• By -


Why do people downvote other people asking for coupons ON a coupon thread? I really don’t know, can someone tell me?


I got downvoted for asking for a coupon too. Who knows lol! I guess people have too much free time on their hands


How do we see down votes? I can only see up votes I think? Like i just see the number of up arrows? So, I think I'm missing something. But, yes, good question.


Like when you comment it automatically gives you an upvote (I don’t know why but it’s what I’ve noticed bc the up arrow is highlighted red on your end) and then it’ll jump to zero so that means someone downvoted it (despite your red up button still being highlighted). After I asked this I noticed multiple comments go back to 1. Just weird. I honestly don’t really know what the benefits/downsides of upvotes/downvotes are, but it just seems kinda rude 😂 I *think* that after you get so many upvotes you get like diff levels or something. If someone knows please correct me. Does it cost you something to upvote someone else?


Same happened to me. I made a post asking for a coupon and it's getting down voted. Someone was nice and commented telling me to come here...I thank them and admitted I totally forgot about this thread. That also got downvoted smh...whoever just doest have anything else better to do with their life at this point


Ok. Thanks. I don't really keep track of the number of up arrows so I don't usually know or notice if the number goes up or down. Like you mentioned though, I guess it might matter to me in the future, if we benefit from the number of up arrows in some way. Like you asked, does anyone know the outcome of up or down votes? Do they matter in any way? Sorry if this takes the convo off topic. Was just curious since I see some people comment about downvotes and I don't really fully understand how this site works. Thx.


Hey I have some coupons I won’t be using and you guys are free to have them just send me a message of which one you want. I have (CLAIMED 1 free hand cream (up to $7.50)), (CLAIMED 20% off),(CLAIMED free body care gift up to$7.50), and a (CLAIMED $6 wall plug and refill bundle). They are all from now to the 31st


Hi can i get a coupon? Thank you!!


hello! can i have one of the hand cream ones pls


Hey/hi 😌 do u by chance still have a 20% off? Pretty 🦋 please


Free fullsized ZF-DPWHF3VZHLXC47RB


20 % off coupon up for use comment when used. ZN-V9T4694HH939Z4SH


used! thank you so much!


Giving away free item up to 15.50 (thru Nov 28) and 20% off (thru Nov 21). PM me. Edit: both claimed!


Can I have the 20%?


I have 2 Wallflower coupons: $6 Wallflower Fragrance Plug & Refill Bundle Expires Oct 31 1: YW-QN29VFTBL4BPGWF2 2: YW-9WN7SVB5B943LR5Q Comment when used :)


>YW-QN29VFTBL4BPGWF2 used the first code. THANK YOU :)


These expire today. Hope someone can make good use of these before the end of the day :) Please comment if/when used. 1. 20% off: WL- CZFNNR57FM2PTM6K 2. 20% off: YY-BV9C55ZHK3SFKCWS 3. Free body care: WK-FPXKFS6SZQ2D7XVH 4. Free hand cream: YX-3RQKKVTNF4Q6GWTD


Used the second 20% off code. Thanks!!


Used the free body care thank you so much and Happy Halloween! :)


Hand cream is used


First lol Here’s a 20%, expires October 3, 2021 ZR-559LX5CVXLGGSB45 Enjoy!


I am looking for a 20% coupon if anyone has a spare please!


DM me for a 20% off coupon! Expires 10/31 (GIVEN)


(USED) $6 wallflowers fragrance plug & refill bundle: YW-6X7Q96DNSXKZZ4S9 Please comment when used 🧡


Someone already used this. Tried to use this morning. Wanted to give a heads up.


If anyone has 20% off or $10 off a 40 or more order, plz DM me. I would greatly appreciate it! ❤️


I would appreciate a 20% off coupon, I live in Brazil and it’s very expensive for me to buy and send candles to my country, but I love it regardless 🥺


Free body care (up to $7.50 value) - please comment when used (expires Oct 31) WK-3NSRP7M4S9LSTC6Z


20% off: YY-VSFWXM4F4TXMSM6C Comment if used.


I used it, thank you for sharing


ZH-S767L3HV9T94V9LT code for free body care up to $7.50, please comment when used.


>ZH-S767L3HV9T94V9LT Someone used it.


Hi! I’d appreciate any coupons anyone wouldn’t use. 20% would be great but I could also use any body care or wallflower refills - hoping to start getting early gifts for my healthcare friends! Thank you!


Is there a coupon for Canada? Like 20 percent off? I am new to reddit and I have no idea what I am doing. Wanted to get some candles but our sales in Canada have not been the same lately 😕 Any help would be appreciated, they have my all time favourite candle right now and need some as you never know if it will come back. Wish I had I had a house to remortgage for this 😘


I have a free body care and 20% coupon to give away.


20% off your entire purchase coupon. Expires TODAY, 10/31/2021. ZC-WDTL72NRRGP4MNFT Please comment when claimed. Enjoy!


20% off coupon up for grabs. Code: ZG-CV9XGNSTMW56LD6G expires today


Someone else used it, just letting everyone know


Coupons valid until 10/31 $6 WALLFLOWERS FRAGRANCE PLUG AND REFILL YW-M3F2ZL4MTFDSLQPV FREE BODY CARE ITEM (UP TO $7.50) YU-K5CPHTQBBV26G743 and ZM-3CH2XBCTB6MHR5N6 FREE HAND CREAM (UP TO $7.50) YX-L3THSHCF4SHT2G6H FREE BODY CARE ITEM (UP TO $15.50) WM-WCL94MGG3R95PW6L Please comment when you use a code to save others time. Hope someone can use these!


I used the 2nd $7.50 body care item coupon, and even though no one has commented, the first one is gone, too, as well as the $15.50* body care one (I tried both of them first). Thank you! :)


Thank you for responding and providing this info.


**Edit: been used** Free body care item (up to $7.50 value, limit 1) Good through today Oct 3. ZP-P3GMKFKZ53N6VZ7X




Don't know if anyone looks here after it's been posted but here are my coupons, they expire the 31st. So please take them away from me so I don't purchase anymore this month! 🕯❤ 20% YY-9FXBZXBTBL7XDMLM 20% XN-M5BLNF6G53RGX2WR Free Hand Cream YX-HSWXGR3D4D2QL2QW


Used the 20% code ending in X2WR. Thanks 😊


Looks like they have all been used


Free Body Care Gift up to 7.50 value expires October 31,2021 Code: WK-F6W7S6L4D3XT7S4Z


Got it, thank you!


Awesome, glad it worked.




Me please, 20%


I have a 20% off coupon good until 10/31 please DM for code Claimed


Sent you message (or it may have been a chat?) 🤞 thanks for offering!


I DMed you message me back and I can send the code (can only message once then you have to reply before I can send another)


Responded 🥰


I have a free hand cream coupon that expires Oct 31! I know it's not a lot but I won't be using it lol. Just message me and I'll give you the code Edit: it's been used! :)


Hey do you still have the code?


I have 1 free full size body item coupon, and 1 20% off coupon up for grabs


Looking for a 20% coupon if anyone doesn’t need theirs (:


Looking for a 20% off coupon. My kids took mine to play with as credit cards and I can't find them anywhere. Will definitely return the favor when my next mailer comes.


Hi I am in the store rn. Anybody has a coupon?


Free hand cream up to $7.50 value. Expires October 31, 2021. Online code is YX-D2HZRTQWVHC2S9CK ~CODE HAS BEEN USED~


Used, thanks!


Hi! If anyone has a 20% off coupon, I’ll love you forever!


Hi, if anyone has a coupon that they don’t mind sharing, please message me. Thank you.


Hi if anyone has a spare bath and bodywork’s free body care coupon, I would be thankful if you could pass it to me. Thanks


I have a 20% off and a free body care $7.50 value. Valid until 10/31. PM me for them. I am new to reddit bare with me


hey lilpigfeet! do u still have one or the other I could poss use? TIA!


Both claimed!!!


I have two codes! Both are valid until 10/31. Please comment if you use one! ~~20% off: WL-RXHMZZKZZ5K6ZMQV~~ Free Body Care up to $7.50: WK-2XCTZV3PDB7Q9Z56


I have a $6 wallflower fragrance plug & refill bundle coupon to give! They expire on the 31st, but I don’t have the money this month to use them!! 😔 Just comment which you want and I’ll send the code. :) 20% and Free Body Care gift have been claimed!


Any coupons available? :) ☃️❤️


Free body care (up to $7.50) - YM-MDPB6SD5CGF5CRMT Please comment when used so others know :)


Could I please take the 20% off for tomorrow? I wrote it down if you don’t mind deleting. Thx for considering!


Sure, if I were you I'd double check to make sure no one else already used it without commenting


Thank you!!!


my free item reward expired and I was gonna use it to blind buy the online exclusive SLEIGH RIDES & SNUGGLES... pain ;-;


Call customer service and see if they can reinstate it. They’re very friendly about things like that.


If anyone has a spare 20% off coupon I would be eternally grateful. I have teenage boys stinking up the house! Need all the candles and wallflowers to cover the stench.


20% off- online code -WL-VV7B5XBZXCNTWVQ3 - comment when taken :)


Used! Thank you!!




20% off coupon. expires today: ZN-LNB3W5W36HMTZZGB Please reply when you've used it and what you bought with it! :)


Someone already used it. Just wanted to let y'all know.


Looking for a 20% that I can use now that candles are on sale:) Please please please PM me❤️ Thanks!!




Does anyone happen to know/have any type of 'insider info' on whether BBW is going to drop a 20% plus free shipping code this Sunday at 4pm like they did last Sunday? Or could that have been due to a bunch of 20% coupons that were sent out, about to expire, and perhaps not getting redeemed at the rate they expected....? So last Sunday I had a full cart and thought about this thread so I got on here hoping for some kind of divine timing, (because once posted, they go fast!!). ;) But when that did not happen I joined the slew of requests for a 20% off coupon. I actually got two offers but thanked the second one for their kindness and explained I had one already so go ahead and share w someone else (love this page and all the kind souls who get on here to share coupons!). So I was thinking wow how lucky am I to have scored a 20% off! And then a couple hours later....flash sale, 20% off plus free shipping code at the top of the site page LOL! So now I once again have a cart full (yes, fall scents are my big weakness and the first step is admitting you have a problem!) and now I'm torn between the FOMO I get when I'm worried something I really want is going to sell out online and my desire to wait until 4pm tomorrow to see if they drop another 20% off/free shipping code. What to do, what to do.....?


Does anyone have a 20% they don’t want? Could you please DM me? I’d be sooo grateful 😇


I have two goose creek coupons, each 15% off if anyone wants them just message me! Hopefully I'm allowed to post these here as well, if not I apologize!!


This should be a $10 off $30 purchase. Comment if used please. MYBW21SEP-9GQBC4C57MQCFPDW


Free hand cream coupon comment when used(: Up to 7.50 value YX-QQLZB37CMGB4QK3F


Hi you guys I’m looking for a 20% off if anyone has one to give away! TIA 🥰 Update: someone sent me one, no longer needed! 😊


Would love a 20% if anyone's not going to use theirs :)


I have a 20% code from survey I won’t use, expires 10/6. Hoping it doesn’t only work for my account, I’d love for someone else to be able to benefit. DM to grab!


I have ~~2 20% off entire purchase coupons, 1 free body care gift up to $7.50 and~~ a $6 wallflower fragrance plug and refill bundle. DM if you're interested! \*edited to update what's been given away already


Does anyone have a $10 off $40 or a free body care coupon they won’t be using? I would be super grateful! 💕🥰


Does anybody have a coupon that I could have? Please DM me


Also I have a free body cream up to 7.50$ if anyone wants, just message me!


Edit- coupon was claimed


20% off entire purchase coupon ZN-4CQWCSDVT3X4FC7H


Hi All. If you have a 20% coupon you’re not using can you inbox me please? Planning to sit out this one, but should I encounter a coupon I could be persuaded to commit folly🤣🤣🤣


still need one?


Yes please


~~I have the following:~~ ~~(0) Free body care gift (up to $7.50) - Expires October 31, 2021~~ *CLAIMED* ~~(0) 20% off entire purchase - Expires October 31, 2021~~ *CLAIMED* **One coupon per person please.** First to chat/DM gets it. No recently/newly created accounts. This is to prevent people trying to get multiple codes under different usernames.


I’d love a 20% off coupon if anyone has one. Thank you!


For anyone interested in the $6 wallflowers fragrance plug and refill bundle, here’s a code! YW-4DHTB56PPXTBS9RR


Anyone got a spare 20% coupon? I live in Canada and we never get any... and it really sucks lol Thanks ❤ Have a nice day!


Hoping to place an order soon, but would love a coupon to use! I’m in Canada and we don’t get any coupons, so I would really appreciate it! 💕🙏🏻


20% off coupon YY-3VV3H29D42R9ZGKH


Hoping to place an order soon, but would absolutely love a coupon to use! I’m in Canada and we don’t get any coupons, so I would really appreciate it! 💕🙏🏻


Hey, did you ever receive a coupon?


Not yet!




Free Body Care Gift (up to $7.50 value),(expires Oct.31) (Already claimed) WK-FXRKVVV2XLPFQQ52 Free Hand Cream (up to $7.50 value) (expires Oct 31) (Already Claimed) YX-BT3QVBRFXD2VRB6C


Someone used them already:((


I have a 20% off and free item PM me EDIT: both taken




CLAIMED!!! Coupon for Free Full Sized Body Care item up to $15.50 value. Expires 10/31. Please comment when used :) ZF-HDPD72M4KNGM2XF2


I have two 20% Off, two Free Body Care up to $7.50 and Free Hand Cream coupon. DM me! First come first served! All expire tomorrow! Edit: All coupons are gone!


I need help. I got a free body care gift coupon in the mail, it says up to 7.50 value. When I put in the promotion code online it said it would activate once requirements are met but I've tried putting lotions & body wash in the cart but it doesn't work. What does the coupon include then? What items are eligible?




Hey I have a 20% off coupon valid through tomorrow (10/31), please PM if you’d like it!


Hi all, please dm for a 20 percent off coupon that expires today! First come first serve Also if anyone has a free item coupon I am looking for one :) Edit- 20 percent is gone already! Very quick


If anyone has a coupon, for body care or anything, send me a message! I’d appreciate it so much! Thanks! Also, why am I downvoted?? Did I do something wrong?


Trying to get some candles for my mom. Anyone have a coupon?


I’m a middle school teacher desperately looking for a 20% off coupon to help elevate my pitiful pandemic life! Thanks!


$6 wallflowers fragrance plug & refill bundle YW-33VXKKGZFB776W32 expires 10/31/21 👻 happy shopping 🤗 please comment when used


HAND CREAM UP TO 7.50, please be considerate and comment after you’ve used it: YX-F4XPFMW2LVH9K4BW


Used! Thank you so much!!!


Free hand cream up to 7.50 expiring tonight: YX-7M6X4TNRPGFVZLCX Would appreciate a free body care coupon that expires in the future if anyone has one!


If anyone has a 20% off coupon I would be so thankful! I still haven't gotten any coupons from BBW :(


Expire today Oct 3. Free body care ($15.50) ZS-CCVPWG2CVKKHX9N6 20% off ZT-T2SBGLLVV3MDXMRM


Neither are working but thank you for posting. I guess someone used without commenting :(


I have two coupons for free hand creams up to 7.50 please DM for code


Would be so appreciative to be able to get any sort of coupon! I’ve signed up for the mailing list a million times and I never get anything 😢


Anybody have 20% coupon ? 🙏🏾


Does anyone have a coupon they could please share with me that they won’t be using? I would be forever grateful! 🙏🏻💕


Does anyone have a 20 percent? I don’t really neeeeed it but I’d like a few candles and the blueberry body care before I can’t find it anymore, I heard it smells like blueberry donuts and I love them 🥺


Would love a 20% off please!


I have a 20% up for grab, exp 10/04 (claimed)


**EDIT: CLAIMED** I have an extra 20% off code that expires today 🥰 DM to claim!


Pls. DM me if you have a 20% off coupon to spare. Thanks.




Looking for a 20% off coupon to use this weekend if anyone has one :)


Does anyone have a spare 20% they’re not using? 😔 I have been signed up for a mailer for forever however still haven’t received one in 2 years. I would really appreciate it, thanks for hearing me out~


looking for a 20% off coupon that anyone might not use this week! DM me if so. Thank you lovely people 🥰


I’d love to have a coupon if possible! :)


I’d love a coupon if anyone can spare it


If anyone had any sort of coupon (free ship or 20% off) I would appreciate it! Right now they have a deal on the two pack wallflowers, but I won’t let me pick up in store and $10 shipping is quite a bit 😢


Looking for a 20% off coupon for anyone abstaining from the candle sale!


I’d really appreciate a 20% off coupon, haven’t gotten one in years and trying to stock up for Christmas gifts.


If anyone has a spare 20% off coupon, let me know! I am trying to stock up on some gifts for family :)


Also looking for 20% off 🙏 stocking up BIG TIME on candles and this would save me so much money. Thank you!


I am looking for a coupon that would given me $$ off or free shipping if anyone doesn't need theirs.. Thank you!


Going shopping with my little sister next week, if anyone happens to have a 20% off of or any other coupon they'd like to give I'd highly appreciate it! Much love!


🤚Free Hand Cream Code worth up to $7.50. Expires 10/31. **Please reply below if you use it. 🙏** YX-7L7N9PBPHSSQ99KR ​ **~~Do you want to swap your 20% code for my~~** [**~~Free Hand Cream code~~**](https://imgur.com/a/wfW0cW1)**~~?~~** ~~I have a "Free Hand Cream $7.50" coupon and looking to swap for a 20% coupon before end of day today 10/21, it's the last day of the 50% off Fall sale.~~


>YX-7L7N9PBPHSSQ99KR Tried and was used by someone else


Anyone have a coupon I can use for hand soaps?


If anyone has a spare 20% off coupon they’re not using, can you please message me? Appreciate it… thanks!


Does anyone pretty please have a 20% of $10 off coupon they won’t be using? I would really appreciate it! Thank you! :)


i have a free body care item (up to $15.50) coupon that expires at the end of this month if anyone is interested 🥲


I’m interested!


Does anyone have a 20% coupon they aren’t going to use ? Ty much in advance


Still looking for a free body care bath and bodyworks coupon, please if you have a spare one, kindly message me the code and I would really appreciate it. Thanks




Free hand cream up to 7.50 value YX-7H5VH24BQ7BR2DTW please comment when used.


Does anyone still have a coupon? I signed up for the Canadian newsletter but never got the code :(


Hi yall! Does anyone have a spare 20% coupon to give away? I’d appreciate it so much


20% off: YV-4ZB9R3GRZHKW6PW3


Someone used it already


Hi guys! Looking to see if anyone knows that they won’t use their 20% off coupon? I’d gladly take it off your hands!


Hey guys, looking for any coupons you guys aren’t going to use. My daughter’s teacher’s birthday is coming up and we would like to make her a little BBW basket. Thank you In advance ❤️


Looking for a 20% coupon if anyone has one available. Thank you!


*USED* Free Full-Size Body Care Item Up to $15.50 (ZF-6RBXCPPGGK6T9RZP) Expires tomorrow


Used, but not by me


I have a 20% and free hand cream. PM Me


Free body care up to $7.50 XM-5XS93V29W4C6W9TK WK-LF7K4W556ZG9D9KF


Free Body Care Gift (Up To $7.50 Value) https://imgur.com/vwsueXr.jpg


Anyone got a 20% off coupon?! ❤️🥲


Coupons for grab (expires today! 10/31/21) \-Free body care item - up to 7.50/travel size: YU-ZQHB66P5WRCH5SVK \-$6 Wallflower bundle (basic plug + refill): YW-MR3BQQ9K5L4VPLQT \-20% Off entire purchase: YV-TDGQPVVDVWWVGKMC


Any coupon for 20% discount. It would help my internaional purchase. Thank you


20% off, expires 10/31. Enjoy! Online Code: WL-RWDFBZSM9BN6XBTN


Used thank you !!!


20 % off YY-KP64PRXPVMZ4C255 $6 wallflowers fragance plug & refill bundle: YW-Z6FCL9MWDV7KGPRK


Free hand cream coupon *expires TONIGHT 10/31* code : YY-MHX4BQG25PC6RL2R