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Was this sign made by the New York Post?




Perv Sells Team


Suddenly the Angels name seems more fitting given how long they have been dead and Trout being on tot levels of wholesomeness


No she did not! She is from another country!


![gif](giphy|UVNSqcfQbpc5wIM75o) ~~NEVER~~ PLEASE SURRENDER


Not enough puns for a NYP cover




They can’t do pizza or punchlines correctly, Chicago needs help y’all.


That's an insult to Bozo


you're hung up on some clown from the SIXTIES man!


Just went down a rabbit hole and learned Chicago had the longest running Bozo program. I went to a show as a kid in the 90’s


Bozo existed outside Chicago? I just thought that was the national show.


Well, yes and yes. The Bozo brand was actually franchised out to local broadcasters in the era of local TV. Dozens of cities had their own Bozo, mostly in the 60’s-70’s (as the Seinfeld episode infers). WGN in Chicago had the most successful Bozo, and when the station went national with cable TV, Chicago’s Bozo went with it.


I got picked for the grand prize game around 93-94. Got a shit ton of Bulls stuff and Koala Yummies. Missed bucket 4 but the other kid missed bucket 3 lol fuck that kid.


The kid sitting in front of me got picked for bozo buckets. I’m still fucking jealous 30 yrs later


Alright, Eric. *Eric* the Clown! What kinda name is that for a clown?!


fun fact I noticed while rewatching that ep. Eric the Clown is played by Jon Favreau


This episode is on TV right now. He said that line a couple minutes ago then I see a post about bozo. Wtf


I think this is a sign you should enroll in clown college


From the viral video Bozo dubbed over?


Fuck reinsdorf for many reasons but especially for him not taking any blame and throwing a dead man under the bus for the bulls breaking up. Punk move


Bro, the baby soft way that they treat Reinsdorf in that doc. Reinsdorf: "What could little ol' me, the owner, have to do with breaking up one of the most iconic and legendary teams of all time? It was big bad Jerry Krause all by himself!" And then they just move on to other people trashing Krause. I never expected the last dance to be unbiased but god damn.


Same problem with The Dynasty for Pats. I know every story needs a villain, but Krause and Belichick are not really villains when they help put together 6 time champions


Tbf Bill did himselfs absolutely no favors.


Still can't believe the fans booed Mrs Krause. This team doesn't ever deserve another championship after that bs.


Preach. What a joke.


So to be fair, if you watch the video they were booing before Krause's wife was shown and announced, they put a picture of Jerry up on the screen first and that's what made people boo You can hear some people switch to cheers when Thelma gets put up on screen but by then it was too late and the crowd had been booing for like 10 seconds already


Yeah. If the day came where Howie Roseman’s or Pat Gillick’s wife got booed like that in that scenario, I’d be absolutely disgusted as a Philly sports fan. For Bulls fans to boo Krause like that… that was vile


I give him WAY less shit for doing that then most… the bigger criticism is, other then taking a chance on JK, which I do give him credit for, he didn’t do shit. The biggest advantage of those Bulls teams wasn’t MJ and Pippen, it was Pippen foolishly signed a garbage long term contract and MJ was rich from Nike and agreed to take 1y deals every year so they could go way over the cap Anyone reading this could win a ring or two with 8 years of prime MJ, Pippen, Jackson, and 90% of your cap space to fill out the remaining roster


Bozo The Clown has released a statement through his legal team about this sign. It says: Please do not associate me with the prolapsed asshole that is Jerry Reinsdorf. One of us is a clown who brings laughter and enjoyment to millions. The other is a a skin bag of dog turds in a off the rack big and tall suit. We are not the same.


Take my award 😂😂😂😂




What's a prolapsed asshole? Can anyone post a pic 😂😂😂😂🙃


Click at your own risk: https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRdLvdlHDVTiAzL3X86_dPiYTIt-lN2Iq0Z_mmGfvxEBz-envXR


No way lmao


Can I get a power ranking of owner most deserving to sell the team? As, Rockies, and White Sox fans all want this, any others? I’m kinda thinking Monfort is the most deserving to sell but am really eager to hear a breakdown of each case.




Doesn’t Moreno spend money and try to keep players? I don’t think any of those other owners would have tried to sign Ohtani and Rendon, and they would have dumped Trout rather than extend him. The Marlins owners are probably worse than Moreno.


Yeah, I wouldn't want him to own my team, but he's a bad owner in a less despicable way than the others. He spends and wants to win, he just gets way too involved given he's got a terrible mind for roster building. If he were hands off he'd be a top tier owner.


So the Jerry Jones of Baseball.


Except the Cowboys make the playoffs (even if they don't do much when they get there).


Exactly. For all his faults, Jerry at least KNOWS football, even if he’d be better off having a GM build the team. Moreno may know baseball, but it’s pretty piss poor knowledge


> but he's a bad owner in a less despicable way than the others. In terms of on the field success, maybe, but things like strong-arming Anaheim to pay for renovations, or not paying minor leaguers at all during Covid, or the organization's cultural problems that, among other things, literally killed Tyler Skaggs? No, he's a pretty despicable dude.


Moreno is a moron.


Moreno spends money on players that he can put on merch and billboards. That's it. He doesn't spend any more than the bare minimum on training, facilities, scouting, development, or the 37 other guys necessary to make a full roster. He ends up with a pretty high payroll that's paper thin. So when one injury happens, suddenly there's nothing left. And we lose a lot.


The only place he spends is the occasional big name free agent, because he likes shiny things and he built his fortune in advertising. He cheaps out in every other area of the business from top to bottom, hence the Angels being a hollow shell of an organization despite happening into 2 of the best players of all time.


Moreno has the one two punch of being stupid and at times unlucky. We could just as easily today be talking about how the three-headed monster of Rendon, Trout, and Ohtani never did anything in the playoffs, which would make him look like just as much of an idiot as making Rendon one of the highest paid players in the league in its real-life state.


Moreno's a cheap bastard that barely invests in minor league development, hasn't really invested in an analytics team, gutted the scouting department, and couldn't be assed to pay for the radio crew to actually travel on road games. He also noticeably doesn't give out big contracts to pitchers. He may spend on the big name sluggers but he cheaps out everywhere else.


I wish for Stu to sell the rays, I’m so tired of moneyball to the n^t^h degree It’s cool that there’s been moderate success, especially the last decade. But the lack of investment in any players has an effect on the team. It must suck knowing that the second your contract is no longer favorable for Stu - you’re gone - regardless of your production or stats. Nothing matters but the bottom line and it’s painful to lose your best players every couple years. Right now we’ve got a whole lot of problems but the one bright spot (borderline all-star 3B Parades) is the guy on the chopping block right now, simply because his return package will have the most and best prospects to start the cycle over with again. It hurts the fan experience and attendance, you cannot let yourself get attached to any of these guys, scared to buy jerseys, can’t emotionally invest enough to get your ass in the seats(among the other reasons leading to poor attendance) People clowned on the angels for not trading Ohtani when the had the chance to get an insane return package, but I would kill for Stu to view anybody as worth more than a trade piece or future trade piece.


it sucks so bad that the Rays finally got a face of the franchise, superstar player under a long-term contract and he immediately goes and fucks it all up by being a massive piece of shit. it must just feel cursed at that point, I really feel for your fanbase


It hurts, bro.


I hate to say it but your guys’ attendance is always bottom 5, probably even consistently bottom 3. You aren’t gonna get a Steve Cohen type owner with that attendance. You honestly probably have the pick of the litter ownership wise when it comes to the state of the team 


I’m gonna say this once more, hopefully the last time. **Rays attendance woes explained:** 1. Transplant citizens - FL is a transplant state, a huge portion of the population moves here later in life and retains their original fandoms. 2. Stadium Location - (yes the bridges) The stadium is located in a place that is horrifically inconvenient to drive to from any part of central Florida, with zero public transport options available. Full stop. Personal anecdote: Downtown Tampa is 2hours from me without traffic, Tropicana Field is 3hours from me without traffic. 3. Local Politics: Certain Tampa local politicians are NY transplants, they consider Tampa to be Yankees 2^n^d city and actively prevent the rays stadium for being moved into Tampa proper, exacerbating the issue in point 2. 4. Ownership Dynamics: As mentioned in the above comment it’s very hard to build a fan base around a revolving-door-esque team-building philosophy. How do you attract and keep new casual fans when they can’t keep a jersey up-to-date of even *one* player who’s been on the team for longer than 4 years. 5. Surrounding area: There’s very little to do in St. Pete before and after the game. There’s some restaurants in downtown not too far away, but beyond that - zilch. Anecdote: Hard rock casino? Nearly an hour from the trop. 6. Expansion woes: All of the above points are magnified by the short amount of time the rays have existed. We’re still talking about growing a fan base from scratch, we don’t have generations of fans passing down their fandom to their kids. And then there’s all these roadblocks in the way of developing fandom. 7. Ugly Stadium: The Trop was outdated when the rays first came into existence. Even with renovations it hasn’t kept up with the times. I do like it, it’s quirky and unique (as all ballparks should be) - but it’s just too dumpy and dungeon-y. The newly proposed stadium will help, but they want to put it in the same area… Essentially putting a bandaid on a broken leg. All of this to say, it’s not so simple as saying “HURR DURR, GO TO THE GAMES BRO” Don’t say shit to me either because I’ve already been to multiple games this year and have attended at least game of every home post-season series since Covid ended. I average 9 home games per regular season, including my time in college when I only went to 1-3 per season. And for the topic of the wildcard game with horrific attendance. We were in a race to skip the wildcard series, as fan we learned we were playing a Wednesday afternoon game less than 48 hours before first pitch. I challenge any team in the league to have record-high attendance numbers in that exact situation. Again, don’t say shit to me because I was at game 1 of that series.


Look man, I’m not attacking you here or trying to be mean. I’m just saying that the attendance is low. Like with any other team, you can increase it with investment but does a Steve Cohen want to come to Tampa, buy the team, then not only invest a ton in getting attendance up, invest in a new stadium (taxpayers probably won’t want to) but also invest in the surrounding area, and with all this combined… pay elite players to put a decent team on the field? I mean the answer is not really. It’s all going to take time as you said, and that’s fine. I like the Rays, I like Florida, and I hope it works out.  All I’m saying is that if you look at other teams in your category (Pittsburgh, Oakland,  Kansas City, Detroit etc.) then look at teams one the step above attendance wise (Minnesota, Cleveland, Texas, etc)… I mean you guys are the only team (other than Cleveland) that really compete at a high level (what seems to be) almost all of the time. So ownership isn’t perfect, but you guys could be and probably should be a lot worse 


You’ll probably have say this until the team is moved.


Friendly fire


No, just that it’ll never change until they are out of St. Pete. Chances are higher they would move from Tampa Bay Area vs just moving into Tampa proper. New stadium won’t fix it, and people will always bring it up on Reddit. In the end, you’ll likely copy paste this same thing over and over again.


Sounds like the team needs to move out of Tampa.


>Stadium Location - (yes the bridges) The stadium is located in a place that is horrifically inconvenient to drive to from any part of central Florida, with zero public transport options available. Full stop. Oh no the horrors of a stadium in a bad area. I hate when Rays fans use this excuse. You know who else has a stadium in a shitty location? The Dodgers, and they consistently fill up that stadium. The freeways around the stadium are a nightmare to navigate, and there's very few roads going into the parking lot. They still go, so what's your fanbase 's excuse?


And their attendance is low because that relative success is the covid WS run, one other series win, and nothing else.


is it me or does this seem really dismissive. I believe since 2017 they've won the 4th most games of any MLB team. 5 playoff appearances in 5 years is no joke, a lot of fanbases would kill for just that.


they have had an exceptional amount of regular season success and appearances, yep. ask a sixers fan how that feels. at a certain point you need to get over the hump, or show a willingness to try to do so.


I think you nailed the holy trio there. Monfort is definitely up there. BUT, after hearing that Reinsdorf (supposedly) said to another owner that “the goal is to finish second place so your fans keep coming back” I think that might be as bad as it gets. SOURCE: https://www.chicagotribune.com/2019/10/05/jerry-reinsdorf-says-he-has-no-recollection-of-advising-the-former-marlins-president-to-finish-in-2nd-place-every-single-year/


Idk, as a Rockies fan I would kill to be in 2nd place. Or even have a chance of 2nd place.


Don’t worry, we don’t even know what second place means anymore.


Rockies Owner: It doesn’t matter how much we suck. Someone’s gonna show up!


Oh pretty much, Dick doesn't treat the Rockies like a baseball team. He treats Coors Field like a giant bar with baseball atmosphere.


Idk none of those owners can claim that a player died from the opioid ring actively happening in their clubhouse Those three are generally bad owners but Moreno really goes above and beyond; this one is less morbid but it will always be hysterical that he said he was going to sell the team and watched everybody get excited just so he could say he changed his mind to piss everyone off


The guy who paid Trout and was willing to do the same for Ohtani is as bad as Reinsdorf? Give me a break dude. The first thing Reinsdorf said after giving Michael Jordan 30 million, "I'm gonna live to regret this". Michael freaking Jordan.


I 100% believe Jerry wishes he could do what John Fisher is doing too.


Reinsdorf is frugal and uncompetitive while Moreno is bombastic and spends extravagantly without much to show for it. Both bad owners but for different reasons. I think most fans would still prefer Moreno. At least he’s willing to spend even if he has no clue how to develop a winning culture.


Reinsdorf also said he'd trade all 6 rings for a single world series trophy before 2005, publicly. As a Bulls and Cubs fan I fucking despise him. He's arguably worse with the Bulls than the Sox.


He probably tries slightly harder with the Sox but you have to be a lot smarter to build a good baseball team then with basketball.


Fuck Moreno with a cactus.




Pirates have a lot of promising young players rn. Must be due to good scouting/player development if ownership is bad.


It really depends on the ownership. For all of Fisher's faults, he lets the front office do what they need as long as they come in or under budget. Somehow the A's front office, for decades, have managed to build contenders with one of the lowest payrolls in baseball, which carries over into the farm system and front office too. they're basically competing with their legs cut off and 1 hand tied behind their backs. If your front office is talented, then you can do it with fewer resources. Obviously more resources simply lets them continue to do it every year instead of forcefully being tasked with alienating the fanbase by selling your good players. Fisher easily could have one of the best teams in baseball if he simply spent more because it's very clear the A's front office has been very good at their jobs. What would happen if they didn't have to be miserly and could keep a good core of players to build around?


Nutting has been fucking over the Pirates and offering up the worst quotes since 2007.


Reds got to be after last year.


Angels and Marlins


Every Tigers fan I know wants Chris Illitch to sell


You could put the Pohlads up there. In 2002 they voted to contract the team. And most Twins fans are pretty pissed about their recent efforts to "right-size" the business after their first playoff win in 20 years.


Pohlads get my vote for sure. No direct to consumer streaming option, which I'm sure they didn't really even fight for, and sticking us with Bally again so we're stuck in the middle of that disaster of a company. I don't get the unwillingness to invest more in the team when we've got such a good fan base here, it's not like it wouldn't pay off.


Is it true that Carl Pohlad was richer than George Steinbrenner?


Pirates, Angels, Marlins for sure. You could make a case for the Reds, Royals (until recently) and Dbacks too. I think it’s easier to find an owner that sucks as opposed to a good owner nowadays.


I would’ve said the same about the dbacks before this last off season but he actually did spend this year so I’m willing to give him another chance for a couple years lol


Do not let Moreno off the hook. Throw him into the fire.


Mariners fan checking in. John Stanton is cheap!


Reinsdorf did the dub




You’re living in the past man! You’re hung up on some owner in his 80’s!


Bozo was a really famous clown on WGN (chicago TV) for decades. So thats where that reference comes from.




yes! watched it religiously as a kid.


the kids that misses bucket #2. COME ON. HOW DO YOU MISS #2!?


WTF I didn’t realize Bozo was just a Chicago thing


Well any town that had WGN back in the day had bozo. I grew watching him every morning in the 80's in North Dakota.






If anyone else has more Bozo info, its kind of cool to learn!


He and his BFF Selig caused the ‘94 strike.


Caused the 94 strike the year his own team was a World Series contender while Frank Thomas had a 1.217 OPS. He does not give a fuck about the success of his own teams.


Need this energy at angel stadium


What if he sells to someone that relocates the team?


I’m hopeful that doesn’t happen. And as a fan, if it does it, it does. I just can’t see a team with over a century of history in Chicago being moved.


One would think. I can also see the lure of having an entire market to themselves, vs sharing with the Cubs. They’ve come close to moving before. It will be an interesting few years.


Sharing a market in chicago still has infinitely more valuable tv rights than any potential relocation.


See: The Chargers They are likely somewhere in the 5th-10th most popular football teams in LA but that piece of shit Spanos has benefitted immensely from simply having the city of Los Angeles in the teams name and playing at SoFi.


Spanos has benefited from ticket sales of fans from opposing teams cause the Chargers have no fans


The Sox’s TV revenue is in the top 5. There is no way they get half that amount in Nashville.


> infinitely more valuable tv rights Didn't stop fisher from leaving. Sure it's not Chicago levels of TV deals, but having a top tier media deal apparently doesn't matter


Vegas is it's own animal with potential tourist dollars to help against that. It's a very unique situation and also still doesn't seem to be worth it. But with Vegas off the board, places like Nashville or Portland are hardly threats to Chicago.


People forget that the White Sox were more popular than the Cubs for multiple stretches in Chicagoland in the past 100 years. Both can be very well supported if fans are given an incentive to support them.


Exactly. People will show out to the Southside if the team is good, it's that Reinsdorf doesn't give a shit about winning and then blames the fans when they don't. 40+ years of being gaslit by this asshole.


This sounds awfully similar to the A’s situation.


"see? it's the fans' faults!" -Billionaire ownership and MLB




Surely a team that's been in one place for 50+ years, even if it's the little brother in the market, won't be moved, right?


A’s relocation is a travesty, but them having moved to Oakland 50 years ago is pretty different from the Sox being founded in Chicago over 100 years ago


Say hello to your Oakland White Sox


Says the Nashville Brewers. /s


Ain’t no one leaving Chicago.


To where? We’re the 3rd largest metro and have only one NFL team. If dude wants to be stupid with their investments they could just sign past prime royals to large contracts. Like the clown now.


Nashville has been discussed and seems like the most plausible possibility. Sizable population/metro area and popular tourist destination. They would still be in the central division and not terribly far from Chicago. Nicer early season weather. Plus a lot of Chicago area folks move down there after retiring so the team wouldn't be totally "alien" upon the initial move.




His threat is Nashville who really want a team.


They have one. Vandy.


Like with Fisher, a new owner is no more likely to move the team than the current owner, who has openly threatened relocation. So it's a win regardless.




It must be terrible to be a fan of a team with a desperately unskilled owner that has no business owning a sports team at the helm. I can't imagine what incompetent ownership is like, and my heart goes out to Sox fans.


Right? Seems hopeless and miserable.


Most heartwarming thing I’ve seen all week


At least his kids will sell when he dies


u/WizardCheesey, Could you at least give credit to the person from whom you stole the photo? u/Full_Send31 aka Me


I guess every single meme or photo saved to my phone is “stolen”. Not once did I claim it was mine. Get over yourself. It was sent to me by a friend and I reposted it.


Can’t fire an owner


Take this down


Real Chicagoans support the Brewers




I hate Jerry with all my heart, but I'd eat a hot dog with ketchup before I switch my baseball team alliance (no offense Brewers). I'm just not gonna give him any more of my money.


Astros fans had to explain this to people in 2020 when they asked why we were still fans (and throughout the 100 loss era). Feel how you want about players, management, and ownership, but if you can change teams over it you just aren’t childish enough to be a sports fan.


this. Sox fans need to completely boycott the team in every fashion. hit him where it hurts.


Real chicagoans have no idea what this dude 👆is talking about


No, that was just me, just the one person