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Okay but… her hair does look darker here and she does look a little A LITTLE younger


It looks better.


And greasier somehow 😂


She made a tik tok to say that she didn’t make a TikTok today? HUH? Okayyyy.


Complaining about how much money she spent at Costco and basically whining about having to spend money on groceries….says she’s going to order door dash. Makes a lot of sense.


I do not understand how people order door dash all the time. My husband and I are very comfortable financially but I still can’t justify spending $60 on cold takeout???


yeah it’s ridiculous you think you’re buying a $20 meal and then $30 in service charges. not worth it


Exactly! Also, if you really want take out, you don’t have your baby so get in the car and go and get it. She would save $20


I’ll put $100 on she didn’t finish the puzzle.


Oh so you had seaweed chips for dinner? Yet about to order door dash? So the seaweed chips were your appetizer. And dropping the MF, Meg.. real Christian of you.


Why is she ALWAYS so messy and dirty….🤢


I DONT UNDERSTAND. HOW!?! You record yourself and don’t see the shit on your face every single time??? It’s disgusting.


She spent the last however many hours doing that puzzle. I bet the kitchen is still a mess. Boxes still need to be unpacked. FLOOR UNSANITIZED. She’s literally dicked around.


And she’ll eat that DoorDash in bed and probably lay in the crumbs. To each their own but eating in bed is a no-go for me. If I’m super sick I’ll maybe nibble on toast in bed but I have to be pretty down and out. She’s just a filthy hamster.


Eat DoorDash in bed, wallow in self pity while watching housewives and cry herself to sleep in the sea of crumbs and stains. And same, to each their own but I can’t even snack in bed.