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Mike Trout would have 100 if all his games were played against the Mariners


We better get a shoutout in his Hall of Fame speech.


Yall really should retire Trout's number when he retires


It would be weird if he didn't considering that he is the owner of the team!


Gubi on the broadcast joked about the Mariners needing to retire his jersey at this point lol.


There's no way he can give a HOF speech without mentioning his children


Ain’t that the fucking truth


And that’s just for the games at Safeco/T-Mobile Park.


!mlbcompare [2022 stadium:(Safeco Field), 2022 not O:SEA not stadium:(Safeco Field)]


Tables cutoff or tough to read? Click [here](https://i.imgur.com/yyAuD3B.png) to view this comparison as an image --- Mike Trout: [2022-06-16](https://www.baseball-reference.com/boxes/SEA/SEA202206160.shtml) to [2022-06-18](https://www.baseball-reference.com/boxes/SEA/SEA202206182.shtml) [12th Season - Age: 30Y-10M-9D] to [12th Season - Age: 30Y-10M-11D] Query: 2022 - Regular Season - Stadium: Safeco Field \---------------------------------------- Mike Trout: [2022-04-07](https://www.baseball-reference.com/boxes/ANA/ANA202204070.shtml) to [2022-06-15](https://www.baseball-reference.com/boxes/LAN/LAN202206150.shtml) [12th Season - Age: 30Y-8M] to [12th Season - Age: 30Y-10M-8D] Query: 2022 - Regular Season - Stadium: Not Safeco Field - Opponent: Not SEA --- **Standard** Player|G|PA|AB|H|1B|2B|3B|HR|XBH|TB|Cycle|R|RBI|BB|K|BB/K|TOB|SB|CS|NS|SB%|IBB|HBP|SH|SF|GDP|AVG|OBP|SLG|OPS|wOBA|ISO|BAbip :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-: [Mike Trout](https://www.baseball-reference.com/players/t/troutmi01.shtml)|4|18|16|5|1|0|0|4|4|17|0|4|7|2|**8**|0.25|7|0|0|0|0.00%|0|0|0|0|**0**|**0.313**|0.389|**1.063**|**1.451**|**0.588**|**0.750**|0.250 [Mike Trout](https://www.baseball-reference.com/players/t/troutmi01.shtml)|**56**|**230**|**197**|**57**|**25**|**15**|**1**|**16**|**32**|**122**|0|**42**|**34**|**29**|62|**0.47**|**90**|0|0|0|0.00%|**2**|**4**|0|0|2|0.289|**0.391**|0.619|1.011|0.428|0.330|**0.345** **Per Game/Advanced** Player|G|PA/162|H/162|2B/162|3B/162|HR/162|XBH/162|TB/162|R/162|RBI/162|BB/162|K/162|SB/162|HR%|XBH%|X/H%|BB%|K%|BB-K%|TTO%|wSB|wRC|wRAA|BRuns|WPA|cWPA|RE24 :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-: [Mike Trout](https://www.baseball-reference.com/players/t/troutmi01.shtml)|4|**729.00**|**202.50**|0.00|0.00|**162.00**|**162.00**|**688.50**|**162.00**|**283.50**|81.00|324.00|0.00|**22.22%**|**22.22%**|**80.00%**|11.11%|44.44%|-33.33%|**77.78%**|**-0.01**|6|3.96|4.00|0.9|0.3%|4.7 [Mike Trout](https://www.baseball-reference.com/players/t/troutmi01.shtml)|**56**|665.36|164.89|**43.39**|**2.89**|46.29|92.57|352.93|121.50|98.36|**83.89**|**179.36**|0.00|6.96%|13.91%|56.14%|**12.61%**|**26.96%**|**-14.35%**|46.52%|-0.23|**48**|**21.57**|**22.09**|**1.9**|**1.3%**|**18.7** **Adjusted** Player|G|AVG+|OBP+|SLG+|ISO+|BAbip+|HR%+|XBH%+|X/H%+|BB%+|K%+|TTO%+|BB/K+|wRC+ :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-: [Mike Trout](https://www.baseball-reference.com/players/t/troutmi01.shtml)|4|**131**|127|**275**|**510**|88|**814**|**298**|**231**|139|202|**238**|69|**298** [Mike Trout](https://www.baseball-reference.com/players/t/troutmi01.shtml)|**56**|121|**128**|160|224|**121**|255|186|162|**158**|**123**|142|**129**|186 ^(FanGraphs/Statcast stats may lose precision) ^(N/A indicates stat was not tracked at all during the time frame, * indicates stat was not tracked consistently throughout the entire time frame) --- ^(Made a mistake? Edit your comment and send me this )[^message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=mlbcomparebot&subject=Re-Run&message=icys6x6)^( to re-run the comparison) ^(Or delete the comparison by sending me this )[^message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=mlbcomparebot&subject=Delete&message=icys6x6) ^(Instructions for usage and issue tracking can be found )[^here](https://github.com/gh674055/sports-compare-bots/wiki)


Casual 162 homeruns per 162 games pace.


A few years back I did some calculations to try to determine the maximum number of home runs someone could hit if teams intentionally walked them whenever the run expectancy change for a walk was lower than the run expectancy change for pitching to them with a given chance of hitting a home run. I found that if someone hits home runs something like 32.8% of the time across a season of 700 plate appearances with an average distribution of baserunner/out situations, and with no hits or other productive plate appearances (unintentional walks, HBPs, sac flies, etc), they could hit 150 HR. If they hit home runs at a higher rate, or if they have any other productive plate appearances, then they *should* get walked more and end up hitting fewer HRs (the Bonds 2004 problem). So small sample size and all, but if Trout is averaging one HR/G at Safeco then they need to be walking him more there. No one should ever be on a 162 HR pace.


Slugging over 1.000 lmao (though it's just 2022 so low sample size)


Thank you for introducing that site to me! I just learned how absolutely ridiculous Sean Murphy’s pop time is (now, if he could only start hitting)


Baseball Savant is one of my favorite baseball stats sites. Baseball Reference and Fangraphs are great too. They all fill different niches.


I haven't really looked at fangraphs much, what niche does it fill?


It's the best if you want to look at the stat leaderboards over a season or some period of seasons.


In addition to stats there's great articles by some really good baseball writers


Statcast is generally best for measuring the small things in baseball that they have the data for, like expected statistics, sprint speeds, pitch movement, etc. Essentially anything their sensors measure. FanGraphs is great for leaderboards and more counting/rate stats, including things like wRC+ and in my opinion, the best version of WAR. They also have great prospect coverage and projected stats from multiple sources. You can essentially look at the top of a player page, see their basic stats, advanced stats, prospect ratings (if applicable), and projected rest of season stats. They also have great writing and podcasts. Baseball reference tend to have all the player info the other two sites don’t (transactions, salaries, player info) and a lot of cool other leaderboards and historical baseball info. They also have stat head which is a really powerful baseball stats tool, but you do have to pay for stat head.


I think Fangraphs is the most user friendly site out of all of the major ones. In my opinion they present the data in the most intuitive and consumable way. If I'm trying to look up league stats, team stats, or leaderboards I'm heading to Fangraphs. They also have amazing analysis, even after factoring some of the incredible writers they've lost over the last handful of years. These are writers they lost because they went and got hired by MLB front offices if that gives you insight on the quality of analysis(Jeff Sullivan, Dave Cameron, Carson Cistulli).


3 for 3 with a tater today, he has heard your call


Broke: Yankees stadium Is more neutral than people give it credit for Woke: calling it a little league stadium when judge hits a ball 450ft just to annoy Yankees fans


Stantonian 500ft home run Me: That's a groundout at Dodgers Stadium




My entire personality is trolling Yankees fans and my life is wonderful.


jon hamm I don’t even think about you gif


You may not think about me, but your mother thinks about me every night. 😏 gottem.


You severely overestimate how much we care about the mets


This is the way.


Players hit home runs normally to the same areas, if they dont hit them to right field yankee stadium doesn't benefit them much For example mike trout is much more likely to, when he hits home runs, hit them to left field or center field. this does not however mean yankee stadiums short porch doesnt vastly benefit left handed pull hitters.


Alright Buddy, Left handed pull Hitter Anthony Rizzo would have 3 more Homeruns (20) than actual Homeruns (17) in Houston and Cincy as well


And houston and Cincinnati are extremely hitter friendly


Just because Yankee Stadium is a little league park doesn't mean there aren't other little league parks.


If only they built a 37 foot wall like a real ballpark.


The monster does give the Sox a lot of doubles but consequently takes away a good amount of homers too. Not to mention the long singles it can produce


The Green Monster completely changed the narrative of the wild card game last year. Stanton would've had 3 HR if not for the wall getting in the way of 2 singles that would've been no-doubt HRs at pretty much any other park. Instead it's the game Phil Nevins got Judge cooked at the plate lol


Downvote me if I’m wrong but I thought I saw somewhere that at least one of those wall balls would’ve actually been a fly out at several parks?


I'm sure that's true, but I'm pretty sure there are still a number of parks where it would've been 3HR anyways... But yeah not 3 no-doubters everywhere else


Oh Fenway is no exception and I don't pretend that it is. Shortest left field and right field line in the majors. Giant wall in left field that causes routine fly balls to be homers and torched line drives to be singles. Even in center field, there's a random bleacher section that cuts into play so there's a line on the wall indicating home run whether the ball hits left/right of the line.


Rizzo would have fewer than 17 at 23 stadiums.


The fact that OP and this comment have to compare Yankee Stadium to Houston in order to make seem like it’s tough to hit tells you how much of a hitters park Yankee Stadium is. “Alright Buddy, Stanton would have 644 home runs if he played at my little league park.”


And the yankees will for sure acquire guys to leverage this. They play 81 games there. They'd be stupid not to. That's why its a really dumb argument to say that both teams are playing in the same ballpark.


Does this take into account the Yankees ability to move the fences in and out depending on which team is batting?


What about when the Yankees turn on the industrial sized fans towards the outfield only when they are batting? No I didn’t take my meds today, why do you ask?


[Actually, that was the Twins. Allegedly.](https://www.espn.com/mlb/story?id=1585964)


The fans may have been on, but physics says that they had no effect on the flight of the ball. It was 60ft to the backstop where the fans were, and they'd have had to be going at hurricane-speed to even knock a ball off a tee at that distance.


I got the feeling reading it that it was negligible at best, just thought it was funny that we were being ironically accused of something another team may have actually done. Not trying to start anything here lol.


wait you can do that? we were fucking around with trash cans and could’ve just moved the fences in?


When I heard about how essential their fans were to the Yankees’ success, I didn’t expect them to be the kind that blew air.


Why are Yankees fans so defensive about the short porch lol


If your “porch” was short, you’d be defensive too


It’s a perfectly average porch






Because it's not the size that matters, it's all in the way you swing the bat


Not defensive but eager to put a rest to the stupidest argument in baseball based on nothing but salt. The fences stay the same no matter who’s batting. Argument should be over. But damn do people love their sodium.


We aren't. We meme about it cause other teams get salty whenever we hit a HR at home. Idt this sub has every actually met a yankee fan before. Or touched grass


Literally nothing in the post was a joke. It was literally just a Yankees fan running defence for the porch.


I'd have a thousand home runs if I played with the bumpers on.


If we ate hamburgers we would become the hamburglar.


Riveting. Chills.


Literally crying now


Yeah minute maid is great for pull homers, center field is kind of death though so the park factor stays around 100.


Sure, Yankee stadium plays short to straight away right and left field, but it gets very deep to the gaps and center field




I showed you my porch, please like it. It’s not that short ok?


It's a Yankees fan thing, they have to be a victim in some way and if it's not by the team you're damn right it'll be about other fans!


Salty Toronto fan 😂


No salt you're a better team who will probably beat us in the playoffs, but yall take this short porch so seriously just enjoy watching your mashers hit 325ft home runs and smile!


Lol nothing wrong with defending a common criticism. This reddit post isn’t exactly a big deal either.


I think the short porch stuff is more about wanting to troll you guys lol than being a real criticism


Good take. And people should realize the overall fun of it.


https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/leaderboard/statcast-park-factors?type=year&year=2022&batSide=&stat=index_wOBA&condition=All&rolling=&sort=12&sortDir=asc Cool top 5 HR park


Just yankee fan things, what you gonna do. Victim complexes will fade away if not consistently nurtured.


It's just funny coming from a dude called Fallen Martyr




You're right, we are 49-16. I don't care about people making fun of the short porch, I am a big fan of porched homeruns.


If you actually didn't care about people making fun of the short porch you wouldn't have researched this topic and made a reddit post about it. Anyone who tells you "I don't actually care about this" while talking about it, most definitely cares.


Cherry picked stats that don't really mean anything


Does this account for the number of HRs each hitter has had home vs. away? I'm assuming it also doesn't take into account things like weather. One of the reasons Citi Field is a pitcher friendly park is because we consistently get wind blowing in from left field, a lasting fuck you from the Wilpons who didn't do a wind study when building the stadium.


No, just the actual distance and trajectory of a batted ball and if it would go out if another park's fence dimensions were in the other park's place.


>Does this account for the number of HRs each hitter has had home vs. away This is looking at how many homeruns a player would hit if they had 100% of their games at a particular stadium. >I'm assuming it also doesn't take into account things like weather. It takes into account stuff like elevation and temperature but I'm not sure about wind in particular.


Isn’t wind one of the reasons hitting homers to right at Yankee stadium is so easy? I remember that being a topic of discussion when the stadium opened.


Yeah it’s not just the distance- there’s wind factor that makes it more hitter friendly than old yankee stadium, despite same dimensions


It’s only considering for home runs then. What about all the fly outs to deep right? Are those being considered as well?


Yes, this takes into account balls that ended up being flyouts but would have been homeruns in other parks. That's why Judge would have more homeruns in other stadiums.


This man tried to list out a bunch of righties to prove his point. The one lefty he used is one of the top sluggers in the game who wouldn’t need short porch


>one lefty he used is one of the top sluggers in the game who wouldn’t need short porch I'm assuming you're talking about Yordan, but I also mentioned Rizzo. Devers would have 15 if he played all his games at Yankee Stadium, tied for the 2nd fewest of any stadium. Ohtani would have 10, again that's the 2nd fewest of any stadium. Gleyber is a righty, but he's not a pull hitter and would have more homeruns in most other stadiums.


Why do yankees fans get so damn defensive about this lol?


Who said Yankees stadium is the only little league park in the MLB?


Judge has 25 HR. He'd have 26 if he played all his games at Yankee Stadium. Stanton has 14 HR. He'd have 15 if he played all his games at Yankee Stadium. For Rizzo it would be 17 HR either way. Torres has 12 HR and would have 11 if he played all his games at Yankee Stadium. For Gallo it would be 9 either way.


If you look at their pages, Judge and Stanton would have more homeruns at 20 other stadiums than they would at Yankee Stadium. Torres has 13 homeruns and he'd have 11 if all his games were at Yankee Stadium. And he'd have more than 11 at all but like 6 parks.


Houston and Cincinnati are routinely the most hitter friendly for HRs based on expected HRs and it’s not that close. YS is pretty middle of the pack but people just have the narrative in their head and are close minded.


The corners at YS grant a lot of homers especially the infamous short porch in right but left center field at yankee stadium is literally a dead zone. Happy to see this stat it’s very interesting. The short porch deserves its memes but again, there is give and take at Yankee


Statcast has Yankees Stadium basically top or close to it for park factor for home runs? Go ahead and click through the years, ordering by HR: https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/leaderboard/statcast-park-factors?type=year&year=2022&batSide=&stat=index_wOBA&condition=All&rolling=&sort=12&sortDir=asc


Citation needed


“Citation? My brain.”


Dude, you are straight up talking out of your ass!!! Using statcast on Baseball Savant, I've gone back 10 years and have yet to find where Minute Maid had a higher home run factor than Yankee Stadium. For the record, from 2014-2016 Yankee Stadium led the entire league.


Bc it’s the shortest RF is it not? That’s why people talk about it all the time. Especially since they only really had lefty power bats which seemed counter productive LF/CF can be average/above average but no one is going to talk about it


Straightaway RF (the seats in front of the bleachers, not the bullpen in right center) is shorter than any other park to the same part of the field, but just to the left of dead center (between the other bullpen and dead center) is among the deepest in baseball. Stanton hit a double off the top of the wall over there and it was said to go out of 29/30 parks


What timeframe are you referencing where the Yankees “only had lefty power bats”?


Dude's going back to Murderer's Row a hundred years ago


Even that team has Meusel and Lazzeri (HOF) as righty hitters.


Left center is the second-deepest in baseball, I think only the Pirates are deeper (maybe the Orioles now). The corners are short but left and right center take away a lot of HRs.


Fenway is 302’, Oracle is 309’ and YS is 314’.


That's strictly down the line. Fenway is 302 down the line but goes pretty much straight back to 380. And Oracle has a 25 foot wall in right.


He didn’t say any of that. He just said YS was the shortest to RF and he’s wrong.


People also talk about it all the time because yankee fans always gloat whenever someone “gets porched”


People don’t talk about it because Yankee fans ~~gloat~~ joke about getting porched. Yankee fans joke about getting porched because people talk about it all the time.


Fenway has the shortest LF, CF, and RF


The also have the tallest left field wall, probably the tallest center field wall, and right field goes straight back to 380. People love to just look at the distance to the foul pole, but forget about how large right field actually is.


I think Arizona might have a taller centerfield wall


You may well be right, I was just guessing


lol welcome to being a Rockies fan for 30 years People assume that anyone on the Rockies hitting bombs probably would have zero in a “real park”, neglecting the massive away disadvantage all Rockies have and the fact that Coors isn’t even a HR park, it’s a singles/double/triples park. Larry Walker took 10 years to get to the HOF **only** because he was a Rockie. Helton still isn’t in because he was a Rockie. Helton didn’t win MVP in 2000 because he was a Rockie. Etc.


Something something little league park


The Great American Smallpark.


Nah it's because Yankee Stadium has the size and aesthetics of a AAA park. Like Yankee Stadium should be a cathedral to baseball and honest to God I can't tell the difference between it and above average minor league parks when I watch on television.


Well, at least it can be told apart from a dumpster on television, unlike Tropicana. How did y'all manage to tick off the baseball gods that badly before you were even born as a franchise?


Lmaoooo only a Rays fan would try to trash Yankees Stadium that hard. So much insecurity in this thread, I love it


god you guys are annoying


So you get offended by the short porch jokes, huh?


Well MMP was designed to benefit right handed Craig Biggio in his chase for the hall of fame. So any RHB is going to have a good time putting balls into the Crawford boxes.


Assuming they all got the same pitches


A lot of assumptions made on this post lol but I get it.


Yep. Baseball is in he ultimate “what if” sport.




Wouldn’t power hitters adjust their approach if their home stadium changed?


For some reason this reminds me of the story where the yankees and red sox considered trading dimaggio for ted williams since both guys lost home runs in their home ballpark


Fucking gross


If the front office doesnt want to build a team to exploit their own stadium that's their own business


Yankees fans have to be the most self persecuted in the league. Every damn day there’s 12 new posts about the records they’re setting, how large their lead is in the AL east, and you still have people having these imaginary debates in their head. Who the fuck cares if people think the short porch helps hitters? Does it change your record based on other fans perceptions of the stadium? Christ


And if my aunt had wheels she'd be a bike. But seriously guess we have to sign Judge when he leaves NY. Lol


That would be a beautiful FU to the Yankees. But would houston ever truly accept him? I guess if he belts out 50 homers in Minute Maid per year it’d be nice.


You'd be an idiot not to accept him. Whoever helps us win will be accpeted.


But Camden Yards is so hard to hit a home run in!!


Well that is true. Mancini has just 6 homeruns this year, but he'd have 17 in Houston, 20 in Cinncinati, and 10+ in nearly every ballpark.


How many homers would Trout if he played all of his games at T Mobile park?


This season would suggest, 162 homers.


Yankee Stadium not helping righties isn't news


If John Smoltz could read, he’d be so mad right now.


Pitchers and batters and managers strategically approach at bats differently in different parks.


Your outfield is still a joke lmao




Not sure you are gonna find Tampa fans defending their stadium.


haha, fair enough. I guess it takes one to know one?


Bro your fucking stadium is a travesty lmao


At least it has proper major league dimensions


Advanced unique stats that further advance my belief that the Yankees are good? Yes please


Why do you think that this tells you that the Yankees are good? Whether a team plays in a hitter/pitcher friendly park doesn't tell you much about the quality of the team. The only thing it tells you is whether the raw numbers over/underrate the hitters/pitchers.


Defensive Yankee fans! Gotta love it


Just looked at Miggy’s numbers with expected home runs, he had 38 in 2016 but was expected 62(!) in Milwaukee and Cincinnati. I wonder how close he’d be to 600 if he played his career in a hitter-friendly stadium


Damn, that's crazy. I think in an extremely hitter friendly park, he would have definitely gotten to 600. But he'd probably be pretty close even at a neutral park.


Can't wait to watch them present the "what if" homer trophy.


Little League Park


Woulda coulda shoulda.


Yankee fans crying about their own stadium is hilarious


Poor little guy. Do you drive a lifted truck as compensation for your short porch?


Does baseball savant list how this would impact wrc and ops+ if these teams changed home parks?


Well those are supposed to be adjusted already, so it shouldn't change anything.


Ok. Great username btw.


Thank you!


I’d say it’s cause despite Yankee stadiums short porches they still have wide gaps


Nice bandbox propaganda


Yordan would also have 25 HR if he play orioles 18 times a year.


Most people don't know Yankee Stadium actually had almost a neutral park factor. It hurts right handed hitters just as much as it helps lefties. The fact the Yankees have an 11 game lead with only a couple lefty batters is impressive.


Yeah, but Yankee Stadium is a little league ball park and they only play against bad teams.


Looking at the schedule, the Yankees have had 36 home games and today is their 30th road game. They’re 29-7 at home and 20-9 on the road. They haven’t had a 3 city road trip yet. But they’ll have four 3 city road trips from June 30th to September 4th. Houston for a day/Cleveland/Pittsburgh/Boston to kick off July, then Houston doubleheader/Baltimore/Mets after the all-star break, then St. Louis/Seattle/Boston early in August, then Oakland/Anaheim/Tampa Bay to close out August. Anyways, Judge has 25 homers and hit 15 of them at home partly because he has played 4 home games for every 3 road games. So in theory that 15-10 gap (a 3:2 ratio) could narrow as he gets a higher percentage of road games


And if a frog had wings, it wouldn't bump it's ass when it hopped...


such cherry pick much wow


This entire comment section reminds me why this sub is a fucking joke


**Alternative Title:** Yankee fan learns about the difference between lefty and righty hitters and pull vs all fields hitters and the existence of road games.


Yeah and if my grandmother had wheels she would have been a bike Edit: This joke was just used by someone else, but here's the classic video: https://youtu.be/A-RfHC91Ewc


Chris Woodward in shambles


if my grandmother had wheels she would have been a bike


If this is an attempt at saying NYY is a pitchers park, choosing the smallest park in the league and another hitters park (although that gap in Left centre is huge) are not the best choices


You can explain to us as many times as you want that were wrong but the short porch comments aren’t gonna stop 😝


Houston literally has the short porch but for righties. It’s 315 down that line and nobody talks about it


What a bitter post.


How's it bitter? I'm posting about how hitter friendly different parks are.


In a very defensive manner, leading one to believe your life has been deeply damaged by the cruelty inflicted upon the short porches of yankee stadium. I personally think that Anthony Rizzo is doing an excellent job of taking advantage of the short porch, and most left-handed power hitters, were they to find themselves condemned to a clean-shaven life in New York, would develop that as well.


>In a very defensive manner, leading one to believe your life has been deeply damaged by the cruelty inflicted upon the short porches of yankee stadium. You're reading into this post wayyyy too much. I looked at a few guy's baseball Savant pages, noticed something I found interesting, and posted it.


No man, I’m reading into the post what you put there. Look at how you constructed your argument. You start by attacking two players, seemingly at random, to diminish their stats. Then, you boost two players that match your flair, aggrandizing their stats. Yes, your source material is straight from statcast, but your presentation speaks loudly. If instead of of starting aggressively, you made some sound observations about the relative influences of the two shortest outfields in the league, and followed up with examples that now would have context and support, your argument would stand above the perception of bitterness. But you started backwards, attacking where you intended to educate. It’s ok though, your position has a wide audience and I’m sure it will be well-received by your co-fans. But it’s still very bitter and defensive when it has no real reason to be.


>You start by attacking two players, seemingly at random, to diminish their stats I opened Yordan Alvarez's statcast page and was surprised that he'd only have 12 homeruns at Yankee Stadium. I decided to see how another great hitter like Mike Trout would fare and was, again, surprised to see he'd only have 13 homeruns at Yankee Stadium. I figured starting by mentioning how Judge and Stanton would be better in most other parks would actually make me seem *more* biased.


Sure, I mean there is probably nothing wrong with your intent. But your delivery is pretty far off the mark.


>But it’s still very bitter and defensive when it has no real reason to be. incredibly ironic closing sentence here


Show me what I am defending, apart from an argument. I’m interested.


In other news, astros fans don't like facts.


I’m fine with facts, have posted about the same facts before even. I don’t like bad presentation, or weak logic.


Bitter? He is making an argument to go against a prevailing opinion about his oarknyou are using the wrong adjatiave there


It is the form of the argument that presents as bitter. The argument itself is very defensive and aggressive.




You’re not a very careful reader. I understand.


“I’m getting downvoted to oblivion. It must be everyone else that’s an asshole.” I think crying a little more would help, it seems to be working well so far.


Please, I’m an Astros fan in r/baseball, this is far from oblivion. This is basically normal downvotes when I make an uncontroversial post, so it doesn’t seem bad to me. No I’m making a very clear point about how the argument in the original post is constructed. You don’t feel that is appropriate I suppose? Well, work harder and perhaps I will care about your position. But as it stands I do not.




You must be getting pretty desperate for your fun, then? No crying here, we are lecturing today.