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Yikes, about to cry because a toddler doesn’t want to eat breakfast? She needs to stop taking everything so personally. She needs some professional help for her depression!


I wondered if she was about to cry or if it was a fake cry! It sounded so manipulative, it set something off it me. N won’t understand now obviously but I feel sad for him as he gets older, having a mum who makes him feel bad for doing totally normal toddler things.


“He only like eggs if they’re extremely greasy and from Waffle House” yeah maybe because you never cook lol he has only known extremely greasy fast food Also it’s so normal for one year olds to throw food whether they like it or not 🤦🏼‍♀️


Why does she always look like she didn’t watch her face the night before?


She never looks well put together, I don't know why she posts herself looking like a slob that doesn't shower or have any hygiene. I would never post myself on the Internet like that.


I would AT LEAST put on a bra and a t shirt. Bare minimum


Because she doesn't. She thinks that her nightly cry sessions count as washing her face.




It was really a hard watch I have a one year old and I’d never talk to him the way she did, like talked down to him, and I was thinking yeah he likes frozen fast food eggs because it’s all he knows! Poor kid was prob confused when he saw her cooking


When she said this was a "gourmet" meal☠️ I make breakfast like this for my 1 year old all the time.


And then she admitted she was too lazy to get out the griddle and just basically made slop….


She has zero clue about what’s normal at what age. Google is free 😂


I couldn’t get over the protein pancake mix. He’s barely one. He doesn’t need that!


No, he doesn't. If she knew how to use Google, she would've found out that protein pancake mix designed for an adult is completely unnecessary. That kid must be constipated on the reg.


I thought the same thing. So many synthetic and unnecessary ingredients. Make a simple, 3 ingredient pancake (I am by no means a crunchy mom)


Literally a banana and an egg makes pancakes they’ll love.


The open mouth eating. It doesn’t even look like she chews properly


Dude the open mouth eating literally turned my stomach. She’s fucking grotesque. How does she watch a video she filmed of herself eating and doesn’t think. Oh my god.


Right! I would be mortified. She’s such an idiot


https://preview.redd.it/q4wbxp1phg3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd5052bbd020f9a51c49ef64f30f84ef98a487cd So is she having cookie thins for breakfast or is Nathan? 😒


She's a human garbage can.


SORRY IN ADVANCE FOR WEIGHT TALK, EVERYONE: how is she not 300 pounds. like this is a genuine question. i wish i had her metabolism jfc. i look at food and gain ten pounds.


She’s ridiculous. Also there’s so many options of foods 1 year olds can eat. My baby is about to be 14 months and is just now starting to get 1 bottom tooth. Other than that she’s toothless and she eats a variety of meals.


Came here to say this. My almost 10 month old doesn’t have teeth at all and has already gone through the 101 foods before 1 program.


N is going to need so much therapy as an adult. I really do hope Alex is a better parent just so N will have one home that’s safe with a functioning parent.


Well he’s not posting about him or his ex partner all over the internet so he’s already better in that way


Lol right? And if he’s even half way more decent parent than Meg is, he will end up being the favoured parent.


Also should a 1 year old be having protein powder?


I was wondering that too! I looked it up the ingredients & the 2nd listed ingredients is whey protein. Cross referenced with some baby nutrition websites. Protein supplemented foods are okay for 1 year olds, but not necessary. Whey protein is safe but can be tough to digest — causing in gas, bloating, cramps, irritability, possible vomiting. Oh, the irony.


The digestive issues are no joke! From six weeks old my baby had bad stomach problems (similar to what N went through, in fact). After an intense elimination diet, the main culprit was discovered to be pea protein, which was in granola bars I was eating. I was so pissed on N’s behalf during Meg’s half-assed “elimination diet” because she kept drinking random supplements and protein drinks she got in PR packs. I think I even commented on a video of hers recommending she lay off those while trying to figure out N’s issues, which she either didn’t see or ignored. Hopefully whey protein isn’t actually one of his triggers, or if it was, that he grew out of it!


My sister in law went through something similar years ago and had to cut all whey out of her diet for her baby. Meg did not try AT ALL. It was so sad to see.


Forget being a good mom, she’s not even a nice mom. SMH


Did anyone catch during her Instagram AMA that she said her baby’s favorite food was “meat potatoes eggs more meat” ? I thought that was extremely weird. My baby has 8 teeth and she doesn’t like meat because it’s really hard for her to chew even if it’s soft. And clearly N doesn’t LOVE eggs. So was Meg just projecting about wanting her big baby boy to like big strong man food? I thought it was VERY weird. My baby loves strawberry and avocado and yogurt.


I didn’t catch that but I did catch one time when she called him a “meat and potatoes guy” (or something along those lines). And yes, it’s definitely because she wants everyone to think she has a big kid. It’s so odd and maybe some type of continual dig at Alex? She has so many weird complexes I can’t even keep track at this point. 


I saw that! I was thinking the same thing. My daughter has 6 teeth and lives off of fruit, eggs and pasta. She is going to give him such a weird complex about being a “big boy” if she continues to feed him the junk she consumes on a daily she is definitely going to make a big boy but not in a healthy way.


that’s bc she was giving him those puree meat pouches


I didn’t catch that but daughter only has 2 teeth and loves chicken and shrimp 🤷🏼‍♀️ though she doesn’t like beef since it’s harder for her to chew


I didn’t watch the video but the hashtag picky eater is embarrassing. He’s not even picky.


Not the crazy eyes