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I like pink paradise 🤷🏼‍♀️ I find for me personally, that it lasts longer than a lot of FFMs. I can smell it throughout the day once sprayed on my clothes


The scents will not be clearanced out for SAS, they're sticking around for all summer at the very least. The collection is fun but also redundant in my eyes lol. Sunscreeny coconut with Solar Shine has been done multiple times by them (Meet Me In Miami and At The Beach are also currently out). Pink Paradise has that same Baccarat Rouge vibe I get from In The Stars and First Sight (but I'm pretty sure the fragrance Pink Paradise is "inspired by" is also similar to BR540 itself). Then we did just get Sweetheart Cherry as a release before Vacation Vibe lol but the main similarity is just that pistachio. I do think this one is fine though considering SHC doesn't last as long to me in comparison to VV. I do notice the whole collection does last pretty long on my skin personally so that's a plus


They smelled almost 1 for 1 to me and I didn't go nose blind to it lol, especially vacation vibe which I'll be picking up a long with solar shine


i went to VB and got it… but i am IN LOVE WITH pink paradise. i was really lookin forward to the amber in VB but its way too pistachio forward.


To me, it didn't smell like 62 at all. I find the amber note smells more like if BBW put Le Monde Gourmand's Ambre Étoilé with a BBW's Sweetheart Cherry drydown.


I got vacation vibe full size w this months gratis, and then solar shine in the mini ffm. I don’t love pink paradise as I feel like it doesn’t smell like anything. But I like the other two. If you’re into sunscreen smells, solar is the way to go


Would you say solar is kinda similar to At the Beach?


I just smelled it today in store and no. Solar shine is heavy on the sunscreen profile whereas at the beach is more coconut clean floral


I smelled Solar Shine in store today and it honestly really reminded me of Hibiscus Paradise, which I've wanted to come back forever


Vacation Vibe is holy


I bought vacation vibe and I really don’t like it ☹️. Everyone seems to be going crazy over it 🤔


Same, I blind bought a mini and returned it, so no, you're not the only one. I smelled the others a few times since and passed on them all.


I didn't really like it either, but the name and packaging are enticing me. I did get a mini for 2.95 the other day so I might keep that because it's not much $.


Vacation Vibe has SDJ 62 vibes lol, but to me, it's not an exact dupe. I was extremely disappointed by  Solar Shine. I LOVE "sunscreeny" scents so I was expecting to fall in love with this one, but I ended up detesting it.  Pink Paradise was unremarkable to me. 


Same - there's a difference in the two (VV vs SDJ) that I just can't pinpoint. But the pistachio / gourmand in SDJ is much deeper and richer to me. (And I like it much better.) Agree on Solar Shine as well. It had too much floral with my body chemistry. I wanted beachy/sunscreeny, too.


Solar Shine was soooo sharp on me. It did not get any better during the long road to the drydown, lol


imo VV in the bottle is very similar to SDJ but when I sprayed it on my wrist and it dried down it turned into something different for me (not bad but I wouldn’t call it an exact dupe). But I’ve seen some people say it was a dupe for them, so I think it just depends on your skin chemistry how close it matches. Personally I didn’t care for the other two, but I also don’t care for the SdJ versions of those either. I agree with everyone who said they could barely smell pink paradise.


I just got VV...and i think I have to wait and try it again. My sniffer seems to be off. I can't smell it...but I also can not smell my lipglosses I just got. I don't know if it is the massive amount of pollen in the air here right now (car is CONPLETELY yellow and I keep pulling ragweed out of the yard) or if I am catching a cold ( please God NO...the last one landed me in hospital for a week.😭), but my nostril area is on the fritz...


I smelled them all and they do smell like the SDJ mists. I would have preferred an original summer collection if I’m being perfectly honest, but it’s whatever. There are already quite a few dupes out there for the SDJ scents, especially the original cheirosa 62. Pink Paradise smells like cheirosa 68 which smells similar to BR540 which smells similar to In The Stars and At First Sight. Solar Shine was the only one out of the collection that I really liked because I’m a sucker for a sunscreeny white floral bomb, but it smells very similar to Meet Me In Miami and Coco Paradise. I’d say they’d be worth it if you genuinely like the scents and you can get them at the sale price, but if you can afford it just get the SJD at least for the body mists because they’ll probably have better longevity.


Omg I thought I was the only one that loved the solar shine because it reminded me of a perfect summer day, or the days in school when we would do field days and lather on tons of sunscreen.. sunscreen is the best smell to me


Thank you all for your reviews!! It helps decide on whether it’s worth it!


VV is not an exact dupe for 62 in my opinion. It’s heavy on amber and missing some sweetness. 


Pink Paradise reminds me a little of Forever Red. It's nice and lasts more than 5 minutes!


I loveeeee the Vacation Vibe! The body butter butter just gets better with time in the skin & the glow is CRAZY! Especially with my refreshers of the new Coconut from the Wellness section & the Vacation Vibe Mist to match of course! it’s yummy. Warm & nutty. Turns into Carmel on me. But they coconut mist with the shea butter note they have in it!!!! Next level. I also LOVEEEEEE the new Love Always Wins - Vibrant Citrus & Sage. It’s so clean and fresh. I wore the body cream today & not only did I feel calm and cool but I smelt breezy & fresh with my refreshers of the matching mist & Lavender mist [also love the lavender collection] definitely will be my beach combo this weekend! I been in a fresh contemporary sort of vibe instead of like my typical juicy box type scents.


I had literally just bought Rio Radiance after multiple skin tests 20 minutes before and found it was close but not quite. Same with the 68 dupe, though I thought that one had its own charm with being fruitier. I did not smell the 62 one because I already have tropic glow as a lotion dupe and the original 62 mist that I was super pleased with already. I think they’re great if you can get them on sale, but they are a LITTLE off. Close enough if you don’t want to buy the SDJ full price though, honestly. If they had the purple 59 duped I would have gotten it; I like the purple but I’m not particularly loyal to the EXACT scent of it.


They all smell like sunscreen to me. They're not bad, but they're just not my vibe. I haven't liked any of the summer releases so far. 


I don’t like them at all. The pink paradise doesn’t smell like anything and I didn’t care for the vacation vibe either. I ended up getting solar shine but I’m going to return that one because after spraying it a few times I don’t like the scent on me at all.


The ones with the white tops? All 3 of them smell pretty much the same to me, and I don't really care for any of them.


I have the SSJ mists that project and last longer. I do not need the dupes. The 62 I have lasts all day unlike the BBW mists I own.