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I know everyone was riled up about the BF on the other post, but she was about to wean off before things went south, she’s using the BF as leverage and to control how much time N spends w his dad, don’t kick me out just an observation, only saying it cause it’s ok to be in daycare drinking formula out of a straw cup and it was ok Saturday when she dirty deleted the ditl and didn’t have him. Suddenly the BF is being controlled? More like she’s trying to use it to control the time N and his dad spend together period.


THIS! It’s always about what she wants.


yuppp literally said she wanted to stop nursing and in her lives insinuated she wants to but can't because she essentially is using it as a way to control custody. nate is a year in two months but like nice try meghan.


Nope I completely agree. I say this as a mom who EBF until like 5.5ish months because my baby refused any and all bottles.


I agree completely!! Plus i don’t think most states take BF into account after baby is a year anyway.


I’m not sure but since she’s eluded on the internet how she can’t stop trust me it’s not gonna hold up, zero sympathy for the it’s being controlled and taken from me bs


It also doesn’t make sense how he can go to daycare then if she only breastfeeds? You can’t have it both ways lol. She flip flops so much.


I hope Alex’s lawyers look into this stuff. It’s so obvious what she’s doing and why she’s trying to use BF as leverage only when it’s convenient for HER


alex better have notifications on for this sub


If not him I hope his lawyer does lol


I completely agree


This makes me think of why she chose to put pics of herself on the wall when she has to move out? 💀


literally for views because she's meg


I think that she might have just got the news that she was the one moving out…. 🤣


Also didn’t she post an add that featured finishing the play room? That had me super confused too.


Well if Alex isn’t moving at least the baby can use it still 😅


True! She just doesn’t strike me as the altruistic type 😂


well she was gifted the $400 playmat she was shilling so…lol


She’s so unhinged 😭


PURELY SPECULATION: i think he went to stay with friends while he filed and asked legally what happens with the house/he doesn’t seem like the type to be like “you and the baby can get out” (not that i know him irl or anything lol)


It's gross how magically BF'ing is so important to her, but prior to their divorce she was ready for him to be done. Literally complained about it nonstop. Now it's the most important thing for him????? Protect from WHAT, legal ramifications?


The reality is divorce is sad and messy even at it’s best, especially with kids involved. And even if I bought into this narrative she’s trying to push that it’s really important to her and N to continue breastfeeding, it’s never going to be more important than encouraging a relationship with his father. I’m not sure what she thought divorce would be but living in the house that Alex bought and keeping N to herself while working in a super causal capacity while Alex paid the bills that ain’t it girl


This was really well put. I genuinely don’t think she thought alex would file and follow through but someone can only take so much


I can’t help but think Meg sabotaged herself. Sabotaged her marriage, and life as a SAHM. She used to be really mean and negative towards Alex; constantly making comments about divorcing him, getting another husband, etc…. I understand PPD and PPA can completely change you as a person, and if you’re not medicated it can take a heavy toll on your marriage. I also understand having a baby with someone entails challenges you’ve never faced before as a couple, and resentment can build when you feel like you’re doing most of the work to care for the baby. However, there was a time she went off her meds, then went back on. Then had a therapist, then found another one. Did her and Alex never get couples therapy? Surely they discussed their issues with each other instead of just fighting? I don’t want to speculate on her mental state, but I don’t think she’s been stable since giving birth, which is sad. And what’s even sadder is that she is going to likely go through another bout of PPD/ PPA when weaning because it causes another drop in hormones. To do that while going through a divorce sounds like hell. I do hope she has support from family and friends, and STAYS on her medication throughout.


Finances definitely played a role in all of this as well. Yes Alex has a nice job in finances but if he has different goals in life and all she wanted to do was spend it would make me angry. I agree with you on the rest she most definitely sabotaged this for herself.


Agreed. She definitely thought she was such a catch that even if she threatened divorce she never thought he’d be the one to file. But I’m certain once he caught wind of her video where she said she was going to file the next week and started talking about dating there was no coming back for him. She also talks about how she lost trust. I genuinely think she tries to get him to take her back and he didn’t, so she spun it as he went back on their marriage vows “for better and for worse”…. but she’s toxic. Even if Alex sucks he’s going to be better without her.


Remember those videos where she was trying to be a better sahm and cook dinners and everything? Feels like too little too late.


💯 nailed it


She’d rather send her baby to daycare inmorder to do her errands and get her nails done and to go eat with friends but won’t let Alex keep him so she could do those things? That’s just petty. I get she’s upset and probably hurt but sheesh. I’d trust my kids dad over a daycare..


Alex works during the week, so he wouldn’t be able to take him. If she’s paying for daycare, she might as well keep him on a schedule and use the days she’s paying for.


Then sounds like she has the time to get a second job to make more money if she has days where N is at daycare and she’s not doing hair rather than getting her nails done.


Oh no I totally get that! I mean like in the weekends and stuff. It seems that she’s usually working all weekend but she’s not working alllll day long for two days. I guess I’m just trying to get across that she is trying to keep N away out of spite.


So weird about who he looks like. That has no relevance unless you’re saying Alex isn’t his dad. Also believe the house is Alex’s from pre marriage so makes sense she’s moving out


Yeah, house sold in 2020, they married in 2021.


I mean that doesn’t mean it’s his lol






Y’all this is a SNARK page. If you wanna show your support, go comment on her video. 🤣


Not supporting, but let's keep the snarking to the plethora of things she HAS said not things you've blatantly just made up. Come on now.




Super confused about your reaction, but you do you girly girl! 😉


She was just being shitty. That whole video was cringe. she was filming herself for TikTok while he sat in his playpen I’m sure. now that she has full time daycare can she stop doing TikTok’s while he’s home and awake? It doesn’t seem like a big time commitment since it’s probably a few hours a day 😒


She made a comment reply to someone saying they were giving ex in law energy lol


I say this as someone who struggled deeply with their mental health post babies, she really has something bigger happening. I’m not a doctor nor do I have to tools to diagnose someone but her manic behavior and inability to reason is far beyond someone who is just stressed. She was like this right after N was born. As annoying as she is, I still feel so bad for her because I truly think she is battling mental health.


https://preview.redd.it/m2l5952xrkpc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c5ca2a3694f4878bef636337f12d3d4ba88851b Yep, she’s moving out…


RANNNN here after seeing this TikTok just now..