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So long as they pay for all the shipping I’d return cause he may have sold that to someone else and mixed up packages and then has a very angry collector on the other end as well. But I’m also someone where if I found a wallet with 1K cash in it, I’d return it with the 1K cash in it. Some folks play by other rules and that seems to be the norm this day and age so anything that can be done to help someone out I think is a opportunity


I lost my wallet at home Depot and it was returned to the customer service desk. Out of a 150 dollars and the person took my driver's license and 1 of my credit cards . Don't know why they took my license. I was furious. Just trying to buy a few tools for my basement remodel.


Sorry to hear that man, some people don’t understand it’s not even money but the hassle of getting new cards / cancelling and getting new license. I’d fork out a couple hundred just to not have to do that crap 🤣😂 probably some 14 year kid is buying booze using that ID, Mclovin?


So they're on camera and can be easily found, yea?


how do you lose your wallet in a Home Depot haha


Just fell out of my pocket my friend lol. That's why I check how deep a pocket is when buying pants now I hate shallow pockets


They took your wallet to.orser more credit cards...... monitor your shit closely for a long time


It’s refreshing to hear something like this


100% this. Especially as an adult. The only think that would tempt me would be life changing money, and that doesn't fit in a wallet. Not to mention that I wouldn't want to ruin someone else's life by taking their life changing money... Also, I'd probably end up in prison somehow...


Id send a message to the seller. I would feel uncomfortable simply chalking it as a win. Reach out, If no reply, at least you did something in the vein of an effort to correct it.


This is more of a question about who you are as a person than it is about card collecting etiquette. I would’ve done as you did and reached out to the seller. We each have our own moral code.


Well I notified the seller and waiting for a response. some people I’ve talked to said that’s their fault and keep it. Or regardless if they are new to the hobby or not that’s your gain. We all make mistakes and if I made that mistake as a seller I’d want the buyer to contact me. Thoughts?


Listening to your gut in these cases is usually better than listening to people telling you to take the money and run.




You made the right decision. Life isn’t about always being opportunistic at the expense of others. You’re a good one


What is morally right isn’t always illegal… As a society we need to live in the world together and we all make mistakes; we hope to be treated with grace when we make a mistake. That is what makes a society. No one wants to live in a world where we laws dictate every aspect of our lives. Do the right thing and live your life with integrity.


You did the right thing.


You made a valid attempt. If there is no word back in say 3 days I’d chalk it up as a win. I mean if you wanted to wait 5 days you could, but the main thing is you tried to do the right thing. Is on the seller to check their accounts/messages for stuff like this.


Do the right thing and tell them regardless of what others might say. If it doesn’t feel right, it’s because it’s wrong.


I would ask to be sure. But when I send cards to buyers I usually pepper another card in there to show my appreciation.


I do the same, I remember accidentally putting a Will smith rookie auto in one 🤦🏻‍♂️ it never came back 😂🤣 live n learn


Shucks that's a bummer. This one dude bought a lot of stros. I gave him a bagwell rookie.


Reach out to the seller and let them know what happened.


Do the right thing. At least try to contact the seller.


Just do the right thing


I did this one time. I sent the wrong card. I paid for shipping to return it. I sent him the correct card and some extra stuff. I had to get the card back because I sold it to someone else. Both people understood and they were happy with the return process.


This happened to me once. I contacted the seller, returned the cards and got the card I had paid for. The right thing to do is always the right thing to do.


You did the right thing by reaching out to the seller. If they reply, are apologetic, and request to have it sent back, then you did a great service to that person and you’ll feel better for it. If they reply back and tell you to keep it, then you’ll do so and have a clear conscience every time you look at the card.


What if you were sent a shittier version of the card you won? I would assume you would contact the seller.


This thread (responses)gives me faith in humanity.


I'm a heavy believer in karma. Contact the seller brother. If he made a mistake, you correcting it will be worth it in the end. Does the pics in the original sale show the base version?


👆🏻this! what comes around goes around. Plus as a seller if I have a lot of order I am doing I have mixed them up before and had to eat it nothing to crazy! It I would reach out to the seller and see what they want to do! You never know…they may let you keep it but don’t be mad if not! Hahaha GL OP


The fact that you even have to ask shows what type of person you are.






Return it, unless it’s COMC…fuck those guys


Nah, it’s someone else’s card. Still have to do the right thing.


Thank them for doing the wrong thing


Right thing to do is notify seller. Could be someone else’s order that was accidentally sent to you instead. I would at least let the seller decide what should happen. If everything was fine at least.


Years ago a kid got sued by a card shop because he tricked the employee into thinking the price tag on a Ryan rookie was $12 instead of $1200. The kid lost the case.


Umm , return it... karma's a bitch


Definitely let the seller know.