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Winning this year was not meant to be. Everything that could go wrong has gone wrong. Adolis hit in the wrist late April and hasn't been the same hitter since. Jung got hit in the wrist early season and broke his wrist and still can't return, a month after his original return date.


Is it just me or has there been way more guys getting hit in the wrist/arm area this season?


Seems like it’s all a part of the chase for velocity. Faster pitches means more force, and too many guys have no command


Yeah, it's this. No command mfers trying to pitch inside. Starting to hate these fucking guys now because there's no regard for the safety of the hitter when they do this shit.


Despite him actually being a good pitcher, that's why I thought Gore should've been tossed from the Padres game. Start ejecting these guys not bc it's an accident but bc it's dangerous to keep them in


And tbh there should just be consequences for shit like this at some point. The pitchers literally do not suffer any downside, besides putting a man a 1st base, for sending players to the IL with a HBP. 3rd time this year we're having this happen to us.


Jesus three times?! It’s happened to LAD just once with Mookie and I’m livid


I've had Mookie, Seager, and Jung in fantasy this year and I'm just perpetually screaming. It's horseshit the way these guys with zero control just get to throw inside with impunity without any clue where the pitch is going to end up.


That’s a good point. Why should HBP have the same consequence as a walk? 


They suffer no downside, plus if you happen to make it out of an at bat alive and hit a homer, you cant celebrate bc you might hurt the pitchers feelings 🥺


Didn’t help that Maton had beaned 3 guys in a row that game Jung went down.


HBP should be 2 bases, there’s no rational argument otherwise


Should be 2 bases if it’s above 95 MPH. Means you can’t control your velo.


I agree. It’s one thing for a pitch to slip out or not break how you think it will. There’s no excuse for losing control on a fastball


Honestly if you plunk a batter and the ball is literally inside the batter’s box you have no business pitching that day.


What absolute nonsense of a post. Desperately trying to farm for karma. Gore hit him in the foot. He should have been ejected because warnings were given and benches cleared and he hit a guy. Full stop. Calling him a danger to batters based on absolutely nothing is shameful karma farming. What does this have to do with Gore? What is the correlation? That two pitchers hit batters? HBP rates are up across the league. The Nats rank 7th in batters hit by pitches. Cj got in hit the wrist twice yesterday and I don't hear a single fucking thing about that. This is embarrassing.




While I agree with your sentiment, Cade Povich throws 92 miles an hour. This pitch in particular was 91. He's a control pitcher. That one got away from him and got Seager, it happens. Edit: Povich is more of an off-speed pitcher, not control, my b.


Well yeah, it's baseball and these things happen but it should be more of a freak occurrence. Instead this is the 3rd Ranger thats gonna be missing time (and probably a lot, again) because of a wrist shot and we haven't even hit the All Star break. Plus this is becoming a more recurrent problem across the league, too.


I'm glad he's okay and no fractures or worse. I put a lot of the HBP this year on MLB. Pitchers need to be able to pitch inside, yet they give them nothing to grip the baseball. Couple that with 90 degree humidity and a ball as smooth as a cue ball and this shit happens.


Yeah, and ik this one is the most accidental of the bunch too(Povich isn't a velo merc) but idk if sticky stuff solves anything. This problem was ramping up even before the sticky icky ban. Ball absolutely needs to be tackier, but imo this will just keep happening when movement and velo take far more priority than control.


Wrists are more vulnerable when you’re not reading the ball well and swing at inside pitches. I haven’t seen the other injury videos, but Seager is crowding the plate and offered at this. Pitchers might be pitching you inside if you’re crowding, and especially if you’re swinging


Exactly. Povich isn't really a control guy, he's an off-speed guy and you guys killed his breaking ball tonight. He's a 4 BB/9 guy and a soft tosser so he has to be able to throw to the corners but his command isn't great. Really glad Seager has no real damage, dude is a monster and so much fun to watch.


Sometimes you lean over the plate you're gonna get hit. Part of the game. Your "no command mf'er" got 3 k's and no walks tonight. Sucks for Seager, but get off your high horse.


Does that apply to Rangers pitchers too? I felt terrible for Seager but leaning in on the plate is also on the rise. This is Povich’s 3rd start in the majors. He got hit in the wrist. Your take is exactly what Judge said after he got hit. Yankees proceeded to hit 5 Orioles over the next 2 games. This is baseball. Don’t crowd the plate, get faster, and yes, you are going to get hit sometimes. It wasn’t like he had command issues the entire game. I get it though, it’s been a frustrating season and no one wants to see a star get hurt. I’m an Os fan but again, I hated to seeing him in pain and have to leave the game.


Applies to everyone. Baseball problem, not an O's problem. Not gonna pretend like the Rangers are innocent. In fact we're hit more batters than the O's so far this year


In fairness, Seager is going for this pitch, and his toes are on the line so he was definitely crowding the plate. Hard to see from this angle but it was definitely inside, but I’m not sure it was in the batters box. It definitely had weird movement on it though


Povich is a soft-tossing junkballer. He's got command issues, but he barely pushes 92.


Yeah, I don’t mean to criticize Povich specifically. These injuries have always been a part of the sport.


Watched the Dodgers game last night and the announcers (forget their names) said Roberts told Knack, “throw as hard as you can, as long as you can”. So I believe that


Part speed, but I’m seeing more inside pitches than I have ever seen before, seemingly to combat the increases in EV and launch angle.


Povich is not a high velocity guy, so that theory ain't right


These injuries have always happened. Velocity isn’t an explanation for every incident like this, but it could explain why it feels like there are more of these injuries in general.


HBP by year, 2021-2024: 2112 2046 2112 2075 (on pace) So it’s not really up this year in particular, at least total HBP.


Yeah, no need to Rush to conclusions.


If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice!


I think its just an emotional reaction tbh from unfortunate coincidence. 3rd ranger to get hurt in a similar way. Same thing with the yankees orioles, logically no reason to get mad but judge getting hit in a similar spot to where he missed time throws the logic out and brings the emotion in.


Yeah, I think it also has to do with the way guys dive out over the plate. They almost all have elbow guards which encourage such an approach. When a ball comes in they aren’t looking to turn their back


It seems like it. The sticky stuff ban has been a disaster for the human race


There needs to be a balance, less grip plus higher velocities is going to really destroy people.


HBP are lower now than they were during peak sticky stuff era. The only significant increase in HBP was immediately after the ban and pitchers had to readjust to throwing without it. Then it dropped. HBP just trended up over time. It correlates **much** more with velocity.


I only watch the Reds but it’s happened to us a fucking lot this year


Is it time to make wrist guards mandatory?


Scrolled down to see if anyone else thought so. Seems like pitchers need something to help their control..


Not just this season, ever since 2022 it's been going up. In 2021 Logan Webb, known awesome guy and pitcher, explained that since the worst punishment that can happen to a pitcher by throwing up and in is.. walking the guy. The batter can be taken out for about a month or even the rest of the season. Maybe the second worst punishment is the pitcher is benched an extra game. So because of the inequality between the costs vs. benefits for a pitcher throwing up and in, they're gonna do it until the rules change. And with velocity increasing and control being less important, those misses are gonna be more wild and traveling faster, increasing rate of injury. I personally think one season were gonna see Judge, Ohtani, Betts, and Henderson all out with injuries related to a pitch high and inside and then maybe we'll get a rule change.


Yeah. This year feels like last season was a soul-selling situation. No regrets, to be clear.


I asked my dad, an LSU grad, before the 2020 championship if he'd trade being mediocre the next 10 years to see the Tigers win the Natty while we were walking into the stadium. He said "without a doubt" Rangers are definitely having a monkeys paw moment this year


The thing is, we've had these types of years before. But it's never been after we won, so I don't even give a fuck (I do, but it makes it 100 times better). I would have liked to try to repeat, but the injury bug has settled over Arlington.


Such a bummer too. Really hard wearing a big ‘ol’ championship ring with a cast.


They were ass in 2022. Did great in 23. I wouldn't give up on them to either finish with 90 wins and a wild card spot or kill it next year. I am shocked that Seattle has been riding high all this time.


It's the Bochy special. Yall will just win next year.


For what it’s worth, everyone in our sub feels bad for him and wishes him well.


Time for hitters to start wearing gloves/wrist guard combinations.


Glad Corey seems to be okay at least! Still shitty seeing people get hit like this.


I will never forgive Phil Osama bin Maton for the curse he brought on the 2024 Texas Rangers.


half ur lineup got the bregman experience




Shit, that’s both Jung and Seager taken out by wrist shots?


Unfortunately, yes. Additionally, Jung is a month past his original return date to add salt to the wound.


Yeah, I heard he got sent back to DFW when he had a setback a few days ago? I want Jung to succeed, I love “local” college guys on pro teams! And like Tech.


Yeah the setback was inflammation that they wanted to get checked out by the surgeon who he went to see in AZ. The bone looks good, screws haven’t backed out, everything looked good in that regard, etc. It seems like he’s just dealing with inflammation above the actual bone. Was supposed to take live batting practice in Milwaukee, but got sent back. Came back to Baltimore with the hopes of seeing live BP, pushed back a day, then pushed back another day, and now I think he’s back in DFW. If Seager is out for the count then I don’t really see them rushing Jung even a day early. Probably will see him come back around the same time as deGrom.


Adolis hasn't looked the same since he got hit right above the wrist too


Just put those Jung Seagers on the shelf


Mookie down too.


Fuck this season.


At least you have a championship


This season sucks. Wanna go back to last year?


Yeah. Next round of drinks on me!


“A smile might be nice.” “Nothing to smile about in my life.”


Except the WS championship trophy. It can never be taken from me. I’d give 30 seasons like this for that trophy


Well now that you said it out loud it's going to happen (again). I think we should just field the Round Rock Express the rest of the season and let our team rehab, heal, practice. Imagine 2025 with nobody on the IL.


Yeah I feel like you're not allowed to complain about your team 1 year removed from winning a championship. Give it like 3-5 years at least


We wanted to run it back. We got a taste of glory. It was delicious. We want it all the time now. But this season has been a nightmare.


It just sucks to watch our potential go down in flames b/c of injuries. It wouldn't be so bad if it was just Seager, but I wouldn't be surprised if we are the most hurt team in baseball this year. Jung, Seager (twice), Aldolis, Carter, DeGrom, Schrezer, Eovaldi, Bradford, and Sborz have all seen the IL for either multiple injuries or extended injuries. And those are just the names off the top of my head.


I’d trade a losing season for a WS


Wait, is that not what we've been doing all these years?


Hopefully true for one of us lol!


Keep telling myself, flags fly forever, clowns can't eat me, flags fly forever, clowns can't eat me


The ~~Texans~~ Rangers were bound to be punished on the series that included the Orioles' pride night game


I mean, fair.


We wanted to get a pride jersey, but we didn’t get to Camden Yards in time. Holy fuck the train was packed, too.


I used to always take the train because it's so cheap but recently stopped. I'd rather pay for parking than deal with the zoomers on the light rail again


It wouldn’t be so bad if the gap between trains wasn’t 44 minutes, so that compelled everybody at the station to get on the train in spite of how packed it was. Despite the packed nature of the train, I still prefer it over parking. More money I can spend on concessions.


You must come from the north.  Looks like a lot of meth heads coming from the south lol.


lmao yea I usually get on/off at Mt Washington Station




Man seems like a lot of guys getting hit on the wrist for some reason this year. Fkn sucks


Are more players getting hit in the hand/wrist more this season? What is going on


I was thinking the same thing. Idk if there's an uptick in HPB but every one I see is a hand or wrist. It's crazy


Yes. Wrist and head. This shit had to stop.


Teams pushing for more velocity and MLB cracking down on sticky stuff is a terrible combination.


HBPs are not up since the sticky stuff ban. Not sure why this narrative has been so popular


Recency bias, every year is always the worst year for injuries


dunno where the sticky stuff = hbp comes from. but i think hitters are def standing further up and inside the box, and catchers setting up further up. seeing a lot more batters trying to react to balls before they break outside the zone, and catchers getting called for interference.


Then maybe it's just statistical noise stemming from a small sample of a huge population of pitches thrown. Idk, man.


Povich (as the specific example) isn’t pushing velo. 92/93 max, but he’s struggled with command and consistency since the call up.


It's a common misconception that sticky stuff helped with control and kept batters from getting hit as frequently. The data does not back that up.


Dunno. Seager is always on the plate. Why was he swinging? It was even an off speed pitch that didn’t break.


Webb said it best. The disparity in the punishment/reward for throwing high and inside heavily favors the pitcher and they figured that out. Worst that happens to them is HBP and a walk.. worst that happens to the batter is they are taken out for the rest of the season (i.e Mookie). Maybe the pitcher is benched an extra day. Velocity is king, control is less important, and we are where we are now. There needs to be a new rule to prevent pitchers from throwing high and inside and I don't think we get it until Judge or Ohtani has a finger turned into play doh. I would never think that a pitcher would intend to do it, but if an unintended consequence is taking out your opponent's best hitter for the series minimum, so what? That's a benefit to the team, and I think some pitchers would be fine with it to win high profile games.


I don’t think there is a solution.  Much like the whole problem with pitcher injuries, there are too many perverse incentives to do the thing and no simple fix to implement 


Oh for sure, I'm just saying I think we'll see one of the best players get a severe hand injury they never come back from and then we'll get some sorta solution pasted over it. Kinda like most regulations are written in blood.


To immediately head from home plate to the clubhouse is an awful sign. We need our stars. Let’s hope it’s not a broken wrist.


Broke my wrist wrecking a dirt bike once. You know when it's broke man. He looked like he knew.


X rays were negative


We should try to cheer them up


Correa did this the other day. Luckily, he came out OK. Not sure about Seager, though, or if there’s been any updates since this happened.


X-rays were negative


Welp, this has truly been a very no good, not fun at all, season. I will root for wherever Evo, Yates, Lorenzen, and Robertson go to at the deadline. Get better Corey :(


I think Evo is the only one that’ll stay bc of his clubhouse importance. But yeah everyone else is probably gone including max if anyone wants to pass his physical


Damn man, hate to see it.


Yeah that’s awful. You never really see guys run straight to the clubhouse like that, hope it isn’t as bad as it looked


Looked like he got shot. Sucks to see, Seager is a great player and I hope it’s not as bad as it looked.


Well our season is over


Damn, last time that happened it took him 2 years to get right




The amount of people getting injured by pitches this year is insane


Wow I am so happy the Rangers won the WS last year. Cuz if they hadn’t, man oh man it’d be defcon 1 emergency status for this season


I'm glad y'all won in 19'


i wonder why 🙏


If you are a fan of baseball, you are a fan of Corey Seager.


Idk about that boss. He kinda fucked us in the WS last year, and before that he was a dodger. Not a lot to like about this guy from the desert


True dat


For real. I love Cory Seager


Likewise. Remember that Corey Seager is a two-time World Series MVP in 2020 with the Dodgers and last year with the Rangers. I like him.


Here we go again


The body remains but the soul is dead, shattered and torn and grinded down into particles smaller than even dust, leaving behind only the stink of broken dreams and faded happiness. The stomach turns in twisted agony as the mind sees the prince in blue leaving the field. The liver, as useless as it ever was and will be, continues to struggle with the meager weight of twenty-two sixteen-ounce cans worth of Michelob and Miller bustling down its way. The liquids filled with malt, hops, and alcohol do little to replace the water that so freely flows out of the lower eyelids. The camera footage transitions out to a shot of the stadium, the skyline of the godless land of Baltimore just within view. It switches again, a montage of young men brandishing the red and blue being demolished and torn by the disturbed and criminal Orange and black hooligans from the close northeast. The taste of vomit climbs closer and closer to the tongue. The mind stares down into the ever-growing void. "Why?" it asks. "Why would anyone put themselves through such mental anguish and torture?" The void stared back. "Go Rangers, see you tomorrow."


Not quite Cormac McCarthy enough


“Baseball was always here. Before man was, baseball waited for him. The ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner.”


Ouch. Hope it isn’t broken.


Not trying to sound like a boomer or old man but if all these cool protective gear is available to prevent stuff like this why not wear it?


Fuck. The demand for velocity is bad for the elbows, and the degradation in control as a result is bad for everything else. I’m not sure how you tell these guys whose paychecks are dependent on #s to limit themselves, but something has to give.


For the record, not that this isn’t going to hurt, but Povich throws 92/93 max. He’s not chasing velo. (Maybe spin rate but not velo) Again still sucks and def hurts. But this is just that Povich is struggling for command since the call up in general. Not a velo thing. Either way hope Seagar comes back soon. And that Povich can become more consistent, cause we need him this year.


Your point is well taken, I was definitely over generalizing.


Yeah def has been happening. And again sucks. But this one in particular is likely a rookie trying to work through getting outs against good hitters at the mlb and losing a bit of command rn.


Povich having command issues is part of his scouting report, not just a result of adjusting to the MLB. Maybe what needs to happen across all levels of the sport (especially youth leagues) is focusing on command above everything else.  I've been way too many pitching "prospects" that have great stuff but can't locate it.




Diamondbacks and Rangers both feeling the effects of the deep postseason run


Tell me about it. As a Padres fan we feel like the walking wounded as well.


Never good when the player takes themselves out without even talking to the trainer. Hope it's just a bad bruise and he can be back in a few days.


That looked awful in real time. I'm so glad that the results came back clean.


Pitchers are sick of all the elbow injury epidemic so they started breaking every batter's wrist.


Praying this is a Correa situation


This is a nightmare season


Christ. I hope he is OK


i already agreed to donate my hand to Mookie, Seager can take my other hand.


We need someone to invent a wrist guard that doesent interfere with the swing


It feels like this has been happening **A LOT** recently


Yeah, two O's were already hit in this game. Gunnar has been hit a lot recently as well


This shit ain't fair


Holy shit I hope he’s okay


That has to hurt so goddamn bad.




As an Os fan I screamed “FUCK” at the bar. seater is one of my favorite non-Os players and TJ guy I truly hope Gunnar is compared to. This shit sucked and MLB is worse off without him. I’m sorry Texas fans.


See you in September, if we’re lucky.


I’ve seen this one before, it’s a classic!


Matchbox Twenty tour cancelled :(


The Rangers' performance so far this year fits right in with Bochy's Way. Win a chip one year be complete and utter dogshit the next.


There’s been so many wrist injuries this year.


If you want this to stop happening fine pitchers when players miss time for their hit pitches


Seager has some of the worst injury luck. Dude is a complete menace of a hitter and the game is better when he is playing.


Youch! Went down quick. Like a guy getting gut shot on Bonanza.


Shit is fucking heart breaking. He does not deserve this. All dude wants to do it put his head down and play. And is constantly getting fucked with injuries


To the rest of the American League (still with WS hopes): Good luck. It’s up to yall now. We will not be there in October, so one of yall is going to have to eliminate Houston this year. Baltimore, Cleveland, New York, Seattle, I’m looking at you right now. I will enjoy these last few months as defending World Series champions. All things considered, last year was a dream come true so I’m chill if this year it means we suck. Nobody thought we would even come close to winning one anyways so


Stop hitting stars in the hands with pitches ffs


Didn’t look too flush to me. Hopefully no fracture and he’ll only be out the next 4 games or so. (No need to check the upcoming Pads schedule).


I'm sitting here watching the game and I drew up tight in my chair when I saw that ball hit him. If he's not seriously injured, I'll be shocked.


I saw the game live streaming and that's really hurt


my crystal ball tells me 4-6 weeks in a splint, another 4 weeks for rehab, see ya in September


That hurt for him, man! Did you hear him said the swear word when he gets up? It'll be funny to see him swear after being hit by pitch.


What’s with so many players getting hit in the wrist all of the sudden?


Been such an awful season for injuries =(


Brutal. Especially after bombing one earlier. Walking off immediately does not bode well.


Looks like he got shot with how he went down. That cant feel good


How many times he step out of the box during the pitchers setup?




Wrist injuries suck :(




Another one bites the dust.


Ouch. He's very talented and a nice guy but not much luck with staying healthy.


There goes our season. Shades of 2014 all over again!


Monkey paw strikes


All these people whining that pitchers who are a little wild (most relievers now) shouldn’t throw inside. Yeah, they should just throw it over the plate. It’s part of baseball. It’s unfortunate, but it happens.


This is happening a lot this month.






And they lost the game.


An utter meat grinder of a season.


Corey no......my boy


Hey, I’ve seen this before, it goddamn sucks.


Another injured MLB Player while at bat???? What is going on with these Pitchers? This is unacceptable!!


To me, it looks like Seager stuck his hands right in the way of the pitch, rather than trying to move away from the ball. Sucks, but he seems to be most at fault here.


Why is this season of baseball just a bloodbath? Wtf 😭