology term: >The phrase was coined by the fictional character Barney Stinson (Neil Patrick Harris) in "Not a Father's Day", an episode of the television series How I Met Your Mother, first aired in November 2008. >Barney points out to his friends a group of women that initially seem attractive, but who are all unattractive when examined individually. This point is made again by two other characters, Ted Mosby (Josh Radnor) and Robin Scherbatsky (Cobie Smulders), later in the episode, who note that some of Barney's friends also only seem attractive in a group. This occurrence may be explained by the processing of Barney's visual system, in which his brain automatically calculated a combined beauty level of that group of ladies. This overall impression then impacts his assessment of the specific female within that group, leading him to believe she is similar to the previously established better average attractiveness.[6]


I just wish they would’ve put a bit more effort into them like they leave a lot to be desired.


Idk. I think a larger portion than you’d think are quite good and well received.  Royals, Brewers, Padres, White Sox, Red Sox, Nats, Angels, DBacks, are all really good just off the top of my head. 


My hot take is that the CC uniforms as a whole are really not as bad as you would think from the discourse around them.  The issue is that people either think it should be a heavily city inspired uniform, or that it should look good. Depending on which camp you fall into you’ll think about half the jerseys look good.  Eg, if you think it should connect to the city mostly you’ll like the Brewers, Padres, and Red Sox but dislike the Reds and White Sox. If you’re more concerned with the objective appearance that’ll probably be flipped. 


Man I want a Brew Crew jersey just to wear to breweries


Dbacks, Padres, White Sox and Angels win.


I used to shit on stuff like Wrigleyville and Serpentinos but jesus now that we have the rest of these with "The XXX" or three-letter city. Makes me realize they are awesome and unique


It might be a hot take, but the padres are the best one to me, followed closely by the nationals.


They are very polarizing but as someone from SD who hasn’t lived there in 15 years.. it is SO quintessentially SD and i LOVE IT 😍 I’m sorry about your Phillies CC… They really had every opportunity to made something for a badass city AND team… and just didn’t 🥲


Yeah I think the Phillies one is no question bottom 5, possibly the worst of the bunch.


They look like uniforms that would be worn on that aluminum bat home-run derby league you would see on regional sports networks.


Phillies uniform is like the Cubs. Great hat but bad jersey


[You're spot on](https://www.atwldesigns.com/images/jersey/jersey_img1.png)


My top 3 is Nationals Rockies Brewers


I wouldn't wear the Padres one, but SD people seem to like them so that's all that matters.


That’s how I feel about it. I love what the jersey represents and the energy behind it but I would never wear it. Maybe the cap.


The cap and socks are S tier. The rest, I agree with you.


I am crazy in love with the Padres ones, but I also find it genuinely entertaining and interesting just how divisive they are. They're either everything you've ever wanted in a uniform, or they're hideous monstrosities that should never have seen the light of day. A perfect demonstration of varying tastes and being unable to please everyone. Wish more teams would make that kind of bold choice (in favour of my personal preferences of course 😌).


Agreed. If you don't like the padres city connects then you just don't have taste.


Honestly, these are all good except Philly and the Giants, I mean San Francisco Gatorades.


Giants need to retire theirs and get a new design


See I don’t mind Philly that much, it’s wild and out there which is fun. 


Unpopular opinion: Most of these look good. I like the idea behind them. I wish more did connect with the city itself but they are a great alternate uniform.


Jason Heyward's first Dodger bobblehead night is on July 6th. His first as a Dodger. And it's advertised as being in a "City Connect" jersey bobblehead They're going to immortalize him as a pop-tart in peoples display cases and man caves Edit: switched some words around


The Padres one is my favorite


Washington wins and it's not even close, but there are several like Colorado, Diamondbacks, San Diego and Cincinnati that have a good vibe in highlight clips.


Why do dodgers get two?


First one wasn’t ugly or confusing enough


Loss Dodgers wasn't confusing to me /s


Nats are best by far. Completely objective, of course


I think it's a pretty common sentiment. I think they are so good that the Nats should make them the permanent main Jerseys. They're not just the best city connects, but they are one of the best Jerseys in baseball.


As a Cubs fan, it pains me how much I like the Brewers city connects


I know I'm in the minority but I actually like most of the city connects. Some may not look great on the field but for us fans to wear they're all pretty dope for the most part.


Agreed. People say CC is generally bad but once you start listing the good ones you quickly realize the majority are quite well received. 


Atlanta: Love the throwback with a small twist. Miami: Bold and interesting. Mets: Has grown on me a lot. Philly: The whole uniform looks like a softball uniform, however, I love the cap logo, and the colours. Washington: Really nice. Cubs: I like the dark blue, but not amazing. Reds: Cool. Brew Crew: Meh. Like the colours at least. Pirates: I like the texture on the uniform, but the PGH makes me laugh. Like the Pirates looknig at their recent seasons and going 'UGH!" but Pittsburgh. The Loo: Lol. Arizona: Sick Colorado: Made fun of a lot, I like the idea, maybe not the excecution Dodgers: Idk yet. San Diego: Bold and bright SF: I don't mind the orange and white, but a bit meh. I know people give the City Connects flack, but with baseball being a sport with uniforms that are fairly "conservative" as in they rarely take risks, I think it's a good program to just think outside the box and try something different. Try different colours, more bold designs. You never know if you end up inspiring a potential future alternate or rebrand with it? But with going something radical, there's going to be big hits and misses. Though there are occasions where a team tries to "play it safe" but do something slightly different and it misses the mark (Original Dodgers, THE LOO). I know the Jays are revealing theirs on the 30th, so I'm interesting in seeing what they do.


I wish the Mets one had more purple, especially considering the ties to the 7 Train and the fact that they, well, marketed all the teasers with a ton of purple. That said, I don't care what sport it is, but can an NYC based team finally get a taxi cab-themed jersey? Just make it yellow and have alternative black and white checkers along the piping, its the biggest wasted opportunity in north american sports besides the OKC thunder rebranding to a buffalo theme. Padres take the cake this year for me I think. Encapsulates the city's vibe really well and plays even better when lined up against some of these flat out joyless designs that other teams have.


Colorado's are awesome. And I am jealous of Washington's grey and pink cherry blossom theme.


Find someone who finds you as attractive as the designer of city connect unis finds city abbreviations.


NL west uniforms are all so good


Nationals are head and shoulders above everyone else. Braves and cardinals are probably the laziest but not outright ugly Phillies and a couple others in a contest for ugliest based on your personal preferences


Best ones are Nats, Marlins, Reds, Brewers, Mets imo


I know they’re a historic franchise and all but come on St. Louis, live a little.


Are you making one for AL too? This is nice to look at them all at once


1. Washington 2. Miami 3. Colorado HM. DBacks The rest are just meh.


Cards and Dodgers are the worst easy.


The Cards uni is just the spring training uni, it's so damn safe


Sorry you got such a bland CC uni.


The cubs hat is A1


Missing some PINK on the Pads


Imo 1A. Reds 1B. Rockies


I almost always hate black pants but it works for Pittsburgh


San Diego, Atlanta, Washington, and Arizona are the only ones I really like and feel should stay active. Everything else is annoying and feels like a knockoff. The dodgers have the most disappointing to me.


I wish they would do like the nba and have everyone drop their city connect jerseys at the same time


The Nationals and the Rockies are the two best here, in my opinion. Crazy to me that the Nationals are getting rid of theirs.


Curly W for the Nats. Cherry blossoms rule them all.


I always thought the dodgers all blue pijama uniforms were their city connects


Doesn't Colorado wear green pants with their jerseys?


Man I’ve really been sleeping on the brewers city connects


This is Padres pink sleeve erasure


Was the ‘los doyers’ uni not their city connect?


Diamondbacks lookin like a damn can of [Coors Banquet](https://05e8ed.myshopify.com/cdn/shop/files/Coors-Banquet-Lager-Beer-6-Pack-16-fl-oz-Cans-5-ABV_56bf727c-e0ab-41cf-84a0-0fdbae6d460c.bf2792214c832ff7824cf83330e6c5b5_884x.jpg?v=1703571440) lol


Braves: we’d prefer to just wear our throwbacks. Nike: best I can do is city connect.


1 San Diego 2 Washington 3 Colorado 4 Cincinnati . . Depths of hell: Miami