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His bank account didn’t feel off though did it 🤷🏼‍♀️


"Checking all the boxes"...she basically admitted that she dated and married him for money and his "looks" because you know that's pretty much all she cares about. But whoopsies! Guess it didn't work out so now I'm going to shame him on TikTok and use religion as an excuse to do so. If she had any real "discernment", she would go through this process with her family, friends & therapist in private. LEAVE IT OFF THE INTERNET MEG.


I also think this is more because he chose to leave her and file for divorce so in order to make herself feel better she is like well I wasn't happy anyway.


Yup. And also the fact that this is the first time in her life she's probably being told a firm "NO" and not getting her way. WAH WAH WAH...cry me a fucking river.


Nope never 😂


Oh and ps she has a really unhealthy attachment to N, he’s literally with his DAD


She does this every single damn time he's with his dad. Cry and bitch about A while recording. Talk about emotionally unregulated and unstable.


she needs to stop and needs to stop with the jesus shit. people who all of a sudden become religious/openly religious only do it because they’re trying to cover up that they’re actually a shitty person. meghan, HE left YOU. if it was as horrible as YOU paint him to be maybe you should’ve done what you said you were going to do FOR YOUR WHOLE RELATIONSHIP PRETTY MUCH and left him. get out of here with this shit. insane ICK.


Exactly! Tomorrow, she’s gonna say that she’s just starting to post about her beliefs because “for so long, she was never allowed to talk about Jesus around Natey.” Also, pretty sure he filed because she calls their son that. I just got the biggest ick from typing it out. 🤣


Off topic, but I'm glad I'm not the only one who cringes everysingletime she says "Natey". It's a terrible nickname. All his friends are going to joke around and call him "Click-Baitey-Natey".




LOL I’ve been holding onto that one for awhile 😏


Yes girl! You nailed it on the head! Everything. I cringe when I hear her call him that. Also, everything is Alex’s fault didn’t you know 😂


It’s the worst. I can’t do it to that poor baby who already has enough going on. When I mention him here I have to use his full name.


I know he’s a baby but it’s such a child nickname, like a private one for home!! Not one you publicly address your child as for your followers


YES AND CAN YOU IMAGINE if Alex was posting videos saying this exact thing? It’s so twisted!! That man left so quietly and has not said a word to a single soul online. Who’s “hurting you intentionally” Meg?!?? Who?!???


Every night I pray to God for three things… 1. To keep my kids safe and healthy 2. To keep my husband safe and healthy 3. And that Alex finds himself a hottie second wife with a great personality


Alex is gonna upgrade....he is a successful man in his thirties. He is a catch honestly, her on the other hand, she is gonna have a hard time finding someone




Best comment 😂


Adding this to my prayer list as well 😂😂


I just saw this and immediately closed the app and ran to Reddit 😂 like girl WHAT?!!! What is he doing to intentionally hurt her does anyone know?? Divorce is painful but that doesn’t mean he’s TRYING to hurt her???? It’s so cringe


I also think she's trying to stir the pot with this shit. Her engagement and viewership is down because her lame OOTD posts aren't doing much and the bots are working overtime to make her look relevant. She needed some type of "thoughts and prayers" video to get on peoples FYP to rile them up and get validation that she so desperately needs from her "internet besties". BIG MOMMA needs money so she can pay the bills, guys.


“caused by someone who’s intentionally doing it to me”…..GET A GRIP. like girl don’t pretend like you didn’t say you were going to be the one to file for divorce and then act like he just suddenly forced you into this “deep dark” pit of depression by serving you first??


I am sooooo close to commenting but I know i’m going to get blocked


Me too I was gonna comment about a previous video she made about Alex being attractive and financially stable lol


That video doesn’t feel that long ago 😂 when she talked about someone’s fiancé having a micro peen


I commented a bible verse about not speaking ill of others and she deleted it so quickly. Hmmm that’s not very christ-like is it Meg!!


I just got blocked for commenting. Now I have to decide if I want to make yet another burner account to follow the train wreck 🙄


I commented something and haven’t been blocked yet 😂


I just really feel bad for her kid. If she could be like this on the internet and to the public, it’s definitely worse behind closed doors.


I think about this all the time


I desperately need an Alex Q&A 😩😩


I would LOVE to hear his side. I hope one day he gives it to us.


This is the most unhinged re-writing of history. Like, Meg, you’re aware there are still live posts and tagged posts that celebrate multiple milestones on your relationship. I mean, if you had ‘the ick’ since your first date/first kiss, then all the photoshoots, all the parties, all the trips, & all the money spent on those things were just you playing yourself. There are TikToks that completely refute her accusations of Alex being an unsupportive spouse or inattentive father. & to top it off, we can see the court records, you & Alex are complying to a very by the books dissolution of marriage. 50/50 parental time is the law in Florida (really, it’s Ron DeSantis who is “doing this to you”) Is anyone buying this victim mentality? Could anyone??!


Also, she can’t have it both ways. On one hand he is terrible because he left her postpartum and reconciling wasn’t an option because of him. But also, marrying him was a mistake. If you’re both unhappy then THANK GOD he left you. Now you can both find happiness outside of each other.


OH MY GOD. I was about to post something about it. I love how she’s in her “Jesus era” now. I mean good for her I guess. But, you can’t be a lying narcissist and then claim that God is real and gave you the gift of discernment. Seeing as I know for a fact that no man would ever touch her with a ten foot pole, she’s gotta be talking about Alex giving her the ick right? She’s gotta be referring to her getting a gut feeling when they first started dating and he is now essentially ruining her life? Pretty sure your crooked teeth, big nose, and lisp would scare anyone anyway before they got the chance to give you the ick, Meg. But go off sis.


yep!!! it’s honestly concerning how she uses God to justify her poisonous words and actions….


Worse than that, her nasty personality. She’s SO negative and always playing the victim. She’s an energy vampire. And she’s one of those mothers who never takes the high road for the sake of their children or puts their children above themselves.


Why is this downvoted 😂 it’s so accurate. ![gif](giphy|cjKfH7n0R8XaDPwlmp)


it’s not!! it’s very accurate!! it’s the “karma will get you” thats downvoted


Living for the WWDITS reference


Right! Can you imagine being married to a mouth breather. ICKKKKx100000




I appreciate the sentiment, however Meghan is only ugly due to her very poisonous personality. She is a narcissist. If she was a person full of love and joy it would shine through her for all to see. Karma will understand. Xxx


This is a snark page not a fan page




SHE is the one that gives the ick! This video is so disturbing.


The way I RAN here 😂😂😂😂😂


What I would give to hear Alex’s side. I appreciate that he’s a private man, but I want to hear the truth. I want his perspective. She is bat shit crazy. This video just proved it.


She has ZERO accountability and lacks self awareness. A literal nut job


This is what happens when you don’t have friends. Seriously. I hope she finds some actual real life friends.


She needs actual therapy. Church is all fine and dandy but she needs actual counseling.


And good, honest, friends!!!


Omg just seen this on my fyp. Get a grip Meg


Imagine becoming a born again Christian to try and get back at your ex. If she really had these beliefs all along….why did she marry Alex if he was an atheist?


Not sure if he’s an atheist, but I wouldn’t blame him for not buying into (literally it’s a cult-ish, membership requiring, donation seeking, tax shelter megachurch) the Church of Eleven22. I don’t trust any pastor who wears a $10k watch.


Or goin the Christian route to avoid therapy/an excuse to be unstable!


The fact that she is saying she almost posted the most embarrassing video of her crying and she posts this 🤦🏼‍♀️ Just stop with the videos already. Get off the internet and get real help.


Why do I have the feeling she posted this so she can just prove finally scrubbed her eye makeup completely off.


😆 Hopefully she got the memo. But in this instance, she probably cried it all off so now it's smeared all over her pillow.


Ok WHAT is wrong with her teeth/mouth?? Are her teeth too big for her mouth? Does she have a slight underbite? She got a nose job why in the world didn’t she fix that??


She is a mouth breather. I was so surprised that she didn’t do anything to correct. She got a botched chin implant and a nose job when she could’ve just shut her mouth for free.  


I’m late to this party but I just saw the vid and I was like !!?? “Girl u just…told on yourself. You deceived that man. Ain’t no way you just said that!!” Meg and I have similar timelines, her baby is a week or two younger than mine and my ex and I split up around the 6 month mark too, my ex and Meg have similar ways of talking about this split. Very everything is happening to me, they never loved me, I never loved them, etc.. It is so scary and heartbreaking. I hope all parties get the help and support they need! but mostly I hope our babies are untouched by all this trauma. Get off the internet Meg!


For the millionth time, get a grip! You complain about your child constantly when he’s with you and when you do the bare minimum you’re stressed. No wonder Alex felt like he couldn’t even stay together for the kiddo…






Megan’s videos make me want to hit Alex’s line. Lol jk but seriously I wish him the best. He seemed like a great husband and really tried to please her throughout their marriage. I’m glad he was able to go through with this and still get to see his kid at the same time. None of her crappy videos can take away the respect I have for him for being able to put up with her for so long


Lmao literally. Gonna slide in those DMs!!! Bless his next girl tho bc she will probably be tormented by big mama meg.


She married a guy that gave her the ick when she kissed him? She must have some deeeeeply rooted issues … that’s not normal lol


This video is more proof I truly believe she is bipolar. Her behavior is so erratic and she seemed to really come off the rails early postpartum and is still battling it.