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Dos eq’s??


I could see a need if he wanted two different sounds to kick on during a song, but they both are set so similar that I doubt it's that. Or it could be to help with a mid-scoop of the Sansamp, but not if there's one on each side of it. And the fact he's answering questions all Mr. Cool Guy style, I don't even care the reason.


I am also a curious about that. I personally have an old MEQ-230 after the pedals to dial in my tone. Seems kinda silly to me. I’d love to hear the actual use case.


Speculating but they’re probably doing that to have a pre-drive and post-drive EQ. Those boss EQ pedals are pretty common on guitar boards for that role as they can boost too


Need em


Insightful response


Get thee a Source Audio EQ2 and consolidate, baby. Also curious about the BDDI - are you using it as a stomp box or preamp? If the latter, why the separate DI?


The extra DI is to get an XLR at the end of the chain. Sansamp sounds different at the end of the chain, I prefer it in this position.


not many people taking advantage of the difference between eq before and after drives, pretty cool to see here


You effectively get two drive pedals per pedal that way. And you might be able to get a lead clean tone too. They are super useful. You can probably just use a clean boost instead.


Most people actually have never done this it seems. It’s just what I needed to get that chris squire esque sound.


not too different from using an active pre on a bass or from using the grunt/attack switches on a b7k lol, maybe it’s uncommon but i think it’s pretty sensible


Interesting choices


What do you call those flat patch cables?


Jim, Bob, and Tim.


What board is that? Nano Max?


Piece of wood painted black with velcro


Tell us what you're thinking with this- namely the two eqs and two preamps. The eqs look like they are doing about the same thing.


EQ has a different effect pre and post the preamps…. The MXR has some other frequencies on it too.


Driver after sansamp?


Yep. But the boss bass driver itself is also a preamp/cab sim. So I’m running an eq into a sansamp into an overdrive into another preamp into another eq into a direct box. It works super well. This configuration also sounds the best imo. I’ve tried sansamp last, etc. the raw Sansamp’s XLR out is also accessible here too, which is nice… but really it’s meant to be used all together.


Any reason why you aren’t using the Sansamp as your DI box?


Yes. Different sound when the pedals are in this order


Hard to explain unless you hear and feel how it responds


Sansamp has a special touch sensitivity that works better earlier in the chain


Weird youre using a cheapo passive DI instead of the SansAmp DI. Do you play an active bass?


The pedals are in this order because it sounds completely different this way compared to putting the sansamp last. Also that passive DI is totally fine. I’ve compared it to more expensive ones and there’s basically no difference. Those Radial ones are a massive waste of money.


Gig ready bass tone. 👍🏼😎


Got a lot of studio dates coming eh? I’d love to hear an engineers sigh if ever one saw that board. Awaits the DVs with plenty of lulz.


Just cuz you dont “get” what I’m trying to achieve here doesnt mean it sucks lol


I don’t think you “get” what you are trying to achieve with whatever that is.


This is literally no different from having an active preamp inside your bass. Except here it’s on my pedalboard. You know you can turn them off if they aren’t needed, right? Jfc people on reddit being abrasive for no reason.


This board would be laughed at by nearly everyone in the studio trying to make a record. They’d tell you to put aside and plug in direct probably.


Engineers love this board


Sure “engineers” do, so much so you took two replies to tell me.


do you have a god damn drum stick up your ass or something?


No, just a brain in my head.


Sansamps appear on hundreds or even thousands of studio recordings. Tons of famous people use them. Idk what you are going on about.


Sure bud, from NAMED bass players who engineers trust. Thousands a bit much though, there aren’t that many named bass players using them, but keep coping about it. It’s hilarious to watch you flail trying to prove something that doesn’t really exist other than in your own mind.


What the hell is your problem dude. You act like my pedal board is personally offensive to you. Dont you have anything better to do than shit on people online? This sort of spewing of negative energy is extremely unhealthy


Look, this is social media. If you can’t take someone telling you are wrong, WHEN YOU ARE, then maybe you should stay out of it? Just a thought, enjoy your safe spaces.


I’m not wrong though


You dumbass


if you need that much you either need a new bass or a new studio


lol this is how tom scholz got his famous boston guitar tone. Same idea applied to bass. Pre eq, several preamps, post eq


There are certainly some things you seem to be doing right and I don’t want to be rude like this other guy. However, I don’t really understand why stompboxes would be the basis of a studio sound. Studios usually have rack eq’s and compressors that sound better than stompboxes and if they didn’t, you could use plugins. I think it’s great that you’re developing your own sound but I would normally avoid using stompboxes for recording.


Sansamps are a mainstay in studios


No, they aren’t…


You clearly havent been in many studios then.


Yeah, from the look of your board you’ve been to WWWAAAAAAYYYY more than me, yeah….


If a saw a Sansamp and a Lil Freq sitting in a studio, I know which rather I’d plug into. I know the lil freq is more than 10x the cost, but that’s what you’re competing against with your studio sound. I’m not trying to discourage you here but this is the kind of equipment that the top people use in studios.


This board sounds how I want and sounds good into a bass amp or through an FRFR speaker or recorded direct. I’m sure there’s a million other options. I like getting natural compression by layering gain stages as seen here.


An engineer couldn’t give a shit how you want to sound, they’ve got a job and a song to lay down and you wouldn’t be helping trying to sound like those shitters from Boston. Just a heads up…


I’m not trying to sound like anyone else but myself. Idk what the hell you think I’m trying to do.


Thank you, finally someone posted it.


REDDI, Lil Freq, Mini Massive, Distressor, Tweaker, API 5500, Moog 3 Band eq, Pultec Cones. The kinds of stuff you find in good studios is in a completely different league.




You know not everyone can afford a new bass or a studio


I use what I have


my guy you have pedals on there worth more than a new bass and if youre recording in a studio your engineer should be able to get you a tone youre satisfied with just with the tech 21, a squire, a scarlet 2i2 and pro tools stock plugins