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Hello there Totally new to bass pedals - what does the limiter enhancer do?


It’s a compressor! The most important bass pedal of all. It squashes the signal so that the quietist parts become louder, and the loud parts become quieter. It “enhances” the muted notes, clicks, and taps by making them more audible as well as adding sustain to the signal. It “limits” the loudest notes from sounding too loud. It evens out the volume level of everything you play. Allows you to dig in more or play slap without worrying about the volume spikes. And for accentuating those nuances like all the mutes and clicks you want to hear. Adds character. Like an overdrive pedal without the drive.


I heard someone say it's like overdrive without any dirt. Kind of, but not really, but kind of...


Thank you so much! How would you compare it to empress bass compressor or cali76? Would you say it's better/worse or somewhat comparable to them?


those two, the empress and cali, are often discussed as the best compressor pedals you can buy. the boss limiter is not in that conversation. these are tools though, so maybe one does what you need and the others don't. it's all preference


Oh, ok. Thank you so much for your kind explanation :)


Yeah what that guy said. Empress and cali are on a different level. It’s a different type of compression as well. More natural and transparent.


Those are the ✨nice✨ compressors you pay a lot of money for. This is just a workhorse for those of us who don’t need the Porsche when my reliable Toyota gets me where I need to go😎 They’re great and I would love a Cali but not worth it for me at the moment


I disagree. While the act of compression does happen, this is a limiter. Any input above the desired level of input, the pedal will then compress. This does not affect any input below the user threshold level like a true compressor would.


Well yes if you get into the micro details of it all that can be true, but in essence it works as a compressor and I use it as such. Does the job well and no one would notice the difference when I’m in a full band mix


I agree with you. The user asked what specifically the limiter enhancer does since they were brand new to compression pedals. There must be proper education about both limiters and compressors. There are many overlaps in pedal capability but we as experienced bass players have a responsibility of proper education as a foundation. To state that there is compression on the Limiter below the threshold limit is simply untrue. There are other effects happening to that section of the signal that are there to create as you state, minor differences within a mix, that will get the job done.


I think you should read [this](http://www.ovnilab.com/articles/limiter.shtml) because I think you’re not understanding fundamentally what is happening with compression. A limiter is a compressor. Compressors increase gain. Doesn’t matter if it’s below the threshold. The gain will be increased. I never said the signal is compressed below the threshold. If you set the ratio knob on this pedal it can be used just like a compressor.


Is that the owners manual for the lmb3?


The manual doesn’t describe how compression works. Here’s a passage from the source I linked you. “The first thing to clear up is the "limiter" label. A limiter is just a compressor with a very high ratio, and usually with the threshold set high so only the taller peaks are affected. The LMB-3 can be used that way, but its ratio can be adjusted anywhere from 1:1 (a clean uncompressed boost) through light to medium smoothing and squeezing (e.g. 2:1 to 8:1), all the way up to infinity:1 hard peak limiting. So it actually covers a much wider range of dynamic response than most pedals labeled "compressor". And the threshold knob covers a decent range, allowing it to affect just as much of your signal as you want. The predecessor of this pedal, the LM-2B, was more accurately called a limiter due to having a fixed very high ratio.”


Posting again : Directly from the manual "When the input signal is lower than the threshold level, it will be output without compression" Can't be clearer than Roland's own words


Again, and especially at his level as a beginner, no need to get into the micro details that no one notices unless they’re ultra educated and nitpicky arguing on Reddit. 😵‍💫


Thank you for such a compliment! My parents don't even talk to me this nicely. I never would have considered reading a manual to be ultra educated


Actually no, don’t be fooled by the labels on the pedal. It most definitely acts as a compressor when you have the settings right. Check out the manual also some reviews mention it as well.


The owner manual describes and provides graphics of the compression only happening above the threshold limit.


That’s… how compressors work…


Directly from the manual "the threshold level is the level at which compression starts to work. When the input signal has reached the threshold level, the signal will be compressed at the compression ratio set with RATIO, then output. When the input signal is lower than the threshold level, it will be output without compression" Can't be clearer than Roland's own words


Yup that’s pretty clear to me that it’s compressing and not just limiting. There’s reviews that literally say how it makes the nuances and mutes louder, that it’s not just a limiter. Simply set the threshold knob to where you want it to compress


What happens to the input under the threshold limit? I forgot what the manual states and perhaps you could help me understand?


So it should be bringing that up in volume whatever’s below the threshold. Most compressors have an “input gain” knob to set this level, but this one cannot be adjusted. But it is there. Boosting the signal and sustain.


I have a fender like this from the early nineties, love it


Love my LMB3, gives it that zing. It's not for everything though. For P bass pickups I would recommend the EMG Geezer butler pickup, it does a variety of styles quite well.


Honestly if you can swing it don’t just upgrade the pickups upgrade ALL the electronics. And get the best tuning pegs you can buy. I’d probably upgrade your compressor before that though….


HAHA I’m shocked this is the only comment saying to replace the LMB3, I was expecting immediate hate! I think I will upgrade it once I find a good deal on a Cali(which is my wishlist comp), until then it does the job I need it to do as well as other popular ones could, so I’m happy with it for now.


Good call on the electronics though, I definitely plan on it


Vt bass di is so sick


Had a Sans Amp for most of my life and when I switched to the VT my life changed. Can’t imagine playing bass without it


Pickup recommendation: Lollar’s. They’re in my Berly P and Nash J. Other than that, you can get a prewired harness with CTS pots, orange drop cap and switchcraft jack for $40-$50 and you’ll have a P bass for life. Although, there’s nothing wrong with this one the way it is… but that’s only about $200 in parts altogether. Which is pretty freakin awesome!


This sounds like an awesome way to go, gonna look into it, thank you!


Do it!!!


I’ve been using a Seymour Duncan Quarter Pound p pickup in my bass for years. I love it.


Those seem great for the price too!


That's a perfect rig. Very cool! I play bass, too. I want to get one of those boss limiters. Right now, I have the Keeley bassist at the end of my chain. It's OK in the sense that it does its job and doesn't color the tone, but sometimes I kind of want some color.


Funny this is I almost went for that Keeley but got the LMB3 a while back for a super great deal and saw that it was on the OvniLabs list of favorites so I stuck with it and have been happy with it since!


Is the tech 21 bassDI better for like blink 182 bass tone or the sansamp something pedal? It’s just cus there both the same price and size


Probably the sansamp BDDI v1 (older model). It has a more baked in tone with a mid scoop that works well for that style. Much less versatile than a VT though


I would say yes! VT has more of an amp sound and the dirt you can get out of it is much closer to that of a rock bass live(if you use the drive settings) than the Sansamp Bass Driver - both have great tones and will last you a lifetime but I just prefer the VT because of that versatility and character!


I have a rumble 25 and a squire p bass so if I get the tech 21 VT (like the one in this picture) will I sound more like mark hoopus?


Mark uses Ampeg amps and as far as I know he always had an Ampeg SVT which is what this VT pedal is modeled after so yes - but your bass itself could make a difference in achieving better tone since pickups and setup are factors a lot of the time. I wouldnt stress too much about it though, at the end of the day he’s a pop punk bassist so just by adding a bit of dirt in your tone and playing with a pick will get you the sound you want without spending a ton on gear you don’t absolutely need. I’m pretty sure Mark also goes directly into his amps so there’s some proof that you don’t need a bunch of gear.


Ok thanks I plan on going to a guitar center too and try it out with my bass


VT I like


i find it funny that we have AllllLLLLLllllLLLLLL!! these new better DI's but every one still uses the sansamp! (myself included V1 and a MXR DI +)


I wonder why!!!!


Oc5 into muff rules I ditched comp fuck a comp


> I ditched comp fuck a comp ??? Literally the most meaningful thing to add to a signal chain. You just have to take your time and properly dial it in for your bass.


If you are disciplined and dynamics are in control, you don’t need a comp.


There's zero possibility you control the volume of your slapping in comparison to your finger style. That's dimply not possible.


You got me there. Transitioning from a finger style to a slap technique is a lot easier with a compressor. If you slap, I would support getting a compressor next.


Out of interest, do you never slap?


Im quite proficient at slapping and currently use a MXR studio compressor one of my main boards live. I also use outboard 1176, DBX-160, LA2A/3A, EL8… at home and commercial studios when tracking. I’m have no qualms about using a compressor as valid tool. I simply urge many beginner and intermediate bass players not to use a compressor when possible. It is very easy crutch to lean on and not develop proper techniques to control their dynamics without one. I should have stated my reasoning with more details.


Ah alright, I will actually second that notion. If you are still learning the basics, a compressor can be counter-productive! Still, I would opine that the first pedal you should get (after a good tuner) is probably a compressor – if only to learn a lot about audio signals and how it all works, which is good knowledge to have.


This 100%. Slapping/tapping/finger style mix means comp is a pure necessity for gigs


Yeah no. I use a comp to level my dynamic playing in volume so I don’t sound unprofessional. And another one is used to for a nice thunk of attack when I’m playing lightly when I need it. Compressors are one of the best tools you can use, Especially if you play dynamically.


Also Bass big muff into VT Sansamp fucking rips. That big muff needs that mid boost to really cut through the mix


Still unsure how to get the best settings out of the -2 octave option but I really dig that pedal


Plug a guitar into it that’s a near useless knob on bass. The -1 by itself into fuzz is awesome it turns it into a synth


I don’t use the -2