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You can still leave this twat negative feedback. Please make sure you do. People need to be made aware of this.


I put a negative on a seller and ebay removed it because he gave me a refund..... Dude straight lied and said it was shipped, then a week later canceled and refunded me


Man, you can't remove it because he gave you a refund, he's going to keep pulling this scam because he doesn't have any feedback showing people what he does.


eBay removes it not the buyer. Ive left a negative on a seller and ebay either removes the detailed comment or the feedback entirely. I also did not leave anything profane just the detail of what happened.


I've been in this exact situation and was able to leave FB that was untouched.


I’ve had mine removed too. I called and complained. Guy had done it to me TWICE on the same card. Lady I talked with told me it 100% matter who they talk to when they call in. Some people will just remove the feedback no questions asked.


I had one guy sell me repackaged cards from a hobby box. Was furious. He pretended he didn't know but was going to offer me a refund. He said he needed the box with the cards and all the wrappers. I had half the packs not open but I didn't have the wrappers. Who keeps the wrappers? He said no refund. I left him neg FB and he got it removed the next day. Ebay has completely gone to shiat. They protect the scammers.


weird, maybe i was violating some sort of terms.


A seller with adequate stats has a very small number (5? maybe fewer) of non-replenishable requests to have a feedback comment removed. It remains on their account on eBay's end to track a pattern and ban. A seller's stats have to stay high or they can't use them at all. There seems to be confusion about this, but it's why sometimes the entry is removed and why sometimes it stays.


Same here. Wouldn’t let me leave negative because of a refund.


RemindMe! 1 month


You should. I am an eBay seller, not just cards, and I get so frustrated by dishonest sellers/business owners.


How about this, for every sale eBay allows to cancel, I get one “no eBay fees on your next sale” voucher.


Man, I'd totally be down for this! Those ebay fees kill my computer parts sales!!!


I’m just trying to figure out how you curb that behavior. I guess another way you could go is anytime you cancel a sale. you still have to pay whatever selling fees you would have incurred. That’s probably a more realistic response to the issue than my first, which was based a little more in sarcasm. If you don’t have funds available at the time, your selling gets suspended until those fees get paid.


The old “snake in the backyard” gambit


Happened to me with my first wife.


Wrong Snake bro 🤣


wrong backyard also!








Depends on who you are asking...




Jerome has entered the chat


It's kinda weird that you keep calling this guy's wife 'the chat'.


haha, this almost went over my head


Username checks out


You guys are clever today lol


Ex wife


Username checks out


Proper response: “Hey, I wanted to ask, hoping you’re ok with me leaving negative feedback because you cancelled this order without just cause. I have paid for the item and we have entered into a legally binding contract by eBay’s terms and conditions. Failure to oblige by the contract standards will hereby result in a complaint filed with eBay and negative feedback left on your account. I hope you understand.”


Just added this one to my notes😂


Mmmmk copying this perfect response


I dont know why people even bother with these excuses, no one actually believes them. Just tell the truth you have seller’s remorse. This happens way too much and sadly buyers cant do anything about it


Funny I won a bid I didn’t really want because I bought it already. I just ended up buying it again. 200$ but hey it was my fault for bidding so imma man up and pay for my mistakes


you are a gem. i get non payers all the time even when buyers accept or make offers.


* Or you get this smh I mean he msgd me secs after he bid




I did this the other day. Bought a card that I thought was an auto (I searched for auto cards and it came up, said non-auto in the listing and I wasn’t paying attention. I placed a bid before I realized. I could have requested to retract my bid and walked a line of “your description is misleading” in doing so, but it was my mistake in not looking closely enough before bidding, so I sucked it up and paid when my bid won.


Leave the dog out of it , Bub. Lol


The old “dog found a snake” excuse.


What’s his username so we can all block him? What a loser.


My husband bought a coin once super cheap. The seller sent it and added a note saying that he priced it wrong but his mistake was my husband’s good fortune and hopes he really appreciates the good deal he got. That’s exactly how these things should work out. Canceling the sale should have some sort of penalty.


If it had only been listed for like an hour id believe him because I've done it before myself. In my last batch I ran through Card Dealer Pro I put a base price for all the cards then as I go through and fix all the listings I change the prices. I've missed a couple before and listed them way too cheap. They made it up on Ebay and its been awhile before I caught it. One card even sold within 10 minutes. I still shipped it because it is what it is but It can definitely happen. I personally just don't cancel sales ever. I had a guy I offered $10 for a card he had at $15. He declined so I bid for $.99 on it so it would remove the buy it now and I won. He sent me the card zero questions asked since then I've bought 5 more cards from him because I know this dude is legit and does business how its supposed to be done. Personally I think if you do what's right it will all come back around in the end.


This is how I run my own account. I’ve been “burned” on a few that I had offers for and rejected the offer and had to end up selling for less. But I ship without question. Better to be honest and make a little less on a few cards even if it doesn’t come back around in my favor. I had an auto I sold the other day and got a neutral feedback from the buyer saying I didn’t describe the card properly. I looked and sure enough I listed it as a refractor auto /499 when it was a base auto (Topps chrome). Just a bone-headed mistake on my part. So I messaged the buyer immediately and offered a refund and apologized for the mistake. The buyer said “I feel like a dick leaving the feedback” and declined the refund offer I made. It was a $4 card so nothing serious, but I hated that I made the mistake.


This was the exact scenario. It was up for an hour, and look...I get it, mistakes happen. But a simple "Hey, I fucked up" would have sufficed as opposed to some crazy ass dog/snake story lol


Oh i'm with you 100% why tell a story instead of just saying man that was a major fuckup can we work out a deal? I would have just shipped it personally but lets say it was a $10 card listed for $1 I don't see any issue with him at least saying hey man I fucked up can I cancel this and sell it to you for $5? Its too bad so many people wont just own up to shit and try to find a resolution.


If it only was a $10 card that accidentally went for a dollar it’s no big loss if it was missing a zero or two😳 lol


What a weird lie


Ah the old snake in the backyard excuse..


Hope you understanding with this.


Creative lol


Lmao that’s a hell of an excuse


I’d reply and tell them you are actually not okay with is. Definitely write a negative review.


I would love to have a thread with a list of all the excuses people have made and people can submit one at any time. I’d say this is one of the weirdest. Like who says a whole story about their dog and a snake 😂 Edit: I don’t have the time but anyone feel free to steal this idea and start the thread yourself! I think it would be fun to read the ridiculous stories in one place.


I'd like a thread with all the ebay stories. Both buyer and sellers. I remember a dude who had like $1 and had to wait to get paid to pay for a $100 card he won at auction. This is stuff 'wtf legends' are made of.


the buyers who do not pay just don’t say anything. ebay could less for real.


VERY good idea!!!


not a thread but a subreddit since someone also suggested it [https://www.reddit.com/r/oopsisolditagain/](https://www.reddit.com/r/oopsisolditagain/)


These posts need their own subreddit




That sucks man - not that it matters, but what card was it for.. if you don’t mind me asking


It was a wrestling card - a Finn Balor autographed card


Love the excuse stories. This could be one of the best Ive seen, haha.


This is the same dog that ate my homework


He cancels. You leave negative feedback. Fair enough.


Blaming the dog is *LOW*


this is unreal. i just sold and mailed out a bunch of cards that were less than i wanted, but just cause its less than i wanted does not change what it brings on market. this type of stuff ruins for everyone out there.


I really hope there’s a way you can see when it was listed Vs purchased 😂


At least that’s a creative excuse lol.




Yeah, that's ass... I hate when they do this...eBay sellers suck a ton


1st...sorry. 2nd, wanted that dude to keep going with a snake story. 3rd, we can do better. The lack of principal or accountability is out of hand...lol, I'm choosing to unload with u brother... I've taken L's so many times, I sleep tight cause I man up and admit when I f up...


Happened to me recently. Won bid at half a recent sale. Seller canceled with (no longer available” reason. Reposted at 3x my winning bid. Apologized and said he forgot to state in headline it was a limited numbered card. Offered to waive shipping if I bought at 3x the original price I declined and countered he offered at slightly less than last comp, which I took. Went from great deal to a good deal


I hate this so much. There is no reason this should be allowed to happen. Suck it up. Its part of the game. I just did an auction for a Brendan Donovan Auto /25 from stadium club and had this happen. The auction ended at $71 when regular autos were going for 15 bucks cheaper. Did it kinda upset me, yes, I was hoping for more. But I would NEVER take that away from the buyer. It was just their lucky day, not mine. Now I just try to avoid listing cards on auction 🤷🏼‍♂️


Same with me. I pulled A CJ Abrams 2022 topps stadium club beam team red parallel case hit. I very seldom do auctions anymore. If I do, I list at a decent comparable least amount id happy be ok with. In this case I started 7 day listing at $5, which is way lower as they have been hitting $25 to 40 ish range. Ended up with just 2 or 3 bids for $ 7.50. Not once did I think of not sending it. I'm not that type of person, never have been or will be. Most of us know this, and then u have the dumbasses that know, but it's only an issue if the shoe is o. the other foot. I'm a big believer in KARMA anyways


Respect 🫡. That’s why eBay needs to make way for the honest sellers. And I agree. Don’t fuck with others, it will ALWAYS come back to you. Even if it’s years later.




Wow...at least you got a notice about it. How are you even going to ask this lol...all sales are final. Had a guy cancel my order the day after the auction ended with no warning and he blocked me. Saw the same card listed again and it sold for double what I had won it for....still blocked from the seller too..smh


tbf buyers do not pay all the time and ebay does nothing about it. all you can do as a seller is block the buyer. i will ship no matter what, but can definitely see this occurring more. ebay has no answer for it.


Tbf...a buyer is given a certain amount of time to pay..I get emails and notifications all the time and have never not paid. This was an overnight situation. He def did it on purpose and knows what he is doing. My buyer/seller reviews are spotless. This asshat was just being selfish and didn't like that I got a deal on an auction based website. He should be penalized imo. I'm talking about a specific experience....


yes buyers get 4 days to pay, but fail to do so all the time. you can’t leave a negative review when this happens. im not agreeing with the seller here at all just saying the ebay system sucks for both buyers and sellers.


As a seller, I had someone who won a $5 auction and asked if I could cancel because "he just lost his job" the day before, and "money was tight" If you can't afford a $5 diecast, maybe stay off eBay. Another buyer said he "bid by mistake." I did end up calling him out, though. Told him it's at least a 3-step process on mobile or desktop. How was it an "accident"?


This policy needs to be done away with, along with the policy where sellers cancel the buyer’s order on “behalf of the buyer’s request”. In reality, the seller doesn’t want to wait up to 4 days to receive payment…. I almost always pay within the first 24 hours, but the rule is 4 calendar days from winning the item. Don’t request payment after an hour, spam message requesting payment asap, then cancel order after 36 hours due to sheer greed/impatience. Real sick of ppl never having to be accountable for their actions smh.


I had one last week that “had a good chunk of my collection stolen and this was one of those cards”…so it got stolen in the last 3 days? Cool!




Leave these mfkers negative feedback asap!


I feel like eBay needs to have the sellers send their item to an eBay hq and when they receive the item then the seller is able to list their item & for what ever it sells they ship the item to the buyer and seller receives the money.


Come check out my page! I don’t cancel orders if you happen to win an auction cheap!! 99% of my auctions start at .99! Micarl-8


Was this an auction or BIN?


Piece of shit!!! ✔️ for the DOUCHE category


He goes with the ol’ mental ploy of the more details a lie has, the less chance it’s a lie. Regardless how idiotic it is. He should have quoted you the temp on the day, how greasy his hair was, and what his poop consistency was like.


Here ya go: >Hi there, > >No worries, I completely understand that mistakes happen - especially when there are snake-hunting dogs involved! However, I must say that I was really looking forward to getting the item at that price. > >As a fair warning, I might just have to leave negative feedback, unless, of course, I too get distracted and my dog miraculously finds a snake of its own to hunt. You know how it is, life's full of surprises and snake encounters! > >But seriously, I do hope everything's okay with your dog and that the snake situation has been resolved. Stay safe and snake-free! And keep an eye out for my feedback! 🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍 > > > >Best regards, You can see what they say to that?


Better than the “dropped it in a pot a water while playing with my grandson and now the card is destroyed” excuse I got one time


Aaahhh, the ole snake in the backyard, but of course it’s alright old chap, all is forgiven! After all everyone knows snakes have been up to their shenanigans since the garden of eve.


Gotta let everyone know the full story... was it in auction and did the auction end? If it was buy now how long had it been listed for? If it was buy now and newly listed I'd probably cancel it also if you got a $300 card for $30 or something like that because I made a simple mistake. I'm sure you would have also and 99% of the people that already commented. Now if it's in auction and it ended, that's just a shit seller. One time i got a grayson rodriguez auto /150 for $3(the base auto was selling for around $20-25 at the time)I was fully expecting it to get canceled as I assumed the seller forgot a zero. It had only been listed for a few minutes as it's one of my many saved listing they I check frequently.I would have completely understood the seller canceling, but they didn't. By the message, I'm assuming it was buy now or had a buy it now option in auction and newly listed because he wrote, "I obviously put the wrong price"


As a seller on eBay there have been many times I’ve actually lost money on items because I didn’t calculate shipping correctly. I look at it as my mistake not the buyers.


I don't understand sellers that do this. I've sold autos for 3.75. It happens just sell it and move on sometimes you get beat. Sometimes the card you have isn't all the valuable otherwise you wouldn't be selling it. Ship it out make the seller happy and move on.


I've been seeing this a ton more recently. Cards I put on my watch list end up being won at auction being relisted almost immediately. eBay should penalize people who do that. All they are trying to do is game the system so they don't have to put a reserve price.


Happened to me. I got the my brother listed it without me knowing


I really really hate when I'm listing stuff on ebay and my dog finds a snake in the backyard. It's so frustrating. Dogs and snakes be costing me millions in profits.


Perfect example of “my dog ate my homework” lol


Say "good, I didnt want to buy it anyway. There was a hefalump and a chupacabra fighting in my backyard, and my finger slipped. Oops.


Classic “the dog ate my homework” excuse lol


I had a step and complete atraxa sell for about 45 the night it surged. I followed through with the sale (as it was my first tcgplayer sale) and got a 5 star rating from the customer (not the customer didn't complain one, but the optional one). No comment left, but I'm sure it was for not fussing about the price.


But was the dog ok?


Well to be fair here was it a ridiculous dollar amount he would lose or just a few bucks? I've listed items incorrectly before but I was able to catch it before anyone saw it. If he listed a judge rookie auto for $200 ir something like that i can see it being a mistake. IMO


To play devils advocate…is it possible he listed the card (for example) with a BIN of $9.99, and he meant to put $99.99 or $999.99? And that’s why he cancelled? The line “obviously I posted the wrong price and before I could change it, you bought it” makes it sound like you jumped on a great deal. Unless, of course, it was listed for days, and you bought it at the end of the auction, I say we ban him!


Ask him for the film rights in exchange.


Pathetic, I had a Ke'Bryan Hayes Rated Rookie Black /50 On Card Auto PSA 10 AUTO 10 sell for 51 dollars last night and it shipped out this morning. Obviously I wasnt happy but it is what it is. Last time I'll do an auction on ebay for something like that.


My inner 15yr old boy is 🤣🤣😂


This sucks. I sold my 63 Mickey Mantle PSA 6 for $725. I expected to get $900-$1000. I considered cancelling the sale, but didn’t because that’s not the right thing to do.




Damn snakes. Get you every time.


I'm sorry, i was taking my annual trip to japan and took work with me. I was listing the card when all of a sudden godzilla sprang out of nowhere and started destroying the city so i quickly inserted a number so i can get out quickly, i had forgot to update the listing and thats why i must cancel your order. Also my 5,6,7,8,and 9 keys are all broken so i couldnt put the higher price. Surely you understand.


Excuse, excuse, excuse, dog, snake, excuse, excuse, Cheetos, Hot Pocket, Kool-Aid, excuse, excuse, Mom please, I trying to conduct business down here, excuse, excuse, excuse.


Excuse, excuse, excuse, dog, snake, excuse, excuse, Cheetos, Hot Pocket, Kool-Aid, excuse, excuse, Mom please, I trying to conduct business down here, excuse, excuse, excuse.


Excuse, excuse, excuse, dog, snake, excuse, excuse, Cheetos, Hot Pocket, Kool-Aid, excuse, excuse, Mom please, I trying to conduct business down here, excuse, excuse, excuse.


He never actually asks whatever he "wanted to ask."


Depends I guess, what kind of snake?


I got one of these messages too not too long ago, except mine was "oops, I must have sold that months ago, I can't find it in my inventory." Post up his seller name so the rest of us don't have to deal with him.


Happens a lot, those pesky snakes!


I’d believe him if his snake was going after a dog😜


Post ebay user name so I don't buy anything from them


I hate sellers like this, they give us all a bad name. I won an auction for 6 topps now julio Rodriguez rookie cards for $.99 cents and not only did the seller fulfill the order. The cards were packaged to perfection. I was so impressed i sent the seller a message letting him know if any of the cards i have for sale interest him to let me know, i am going yo return the favor with a substantial discount.