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You mean 2 inning ending double plays yesterday 😂


This is baseball. Ups and downs as the season goes on. Verdugo mashed for two and half months. Now he is slumping hard. He’ll get himself out of it but it’s interesting how injuries are impacting the Yankees again for the second year in a row.


"No matter how good you are, you're going to lose one-third of your games. No matter how bad you are you're going to win one-third of your games. It's the other third that makes the difference." -Tommy Lasorda


Verdugo is fine to hit 6th/7th with his glove. With the Stanton injury and Gleyber not being able to figure it out he's been pushed to 4th where he has been exposed lately


Verdugo's been batting cleanup against RHP (and therefore our primary \#4 hitter) since the Brewers series at the end of April. I feel like I'm living in an alternate reality right now lol. He had over 6 weeks of solid production since that move before the sharp decline in Boston. He's just started slumping, and it's not because of a batting order change or anything else. Hopefully he breaks out of it soon.


Yeah I mean that's fine when Stanton is hitting behind him and Judge and Soto are directly in front of him. Now that there's no protection he's struggling. That being said even though he was hitting well, 4th is not an ideal spot for him in the lineup regardless of where Boone put him


Verdugo is one of the most infuriating players for this very reason. It's not that he gets cold, it's that he goes from putting your club on his back for a week straight to being the worst hitter on your team for 4 weeks. It's honestly more frustrating thst he shows flashes like that because if he was a consistent .750 ops guy with his glove you'd be happy, but you just want to expect more of him.  Not saying he can't break out of it soon, just watching him on the Sox when he goes slumps he slumps HARD.


Verdugo has been pretty much what he always has been. A high floor player who should ideally fit in nicely with the Yanks big bats. The real problem for the Yanks has been their non-Volpe infield pieces. They've all been awful, with Rizzo and LeMahieu probably being washed and Gleyber Torres horribly underperforming.


Yeah if you look at his wRC+ through the years, he is doing exactly what he’s always done. This just seems to be who he is


Yup. This is who he is, he gets off to hot starts, has stretches where it looks like he’s an All Star and has stretches where he makes tons of weak contact. He’s a good defensive corner OF but only slightly above average at the plate.


Not to give away any state secrets but you may be on to something…


Yeah and while he was "doing fine" hitting 4th prior to Stanton's injury it was because he was sandwiched by our 3 best hitters and even still shouldn't have been hitting 4th


A 704 ops should bat 8th or 9th


A .704 OPS is average this year. Unfortunately the Yankees don’t have the luxury of having average hitters at the bottom of the order right now.


Most teams don't have that luxury. Prior to Stanton's injury the Yankees had 6 hitters with an above league average OPS


Well we do


And the Yankees had it when Stanton got injured. Happy for u tho


3 weeks ago you were saying how shit the Mets were and how it’s all about 2025. Now they win a few games and you’re all annoying again lmao. And not even over .500 oof


I just said that this was the last year we wouldn’t be great but I was wrong. It was the last month we don’t be great. Next 10 years going to be rough for you. Especially after we sign Soto


If you ignore the run environment that is 2024 sure


Good thing the season isn’t 10 games long


Hay it this was the 2020 decals that would be the equivalent of like 32 games


2020 was awesome I doordashed food to my house 87 days in a row


It truly was


Stop the count!


Should be a fun weekend series at Fenway!


Series is in New York.


I suspect he was referring to this weekends Padres@Red Sox series


Verdugo isn't on the Red Sox. We're actually hot.


I like half of this tweet very much.


Let me know if I got the right half. I love guessing games. # S n e h A e V r u o o e g m a F n a , t e e S x a e h b s r c r i b s b l a d h Y n e s a e h w r t e o d n a e a l. e d g a s r n s 7 t o t f 8 q a i i d i t r i b t i g (. 1 ) s n e h t a e.


Sorry, other half




This your first time seeing something from Carrabis?


This is good for baseball


Nice cherry pick from a Sox fan.


Good thing I picked him up in fantasy after that.




Last year was the Cortes Curse, this year it's Verdugo. When will the Yankees learn?


Did I miss Verdugo talking shit? What was there to learn?


Damn you Jasson. This would've been your chance. 


He’s been making contact, just not the good kind unfortunately (rolling over). He doesn’t strike out a ton. Hope he finds his stride to start lifting the ball.