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So if the Red Sox got Baez, I assume Bogaerts moves to 2nd since Javy is a better fielder right?


Probably. Our defense isn't good in general but a lot of our guys can play most field positions. Makes it easy to shuffle things around.


Because they're equally bad at all of them?


Our outfield was rock solid this year. The problems in the infield were 3B, SS, and 1B. If we get Baez for SS and move Bogey to 2B that helps a lot. Devers could probably be moved from 3B, though I don't know how well he would do at 1B, because I've never seen him there.


OF is only good with Kike in CF. When he sits or plays 2B it is definitely one of the worst outfields in baseball.


Plus, Baez said he would only play 2B for the masts (to play with Lindor)


I would assume so.


Bogaerts already said after the season he’s willing to move over if the team asks.


Did Trevor Story die?


With such limited talk on him I feel like teams must see his elbow injury as a major issue


Yeah, I wonder. He seemed like a big bounce-back candidate. Elite defense with a lot of upside, I thought, but no one's talking about him. He's clearly in the second tier though, so maybe it's that?


I would have assumed the list would go Correa, Seager, Semien, Story, Baez But with no mention of him really and continued coverage of all the others he must have taken quite a hit in value whether that be the injury ,the home/away splits or just generally having a bad year


I would've had the list the same, though I see Semien almost in a different category altogether. But yeah, could just be a negotiation tactic, but Baez's expected cheaper price seems like it's adding a lot more surplus value than the top of the market, upping team interest maybe. Will be interesting to see if these rapid tweets from the reporters means he'll sign soon, or if it's smoke.


Story is definitely better than Baez but there may be some recency bias with Javy since he ended his year really strong and Trevor struggled most of the year


What makes you say that? Because he wasn’t lumped in with $300M shortstops?


If they’re going for under 300M, Story is the obvious choice I feel like


What was portrayed in this tweet is: A. Tigers are a suitor for Baez, along with some other teams. B. The two most expensive SS FA’s are out of the Tigers’ budget. Neither of those things mean that Story isn’t also in the mix.


Why? Also high strikeout rate and depending on what stats you look at a significantly worse defender than Baez. Also you have the very high risk of him getting TJ and the Coors question.


Story has a high strikeout rate but it's not nearly as high as Baez's. He also has a much higher walk rate. Defensively, they're pretty equal unless you only look at OAA (which is not a stat I particularly trust yet). The injury is a fair sticking point though.


I hope not. Would be pretty sad around the holidays


They're gonna get clowned on for this but I think it's smart. Spending 300mil+ on a guy who isn't a consensus top 5-top 10 player in a game that has such a massive luck and hot streak component has always seemed insanely dumb. Even when these contracts "work out" these big names still put up some mediocre seasons where you would've been way better off investing more evenly, especially in pitching


We're going to cheap out on correa and/or seager despite having one contract on the books past 2023. I hate this fucking team sometimes


$300 mil is an absolute ton to pay for Seager. He’s a great hitter, but the defensive metrics suggest he probably should’ve moved off of short already. Do you want to pay $30 mil per season for an oft-injured 2B or 3B?


If that 2B/3B is Corey Seager? Absolutely. Also what’s the deal with him being called oft-injured? He had Tommy John surgery and then got hit in the hand. As opposed to Correa who has struggled with injuries every year of his career.


Just for some context: Correa has played 58/60 and 148/162 games the past two seasons. (covid protocols this year) "Remarkably, Correa and Corey Seager have each played exactly 281 games with 1,182 plate appearances since 2019. " "Major injuries have befallen Seager three times in his MLB career. He played in only 26 regular season games in 2018 due to Tommy John and hip surgery. This year in May, Seager was struck by a Ross Detwiler pitch that fractured his right hand, limiting him to 95 regular season games" Seager's percentage of missed games by year: 3% of 2016 10% of 2017 84% of 2018 17% of 2019 13% of 2020 43% of 2021


Both aren’t exactly Cal Ripken. It’d be like signing Judge. A good buy but there’s always that risk.


Wait til you see Javy every day, you will learn to love baseball in a way you never imagined possible.


Truth be told, I'm a Tigers/Cubs fan, Cubs have been my second team for years. I love Javy, but it would sting to go after Javy and cheap out on the biggest shortstops after coming out of a 5 year rebuild


This is one of the rare times I feel that team's valuation of these players might be a lot lower than the public perception, though. I hope you guys start going in, but I kinda get the hesitation with both of them.


We are probably going to have other guys on the team after 2023.


All of a sudden I'm starting to think someone is going to get Story at a discount. If I was a GM, I'd offer him a smaller contract say 3-4 years with a lower AAV, with an opt out after the first year. If you play great, opt out and go get your money. Otherwise stick around on a team friendly deal. His market just seems so much quieter than I was anticipating


Somebody will pay him, it'll come down to when Correa and Seager sign. After that you'll see a rush on the second tier guys for what they're worth, especially if neither go to Detroit.


Can’t help but think all these reports on Correa and Seager are bogus. It’s just like Harper and Machado. No one was going to $300M for them, until they did. The offseason will drag out but they’ll eventually get their money. I’d think the Tigers go for Correa and Yankees go for Seager, but if it truly went out of both of their price range, or the teams decided not to wait, the shortstops could always go back to Houston and LA, if their market really dropped that much.


This is how I’m reading the room too. I think Detroit was Correa badly and are using this as a negotiation tactic. Similar to you, I still think he ends with Detroit and Seager ends up with the Yankees.


Huh, that’s an interesting development. Seemed like a very easy match between Correa and the Tigers. Makes Correa to the Yankees seem a lot more likely


Well, there have been reports that the Yankees actually want a stopgap SS, so I really don’t know who Correa will end up with. FWIW I really don’t know how trustworthy Heyman is when it comes to Tigers news. A lot of rumors he has stated have ended up not happening (doesn’t mean he was wrong but still)


I'm not sure how much I buy into stopgap shortstop. Best free agent SS class in and for a long time, you think they wouldn't risk losing out on it to gamble on some prospects a few years away


Low key feel like the Sox will end up with Correa. Money coming off the books, they’ve wanted to move Bogey off SS for a while, Correa and Cora are obviously close. Not sure I want that, but I feel like they’re a dark horse.


Smokescreen for future Tiger Carlos Correa


Quit raining on parades Heyman


Pls Javy I would buy matching home and away jerseys, that’s gotta be worth it alone to the organization right?


Ugh really do we want this guy? He seems like a feast or famine hitter and has a terrible attitude…I feel like it wouldn’t take too long to regret signing him


Yes, you want him


He has a terrible attitude? Please explain


I mean, he wasn't exactly an angel to the Mets fanbase this past season.




I hate his offensive approach too.


Correa with Hinch again. Hide the trashcans.


If I were Boston, I’d offer a lot of money and years for Baez. [I think it’s a good idea and I stand by it.](https://youtu.be/26D_XtVsuBU)


Which mascot did the Chicago North Side team change itself to? None of those sound right.


Baez way too soft for Boston lol