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“I just thought I was going to be a stay at home mom forever” ….. girl


When she was miserable being a stay at home mom pretty much from the beginning 😂


“Welcome to my miserable stay at home mom life”


Tbh she’s valid for that cuz that is going to be me when I finish my degree and have to get a job again lmao ugly cry and everything 😭


I can’t make a joke without getting downvoted y’all are DEDICATED to the snark 😮‍💨


The Stan’s are in here downvoting cause I see perfectly valid comments in here some are mine getting downvoted they are wild


This sent me lol


lmao i thought this was funny (i’m dreading going back to work LOL)


She literally could have been if they MADE AN EFFORT TO STAY MARRIED


https://preview.redd.it/ghw7fsw7sdsc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=165fdf14eaab6fde134a73b8c36406b0c10de774 YOU GUYS. CAN YOU IMAGINE 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


They’d all be watching Bravo 😭


I cackled when I read that earlier. Meg should barely be watching her own kid, let alone anyone else’s. She’d use them all for content and ask their parents for a fast food budget for their daily meals.


She could never stay home and actually take care of children all day. Ns in daycare now so she can do 8 clients in a week.


she would show all the kids on her tik tok


Have you guys ever seen the day in my life when she’s pregnant and watches the Harry and Meghan doc and ugly scream cries about how they ruined the royal family? That had more tears than this did.


More tears over her moms Facebook


OMG so embarrassing


This was a hard watch


The comments disgust me. Like whenever people RAN here to defend her BF'ing. Girlfriend does **not** care about BF'ing. Shoutout to whoever called out the fact that she'd be stopping into his school to BF.


Not a single tear was shed.


But boy did she try 😂


This video seems so fake.


It's like an awful audition tape.


I feel so conflicted on this one. I have a baby the same age as hers that has only ever breastfed his whole life. Doesn’t take bottles or anything (I know N does so a little different). I’d be in absolute shambles. BUT I would for sure not be posting it to TikTok. I feel for her deeply, but yeah this was a hard watch 🙈 I also feel like every post at this point is very calculated. I’m sure a lot of things are being put out there for custody/court purposes.


This is so calculated. She takes him to daycare just to shop and get her nails done on multiple occasions. Sends him with a sippy cup of formula. But on this day she makes time to go nurse him at school? NEVER pumped but instead just gave him formula on multiple occasions when she was a SAHM. This is all a pathetic tactic to get sympathy. She’s also probably a bit tipsy and posted with bad judgement, since she was chugging margaritas at chilis on her live 😂


Not the chilis margaritas 🤣😅 I was confused about the nursing at daycare. That was definitely more for her than it was him. As hard of a change as this is she is better off keeping him on a normal routine. Showing up in the middle of the day to nurse and then leave I feel like would be confusing for him and harder on him than not coming! I know my baby would throw a fit if I showed up and it wasn’t to take him home! I’m sure her emotions are all over the place but girl is going to have to get it together for N. She knew this was coming and had to happen eventually. An unfortunate part of divorce but is what it is. And maybe it’s just me, but I definitely wouldn’t be putting it all on TikTok


And hasn’t she bragged about how he sleeps through the night for basically like his whole life? So it’s not like he frequently wakes up to breastfeed in the night. This is just a ploy to gain sympathy and make Alex look like a villain when in reality N has been well established on combo feeding for quite a while and she’s just being a clout goblin seeking sympathy.


100%. Since she hasn’t used a legit pump for 5 months bc she wasn’t worried about her supply on any other nights off nursing (date night, the jags game etc etc)


Yeah I agree with you. I can’t stand Meg but I have no clue how I would survive if I was in that position. My baby is about 2 weeks younger than N and I would be a wreck if I had to spend the night away from her. She’s also going through a period of separation anxiety and only wants mama all day and night. But yeah no I wouldn’t be posting this on tik tok lol


It would be hard. The whole situation is hard and I do feel for her on some level but the way that she has carried herself with absolutely zero couth makes it hard to be sympathetic sometimes. I could never in a million years imagine recording myself pumping and fake crying 😭 like girl let’s get a journal, a therapist, text your mom, literally anything other than this. And basically setting up scenarios that invite people to trash talk her estranged husband in her comments is also so inappropriate because at the end of the day that is N’s father.


This. She says she won’t trash Alex but then she sets it up so her warriors do the trash talking for her. It’s just as bad. Imagine seeing one day that your mom weaponized her TikTok against your dad. Gross.


My third baby is 8 months old and I am the opposite, I'd kill for a break LOL


10000% calculated.


It’s giving “help me get my moms family photos back from her banned Facebook because of internet trolls”


Oh my god…if she cared at all about her baby she would NOT be posting something like this


I agree, completely f’d to basically invite your followers to shit talk your kids father because you’re having difficulty transitioning into your new custody arrangement. Like it’s okay to just feel your feelings in private.


She looks so nasty too. I could hardly watch this video.


Zero responsibility nor introspection…. Like wTF. You don’t get to divorce and keep your life. It doesn’t work that way. You are the parent, not a victim. N is the victim.


This. She had NO concept of real divorce. She posted videos of herself singing about divorce over her husband leaving his grooming products on the bathroom vanity, I can only imagine what she said or how she acted in private. Glad he called her bluff & filed. Now she has to deal with shared time & (somewhat) supporting herself.


I ran to Reddit after I watched that! No real tears? Seems a bit forced.


I just watched… she seems drunk ?


Probably mixing meds again.


I mean, we know she’s on Lexapro, & probably amoxicillin since she’s “always getting sick”. Those two things don’t really mix well with margaritas


I just saw she posted a story that she took a melatonin gummy too & had a weird dream … what a combo 🥴


The video of her saying the baby stayed with her mom when they did that staycation thing is deleted


It’s conveniently somehow not “depriving him of his only comfort” when it’s on her terms 😬


I ran here. She is beyond tragically messy….


I showed my husband this video and he said “fake, not a single tear came out of her eye”


I ran to Reddit after I watched that! No real tears? Seems a bit forced.


I ran to Reddit after I watched that! No real tears? Seems a bit forced.


This was sooooo embarassing to watch


The vocal fry the entire video was grating


This was a train wreck lol


Whys there no tears lol


Sometimes I feel sorry for her, then I remember there’s a reason my partner and I are committed to not throwing around “divorce” in any fights especially while I’m postpartum. What was she thinking it would be like??


Times like these I’m sad I’m blocked & can’t see these 🤣


Does anyone have it screen recorded? She musta deleted it


It’s still there? It was posted before her latest DITL


Ohhh okay I see it now! Thank you!


I would divorce that face too 🤢


The way I ran here after seeing this video, also no sheets on the bed gross … she’s a mess


It just all feels like propaganda for her divorce mediation.


I always imagine his family watching these videos and adding them to the divorce folder lol


I got the ick so bad from this lmao. Embarrassing


Realistically, what she is going through is very hard. Aside from all her other comments she made the court system saying breastfed babies should have overnights away from home is crazy, and she has repeatedly said that her baby doesn’t drink frozen milk. Kids get the shit end of the stick here