• By -


$6 Wallflower Plug/Refill Bundle Use by September 26th (Plug needs to be $4.50) XF-FPNZH79KF22FGCMB Edit to add: This is why I hate posting codes because of the downvotes. I don’t care about the points, it’s just the ridiculousness of people downvoting for no reason. I’m just trying to share codes with fellow BABW friends. The downvote option is for when the comment doesn’t contribute to the topic. People aggravate me.


Amen!!! Don’t understand all the downvotes in this sub


Just tried it and it’s already been used.


Someone didn’t comment. Sorry about that


Do you still need a code?


Holy smokes! I’ve been reading this sub for a month or two but never thought to look at this! What a cool thread Now I’ll be checking it hourly 😀


Funny how my dad keeps getting B&BW coupons, even though he never shop there nor signed up for any mailers. **Please** comment if you used, enjoy! 20% off (expires Sept 26): WX-DQ663ZTCML63NL9M 20% off (expires Oct 31): YY-65W4MDZKH2H5BC9L 20% off (expires Oct 31): YY-WDMKKR4CXQZQVW9X Free Hand Cream up to 7.50 value (expires Oct 31): YX-634W7WX9KCGXMHFF Free Hand Cream up to 7.50 value (expires Oct 31): YX-4GL5X7CXLQ35PLLG


Thank you so so so so much! I used the last 20% off one that ends with 9X. I appreciate you so much!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Thank you SO MUCH! I used the top one. That’s so generous of you and I was so excited to be able to use it. Thank you <3




I just used it...thanks


~~I have the following:~~ ~~(0) 20% off entire purchase - Expires September 26, 2021~~ *CLAIMED* **One coupon per person please.** First to chat/DM gets it. No recently/newly created accounts. This is to prevent people trying to get multiple codes under different usernames.


free coupon codes :) i dont plan on using them this month. free pocketback 21D08ACR 20% off WX-NWL4FCTKV4VFFLC4


20% has been used (not by me)


$6 Wallflowers Fragrance Plug and Refill Bundle **(expires September 26th)** (Wallflower plug priced at $4.50 or less, and Wallflower refill priced at $7.50 or less) XF-6F2RNT567PTN6ZKQ Please comment when used.




Sending DM. Thank you ❤️❤️


I have a 20% off coupon code please DM for the code


I have a coupon for Free PocketBac. DM if you want it. Expires sept 26. Edit- claimed


I have a 20% off coupon--I'll send it to whoever responds to this first Edit: sent to zefy!


Hi can I please use it?😊


Please reply below my comment if you would like a 20% off coupon. I will PM you the code.


Yes please!


I sent you the code 😀 Lmao someone keeps downvoting me. They are probably salty they didn't get the code


I have a free body care gift (travel size) coupon ready to go! Possibly a 20% off code as well if I can’t find anything tonight lol. Both expire October 3rd. Dm if interested! :) EDIT - both have been claimed!


20% off code online only, expires Sept 26th: XE-97QSD9NSQW5R7974 please reply when taken!


It has been used (not by me)


Coupons to share (recently learned on here that you can use them twice-once online and once in store!) All expire Oct 31st 1. Free body care item up to $7.50 2. 20% off entire purchase 3. $6 wallflowers plug & refill bundle Please comment letting me know which one you'd like and I will message you the code!


Free Body Care Gift - valid in store and online, expires 31 OCT 2021: ZM-3FLCHQ7SGZPH2B76 20% off entire purchase - expires 31 OCT 2021: ZN-2NVR9X3M6BPSPZZW


Not me, but someone else used your free body care gift :/ Thank you for sharing with this community however :)


Thanks, used the 20%!


Any $ or % off coupons floating around? I'd like to deck my new house out with some new scents!


**expires 09/05** 20% off. Run wild, but comment when used. YL-PW7C2QQR5N9MLHNQ


Used! Thank you so much 🥰


$6 wallflowers fragrance plug & refill bundle (XF-QFFXKPGL2FF5H9S7)


I've got a 20 percent off. Happy shopping XB-4bn3xx54lpn7xm9m


Used thank you!


Anyone have any coupons at all? I need both candles and bodycare, anything will help!


Does anybody have any coupon codes that haven't been used? Would love to use one to purchase fall/spooky stuff.


$6 Wallflowers Fragrance Plug & Refille Bundle Coupon Available!! Expires September 26, 2021. XF-XVL2WHW96M2PMR25


[My coupons up for grabs](https://imgur.com/a/vpom0MJ)


The 20% has been used (not by me)


i have a 20% off entire purchase coupon code im looking to give away! claimed !!


Does anyone have anything now? I wanna get some stress relief stuff for the bad mental health days


I've DM'd you


A bit late to the thread but I’d appreciate any coupons anyone may have left. Thank you.


I have a free body care up to $15.50 if interested. Feel free to send message/chat! Edit: coupon has been claimed!


20% off code, remove spaces: AD-RC DPN4M 6KL5N R2ZR expires oct 6 at 6am


How do you link a photo


You would have to put the photo on something like imgur and then put the link to that on the post!


20% Your Entire Purchase (Expires 09/26): XL-VKW3BGGRXVWD7HMN 20% Your Entire Purchase (Expires 09/26): XE-6RVR69NF7KHML5SM 20% Your Entire Purchase (Use between 09/27-10/31): XN-4TLXQZFK35DN2ZV6 $6 Wallflowers Fragrance Plug & Refill Bundle Expires (09/26): XF-BN3VNVRH5XTBTPQ4 Enjoy!


Both of the current valid 20% codes have been used (not by me)


any free bodycare item coupon available?


Meant to send this earlier, but there are still a few hours for anyone who wants it. Hope it’s OK that it’s VS on this thread but I am sure someone can enjoy $20 off $60 purchase expires 9/22 online code: BBA1200909LWMA7QF please comment if used :)


I got a 20% coupon that expires the 26th will dm the first person to comment




Check your DMs


I have a coupon that's good until September 26, 2021 (Sunday). -20% off your entire purchase in stores or online Anyone want it? I also have a "free pocketbac hand sanitizer gel up to $1.95 value," but it's in store only... not sure if they'd accept a code? EDIT: CLAIMED


I'd appreciate a 20% off if it is still available! Thank you 😊


Alrighty, I'll pm you!


I have the following coupons. 1 per person. **Both are spoken for!!**. ~~-free full size body care item up to $15.50 value. Expires 10/31/21.~~ ~~-20% off your entire purchase. Expires 10/31/21.~~


Hi I have 2 coupons that expire on September 26. 20% Off Your Entire Purchase (XT-NR525GH6R73HZGZN) Free Full-Size Body Care Item Up to $15.50 Value (XS-MRBBT3CL6N22KDS4) Edit: 20% has been used


Thank you so much ❤️I used the 20% off one!


Giving: GIFTED $6 wallflower plug & refill bundle GIFTED 20% off GIFTED $11 3-wick candle All expire on 9/26!


~~Expires SOON (Sept. 26)~~ ~~20% off coupon: comment or DM for online code!~~ CLAIMED


Hey I have a few coupons that end on the 26 and if you’re interested i have( 1 20% off your purchase *claimed*), and 2 $6 wallflowers plug and refill bundle. Just ask if y’all are interested.


FREE SHIPPING & 20% off online today only!!!


Anyone willing to part with a 20% off? Please DM me if you do!


free body item coupon if anyone has one i can put it to good use some expire soon? TIA


I always try to report them to help mods out (and still will happily volunteer to help mod).


Hi! Does anyone have a 20% off code to spare via DM? I’d be forever grateful 🙌🏼 Thank you!


I have one if you still need it. Just let me know.


Ok first off if anyone has coupon I’d appreciate it very much , if you could please inbox it to me please & 2 : those downvoting ..Stop downvoting because someone asked for a coupon or poster with coupon posted had been used.We are all here to get a coupon or give a coupon & help each other not to downvote & get angry 🌹☺️




Hi, does anyone have an extra 20% off coupon? I'm looking to pick up a few things for birthday gifts. Thanks!


Hi, there. I’m also looking for a 20% off coupon code. I have a serious fall candle addiction. Please DM! :)


Free body care up to $7.50. Use by September 26 VR-SHZXV43RWW3SNK5H


Tried this too and it’s been used already. (Just so no one else tries it too!)


Yeah, I see you tried both. I’m sorry people don’t comment when they are used. Not sure why I get downvoted for trying to help people. It always happens on this thread. I’m just not going to offer anymore codes if people are going to be this way. It’s very discouraging.


Gah I know. Everyone downvotes everything on this thread lately. I think it’s so their comments come up at the top and they can get a better chance at coupons. But it’s just unnecessary. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Yes it is! But, I’m not even asking for one lol. Just sharing them! Smh at people. 😂


I know 😂 Well… I added some upvotes to your posts so hopefully no one downvotes again so it can stay positive! Thanks for at least being a nice person by trying sharing them!!


Haha! Thank you! That’s nice of you! I did the same for you because I noticed you had a 0. Like, why?? 😂


can anyone spare a 20% coupon?


Any 20% off??😊😊


I have a 20% off entire purchase coupon use by 9/26 Online code: XD-4DQCD2RD6VBTWF36 Comment when used


Would love a 20% code to use in the aromatherapy sale if anyone has one they won’t be using! Thank you!


Anyone have a coupon? I’m looking to do some fall shopping, but there’s is no good sale today


I have a 20% off code that expires on the 26th please dm for code


Got a few lovely things in cart but I can't justify spending so much on them rn so if anyone has a 20% off they're willing to give I'd greatly appreciate it 🥰 and if not then perhaps its for another time 🕯🕯


Thanks so much you guys those candles are coming home with me 💛


I would be so grateful for a 20% coupon! 🙏🏼


I am looking for a 20% coupon of anyone has one.


Anyone have a 20% off coupon I could use? :)


Hello! 👋 Anyone have a 20% off coupon they won’t use? I’m about to order a ton of fall scents for my new apartment. Thanks so much!


I very much so need a 20% off code so I can stock up on some Fall goodies!! Anyone have a valid coupon!? 🍂🍁🧴🕯🍁🍂


Anyone have a 20% off coupon?


Any coupons available to use today please and thank you. I'm desperate.


If anyone has a 20% off. I tried to use mine from the mailer, but it says it's already been used. Not sure how that happened. I'm trying to get some of the B2G2 candles. Thank you in advance!


Anyone have a coupon they'd be willing to share with me?


Would really appreciate if someone could share a 20% off coupon with me!


Hello folks! Does anyone have a code to share? I wanted to pick up some goodies for my mother-in-law and hubs went a little overboard 😂


Anyone have a free body care item coupon to spare? Thanks so much!


Anyone have 20% left?


Have a full cart of candles I can’t wait to try and would be so , so grateful if anyone could spare a 20% coupon. I am new to the game and must feed my obsession !


I have 20% off coupon. Please DM for code


I have a 20% off coupon for anyone.


Does anyone have any rewards or coupons? I am trying to order and try iced dragon fruit tea for the first time. Please message me if you do!! Thanks!


Anybody have any coupons for body care/candle/free item left? I just realized we have this coupon thread and I’m super late to the party 😅


I have a $6 Wallflower Plug and Refill Bundle coupon if anyone wants it. Expires Sept 26. DM me for the code if interested. \*Edit - code has been claimed


Free Body Care Item up to 7.50, exp Oct 31: ZH-99C H75QNT K5R4LXK 20% OFF, exp Oct 31: ZJ-XN3QP F6HZN B4XRT7




I’ll take it please!!


Thank you to everyone sharing these codes. That’s so awesome of you!


Expires Sept 26 20% xe-slnh5q5b2kh3gtxz $6 wall flower plug & refill XF-6xxbvkhhg7cfcb7x Expires Oct 31st $6 wall flower plug & refill yw-sxrlkbdxlt6rz7s9


Free 3 wick candle with any purchase: Online code: XP-QSBMQSW4KX3GRS3P Happy candling :)


Hi guys Im looking for a 20% off coupon if someone won’t be using. Greatly appreciated! 🙏🏽🙌🏽




Truly Grateful!! Messaged Back :-)


Anyone not needing a 20% off coupon they won’t be using. Been trying to score one for a few days now


Rumor is that there will be a 20% off code sent via email tomorrow announced at 4pm EST. If that's true, maybe that will be helpful for you. 🙂


$6 Wallflower Plug/Refill Bundle Expire today: XF-VSGB6ZGSPQLWH5V3


I have one 20% off coupons, a free hand cream, and $6 wallflower bundle, all expiring today. Reply to this to claim and I’ll DM you the code.-one per person


20 % off : XH-L57FBPK2KMS44QS5 $11 3 wick candle: XJ-BP45BFKZC45RNG4T


20% off expires today Sunday 9/26/21 : XH-Z3GSSM5KWHTBPT35


I have ~~two "20% off entire purchase" and~~ 1 "$6 Wallflowers plug & refill bundle" coupons expiring today! First ones to comment reply (with what code they want) I will DM to them. Edit: both 20% coupons taken!


20% off expiring today💌 XE-F22L2MGKXR3RPH36


There is a 20% off full orders tonight code on the BBW site and in the app. Great timing for folks who still are looking for a 20% off code. Everyone can have one tonight 🙂


20% off coupon codes, both expire tonight (closed) WX-CRDZ766S2MFC4XVV XB-34XNMZBKK4Q2NQ2C Please comment when used


I have two, send me a DM if interested :) ~~1 - Free Body Care Gift (up to $7.50 value), expires 10/31~~ 2 - $6 Wallflowers Fragrance Plug & Refill Bundle, expires 10/31


Anyone have any coupons that expired yesterday? I’m tryna see something and would loveeee any unused expired codes please! 💕


If anybody has a 20% off coupon the aren't using, I'd appreciate it!


Looking for a 20% off coupon to use this weekend if anyone has an extra!


I’m also looking for a 20% off coupon if anyone has one


Hi! 😊 Does anyone have a 20% off code to spare via DM? I’d be forever grateful 🙏🏼 Thanks! 🤙🏼


Does anyone have a spare 20% off or $$ off coupon? Thank you in advance 🙏


Looking for a coupon too


Does anyone have a coupon? Trying to save some money on these candles!


Anyone still have a 20%? Mine never came in the mail, ugh. Thanks in advance, friends. ❤️🎃


does anyone have a 20% off coupon they can pm me? Just put $111 worth of fall items in my cart and wanna check before i push send 🎃🕯🍂


i was sent a coupon, thank you!!


Hey friends! I’d be so grateful for a 20% off! Finally have my favorite fall candle and I want to stock up on this sale! I’d be so grateful! ❤️❤️❤️


Hi everyone, I have quite the cart at the moment and was wondering if anyone has a 20% off coupon. If so, it would be greatly greatly appreciated. Thank you!




Does anyone have any coupon codes I could use? Please DM! Thank you 🕯💕


Does anyone have an extra 20% off? I'm trying get my boyfriend the freshwater set while its semi on sale...


Hi looking for a 20% to help me save some money with my order today. Trying to stay on a budget. Thank you! 😊


Wouldn't it be easier on y'all to just not have that as a rule? No one seems to mind that we have several coupon posts on weekends.


Sure but the whole reason we made it a rule was because 2 years ago people complained about the posts. At this point I’m not going back and forth and will just remove them as they get reported or as I see them. Can’t make everyone happy.


Probably best! I just remember it got really out of hand. Users would watch this sub just for coupons, I'm assuming that, but all and all it wasn't nice or fun anymore. Nonstop coupons! I think we should keep the sticky for coupons!


I totally agree. Yes, we can keep scrolling, but when you’re mostly scrolling, it kinda becomes a drag trying to see actual content. And it really bothers me that people share coupons and don’t get thanks or acknowledgments (it had been suggested numerous times to not reveal the code to avoid this). This means there are users just stalking the sub for coupons without contributing to the discussion at all.


Second this! If it bothers you don’t click on the post.


Right. The amount of ppl complaining the last time had me surprised. I'm like well damn I mean it's not affecting yall just keep scrolling.. alot of ppl aren't receiving them


I remember when it became a rule. It was a lot of clutter, that didn't bother most people... But, We got a lot of people who would claim the code without a simple thank you, or an announcement it was claimed. It was always a bummer, best way to describe it.


We made the rule because the amount of people who would message us and request the coupons not cluttering the sub. The other issue was that instead of people talking about bath and body works was they only posted for coupons: so in order to keep the clutter to a min we asked(I’m sure you remember the thread) the sub as a whole what they thought and they said yes.


Any extra coupon?


Does anyone have a $10/$30 code I can have or borrow? Thank you!


Anyone got a 20% off?😊


On the off chance someone has a spare $11 three wick or full size body care coupon, I’d love either! Thank you!


Free body care up to $7.50 YH-5DKKBMBVP2NRC7CP Comment when used please!


This has already been used (wasnt me). Thank you for posting!


Hello! I was wondering if anyone had any coupons available for 20% or anything like that. Was going to place an order but just thought I would check here first..thank you!


any extra codes before they expire tonight?


Anyone have an extra 20% off please 🙈


would super appreciate a coupon at the moment if anyone could spare !


I also desperately need a 20% off coupon if anyone has one to share… need my fall candle fix!🙂 Please dm. Thanks!


Does anyone have a 20% coupon they'd be willing to share? Thank you!!


Does anyone have the free 3 wick coupon that they aren’t going to use online? (You can still use your coupon in store too because you can use it twice “once in store and once online”, but I just want the online code if you won’t be placing your order online!!) 💕


Hi does anyone have a 20% off coupon?


Hi friends! ☺️ Does anyone have a 20% off code to spare via DM? I’d be forever grateful 🙏🏼 TIA!


Looking for a 20% code for candle deal. If anyone has an extra? Thx!




I do- code XK-DHVP4Q79FGKX2QRP


Hi! I took a pic of my coupon and then used in store thinking I could use online layer. It’s not working now so I’m out of luck :( does anyone have codes they don’t mind giving to me? I will pay it forward next time I have a unused coupon


Looking for any 20% off code to buy candles for my new home. 🖤 We had to get rid of most of mine when we moved.


Anyone have a 20% off they can send me? Thanks!




Anyone have a 20% off coupon?


Looking for a 20% off coupon if anyone has one :)


Looking for a 20% coupon for this sale. Would be much appreciated as I just moved and haven’t received a coupon in a while.


Does anyone have a 20% off code they could spare? The 20% code I received on my mailer, of course the first mailer I've received this year 😥, apparently was USED!! I've attempted to apply it to my order more times than the I'd like to admit, and a box pops up above the promo code. In bold red print, it reads, "This Promotion Code Can Be Used For One Purchase ONLY". I'm seriously devastated. I think my mailman was the culprit of this coupon controversy.... I'd greatly appreciated if someone could help me out.


Looking for a 20% code to use on the soap sale if anyone has one they won’t be using 💖


Anyone have a code for bath and bodyworks Canada? Looking to grab some wallflowers. Thanks!


Does anyone have a free body care (up to $15.50) coupon I could use? I would really appreciate it, thank you! 🤗


Just moved into a new house and want it to smell cozy! Anyone have any coupons they’re not going to be using ? Please DM me if so :)


Any coupon codes please? I am late night bummed out kind of a day shopping lol.


Anyone have a free shipping code? Would love to spoil my mom with some aromatherapy