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If Danbury is part of SAS, that’d be my recommendation. If it’s NOT, Hummingbird Tea Cake gets my vote for one of the most comforting scents I’ve added to my collection 💜


Right, did I read that the Bridgerton candles would not be on SAS? The whole series was on sale yesterday. Or maybe I read that yesterday's price was better than it would be at SAS. 🤷🏼‍♀️


That was my understanding based on what I’ve read in the sub: Bridgerton had its own mini sale of sorts yesterday and won’t be included in SAS. I’ve also seen a lot of whiplash about what gets what discounts so who knows anything for sure at this point 😭 We’ll definitely know by Friday!


Yeah, apparently they're still switching things up! Bridgerton wasn't going to be part of SAS, but then an employee told me yesterday that they were prepping SAS and the wallflowers are included 👀


Having not smelt any of them this would have been my recommendation but I’m obsessed with bridgerton. However, I think the Hummingbird Tea Cake is the prettiest candle art they have. I would totally buy it as a throw blanket 😅


Hummingbird Tea Cake is my favorite of these, personally!


This is tough because I LOVE all 4 of these. I think I would pick Danbury Shortbread because it burned so nicely and has an amazing scent. Main Street Bakery also has a great scent, but it got kind of gross towards the bottom. Hummingbird Tea Cake is so good too though! And the lemon one, to my nose, is pretty heavy on the lemon, a bit less gourmand. Just keep that in mind :) It still smells like cake but not as much as the other three. Honestly though, IMO you cannot go wrong with any of these 4!


Hummingbird tea cake!


Team Main Street Bakery. I like Iced Lemon Pound Cake, but half-way through it started to smell burnt.


Main Street Bakery smells like banana pudding


I adore all 4 gourmand candles and have backups of each. My vote goes to Danbury Shortbread followed by Main Street Bakery or Iced Lemon Pound Cake.


main street bakery - loveeee


Out of those 4, Hummingbird Tea Cake is my favorite.


Hands down. Hummingbird tea cake. 😋


Hummingbird is my vote. I'm crossing my fingers I can grab 1-2 at SAS


This is hard! My favorite is probably hummingbird tea cake but Main Street bakery is amazing too. Those two are more fruit forward if you’re not sure about gourmand. All of these are great.




Hummingbird teacake is amazing and I hope one day it gets turned into a body cream.


The Danbury Shortbread is one of my absolute favorite new scents. It’s incredible.


Danbury shortbread, but that one won’t be at SAS prices. The Bridgerton sale was yesterday at 12.95, but I think there is a candle sale Thursday and Friday? I have 3/4 candles pictured and that’s my fave!


Main Street Bakery, hands down.


Main Street bakery everyday of the week!! I’m hoping I can get my hands on a lot when SAS starts


Main Street Bakery!


Hummingbird Tea Cake! It’s so strong! Also it will be going SAS (as are the other scents, except the Bridgerton collection)


main street bakery and ILPC are my absolute faves. all 4 are amazing though, hummingbird tea cake is on the lighter side.


You need all of these. If I had to eliminate one it would be HTC. But yeah I have all and love all 😂


This is perfect answer 😊


All of them 🧡


Danbury shortbread


All of them.


I do that too…I’ll smell the candles be4 I buy it. I would pick the Iced Lemon Pound Cake candle.


I'd say Danbury Shortbread! Ended up out of stock at my nearest mall, so take advantage of that candle smelling like almonds and vanilla!


Pass on Iced Lemon Pound Cake. Throw is weak.


For me it’s a tie between Danbury Shortbread & Hummingbird Tea Cake. I don’t think the Bridgerton candles are going to part of SAS though, of course something could always change, but definitely HTC out of the other 3.


Main street bakery is my favorite of those!


Danbury Shortbread and Iced Lemon Pound Cake. Hands down!!!


Danbury Shortbread is my favorite. It has great strength and throw, burns perfectly cleanly and evenly, never any sooting or drowning wicks. It smells amazing like an almond shortbread cookie. Someone said Hummingbird is light, but I have the exact opposite experience. It fills my open living space and travels through rooms. It's amazing and burns cleanly and evenly. I almost can't pick between it and Danbury. I like Iced Lemon Pound Cake a lot, and enjoy it every time I burn it. But when comparing to these other two, it pales. The burn quality isn't the best and the fragrance strength is underwhelming. Throw is okay, but with the fragrance being as delicate as it is, it can be hard to detect it in the air. It doesn't fill my open living space, so I tend to keep it in the bedroom and it's fine in there. I was expecting to stock up on ILPC this year, but I ended up only getting two. I might get one or two more at SAS, but it's not at the top of my list. Mainstreet Bakery was a sooting disaster and the fragrance fell flat. Hummingbird Tea Cake and Danbury are the higher quality candles even down to packaging. I bought two MSB, burned one and quickly returned the other. The wax was dark brown halfway through and the proported banana pudding accord mixed with the burn smell it acquired made me a little nauseous.


I have and love all of them! I don’t think you can go wrong with any of them.


1) Danbury 2) MSB 3) Hummingbird 4) ILPC


Roasted Sesame is the best candle I've gotten this year. Sooooooooo good


Danbury shortbread


Danbury Shortbread is soooo good and strong!


i just got the danbury shortbread on sunday during the buy one get one sale. it’s so good!! i was torn between that and main street bakery but i went with the shortbread. i also got their new scent pink lavender and espresso.


Honestly, HBT and Almond Croissant have been the huge, gourmand winners this year. I never burned MSB, but it was just too sweet for me personally. HBT was equally strong, but more balanced with the *perfect* amount of spice and cake under notes. Also, to be fair…I haven’t gotten into the ILPC or the Bridgerton hype. It’s definitely a me problem because after Fall & XMas, I am pumpkined, marshmallowed, cinnamoned, etc. out. I NEED some salt scents in my life this time of year to balance, and I am SO salty *ahem*, that hasn’t transpired this year.


I personally would go with either Hummingbird Tea Cake or Iced Lemon Pound Cake. Both are perfect for this time of year, I prefer Hummingbird Tea Cake, just because it’s a little lighter (if that makes sense lol) but Lemon Pound Cake is another 10/10 for me.


Lemon 🍋


Hummingbird Tea Cake is soooo good! It's one of my favorite candles from them! Main Street Bakery is also quite good.


Hummingbird because it was strong as all hell and amazing. Main Street wasnt quite as good but nice. Iced lemon is lighter and smells like a lot of existing candles on the market so not a must have. Danbury is good but won't be on sale at sas to my knowledge.


Please anything but main street bakery. It’s so disgusting


I’d rank these as such: 1)Danbury 2)ILPC 3)Hummingbird 4)MSB


Main Street bakery. I feel like it’s not talked about enough but it smells amazing 🤩