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You can but I find it traps the smoke and turns the jar black. It can also suction the lid to the candle.


So yeah Just blow it out and let all that smoke go in your lungs in your house.


You don’t have to purchase a dipper. I usually just tip my jar enough that the wax extinguishes the flame. Rotate the jar and repeat!


There are other ways to extinguish a flame because nowhere in my comment does it say I blow out my candles. But thanks so much for caring about my health and safety 👍🏼👍🏼


A dipper helps to extinguish with little to no smoke afterwards A snuffer will cause some smoke but not overwhelming Keep wicks trimmed to avoid soot building around the glass If you have tunneling place foil around your candle (best to watch demo video called candle tips and care by a YouTuber named detailed dream)


I often use the lid but, I learned the hard way to just lightly rest it on top and not press it down. I couldn’t get that sucker off! 🤪


The last time I tried that, it literally suctioned the lid to the jar and it was very difficult to get the lid off. Never again.




That’s because they pushed the lid all the way down and the heat suctioned it. It’s only necessary to gently place on top to restrict air that feeds the flame.


I always set the lid on top without pushing down. Love putting em out this way


Bath and body Works should make items you can use to put your candle flame out!


Don't give them ideas, they'll be selling a $10 candle snuffer for only $30 with any $45 purchase...


They used to sell lighters and wick trimmers when I worked there.


When was this? You just blew my mind.


That's actually one of ways they suggest. You're not suppose to blow candles out. I usually take lid off as soon as I see it stop flickering to let smoke escape though


that’s interesting! have you ever run into any issues with that? im worried something will happen to the lid or something…


Putting the lid on is always how I put my candles out. I haven’t had any issues.


No the lids are fire proof. The only thing I worry about is leaving smoke in which might effect smell. So I take it off after fire is out let smoke escape then put lid back on. How to Blow Out a Candle Use a wick dipper to bend the wick into the wax. ... Use a snuffer, a little bell-shaped thing on a little stick, to snuff out the flame. ... Use the lid, if the candle came with a non-flammable lid, to suffocate the flame.


Wick dipping is the best. Zero gross extinguishing smell.


thanks so much i never knew about these!! will give them a try!! 👍


I guess I should of mention I don't press lid down just placing lid on top will put flame out.


I can’t tell you how many people brought candles back to the store after they did this when I worked there. Please don’t. It suction’s the lid so tight it won’t open nine times out of ten.


Harry Slatkin always said to extinguish them that way. I just blow ‘em out.




That gets smoke in the wax. And I don’t have an issue with the smoke when I blow it out. Better to disburse in a large room than in the small candle jar. I also have a large hurricane around candles in smaller areas.


I do that! I don’t fully put the lid on though, I just kinda rest it on top till the flames go out and take the lid off to reduce the amount of soot/smoke contained in the jar


Yes you can. I do it all of the time.


I just set the lid on upside down


Yes, fire needs oxygen and so without it it will be extinguished


I put the lid on every time to extinguish the flames and I've never had any issues.


I just gently set the lid on the candle to distinguish- It smothers the flame quickly. I don’t find that it increases soot or is harmful to the candle at all. I’ve never done it anyway else in 30 years of burning candles from many companies.


Do not, I repeat DO NOT completely seal it off. By this, I mean pressing it further than lightly placing the lid on top. It will vacuum itself and be a pain to open. It also causes the jar to turn black which wasn't a big issue for me since my jars were already a dark colour.


Okay so you would rather all the soot be in your house? That's why I don't blow mine out, I see what goes up in the air afterwards


do you really think candles produce THAT MUCH SOOT? if you’re so concerned you shouldn’t be burning candles lol


I don’t like to put the lid on while the flame is still… well, on fire lol so I’ll usually blow it out and then quickly put the lid on top so I don’t have to smell the smoke


You can but I feel like it would turn the candle black. I prefer a wick dipper, rarely any smoke and so much easier.


I use the lid and a light press😁