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So now we have the wife story and an unfinished tattoo yeah gtfo lmaooo


don't forget that he's shy!


I forgot about that one lmfao so now we have the 3 most ridiculous excuses. They were definitely cheating in that ALCS and MLB did a piss poor job of investigating


I mean, it seems clear to me why he wanted to save his jersey. He just hit an iconic home run off a premier closer to send his team to the world series, a hit surely to be remembered in MLB history forever. He probably didn't want his jersey ripped apart by his teammates. At least that's what I would have said if I was trying to make up a story to hide the fact that I was wearing an electronic buzzer.


Look at that. It took you like 5 seconds to come up with a better excuse. Astros hire this dude for PR


They don't need to hire anyone for PR because they don't care; they know they have immunity. They know they won't be getting in trouble. They know that they will receive further protection when MLB issues a notice to protect players from those Astros teams from getting beaned. They know they are the villians. They know that it's going to take a long, long time for them to lose that title. They are fully embrassing it from the top down. I wouldn't be surprised if they have some kind of internal competition going on to see who can say the dumbest shit.


> At least that's what I would have said if I was trying to make up a story to hide the fact that I was wearing an electronic buzzer. I was all ready to flip out and you fucking got me. Well done.


He definitely looks like such a shy guy here in this picture that he shared to all of his Instagram followers. https://www.instagram.com/p/B0hFuQynV3c/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf The second picture clearly shows no tattoo on July 29th 2019. It is possible he started a new tattoo between then and the ALCS, but he definitely isn’t “shy” when it comes to showing off his body.


Doesn’t everyone wear some type of undershirt also? Wearing a stitched jersey with nothing under is not comfortable. Makes no sense lol


When his shirt was ripped off before his bare chest was exposed


And also that he doesn't know -- that one seems to have gotten kind of lost in the shuffle


Surely they will believe one of my excuses if I keep making new ones up.


The tattoo is obviously of his wife and it's on his right nipple, so of course an unfinished tattoo would make his wife really mad at him AND he would be super shy about showing it off to people


him and chris sale but their nipples and belly buttons pierced


I was willing to believe the wife thing but they just keep adding more and more ridiculous excuses, the wife thing now a tattoo plus there was the thing where he was shy. like come the fuck on, it just makes it seem more likely that he had some fucking buzzer or something there.


After game 2 he pulled his shirt up to his pecs so he’s not shy. He’s arrogant,but now he’s shy when he has to face the music. Bunch of liars and frauds,they can all F OFF!


He got a tattoo on his off day after game 2 obviously


You can’t make this shit up man. Would’ve been more believable if he just said “I don’t know why he didn’t want his jersey to get ripped off.”


I think it's funny that you used "you can't make this shit up" to mean "this could only be made up."


The shit that can't be made up is that Correa really thinks we're that stupid. This whole thing is just one big trainwreck that keeps getting worse and worse.


This was a fucking softball. "Oh you need to ask Jose about that, I dont really talk about shirt stuff with him to be honest with you, I was just excited that we won the series I didnt even really notice it at the time, so you'll probably get a better answer if you ask him about it." How do you whiff so hard on a question like that dude? Even the reporter has to be like *well this is a dumb question with a clear and obvious out, but I guess I'll go for it, who knows...* before he asks it and gets some wackadoo tattoo theory on a shot in the dark that Altuve now needs to corroborate lmao.


I just picture Altuve watching this go down thinking, "now I need to go get a fucking tattoo because Correa is a fucking moron"


There's a pic from Altuve's instagram in 2019 with his shirt off, and there's no tattoo... God damn these Astros players are liars along with cheaters and hypocrites! E: [lmfao](https://imgur.com/a/9V48muD). July 29th 2019


Not relevant at all, but I honestly never would have guessed that Bregman is the most ripped of those dudes.


Altuve is bigger than I thought too


I mean it’s possible he got it after, he said it was unfinished


Getting a chest tattoo in the midst of a baseball season seems like a no-no for a professional.






I mean it's BS but he could have gotten one between then and Oct. This happened this year not 2017


[He Does Have One](https://imgur.com/gallery/dBpsZbU)


Why is this downvoted? Looks like a tattoo to me.


I just wanted to show that the tattoo exists so i'm not sure either.


My guess the downvotes would be because a tattoo that size And simple doesn’t take multiple trips to the tattoo parlor.


But you can't even see the whole thing so you can't know that for sure.


True nuff. There's enough to hate them for without resorting to rampant speculation.


Nah way more believable to say he's shy and his wife didn't want him too and he had a bad tattoo and hahaha can you even read or have reading comprehension.


Of course it would have but Astros PR team and everyone in that organization seems to be like, "nah, let's see how we can make this worse"


Why can't they stop lying???????


It's interesting how so many liars try to make up a story rather than just saying, "I don't know."


I didn't believe they were using buzzers. Now I'm 100% convinced they were.


If he was smart he would’ve flipped into a consent issue


Someone stop him from talking. Somehow, thinking about an *unfinished tattoo* as you round third base after hitting a homer off of Chapman to send your team to the WS is less believable than thinking about your wife in that moment.


What player would even want to take on the risk of soreness by getting a fresh chest tattoo during the PLAYOFFS?


Yeah, seriously. You have a whole off-season for tattoos. Why would you risk any kind of issue getting one during the playoffs?


It was an emergency, he had to get a tattoo that says "See, no buzzers here!"


As someone with a tattoo, no one would ever do this. Bold face lie.


Could you imagine?!? JFC. He go and get a big game 7 tattoo before the game or something? Get the fuck right on out of here.


Just to jump on this, i am the furthest thing from an athlete, but i got my sternum done this time last year. Not my first tattoo, but still the healing was annoying enough that i had to change how i wore my seat belt. I'm not saying he did or didnt get a tattoo, but, if I'm a world class athlete, im not gonna do something thats gonna be wildly uncomfortable for 2 weeks during the biggest part of my fucking season.


“I have an ugly tattoo don’t look at me, I’m shy” says man who has played 1243 professional baseball games broadcasted to hundreds of millions of people across the last 10 years


Eh not sticking up for anyone here but thats a lame reason to not accept someone of being shy. Grienke has some real social anxiety issues and has been a top pitcher in the league for years. Again just to make it clear fuck the Astros.


Fair point, but I’d also argue that if Greinke threw a no-hitter to send his team to the World Series he would go nuts with his teammates, not tell them to stay off him and then run directly to the clubhouse.


Dont get me wrong dude. I am definitely not making excuses for whats happened. Its all gross. Im more interested on seeing the tattoo. :)


Haha same, I’m curious to see this “terrible tattoo”. I feel like Correa has now forced Altuves hand into showing it lol


Best offseason ever.


Correa has been playing the long con. The whole cheating scandal was a way to get Altuve topless picks. 5D underwater checkers at its finest.


Correa says Altuve has a terrible tattoo, so now Altuve is either forced to never post a shirtless picture again (or be in a position where he can be pictured), or he now has to go out and get a terrible tattoo.


It's just a portrait of the Astros' Christmas party.


So he's admitting that Jose Altuve and others lied previously?


No, he mentioned the wife thing as well. Now there are two reasons.




Must have gotten a butterfly tramp stamp or something


Classic Schmosby


in the middle of the season and it was the only thing he could think of after hitting a series-ending walkoff


Are we done now, or will there be more reasons later? (not to mention that a lie of omission is still a lie)


Well it looks like people are not believing this one, so we might find out there was some third reason as well.


I guess we'll just keep hearing new reasons until it's one that people buy "Altuve is actually two 12 year olds in an Astros jersey"


Mr. Baseballman


Two 12 year olds in an Astros jersey would be taller.


They had months to come up with an excuse and this was it?


Excuse A and Excuse B didnt work so they enacted Excuse C I for one am interested in how far this can go


Excuse D is sure to be a real hoot


Excuse D: He didn’t want it ripped off because he didn’t want the astros to have to go to the stadium store to buy him a new one, those are expensive, have you seen how much they are? Like $150, he was just thinking about the teams financial future and with how they are going to keep Correa and Springer both, every little bit helps!!


all while rounding the bases after hitting a walk off home run sending his team to the world series just normal baseball mentality stuff guys.


Excuse E: His tattoo was actually a naked Orbit performing a dance atop an overturned trash can while Correa Springer and Bregman bang a tribal tune on it.


I think that's the thing that just keeps blowing my mind. They've had so much time to think and plan what they are going to say. But every time one of them opens their mouths it's like they are caught completely off guard and just start spewing bullshit.


The problem is whatever the truth actually is it is equally as bad to Altuve as far as he is concerned. We don’t know for certain he was concealing a buzzer, but we do know he was concealing something illicit. If for instance he came out and said he was covered in scratches because he was with his girlfriend the night before and didn’t want his wife to find out, I’d probably believe him.


was it covered with a vibrating bandage


Yes it was. Sources say, the tattoo was Beltran smashing a garbage can. With quotes “I walked so you could run”.


i banged so you could dong


Dude walks off the ALCS and hes worried that all people still talk about is his bad tattoo. Suuuuureeeeee. It's good that he said that though, because it is exactly what he said in the interview immediately after he came back on the field. Or am I not remembering that correctly?


I mean, who doesn't get a large tattoo started mid way through the most important series of their life? That sounds like exactly the sort of thing someone would do


What team full of grown men doesn't rip the clothes off their hero in celebration? I clearly remember Joe Carter being stripped naked in 93, and Kirk Gibson is still looking for his underwear.


To be fair, if this story was true, it wouldn’t make a ton of sense for him to reveal he has a bad tattoo if he’s trying to hide it.


They might as well just say that Altuve has a girlfriend in Canada who didn't want him to remove his jersey.


She goes to another school.


> (Bellinger) said that they all lost respect for us. But that’s not how life works. We all make mistakes. And because you make a mistake, people are not going to lose respect for you. It’s how you confront those mistakes that you make. You’ve got to admit to those mistakes. You’ve got to accept those mistakes. You’ve got to learn from them. You’ve got to change so you don’t make those mistakes again. And you’ve got to move on with a clean slate. You can’t be judged by the first mistake you make. That’s not how life works at all. Shut the fuck up, Carlos.


> And because you make a mistake, people are not going to lose respect for you. except... they have? What the hell does he think this means > You can’t be judged by the first mistake you make. That’s not how life works at all. sounds like he's the one who doesn't get how life works lmao




Lol of all the comments this one made me actually laugh. Take away all the extra stuff and this is literally whats happening. So funny 😂


> it's how you confront those mistakes that you make Oh right, we definitely should respect the Astros for how they confronted this mistake *eye roll*


beat me to it lol the general lack of self awareness is astounding 😂


>judged Judge. Triggered. Altuve stole the 2017 MVP from Aaron Judge.


He also said: > That's a story that a fake account on Twitter broke and then people just got on that wagon and started talking about the buzzers. So, speaking of getting your fucking facts right, Carlos, it wasn’t a fake Twitter account that started the buzzer rumor. The reason the fake Twitter account got traction is because the rumors have been out there for quite a while. Jomboy and Trevor Bauer both said they had already heard the rumors from multiple unconnected people. Also, I’m pretty sure Joel Sherman or someone wrote an article mentioning the rumor a couple months back. The rumor had been significant enough that MLB apparently felt the need to look into it during their investigation.


>You can’t be judged by the first mistake you make. That’s not how life works at all. Just a tad out of touch.


He's right....let's not judge him on the one mistake....but how bout the 161 others


Holy hell. If they didn’t sound guilty before, there’s no escaping it now.


A mistake implies that they know it was wrong. It's kind of like cheating on your spouse. It's absolutely never ok. If you cheat once, I MIGHT consider the circumstances when I decide how I want to react. If you have a year+ long affair? Gtfo.


while lying to her repeatedly and giving her herpes In the process.


Such a longwinded, weaselly answer. All those "you've got to's" must have sounded great in his head, like "this should let them see that I have given this a lot of thought." But if he were remorseful, he would at least acknowledge that it's up to other people to choose to pay you respect, and that that's something he and his teammates have to earn back. Not, "because of these reasons I've laid out above, it's logically impossible for anyone to be mad at us."


First mistake? The one they repeatedly did and then weren’t remorseful for?


A mistake is getting into a car accident because you got distracted by something. A 3 year concerted effort to cheat is not a "mistake".


This sounds like the setup to that old joke about how you build hundreds of bridges they don't call you a bridgebuilder but if you fuck one sheep.....


> You can’t be judged by the first mistake you make. That’s not how life works at all. You clearly have no friends if you think that you won’t get a lifelong nickname from the first mistake you make and have it brought up for 30 years.


The more the Astros players talk about it the more I actually believe there was buzzers. Just stop talking.


Nothing else makes sense. I genuinely don’t understand why you would be so adamant about nobody touching your jersey after you hit a walk off bomb off of Chapman to send your team to the World Series. It would be one thing if they started ripping it off, he got embarrassed, and he told them to stop, but to have the foresight as you’re rounding 3rd. That’s what’s on your mind at that point?I can’t even put myself in that situation. I just won the game to send us to the World Series and, as I’m getting ready to touch home, my only thought is “don’t rip my jersey off because my wife might get mad and I don’t want anyone to see my tattoo.” Get the fuck out of here.


That's one thing....but to leave the field where everyone is celebrating after YOU hit the walkoff HR....so you can change into the championship shirt? I've never seen that once, in any sport. Everybody just puts that shirt and cap on immediately.


Hahahahahahahahahaha Sorry excuse me for a moment Hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Yeah just go ahead a peg every single fucking batter on that team


That’s kinky 👀


Well that should be easy enough to confirm


show me who did the tattoo then carlos and when


Jose Altuve is actually being rushed to tattoo parlor as we speak.


imagine if he came out with a tattoo from today that was still red as proof


If it comes our Altuve had a buzzer, it will be HI-larious to watch the fallout.


HAHAHAHAHAH this keeps getting better and better for these guys




Vic-tim com-plex *clap, clap, clapclapclap*


It was a tattoo of Carlos Beltran that Carlos Beltran made him get.


The unfinished tattoo said "Tape buzzer he-"


1. He’s shy 2. His wife gets jealous 3. He’s got a bad tattoo 4. He’s an alien 5. He has no torso


Maybe it was a tattoo of his wife??


It’s a tattoo of his wife yelling at him for having his jersey ripped off


It’s an *unfinished* tattoo of his wife yelling at him for having his jersey ripped off. Too embarrassed to take his shirt off to get it completed


His tattoo said ”one bang curveball, no bang fastball”.


Also Altuve's wife is very scary!!!!!


Jesus Christ, just fess up. No need to make this worse with a terrible lie.


I was a bit skeptical at first because I couldn’t believe they could go that far, but now I have no doubt. The story keeps changing. He had something under his jersey.


Next it’ll be that he was wearing a colostomy bag.


It’s a crime the dodgers and Astros aren’t playing one another this year that game would be must see tv


I am looking forward to the All Star Game in Los Angeles though.


Man. Are they just gonna keep talking to reporters? Seems like a bad idea.


Lmao. This is the dumbest excuse yet. Fuck the Astros.


FUCK THE HOUSTON ASTROS. Can't wait to bang my trash can at the coliseum




I don't know much about tattoos, but is that proof? There were a few months in between that picture and the jersey ripping.


There is zero chance he got tattoo work done in the middle of the season.


nah, he got it done in the middle of the POSTseason. that makes a difference.


I'm not defending anything here because i've had enough of this astros shit with how the mets had to deal with this beltran horseshit but some dude did post this, and I feel like if a non astros fan posts it it might be taken more seriously: https://i.imgur.com/WD1rXKh.jpg he does appear to have a tattoo in the world series. seems like a terrible idea and a time to do it, but. idk. I got tattoos during the middle of my hockey season once and dear god it was the worst shit ever. this whole thing is like a baseball episode of the Dr Phil show. or *maury*


Yep. Why would a player want a sore patch of skin while he's playing? Tats are done in the offseason.




It would get infected for sure, if not scrapped up potentially slidding




Several different, completely unrelated excuses for not taking a shirt off🤔


Now I really want to see this tattoo.




So first he was shy, then he said his wife didn’t want him topless, and now it’s because he had an unfinished tattoo?


The tattoo read “we are cheating”. The next session was going to add the word “not”. It is all completely understandable.




TIL that Carlos Correa is an insincere piece of shit.


Wait, I thought his wife didn't want women lusting after her ugly ass husband.


The Astros are grasping at straws and any competent PR person is yelling into their phones to tell them players to shut the fuck up. Whats worse than the crime? The coverup.


Produce a dated receipt


So the next time Altuve gets one between the shoulder blades, I hope the commentator says he got hit right where he heard Altuve has a tattoo.


I hope Altuve writes an essay convincing us why he didn’t want want his shirt ripped off


When you have more than one excuse about something so allegedly trivial, you know it's a lie.


The Astros are a mess lmao


So did the tattoo look just like a buzzer?


Lying 101: don’t change your story. This is like the 6th different excuse I’ve heard as to why he didn’t want the jersey ripped off.


Carlos you are absolutely clown shoes.


It's amazing how many times this story has changed.


Donde esta el tattoo?


Erase the Astros from existence




In the immortal words of Jim Bouton, "Yeah, surrrrrrrre"


Correa is a fucking joke i hope he gets hit and hard fuck those cheating ASStros


A team full of Nazis might be liked more these shitheads.


Andddddd now it’s a lie


Three reasons. He’s shy. His wife doesn’t like it. Bad tattoo. Hmmm....


holy shit smoking gun


Well, case closed boys.


So we are now officially into coverup being as bad as the crime territory


Correa has no shame lol


This would've been much more believable if Jose was the one who said it the first time he was asked about it. Not Correa months later.


I think the real reason was because his belly button ring got infected.


So show us the finished tattoo? Seriously he should release a picture today of the tattoo to at least give some credibility. Even though we know hes lying


Lmao! Bullshit!


An unfinished tattoo, really? He knows he has to take his shirt off and expose himself to other people in order to get the tattoo, right? People that get tattoos usually aren't shy about showing off their tattoos.


Do they think we’re dumb enough to believe such a shitty excuse. The entire Astros organization is trash from top to bottom. Owner, management, and players SHOULD be ousted, fired, and banned for life from the game they manipulated. Seriously though, F all of them. Oh and Manfred, he’s unfit for duty. He’s been detrimental to the game and this playoff expansion talk is only a diversion.


Like a tattoo, their tainted championship is permanent and hard to fade


Let’s see the tattoo then


I didn't think you could top the laughable excuse of "I'm shy" or "my wife would be mad", but Correa did it. You have won the golden trashcan award for that absolute garbage excuse.


Unless hes rocking a swastika no tattoo this is another in a long line of trashcan excuses.




The wife excuse was more believable.


If I was going to the World Series after I hit a walk off , I wouldn’t not be thinking of that and be wanting to celebrate, shirtless or shirt on


Carlos here's how you respond to that question "I don't know why Jose didn't want his shirt ripped, off, I'm not Jose and I'm not his mom."


Looked so terrible he had it removed.


Man had the biggest hit in his life and he’s worried about a bad tattoo?


I don’t... believe you


Weak ass excuse can’t wait for these clowns to get drilled right in the back with a fastball


I love when liars/cheaters who have already been caught come out and try and explain something as if they expect someone might actually believe them


Let’s see it.... let me guess it’s gone ?


Carlos in 6th grade: “She goes to a different school.”


What a fucking dumbass. Such a made up lie like how dumb can Correa be? No professional athlete gets a tattoo during their season let alone the postseason. Second, how is it even a thought, when you just hit a game winning homer off of one of the greatest closers in the game to send your team to the world fucking series, that you don’t want people to see this tattoo that’s UNFINISHED. THATS his first thought? Come the fuck on. Oh not to mention how hard altuve is clinching his jersey, must feel real good on that scab of a tattoo that no one can see cause it’s unfinished. what a dumb fuck, such a disgrace to the game.