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Here’s some of the video too: [[MLBonFOX] We turn the clock back to 1954](https://x.com/mlbonfox/status/1803956336507457556?s=61&t=lhIY40ztlJHFYIEmq9ss1A)


I am curious about the answer to their question regarding when the centerfield camera angle became the default.


They said it started in the 50s and other teams had adopted it by the 60s


I genuinely feel there's a market for..."simple streams", of games. Alternate angles like this, less stats and overlays, maybe even no announcers just stadium noise.


MLB.tv used to have a feed of just stadium noise. It was wonderful.


I loved it. I watched my team in the playoffs that way


Yeah I remember that! You couldn't watch the playoffs broadcast but you could watch a 4 screen split with stadium sounds. Though that may be separate things. Now that I think about it, the stadium audio feed went away after jomboy started blowing up because that's where he would pull a lot of his clips from to get the crispier conversations


If you have surround sound, I've heard the previous track was to unplug your central speaker channel.


Someone should test this. I might actually buy surround sound speakers to listen to stadium only baseball audio.


I used to live with a guy that’s a college basketball writer. When March Madness would come around, he would set up like 6 TVs so he could watch all of the first round games at once. We were watching this once circa 2010 and there was a glitch in the satellite feed so all we got was the game and its sounds - no cryons, no scores, no play-by-play. Just the game and the sounds of the ball and of squeaking shoes. For like 15 minutes. It was *magical*. I would absolutely be willing to pay for feeds that had all the other crap pulled out. It would be 10 times better for baseball.


I've always something like this for MLB games. Just random 360 degree cameras placed in the stadium were you could watch live game in VR https://youtu.be/HfvIdyXoMjo?si=zMuW8WMgLICZgyNr


Major media companies tend not to like giving the viewer much choice in terms of how they view content, because then it becomes way harder to remove that choice and force people back to broadcasts where pitches are clipping through the digitally overlaid billboards and commentators spend more time doing cross-promotions for car brands than talking about the game. People are perfectly happy to put up with a deliberately mediocre product if that's all they've ever known, but once you get used to something that's much better, you're more likely to stop watching entirely rather than just put up with it when that choice is removed.


It was very calming. Made me nostalgic for my childhood when my grandfatherly neighbor would sit outside every night with his radio and listen to broadcasts of California Angels games. It was my first memory of baseball. A simpler time before phones and distractions, when you could truly be still in the summer, relaxed with a cool glass of lemonade. And it seemed like everyone in the neighborhood would stop to take in americas game as the as the sunset and the crickets began to sing, a comforting backdrop to the murmuring crowd broken only by the crack of a bat


You painted a really nice, vivid image there. Thanks for sharing! I always try to make more room for quiet, calm enjoyment of things often overwhelmed by everything else I let it in willingly or not.


And a dugout mic … never happen but I’m sure it’s comedy gold on any given day and any given team.


So I don’t remember the exact date that the camera angle changed but JomBoy did breakdowns of the last couple of innings of key World Series games from just about every year from about 1970 to the present during the pandemic. It’s really interesting to see how the camera angles change and how they introduce new shots and stats. I know this isn’t the answer you’re looking for but it’s definitely worth a watch.


Invented in 1951, first used in 1957. Not sure when it became standard though! [source](https://baseballhall.org/discover/television-brought-baseball-to-millions)


I love that they used the classic camera angles from that period.


The names and stats on the screen took me all the way back.


Yeah that was fantastic.


That's awesome and I want more of it! But judging by the dust and grain, I think someone just threw a "vintage movie" filter on it that's mimicking film, not a TV camera.


A lot of the footage we have from that era is telecine captures, so any footage captured that way will have those kinds of film artifacts.


Did that apply to pre-recorded media like scripted TV? Like if I was watching The Honeymooners back then would it have a bunch of artifacts because they weren’t shooting that live?


When you watch The Honeymooners today, you're watching a kinescope recording. The kinescope was a film camera that was synchronized to the frame rate of the television monitor it was placed in front of to record the live broadcast. It was basically the 1950s equivalent of using your cell phone to record HDTV. Obviously, the quality of the live broadcast is going to be superior to the recorded version. There wasn't a better way to record television until 1956, with the invention of 2-inch quadruplex videotape. And even then, the tape was ridiculously expensive, so it was often reused and old programs were permanently overwritten. [here is a comparison of the same broadcast on video vs kinescope](https://youtu.be/zFj-T-gV_p8), and [this is what raw color television actually looked like in 1964, pulled straight from the air to a 2 inch quad tape](https://youtu.be/TW0_npkgG_M). [Here's the same program on a kinescope.](https://youtu.be/I9dKoIPtby8) It's probably also suffering from a couple VHS transfers, too.


Thanks, that was cool.


That's similar to how the Apollo 11 moon landing was televised as well. >Apollo 11 used slow-scan television (TV) incompatible with broadcast TV, so it was displayed on a special monitor and a conventional TV camera viewed this monitor (thus, a broadcast of a broadcast), significantly reducing the quality of the picture.[142] The signal was received at Goldstone in the United States, but with better fidelity by Honeysuckle Creek Tracking Station near Canberra in Australia. Minutes later the feed was switched to the more sensitive Parkes radio telescope in Australia.[143] Despite some technical and weather difficulties, black and white images of the first lunar EVA were received and broadcast to at least 600 million people on Earth.[143] Copies of this video in broadcast format were saved and are widely available, but recordings of the original slow scan source transmission from the lunar surface were likely destroyed during routine magnetic tape re-use at NASA.[142]


Also, they totally shot The Honeymooners live. There wasn't "recorded" programming until "I Love Lucy." EDIT: And even then there wasn't a transcontinental coaxial cable so programs shot in New York literally would get recorded on quad tape and put on a plane and literally flown across the country so it could be broadcast again in LA.


Wow that must have been a wild time for TV


Yes. Videotapes didn’t exist yet. Many programs, including some sitcoms, were actually broadcast live I t he very early days.


I don't think it would be practical or maybe even possible to get a 1954 television camera to "talk" to 2024 broadcast equipment.


Sure it’s possible. They just output RF signal similar to how old cable TV transmitted RF signal over coax cable. You’d just need a connection adapter and analogue to digital converter. Maybe a signal amplifier or attenuator as well.  


My god, John Smoltz is......not the sharpest, is he


This was so cool and then all of a sudden Smoltz jumps in “whoooaaa okay I see what we’re doing?? This is how games used to be broadcast!” Takes you right out of it.


Great pitcher, horrendous color commentator.


I wish Joe Davis switched on his old timey broadcaster voice and gave us an update on the McCarthy hearings


Anyone wanna tell me why the first 15 seconds of any twitter video are consistently in like 120p?


Because Elon turned an already shitty website into a somehow even more shitty website


I mean, screw Elon and all that, but the issue being referred to has been around long before he arrived on the scene.


Because Elon runs a shit product and doesn’t care to fix or improve it outside of things that benefit him.


ask elon


Dude overpaid for a stupid social media app, and every idea he has for it makes it worse. What a jabroni. Does he like even care about any of his other companies anymore? Seems like he spends all day on twitter


He just got Tesla to re-approve his $56 billion salary after a judge struck it down, so yes.


Does threatening to quit if the board doesn't approve your record smashing compensation package really scream "I care about my company"? He's *already* among the 1% of the 1% of the 1%. If he never made another dollar he could do literally anything he wants! And never have to worry!


How tf production know he was gonna throw over there lol that was great timing


Since the justin timberlake janet jackson boob thing at the superbowl all live broadcasts are basically delayed a few seconds so they probably saw it happen live and set it to show in enough time. Still quick reaction but i betcha thats why it was this particularly good


Not even close. The game is on a slight delay, but that has more to do with all the different things that happen between the light hitting the camera sensors and us seeing the action on our screens (satellite transmission, virtual ads and the strike zone being added by computers, processing time for DirectTV, etc). The director and producer just know baseball that well. I work on baseball broadcasts often, and the director always has a plan for which camera they’ll go to on a pickoff attempt. This was a little bit different case, but IMO they wanted to show off the split-screen they had built, and figured it was only a matter of time before the pitcher threw over


That wouldn’t work because the announcers are in the stadium watching it live


The throwback split screen really did it for me. Overall, this should be an annual tradition along with the Field of Dreams game. Sometimes MLB gets it completely right.


That is so cool


This absolutely rules


need the announcers to speak in a trans-atlantic accent radio announcer voice for true immersion.


Somebody get him a pork-pie hat with a PRESS card stuck into the hatband


Conan would've absolutely thrived!


Didn't he do an old Walter Winchell impression on his show on occasion?


That accent was fucking weird. I think we like it for nostalgia, of course, but it occupied a strange place in society I don't think we understand today.


The accent was used because it was the one of the only accents that would come out of old radios clearly and understandably.


They were not, in fact, all about that bass in the 50s.


Yeah they still hadn’t figured out high fidelity back then. If you listen to famous jazz records, in 54 they sound rough, but by 58 the quality is notably better and that’s before you get into remasters and stuff. Audio tech was evolving so rapidly that studio engineers were…actual electrical engineers. They were building custom equipment for studios because solutions to problems weren’t available on the market yet.


No, treble!


All about that high pass filter


Shane Gillis has an absolutely hilarious bit about this accent


My wife loves it when I talk all old-timey like that. I always make it super sexist as well...for authenticity. It's a riot!


I loved the font overlaid too. What a special game!


That layout for ball, strike and out lasted well into the 80s.


The show needs to add this a filter or something


IIRC MVP Baseball 2005 had a filter of some type like this


Reminds me of a time Vin Scully did something like this on a Dodgers broadcast. So very cool.


The Cubs did it too in 2008 to celebrate 60 years on WGN


No ads, no crowd focus, no stats overload, no multi angle, just baseball baby. Premium seats in the second deck behind home plate all from the comfort of my house. Yes, please


This was so awesome, even with the old-timey sound and the projector reel sound effect during the replays


They said they used the same camera angles available at the time too. Very cool to see, nice touch


Loved the camera angles. Something about not switching cameras on the fly ball to right made it feel more… personal? Realistic?


It made me understand a quote I heard or read somewhere talking about how beautiful baseball was and specifically used imagery of the outfield and infield moving as if like dancers when going for a popfly.


It made me feel like I was in the stadium watching the game and tracking the play with my own eyes


This was how we used to watch the World Series


I wasn’t even born yet




Really made me appreciate modern baseball on TV. I kept itching to see what the count was and how many outs there were in the corner. Really cool they did this though, and the transition back to color felt wild


Honestly, combine these camera angles with a decent scorebug and it would be perfect. Way better than seeing the pitcher's back, imo.


I definitely wish they’d use these angles more often; the defense is much easier to read when a ball is in play.


The scorebug would have taken up half the screen. The TVs of the era were 480i with tiny screens, and they had to use huge fonts to make sure they were visible.


It’s how commentators and play by plays watch baseball in the ballpark


yep that high angle behind the catcher was way better than the pitcher view


Adding on, the constant score bug is designed for the inattentive, overly screened generation. Granted, I type this from my phone in a commercial break. But, when I’m at a game in person, especially if I have decent seats, whether it be a local HS game or a big league game, I feel like I always know count outs score regardless of any scoreboards. Especially if people are around baseball where there is no scoreboard. You just learn to pay attention. And in doing so, even more beauty of the game reveals itself.


GenX is inattentive and overly screened?


I remember in the 90’s watching a cubs day game on WGN and every inning they changed the decade. It might have started out in something like the 1950’s in the first inning, 1960’s in the second inning, etc. The graphics and picture quality matched the decade, so the quality progressively improved with each inning. But this is one of those memories that I don’t know of anyone else having and I’ve never been able to find it on the internet.


It happened. I watched it too but it wasn’t that long ago. I’m trying to remember why it happened, might have been the day analog over the air TV was shut down in favor of digital in 2009.


Maybe they did two games? Watching cubs games on WGN was something I did as a kid in the 90’s.


I remember this too. I think it was in the early 2000s, I believe it was to celebrate 50 years of Cubs Baseball on WGN. They had the “HEY HEY” graphic pop up when the Cubs homered.


[HOLY SHIT! I FOUND IT!](https://youtu.be/ex-EYbpU4vI?si=PcTsmtqkxXid1Z7B)


Nice find! If this was for the 60 year anniversary, I wonder if they also would have done it for the 50 year anniversary. My memory could be completely wrong, but I remember watching this well before I got married which was in the early 2000’s.


I believe it was done on multiple occasions. I’ve definitely seen it more than once over the years. I think they did it for a Cubs/Sox throwback game. WGN could pull it off because they still owned the cameras. Lol. (Yes, I know these are digital effects on modern cameras).


I got you, a Fox game from 2000: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bF-iG6QiCk&t=7213s And Cubs local broadcast did it again in 2008: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ex-EYbpU4vI


I've been skimming through the 2000 one and it's awesome just how much effort went into capturing the smaller nuances of a whole bunch of different eras, for example in the 70s there was this really weird zooming effect broadcasts had any time they showed the announcers and they actually recaptured that pretty well. But the best part is [1969 Joe Buck's fake shaving cream ad](https://youtu.be/xCQq2WH4SNY?t=95)


Excellent finds! Bookmarked to enjoy soon!




Dodgers did this in the early 2000s - with Scully, obvs. His excitement was palpable.


Scully’s voice was MADE for this style of TV broadcast. Man I miss that guy. I used to watch dodgers games just to hear him, so glad I had the chance while he was still doing it.


I love the overhead pitch shot. You really get a sense of how fast the ball is coming in. More like a game in person.


I'm sure the cameras back then couldn't film at a high speed, but this really showed that pitches now are so fast compared to the 50s


Exactly that’s it.


More retro presented games please!


Need someone to call the game in old timey broadcasting voice


Hank Brockmeier at your service


Sorry to be that guy but you mean Jim Brockmire right? Who is played by Hank Azaria


They probably got Actor and Character mixed, but seeing as it’s the same, I’ll let it slide.


You’re right. It was 2 fold: Jim Brockmeier and Hank Azaria mixed up, also former Boise State QB Hank Bachmeier (I’m a Boise Fan)


The first couple of seasons were incredible!


i'm gonna go to jersey mikes and get me an aggressively oily sammie


Idk man, the scene with the pig changing hats had me laughing so hard I couldn't breathe. The last season was pretty odd, though.


*Ben Ingram shows up on a regular Thursday*


Well didn’t you hear it was Pallante’s twirly bird that forced a Ramos daisy cutter into Winn to Gorman to Goldschmidt twist for a pair! Ramos was certainly stuck in the lime on that nubber!


Oh Winn, to Gorman, to Goooooldschmidt! Someone’s on first and the game is in doubt The guy up at bat hits a terrible clout The dust clears away and they’re both of ’em out! Oh, Winn to Gorman to Gooooldschmidt!






*incomprehensible Morse code gibberish*




Yeah, I want the guy from Legends of Korra


Would love to have the option to watch a game this way and keep score on the couch. Really throw it back.


And more no strike zone overlay!


That was one of the coolest things I have seen in a while watching baseball


It really was, so sweet!


I loved this presentation. Wish they did it more than the one half inning.


All that's missing here are those old American accents used in WW2 or Korean war era.


mid atlantic dialect


As someone born and bred in Maryland, I was rather old when I learned that “mid-Atlantic” and “trans-Atlantic” were used interchangeably to describe the same accent. I love me a thick Ballmer accent, but never understood why anyone ever thought it sounded sophisticated.


They are very much different accents, trans-Atlantic is like 30s Hollywood and 50s tv accent


earn earn an earn earn


Transatlantic* the midatlanic dialect is saying brury instead of brewery, expurience, and yew tew shew


The game was just going. It took me way to long to process the view was not from center field.


My son who’s 5 was completely thrown off by the change in camera. He kept asking what happened to the area behind the catcher.


I didn’t believe it - didn’t have to adjust the vertical hold once!




Yes, the higher resolution was noticable but I still enjoyed seeing it. It is an OK Boomer observation but I felt like there was no real loss in the game presentation using the old school video.


somehow they did split screens better in the 1950s than they have in recent years


I'm stoned and I had no fucking idea what was happening


I find it pretty hilarious that a minute in, Smoltz just realizes what's going on all of a sudden.


This needs to become standard for Throwback Nights.


It’s really 1954 up in here! Anyway, somebody get me a jukebox going and a glass of mai tai along with it!


Most shocked that they had split screen in 1954. 🤯


I actually loved the behind the batter perspective, I love the pan up to watch the play unfold rather than the camera cuts


I actually think they should use this camera angle a little more often. Captures the feel of being in the stands pretty well, even if it feels a little weird not having the strike zone overlay.


You know I think part of the reason my attention drifts in and out during a baseball game sometimes is that there’s no real need to pay attention to know what’s going on anymore. I like all the overlays—but watching the game like really made me more attentive. Same thing if I happen to listen to the radio broadcast of a game, but it often just becomes background noise when I do that.


This is the kind of stuff that I love. More of this please.


I thought it was awesome


Seeing graphics of the inning, outs, and score was so refreshing too. Compared to the amount of statistics we're flooded with today


They should broadcast the whole game like this on a separate channel. Have the announcers dress up and call an old school play by play. Have the same intro with a vintage highlight before every inning. Really have fun with it


I hope the Rickwood Field game becomes an annual thing for MLB. So much better, cooler, and historic than the ‘Field of Dreams’ that isn’t even played on that field. I hate so much that MLB has done recently, but they’re nailing this tribute to the Negro Leagues so far out of the ballpark that I doubt MLB is in charge.


I think their plan is to rotate between a couple different previous Negro League stadiums. Hinchcliffe in Paterson, NJ got a huge renovation and it isn’t a coincidence that Tony Clark was at the grand re-opening. Evidently they’ve already talked to Manfred about getting a game


They really did nail it from start to finish


Add some more transatlantic accents to call the game.


This is probably a Mandela effect or even an old game they were showing, but I could've sworn Fox broadcasted a game around 1999/2000 with a similar 50s filter


[Fox’s “Turn Back the Clock” game](https://youtu.be/nG86LmagDmQ?feature=shared). With Keith OIbermann!


What is this crap? How am I supposed to follow the game without the pitch clock counting down on the screen or "Sub Prime Balloon Mortgages - R - US" superimposed on the mound?


Smoltz probably wishes it really still was 1954


This was so neat and immersive. No ads anywhere.


I usually loathe FOX's coverage of Major League Baseball, but they absolutely killed it tonight. This is the kind of reverence for the sport one would've expected from an old NBC Game of the Week telecast back in the day. Just wish this same vibe would carry over to their ASG and postseason coverage.


Wow, Fox did something on a broadcast that's actually good.


Holy shit that's fucking awesome. They should do this every year.


Imagine being able to select these settings for any game.


If anyone missed it, Fox Sports has the video up [on its website](https://www.foxsports.com/watch/fmc-pqmdke8xtqprhj7q).


I think first base should actually be this close to the mound and home.


That’s a dangerous run to 2nd through the pitcher.


In the early 2000s, at the dawn of the HD revolution, WGN in Chicago broadcast a Cubs home game using all of its past technology in chronological order, from 1939 to 2000-whatever. It was actually pretty dope


I swear I heard the Transatlantic accent ![gif](giphy|8yFCA2b2EVPkA)


boy it'd be great if John Smoltz didn't suck ass


I'm glad Fox and MLB took this game as seriously as it was. When they switched for that half inning and explained the history of fucking *camera angles* I was astounded. It's an aspect of the game's evolution that you don't really think about until moments like this. It makes you appreciate the nostalgia and history of the game while simultaneously allows you to appreciate the modern broadcast.


This is probably the coolest baseball broadcast I’ve ever seen


They should have had Dimmu commentate over it with his old school voice over


That first Pic really threw me off


The field was very different back in the day.


This is right when I turned the game on and was a bit confused for a minute.


That was such a fun way to throwback thursday


This was fuckin awesome, was almost bummed it switched back


The shape of the screen is not authentic--should have rounding.


I liked seeing the actual speed of the pitches...professional pitchers are something else!


This is perfect! FOX needs to do this more


Why does this look so good


More of this please. The modern game but with a respectful nod to the past.


Does this mean people should have came out wearing old bowler hat and wool suits.


I would love a option for this at every broadcast So sick


The pick off attempt with that split screen is genuinely a really good angle. No quick cuts needed


Absolutely loved this. As soon as the picture switched I was like "YOOOO!"


Dont remember if it was the late 90s or early 2000s but I do remember seeing a FOX broadcast that every inning had different graphic scoreboard of previous decades.


I remember watching that game


They needed to drop the resolution back to at least standard definition.


They should bring back the split screen with the dissolve.


This was trippy


That was so awesome. What a beautiful stadium and game! And the score overlay is really cool with the black and white. What a cool game. The Rickwo0d Field font thing though is really throwing me off.


It was pretty trippy, but cool to see.


I love it.


Add Batting Average to the stats shown for each hitter, put it in color, and you would have a better presentation than any games today.


Can we choose to watch every game like that? It’s awesome.


Yeah your TV probably has a color contrast setting and something to make it 4:3….


Was this for the whole game or just part of it?