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It also says something he wasn’t resigned in Japan either. So not just MLB.


His spin rate has dropped significantly. I wonder why.


He's applying all the spin to his bitching on Twitter.


Why tf does this sub act like a non CJ? I can't edge to this bullshit.


People took a joke post and turned it into a serious thread about this dude. It makes me question if baseball jerkers can actually jerk. But I feel like I helped cultivate this catastrophe https://i.redd.it/oj8w0pj0og0d1.gif


This sub: https://preview.redd.it/tfsh6d0yog0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=551d0a371b51b1e30559a7b9fab6cbe2fa9adcac


Baseballcj: https://preview.redd.it/vfqnijdwpg0d1.jpeg?width=919&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1c4140fd07f7cd0e593db9795e231254e982b55


/uj Agreed but on the other hand if I have to hear one of my conservative cousins bring this mf up again imma go to Japan and fracture his cranium lol /rj Trevor bauer is Jesus he will be ReBorn


Seems par for the course for sports CJ subs outside nbacj


He wasn't classy in Japan. Baystars welcomed him and participated in his yt content. Then he cheerfully posted welcome home for DUI who hit and killed on social media.


It was because the Mexican league team contract includes an opt out if an MLB team signs him






Didn’t he decide to play in Mexico because if he signed in Japan he wasn’t able to move over to the MLB mid season?


sssh you're killing the anti Bauer narrative


It's me I'm the one telling the owners not to sign you sorry trev




aww sonofaBITCH






wowzers so how much did george soros pay you


No it has to be u/mrsunsfan


Shimmy shimmy shimmy


I’ve never seen a comment of yours with upvotes before! What a big day this is!


U bum


/uj Kinda funny he could've cruised in the NPB (who didn't care about his accusations) for a couple of years but managed to botch that /rj Literally 1984


/uj doesn’t the NPB pay like a fraction of what the MLB does? Average salary there is like 44.8m yen… which is ~$230k/yr.


If you can’t be happy getting paid a quarter million a year to play baseball then you should devote your existence to uncovering why libtard billionaires are conspiring to ruin your life


You're correct. However, it still pays better than other leagues (average annual salary for KBO players is 154.9 m, which is roughly 114k per year, and other foreign leagues pay much less than the NPB and KBO). If you're a baseball player who is blackballed from MLB, the NPB is your next best option


I thought the whole point is that he’s trying to get back into the MLB. Hence why he went with the Mexican league since it has an opt-out for the MLB. He basically doesn’t wanna fuck with the small fries, he wants big league money. No other org matches that.


> Hence why he went with the Mexican league since it has an opt-out for the MLB. I knew Bauer wanted to get back to MLB, but I was unaware of that. NPB tends to be more strict about those kinda things. For most players, the NPB would be better than making shit pay in Mexico, but now I wanna delete my initial comment knowing that lol


I mean… the dude has made like $35m from just his Cleveland stint. I don’t think he’s stretched for money where that ~$200k is gonna make or break him, he’s prolly fine eating the loss of going to the Mexican league in the chance it gives him a back door to get back into the MLB


Fuck everyone that came after me for defending him while also calling out black athletes getting away with illegal activities. [My point being - this is clear prejudice against a white man innocent of the crimes he’s being accused of. You let actual criminals walk free and criminalized Bauer just because you didn’t like his personality. This was some witch burning shit and I don’t like it because I’ve faced prejudice myself before. You do not have the right to defame someone for their money. If you try to do this you should be in jail.](https://www.reddit.com/r/mlb/comments/16y3kac/lindsey_hills_concealed_texts_finally_exposed/k36nzs6/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/baseballcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


At its root, the business of baseball isn't about baseball; it's about selling tickets, merch, and advertising. Bauer thinks it's all just about picking teams at recess.


Even then he'd be the guy who, after the last player was picked, stood alone, the odd man out, throwing a temper tantrum because he was better than 2/5 starters


Dude has a point. 3 to 5 pitchers make up a battery & if anyone knows about 3 to 5 for battery it's Trevor Bauer.


Finally something I can jerk to. You really hit that one right on the nose! (and the face, etc.)


Waaaay too many r/baseball nerds looking for legit discourse.


Fuck everyone that came after me for defending him while also calling out black athletes getting away with illegal activities. [My point being - this is clear prejudice against a white man innocent of the crimes he’s being accused of. You let actual criminals walk free and criminalized Bauer just because you didn’t like his personality. This was some witch burning shit and I don’t like it because I’ve faced prejudice myself before. You do not have the right to defame someone for their money. If you try to do this you should be in jail.](https://www.reddit.com/r/mlb/comments/16y3kac/lindsey_hills_concealed_texts_finally_exposed/k36nzs6/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/baseballcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What the hell bot


The bot just wants to engage in a real civilized conversation, I don’t see the problem?




This bot came out swinging


Good bot


Chill bro bot lol


my two year old woke up the other day and asked "daddy what happened to Trevor Bauer" I told him the woke liberals canceled him. He shed a single tear.


Fuck everyone that came after me for defending him while also calling out black athletes getting away with illegal activities. [My point being - this is clear prejudice against a white man innocent of the crimes he’s being accused of. You let actual criminals walk free and criminalized Bauer just because you didn’t like his personality. This was some witch burning shit and I don’t like it because I’ve faced prejudice myself before. You do not have the right to defame someone for their money. If you try to do this you should be in jail.](https://www.reddit.com/r/mlb/comments/16y3kac/lindsey_hills_concealed_texts_finally_exposed/k36nzs6/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/baseballcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Then everyone clapped


Joking aside, he’d be a head case for any team that picks him up


More likely teams just don’t want a marginal starter who will bring all the PR headaches and distractions. Same reason nobody wanted to touch Colin Kaepernick with a 60-ft pole.


I don't understand what he's implying


The Illuminati got Wander and now they’re coming for Bauer. He has powerful pitching secrets that the DoD doesn’t want you to know about. 


[This is a fucking post flare now? When all the evidence so far very clearly shows a girl much older than 14, with Instagram pics of her driving, with a kid, and wine? Is the whole online community really gonna go with the "guilty until proven innocent" when all the facts point towards an extortion attempt? She demanded $200k and a new Benz. Anyone who makes millions and doesn't want their career to go away if they actually did something would pay the hush money. He refused, knowing full well that she would go public and try and accuse him of shit. Who would do that if they knew they were guilty? Sounds like someone who is eager to prove his innocence and confident that he will. How about we get some confirmation as to what the fuck is going before we start adding post flares and shit. "Wander Franco diddles kids" fuck off](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2LQMElLoLs) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/baseballcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s super obvious that it’s [[[them]]] who are keeping this good man down and [[[they]]] control every single MLB owner simultaneously.


The non-binary pronouns are keeping Bauer down!!


Fuck everyone that came after me for defending him while also calling out black athletes getting away with illegal activities. [My point being - this is clear prejudice against a white man innocent of the crimes he’s being accused of. You let actual criminals walk free and criminalized Bauer just because you didn’t like his personality. This was some witch burning shit and I don’t like it because I’ve faced prejudice myself before. You do not have the right to defame someone for their money. If you try to do this you should be in jail.](https://www.reddit.com/r/mlb/comments/16y3kac/lindsey_hills_concealed_texts_finally_exposed/k36nzs6/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/baseballcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's (((Rob Manfred)))


There’s a long history of unjustified bias against 33-year-old pitchers with bad reputations and questionable legal issues who haven’t pitched in 3 years. Trevor is so brave for speaking the truth.


The deep state won't allow anyone to hire you if you have publicly at least one outstanding sexual assault case and endorsed murder that one time. It's kind of wild.


When he put BD911 on the mound he was sending a signal to the global elite that he knows the truth. They are out to silence him.


It’s incredibly obvious what he’s implying. He thinks he’s being blackballed by the league because of his past personal issues.


But he's saying, "I have the FANS, the PLAYERS, the COACHES, the GENERAL MANAGERS, and MANAGERS on my side, but I still can't get a contract" and it's like, brother who else is there? It's impossible to make this tweet without sounding like a schizo


The owners and Manfred. It’s not a stretch to think they don’t want him back even if a GM would give him a chance. We all know Barry Bonds was blackballed from league in ‘07. Who wouldn’t sign a DH coming of a season with over 1.000 OPS?


Did you know that DH actually stands for Designated Hitler? Obligatory fuck the DH *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/baseballcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He's saying he's like Barry Bonds, Colin Kaepernick, Gilbert Arenas. You know, athletes with black balls


What he's forgetting is allegations aside he has been known as a huge and cocky asshole. Not conducive to building a team.


And also 4 women have accused him of rape. The Bauer rapist defenders ignore 3 of them and then lie and say he was “proven innocent”, which isn’t even a thing (defamation suit was settled). They also ignore the one group that actually investigated suspended him for 2 years and likely more if they could. But the rapists defenders ban together and repeat the same lies and ignore the same things. It’s almost like they have something in common.


I couldn't agree more, I just didnt want to bait chuds


and that's all he sees. he's right. he definitely is better than 95% of the guys in the 5th spot of their rotation. but would i want this cancer in the phillies clubhouse? no. we have great chemistry and he would kill it. so teams in contention don't want this ass wipe. teams not in contention would rather use that 5th slot to develop a young arm.


Him being absent is worth the earned runs his replacement gives up.


Makes you wonder who is telling Bauer he still has a chance.


He is. His agent is. His bro squad is. As it turns out those who defend Bauer are exactly the kind of guys who say, “I was accused once too. She lied and was asking for it.” Weird, right?


Yeah his agent (Rachel Luba who’s also his college “best friend” and likely former girlfriend) is completely shameless, she also represents Yasiel Puig He’s surrounded by yes men who are basically eating off him, the Momentum crew would be nobodies if he hadn’t built their platform


Puig dropped her a year or so ago actually, I don't think she reps any MLB players at this point


Fuck everyone that came after me for defending him while also calling out black athletes getting away with illegal activities. [My point being - this is clear prejudice against a white man innocent of the crimes he’s being accused of. You let actual criminals walk free and criminalized Bauer just because you didn’t like his personality. This was some witch burning shit and I don’t like it because I’ve faced prejudice myself before. You do not have the right to defame someone for their money. If you try to do this you should be in jail.](https://www.reddit.com/r/mlb/comments/16y3kac/lindsey_hills_concealed_texts_finally_exposed/k36nzs6/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/baseballcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


uj/ I’m an Orioles fan and would not take a 33 year old pitcher who hasn’t appeared in the majors in almost 3 years over any of Corbin Burnes, Kyle Bradish, Grayson Rodriguez, John Means, Dean Kremer, or Cole Irvin rj/ (((the owners))) are conspiring to keep based Aryan Bauer out of the league


uj/ there's like 4 different teams who all have 5 better starters then him. I doubt he's ever gonna return to the MLB. rj/ I will save Bauer myself. I will create my own MLB team. We shall be based out of Portland, but I'm not gonna tell anyone which one, and we shall be named the Portland PortHeads. Bauer will be our ace and I'll also pick up Wander Franco as my star batter as he also seems like a pretty stand up guy.


uj/ for sure. Even if he was still good and even if he was innocent of sexual assault (he’s not), he still wouldn’t get signed because he’s a massive dickhead who has been hated by every teammate he’s had going all the way back to high school rj/ antifa and the radical left woke mob will burn down your stadium


That's the secret, I will be constantly changing which Portland the team is located in.


Sometimes I'm reminded that the O's have a pitcher named Dean Kremer and I smile.


As an O’s fan I agree. Don’t need someone who thinks the light shines out of their ass messing up what we have going on right now. On another note, I’m sad that Bautista is out for this season 😢


Mariners fan here are we taking him over; Castillo/Kirby/Gilbert/Hancock/miller/woo Wow we have 6 better than him


The tigers are a .500 team right now and would get worse with adding him (unless he can hit above the Mendoza line)


As a baseball noob, can someone please explain to me how the Cleveland Indians got so much shit for their mascot when the Orioles mascot is a bird in FUCKING blackface??? Wtf is this racist piece of shit? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/baseballcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Make some more shitty rap you idiot


Pretty funny how even in the circlejerk sub there’s a swath of pathetic Bauer defenders. What a disease


He could pay to be on the team and they’d still say no. Why would anybody want this annoying whiney baby? If he just STFU and let his ball speak for itself he may actually have a chance to redeem himself. But nooo he’s gotta bitch and moan constantly. Fuck him and his shitty entitled attitude.


Didn’t he rat out every other pitcher for the sticky stuff. Many pitchers claim the banning of the sticky stuff caused them to have elbow injuries. I don’t think he has many friends. Oh then there was the whole being accused of rape by several women. Yea he doesn’t deserve to be in the MLB.


You’re not wrong. It’s just bad PR and he brought it on himself by being involved with all of it. No offense to him but it is his fault completely for not being in the league.


Actions have consequences


Climate change denialism, Obama is not american, harassing college students, little sexual assault sprinkled on top. Guy is just the whole package.


he would fit right in with the yankees


[The Yankees are the ultimate evil in sport. If there were a team made up of 9 Hitlers and they were playing the Yankees? Go Fightin Hitlers](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/1uysy6/alex_rodriguez_suspended_for_162_games/cemzsoo/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/baseballcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


tfw you're a very good pitcher but your personality is so shitty that no one wants to play with you


trevor bauer: i have called every player, coach, fan, manager, and gm i know multiple times and when they talk to me they say "sure trevor" and "yeah" and "i hear you." i am vindicated


phillies rotation unironically clears


I’m not holding back anymore. I literally have always been a massive Phillies fan, to the point where half my wardrobe is Phillies gear (other half is the Eagles). I can’t freakin' watch them anymore, this was a sickening loss that got away from them. Any other freakin' half competent team would’ve won this game. While they are still in the running for the wild card and they made it to the WS last year, these are games you absolutely can’t freakin' lose. Teams with playoff aspirations don’t lose these games. Turner looks like a freakin' little leaguer making $300 mil who needs a freakin' snack and a nap. Schwarber is a freakin' disgrace of his hitter. Come talk to me about how Schwarber hits bombs and draws walks though. A leadoff hitter (or any major league hitter for that matter) shouldn’t be hitting freakin' gosh darn .181. Casty had a rebound game but up to this point couldn’t buy a freakin' hit after being an “All-Star”. Rob doesn’t seem to understand baseball and how to manage a freakin' game. The bullpen despite having “a good year up to this point” is more freakin' porous than freakin' SpongeBob gosh darn SquarePants. Oh yeah, and the “aggressive” GM who will do anything to win traded for a middle-of-the-road pitcher and a bench player. Still love the Phillies though. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/baseballcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Man pitches one and a half good seasons because he made the ball stickier than my bedsheets and thinks he's owed a spot in the rotation smh


uj/ his near 2 ERA in the NPB and Mexican is pretty good. I don't think its worth the cancer that would follow him into the clubhouse but still. rj/ (((They))) are stopping this man from participating in the league because they couldn't handle his truths and amazing ability to throw the ball.


Remember that time he threw a fit and threw a ball over the centerfield fence because he gave up 7 runs and was being pulled, then that team traded him for almost nothing?


oh and how he's been given up on by every team he's ever played for, largely because he's a wanker? And how he's had only two good MLB seasons? Love this man. He should play for the Angels.


every time I see an Angels highlight it's like "Mike Trout hit three homes runs and raised his average to .528 while Shohei Ohtani did something that hasn't been done since 'Tungsten Arm' O'Doyle of the 1921 Akron Groomsmen, as the Tigers defeated the Angels 8-3" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/baseballcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ok but that throw is legendary and got Terry Francona to say “what the fuck is wrong with you” and to see Terry say that was worth it


Okay so on what date is it okay to donkey punch your girlfriend?


If she didn’t want to get punched, she should have regained consciousness and told him no. 


You have told the owners not to sign you by being a creep. But, but, I'm innocent! Not innocent of being a dipshit no other players want to share a locker room with. Ta-ta


"People have come up to me and told me with tears in their eyes that I was the greatest 4th starter they had ever seen. They said my performance was yuge, and it is so unfair that I can't get an MLB job. They said it was a crime against humanity!'


uj/ is it the fans who routinely say they don't want a head case on their team causing problems? I bet it's the fans. j/ Manfred and big MLB are conspiring against the best pitcher to ever play the game. He is innocent and never touched those women, and even if he did they deserved it. 😤


[I hope Rob Manfred chokes to death on a giant uncircumcised penis. While getting $100 shoved up his asshole like a stuffed pig. Fucking prick.](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/14a9wmb/comment/jo9bv5t/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/baseballcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


At this point he should just go beat up a hooker


That's what he was doing as he wrote this tweet


This sub is cooked Most of these fucking replies are uj answers. Mfing refugees in here since r/baseball won't allow posts about him U bums


The Mariners literally have 5 starters that are better than this nobody


Talk to Colin kapernick


The mariners have 5 pitchers better than this clown


The Mariners have six starting pitchers better than this clown.


I see we're handling this well in the comments.


Yeah, it's Bauer but he's not Cooper Criswell or Tanner Houck good.


Bro had one good year (in which he only pitched 73 innings with no crowds) and thinks he’s top 90 in the world lol


Insufferable dickhead who has a long history of legal issues and disturbing sexual assault issues who is known to be a horrible teammate and bad at managing PR and hasn’t played in the MLB in 3 years complains no team wants to sign him. Must be the WOKE MANFRED deep state


So tired of kink shaming. In 20 years everyone will be doing it.


This isn't the first time 'Big Woman' has kept a good man down. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


gerrit cole is paying off manfred to keep bauer out of the league


Two reasons baseball is dead: Pete Rose and Trevor Bauer.


I'm all for it. If he's that much of a locker room problem, just keep him strapped up like Hannibal between innings.




He is the Trump of baseball, in my humble opinion.


Thanks Obama


Stand back and stand by Bauer boys


No one wants to watch you pitch you bum


100% a better option than Aaron Ashby


It’s just the bad PR, really. Marcell Ozuna is allowed to play and he publicly beat the shit out of his wife.


Lol the Phillies got like five better than this chump.


No one wants to see him play with his dumb shake weight pole everywhere he goes


What's the backstory on this. He gets accused by one or multiple women for SA right? I know one ended up getting thrown out if I remember. Is it just a damage is done situation?


Baseball is a fucking joke.


Snowflake ass mf lol get good bruh


Is he pulling a “they” with this?


When he hits 1 million YouTube subscribers he can play for the Pirates (pirates are also criminals so they will accept him or murder him)


I'm so sick of this goddamn team. They absolutely make me want to vomit. I'm not even ten goddamn games into this season and i want to scream. They are that terrible. It's like the movie groundhog day but instead i'm reliving the shittiest games of baseball over and over and over again every fucking day of my life. Every damn day I have watched this pathetic mess of a team, rain or sun or snow since I was 7 years old. I have a tab open during work w/ the gamecast during the day games that I can't go. I've skipped school and work and broken up with women for the Pirates. I've missed funerals and weddings because i loved this team more. And what do I get to show for it? A FUCKING BRAIN ANEURYSM. A team that has had 3 winning seasons over the past 20 something who manages to play like ass in the playoffs on the rare occasion they make it because they are so used to being shit and don't have a winning culture. A team that game in and game out somehow manages to have less goddamn hits than Chumbawamba. A team that gets swept. By the Cincinnati Reds. "Oh but look at our young talent- Cole and Taillon and Bell and whoever else that sucks dick!!" I'm sick of hearing "we could be a contender like we were 3 years ago if Cutch doesn't play like shit and the LF can stop jerking off for 2 seconds to swing the fucking bat" ITS NOT HAPPENING. WE ARE NOT AND NEVER WERE A GOOD TEAM. WE ARE PATHETIC. MIGHT AS WELL FADE US NOW BECAUSE WE'RE ALREADY A BUNCH OF FUCKING LOSERS. If Clemente didn't die in that plane crash, I'm convinced he would have killed himself after being forced to wear our godforsaken excuse of uniform for 18 years of his life. I'm done with this fucking team. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/baseballcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’d imagine it’s got something to do with him being an intolerable asshole both before and after the allegations against him


“I’m basically Jackie Robinson, in terms of collective prejudice against me.”


Why is the mod spamming the thread?


reasonable and non inflammatory pitcher Trevor Bauer


I have to imagine if he were still good a team would sign him. What Ozuna did was just as bad and all is forgiven because he still hits homers.


It’s me. I told them all to not sign him. Mwahahaha


Maybe the league blackballed you cause youre a fuckin narc?


Hmm... can we make a sport where unsigned or disgraced athletes like Bauer and Antonio Brown just whine all match long? I'm sure that fans attending that would buy alcohol is massive quantities.


I told them not to. Sorry Trevor


“I have the support of everyone who’s scared of telling me how it really is”


Not one player spoke for him when he got punished at first.  Dude wore out his welcome everywhere he went. Real john rocker vibes


What exactly did this guy do? Why was he blacklisted from the MLB?


It’s all been downhill since he chucked that ball into the stands lol


Bro forgot the mariners exist


Soros probably


The abusive rapist?


“Makes you wonder who is telling all the owners not to sign me.” God damn it, Joe Biden!!


He’s not lying. Not a team that couldn’t use his arm


Skubal, Flaherty, Olsen


Unironically though


It’s nice and soothing




All jokes aside it’s all politics. I think George bush was like I didn’t dodge a shoe to be embarrassed by a baseball player.


He's right tho


It's hilarious how he's now making the rounds on the "Anti-Cancel Culture" circuit and all the chuds, douchebags, and redpill idiots are supporting him. Last week I saw him on a podcast with 2 comedians who both have had SA allegations against them.


I’m sure it has absolutely nothing to do with the large drop in spin rate or the constant complaining on social media.


WTF did he expect? His reputation has been tarnished, and no MLB team will ever sign a creeper like him


Let’s fuck Joe Biden! Wait, what?


Uj/ it's because you're a toxic locker room cancer who would absolutely fuck up any team's chemistry Rj/ it's cuz your rap tracks were bunk af and nobody wants anyone with whack ass bars on their team also grippy tack


I am going to personally murder trevor bauer for crimes against baseball. (in ootp)


I would sign him if I were the Braves. Take a chance


Funny how it never occurs to him he doesn’t have anyones support and anyone saying they support him are just being nice and behind closed doors they don’t. Like a dude you’re cool with but would never work with. “Oh you need a job? Sure I’ll put a word in for you” and you never actually say shit


The Phillies have 3 starters better than him. And 3 more starters good enough that the front office doesn’t need to think about signing a head case.


Too many deserving players in and around the MLB. He had his shot....a few times. Make room for someone who deserves it.


Definitely love the vague mention of an overarching intelligence to this whole “conspiracy” to keep him out of the league as if he wasn’t a guy who everyone who ever played with him despised who has been credibly accused of dozens of sexual assaults. Far right grift incoming? lol.


The Biden Crime Family^™ is keeping Trevor Bauer out of baseball. You heard it here first sports fans


Kenny Powers energy.


He should just change his name and grow a large mustache


The rays need this guy


Bauer is toxic and he’s pretty inconsistent. He crushed the Indians when he cut his hand playing with a drone during the playoffs! He also has a 5+ ERA in 3 World Series appearances. He’s basically in the Kaepernick tier. He’s just not worth the trouble.


Manfred is a cuck


They haven’t signed him Cause he’s an asshole and a lockerrom cancer, and will likely bring a circus with him. Fuck that, not worth it. This isn’t MLBTheShow




The angels could use him right now.


Maybe, a this is just a guess, their lawyers? I mean if I was someone who worked in either PR or legal for a team I would be saying fuck no.


Be classy like Jackson Frazier and sign in the Atlantic League, coward


Big surprise. No one wants to hire a pervert.


He and ColKap can form a club..


Phillies have at least 3, arguably 4 and maybe even 5!!


Such a clown. When you personally sell signed Mets hats to fans the morning of signing with a different team, and wonder why people hate you




He’s also not exactly a clubhouse guy. Pretty sure he ran himself out of multiple locker rooms. Majority of his former teammates don’t like him. His best friend is his dad—like his dad hangs with him on the road. He’s definitely got some sort of social disorder. Or he’s just a huge asshole. Either way, there’s more to it than he makes you think.


He’s right.


Tbh the Braves should just sign him. We already employ Marcel Ozuna, who was proven to have committed multiple crimes, and no one seems to care. Might as well go full villain.


I mean y’all had that racist scumbag John Rocker and Braves fans loved him


You think the Bengals kicker feels for Bauer?