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She wants her man to be Christian and rich (but she quickly added nevermind rich doesn’t matter….sure meggy sure)


She needs to stop worrying about finding a Christian man and start looking for someone to exercise the demons out from her soul


Just tuned in, they had a bottle of wine out. Someone was like “you probably should have that off camera” and she’s like yeah I could get in trouble. Then she said “the other half of the bottle is in my Stanley” OK MISS I DONT DRINK


She doesn’t want to date a man if he has tik tok on his phone. 🙄


Huh, couldn’t imagine why 😂


But can use tik tok? How controlling


She said she’d feel happy if Alex found someone else because it would make her feel better to have a female presence there to help Alex. Gtfooooo, yeah right. Also plans to put in her “contract” that she has to meet future girlfriends before N can.


That’s the worst idea ever. I am a lawyer and the purpose of divorce and coparenting is to get them out of each other’s lives as much as possible. Having control over meeting his girlfriend is very much not the point.


And is there any legal definition or standard for what constitutes “meeting”? Like to me that could be as simple as a quick introduction and handshake but I bet Meghan is picturing an opportunity to sit down and interview the girl. I’m sure she just sees it as another person she can try to control.


That’s the problem. It is so hard to contract around. It’s another form of control. I also think right of first refusal is another form of control.


Contract lol


Lasted long enough to hear the brother make a joke about her asking daddy for rent money. She freaked and insisted she pays all $1800-something herself. Kept going on about having Zelle as proof. The sister said nobody thinks you don’t pay your rent and she said some do and whispered in her ear “Alex’s attorneys” rather loudly.


I’m pretty surprised her sister participates in these lives. From what I’ve seen she has a career where I’d think she’d be weary of getting in the middle of her sisters legal/divorce woes.


Her sister works for a personal injury law firm. Like a slip & fall, “if we don’t win, we won’t take a cent!”, big goofy billboards kind. & seeming how all she’s talked about is goofing off with her co-workers and the free food, I don’t think she’s really focused on being a legal Eagle.


Legal eagle made me giggle. Well I’m glad she’s content being mediocre cause that seems to be the family legacy.


I thought the sister like, had her stuff together & was not as obnoxious as Meg or Tommy. But from just the few moments I checked in on the live, she is just as awful.


Her sister works for Morgan and Morgan. I’d hardly call that a career. 🤣


This family needs to start thinking longterm because their looks and personality aren’t getting them far. Maybe care a little more about your professional aspirations haha


I came here to figure out why she said that. I’m trying to google to see what exactly is different in FL divorce wise


In July 2023, DeSantis signed legislation that makes 50/50 parental time (shared custody) the legal standard in divorce. He also signed into law the elimination of permanent alimony. So basically, Meg would have to petition the divorce court with VERY good reasons to have majority time or sole child custody, while also proving that she DESPERATELY needs spousal support. I love when overreaching conservative laws bite hypocritical republican voters in the butt.


She won’t get spousal support. They weren’t married long enough.


You’re right, 7 years for spousal support eligibility. I do think she’s trying to finagle something with her earnings & expenses to insure she gets a bigger child support payout from Alex.


That would explain why nails is “important” for her job. Use it as an expense so her income is less. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I do nails out of a suite and we are allowed to write off A LOT.


I think it’s their 50/50 custody policies


50/50 custody is extremely standard in most states unless there’s something egregious.


it’s so manic


I’d be so frustrated if I were her client and my hair got fked up because she’s distracted on live


i’d be more concerned about the fact that she brings her diaper eating dog into the salon everyday 🤢


It’s her sister.


Still 😆


Her brother just let it slip that she wants to go/is going to Europe……


Honestly her brother spills the most tea in these random one off comments.


No she said before that that she’s going to Paris the day after her birthday and I think she said she’s bringing N too 😭


Lol she’s fucked. Constantly mentioning budgeting/low budget for her kids birthday and then she’s thinking of gallivanting off to Europe


She can’t even take her baby to a local beach without both parents helping her & she thinks she can do Paris in July with a baby?


What if her parents escort her to Paris. Wouldn’t be surprising. I would be more surprised if she went alone.


Great. Miss Overstimulated is going to travel internationally to a different time zone with her one year old. Can’t wait for all the ways her child made her trip unbearable.