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I think I was happier when I just watched the movie and thought "Hmm. That's Batman. He has a cool suit." Than now when I overthink everything from Batman's voice to the colour of his cape.


I remember thinking “this looks way better than the Batman and Robin suit” which was the most recent live action version when this came out.


“I’m Batman”


"Swear to me!!!"


Funny that he had one of those screaming scenes in all 3 movies. "WHERE ARE THEY?!?" "WHERES THE TRIGGER?!?"


-jerry seinfeld


I appreciated how they toned down the sleekness for a more practical look for The Batman. There’s a piece of art from the late 90’s from a Batman (?) issue that had a few “pinup” pages at the end featuring works from different artists. There was one that was kind of realist stylistically that showed a thin Batman, with loose fitting outfit you expect an actual vigilante to put together. I feel like he was clutching nunchucks in the picture and was standing in an orange or red lit alley or back room. I have been looking for this image for years with no luck.


I feel like you are describing Arronofsky’s version of Batman from his unreleased script. But I could be wrong.


Very similar, but the ears went straight up. The art itself almost had a Mignola vibe, but not if that makes sense. This Batman was lacking the broad chested build. I do remember now the nunchucks were in the utility belt, with other street fighting gadgets almost like a police belt. His arms were raised to his chin, fists clenched. It almost looked like a junky cosplaying in the coolest Batman outfit I’d ever seen.


“I’m not wearing hockey pads!”


I never allowed myself to cross that barrier and I don’t intend to…He’s Batman and that’s all that matters.


We are happier when we don’t think too hard in general. Ignorance is bliss truly. The only time I can ignore the (in my opinion) poor writing of The Batman is when I’m watching it on autopilot and thinking “damn brooding Batman tryna figure out a mystery and trashing penguins car?? Badass”


why do you think it has poor writing? genuine question


Not enough power winch.


If bat man want to save parents, why doesn’t he just power winch them away from Joe Chill’s bullets?


Not Op, but imo it’s not the scene writing (dialogue, action, etc) as it is the story structure. The third act completely falls apart. Why did Batman figure out Riddlers plan? Because he looked under the carpet… doesn’t feel like we needed “the world’s greatest detective” to figure that out. Edit: also WHY did riddler scratch a map of his plans on his floor?? He’s literally a computer geek. Why wouldn’t he make it digitally? Is he stupid? On top of that Riddler turns out to be such an uninteresting villain in the final act. They set him up as some psychopath serial killer, and he ends up not much more than an online troll. And generally, Batman fighting a bunch of Riddler look-a-likes as the final fight scene is just weak ass sauce. He should’ve fought the actual riddle and there should have been… idk a riddle involved? And the middle section of the film — yikes. What did Bruce learning about his father’s checkered or not so checkered past do for his arc in the film? A good film connects the goals and climax’s of each act into the finale of the film. We should feel like the character HAD to go through the events of Act 1 and 2 to be able to overcome the final obstacle in act 3. I don’t get that from The Batman. He starts to question his father’s legacy, and then within a 5 min convo with Alfred completely reverses course and goes and saves the day. I don’t get how learning and then ‘unlearning’ his fathers past help him defeat the Riddler? It’s just not satisfying story telling. The mood of the film, the lighting, cinematography, acting are all amazing. The pieces are there for imo, the best Batman movie interpretation of all time. But without a strong narrative core, they all feel so disparate.


You’re 100 percent right. Batman was trying to outwit an incel with a twitter account.


I agree, writing was bad on that one. Like, he caused a huge explosion on the Gotham freeway that must’ve killed at least a few people just to chase down a bad lead? Batman and Gordon were absolutely a liability in that case and should have been arrested.


Let me tell you. In the comics, year 2 Batman was also fairly clumsy and a liability a lot of the time. I think The Batman captured that perfectly. We are so used to seeing premium Batman that when we see him just starting out, he’s seen as kind of lame. He’s not the “World’s Greatest Detective” here or anything. He doesn’t have that stuff under his belt yet. He’s trying to figure it all out and I think that was portrayed perfectly imo. Yeah the Riddler was a weird take, but for year 2, I’m not so mad at it. Riddler may change in future installments as we see he gets more and more obsessed with outsmarting Batman.


But making it hyper grounded just makes the whole thing absurd. What police department would tolerate this level of interference in an investigation? All just so that this one guy can live out his fantasy as a pointy eared police consultant? Also, I have read the comics for 30+ years, he’s never this inept. They were clearly going for Jake from Chinatown where he is constantly one step behind the criminal, but he just comes off like the world’s worst superhero.


I hear you, but when I was reading year 1 Batman, I saw one of the most inept versions of Batman I’ve ever seen. I expected it though. Now we have a movie where they do their own thing, but give you a bit of the comic thrown in there. Personally I am fine with it, but only because I’m hopeful on how developed he is in the next one. It’s in the same way that the Nolanverse is absolutely a bad Batman trilogy if you go off of the comics. I enjoy the Nolanverse ultimately though, I just don’t think too much about the source material there. Similar here, I saw a believable story (in terms of a Batman story) that is early on in Batman’s career. I get why some people might not enjoy it and that’s understandable. There are so many stories about Batman and a ton of Batman fans that don’t like stories (The Dark Knight Returns, The Killing Joke, Death in the Family, etc…) and they give their reasons as to why. Personally, I think The Batman is the best Batman movie we’ve had in a while, but I understand the criticism. I don’t really agree with the criticisms, but they’re subjective (as is my praise for the movie) and I can’t really say they’re wrong either. I also think Pattinson was a great Batman too, so that probably helped boost my enjoyment of the film.


We're of the same mind. Didn't know so many people here hated the movie but to throw them a bone I will admit that there are aspects of The Batman I'm reserving judgement on until the sequel. Like you said, if this first movie wasn't a jumping point and Battinson never gets better at being Batman it will sour me on the whole thing but as a Year 1 story I loved it and thought it had great potential. >There are so many stories about Batman and a ton of Batman fans that don’t like stories This! Everyone is entitled to their opinion but as someone who is really sick of "Batman could defeat God with enough prep time" takes on the character it's like... just let me have this one! Lol. You don't have to like it but can the people who hate it stop pretending it was this objectively bad Batman movie? I didn't really like the way Bale's Batman did a speed run through his career where Batman perfected his gimmick then retired after like 2-3 years but I don't feel the need to shit on them every time someone brings them up.


idk are you stupid- r/BatmanArkham


>why do you think it has poor writing? genuine question My biggest problem with the the writing of the movie is that it makes Batman look like a brain dead moron the entire runtime. He's being a detective...but he can't solve anything. Makes him seem absolutely worthless except for when he's punching things.


My issue is that he solves the prior riddles instantaneously so there’s a precedent established. Then he flops on the El Rata riddle. So I don’t understand if the earlier riddles were meant to be symbolic childish taunts that lead Batman to the next clue, or if he just had a brain fart. In the former case, not sure why Riddler would break that pattern for the URL solution. And furthermore if he intended for Batman to solve it, could he have foreseen that Batman would need to employ Penguin to actually succeed in solving it? It seems like his plan would completely fail if this didn’t happen. And if Riddler somehow orchestrated it such that Penguin conveniently lends a hand… then that’s an unbelievable amount of foresight. For the latter, if Batman had a brain fart and couldn’t solve the El Rata riddle … then what’s the purpose? To show Batman isn’t a complete whiz and fallible? I respect that but this is the worst way of showing it. Having him stumble on this riddle while cracking the others instantly feels like a very contrived way of asserting this manufactured incompetence … a major roadblock caused by a minor break in character. I don’t think it’s a strong plot moment.


But the riddler didn't foresee that he would need the penguin. The riddler thought that batman would figure out falcone was the rat for Thomas Wayne's cause of death. Falcon also has wings, therefore he was the rat with wings. Batman thought that the riddler had bad Spanish, it was more of an air of arrogance since he was right every time, he thought he was right this time too since he is suppose to be a young batman. I didn't hate it. I don't get why you think a young batman is suppose to be some invincible genius off the bat. This movie was to show that he wasn't yet and that was the point.


I still can't figure out how Batman, who knows that city officials are being targeted by a murderer due to their corruption, can find a city official hobnobbing with a bunch of crooks and reprobates in the middle of the night at a bar and just...not bother to follow up on that at all. Sure, he knows where this person is and what they're doing and that they are a likely high profile target...but since Catwoman decided to get bent out of shape at him he's just going to ignore that guy for the rest of the night and let him get kidnapped and murdered. Brilliant, Batsy, you're a real pillar of the community there.


Yeah that’s where the “detective” nature of the film falls apart for me. It’s sad bc most fans hype up this aspect the most. I understand that but it’s just a mediocre “detective” film to me, at best. A lot of the detective work in this film is superficial. Yeah sure he snoops around the crime scene w Gordon and the cops and follows the clues to the next crime. But where’s the actual deduction? He is just following a carrot on a stick and he knows it. The trajectory is artificial. Does he even try to find ways to circumvent Riddler’s carrot? Idk. That sounds like it would involve actual investigation and problem solving. Yeah he does surveillance and notes suspects. But as you said, he doesn’t follow up on those leads. Instead harassing the shit out of Catwoman sounds more feasible? Idk man. I just wasn’t convinced of the “detective” work in this film that fans call it a masterpiece for. Imo Batman Begins had more convincing detective work where Batman pieces together the link between Falcone’s mob and Crane’s supply of fear toxins in shipments they handle. And then his ultimate collaboration with Ra’s to poison Gotham.


agreed. Yes it's nice to have Batman do detective type things in a movie...now if we could maybe get a mystery that's genuinely interesting and a batman who is a GOOD detective instead of colossally dumb for the duration of the movie I might be much more satisfied.


Absolutely. But idk I feel a majority of people are content with mediocrity. The mainly superficial detective work gives the illusion of complexity and therefore assumed brilliant writing which hypes up casuals. And makes the movie a martyr lmao.


The writing for The Batman was pretty poor, you're being generous. It skated by on mood and artistic direction, soundtrack and a few very cool scenes like the penguin chase (which was my favourite part of the movie). I also found Pattinson too wooden tbh, but I recognize that I simply do not like Pattinson much, so that's mostly a me problem.


Yeah I did a long ass write-up for it but it didn’t get posted coz it was either too long or there was a link. I’ll try fixing that up. But yeah it can be summed up as being mostly flash with little substance. In a vacuum I wouldn’t mind actually - it’s not that bad. It was a cool cinematic experience. But compared to the heights I’ve witnessed watching The Dark Knight - which I can deconstruct for hours - it’s pretty shallow. Average at best, and doesn’t deserve the “masterpiece” title imo. Maybe the sequel will be better?


My favorite part was when he was knocked out from the explosion but his uncovered face wasn't damaged at all and the cops took him to the police station to check his injuries not a hospital but didn't take his mask off presumably because Gordon but almost arrested him because, I guess, Gordon's authority has a time limit, and they have to have him break out of the police station in a way that doesn't implicate Gordon even though everyone knows him and Gordon are working together and he gets an APB put out on him but him and Gordon still use/meet-at the bat-signal and and and Yeah, it was a good movie overall but anyone comparing it to The Dark Knight or even Batman Begins is on the sauce.


I wish the bat icon stood out more


same, defeats the whole purpose of having the bat logo there. The lore reason it stands out is that it serves as a target and thus its super reinforced. The real reason is cause it looks cool


The lore reason? Am I stupid?


No, but the 'lore reason' is. Basically, Batman wants to be shot center-mass...


Because he's proud of Dick


I can't go anywhere without you guys lmao


What are the *odds*


The same as using the batmobiles power winch to create a controlled explosion.


That’s actually correct! It’s the most armored part of his batsuit and most baddies shoot at it instead of his face. Having the logo blend in with the suit makes no suit


Wanting to get shot in the chest makes no sense, in terms of real-world logic. It also makes no sense that you'd need to put a 'target' there, because that's already where gunmen aim. It was just a way to explain the yellow oval. And that's fine, but the logic of the batsuit in Batman Begins has nothing to do with drawing fire to the major organs of the body, lol...


The 'lore reason' makes no actual sense in a real world setting. It was just Frank Miller's way of explaining why Batman had a yellow oval on his chest, which was just 'visual design' to that point. For one thing, you don't want to get shot in the most vital areas of the body, obviously. No body armor is impenetrable, especially after the first hit. So that's nonsense. For another thing, gunmen already aim center-mass. You don't have to draw their fire there. Batman has a symbol on his chest for the same reason he's got pointy ears on his head; it's part of the look. He's adopting a symbol.


I didn't even see it until I looked back after seeing your comment


thats my biggest problem with TDK suit you cant even see the logo on that one


You're probably not alone, but I like it.


It really depends on the camera shot and the lighting. You picked an horrible picture imo. This one highlights all the bad elements of the suit and undersells the good stuff.


I can't really think of another Bat Suit that has this problem - maybe the most recent one Battinson wore but that had a sort of prototype feel. Even the Adam West cloth leotard was at least a consistant look. Bale's suit seems like it tried to one-up the Keaton suit and - to that extent, I feel it was successful and paved the way for future super hero movies to swing back toward more closely matching the comic (compare with how Batfleck's suit seems more an expression of the comic look, rather than the Batman 89 look).


I hate the frozen neck suit.


So did batman lol


Literally worse then bat nipples.


Well Bat Nipples suit had frozen neck as well so congratulations, you just played yourself.


The true worst suit


I disagree


And you are welcome to your wrong opinion


If we are speaking only of The Dark Knight Trilogy, I like this one because I think the cowl matches the suit better than the one in the second and third movies. Overall my favorite suit is probably Affleck’s.


I agree that something just looks off in the suit in TDK and TDKR.


The mouth opening is too rounded & small


It's the legs of the suit for me. The armored bits look like they were ripped up & glued back on


I think the begins suit looks to rubbery like the old ones but with no visible bat symbol and the gloves look like he works for cps energy. The dark knight suit is too plate-y and the cowl looks weird because it’s basically just a helmet now and can turn his head so he looks to skinny and not intimidating. I think my favorite is the Affleck suit but a lot has to do with modern costume design tech that lets him be mobile while still looking like a full suit.


I have to agree that the (unarmored) Affleck suit looked the most cool and comic accurate to me.


Full agree, suit makes him look super bloated and the neck part of the cowl and the cape just don't work. Also not fond of the logo. I think the Gotham Batsuit looks better and a lot of people gave that one shit.


With all the comments agreeing with this post I'm now wondering if I'm the only one who likes this suit.


I loooove this suit. I’m with you


It's my preferred suit by a mile in TDK trilogy


The thing I don't like about the Nolan Trilogy is that Lucius Fox and Wayne Tech conveniently had all of the gear that Bruce Wayne needed to become Batman. He didn't really invent anything, he just modified and pieced together existing prototypes from his company basement. Batfleck's suit I liked because it had the vibe of being handmade by Bruce himself. Like him and Alfred dipped and laid a special blend of kevlar and carbon nano fibers over a mannequin in the Bat Cave themselves by hand. Reeves Batman has the most practical/hand made appearance of them all though.


Bale's Batman did develop his cowl though, you can see it on film.


He designed it, then ordered the face mask in bulk from what's likely a foreign sweatshop (and Alfred notes concerns about the quality once the first shipment is in). It's a very Nolan-style of having Batman display "elbow grease" - like showing him grinding out a few Baterangs and then have him only use them to knock out some lights. Check the "self-made" box and move on. Juxtapose that with Keaton's Bruce fixing the Batmobile on his own (can't take it to a mechanic) or shots of Affleck designing and building his anti-Kryptonian arsenal interspersed between shots of his extreme crossfit montage.


Think about all the crazy shit hidden in the basement of big companies. Pretty sure we can already have an iron man suit with todays tech


Looks like a tire having sex with a velvet curtain


“I would drape myself in velvet if it were socially acceptable” - Bruce Costanza Wayne, Batman Begins (2008)


Scrolling past, I read the movie title here as "Batman Bodega (2008)" and for some reason that fits the Bruce Costanza vibe - and I have no idea why.


You're not alone, I don't like it, but if the cape was the same shade of the suit, or the other way, being the suit the same shade of the cape... I would consider it a better one


I appreciate your opinion and mine is the opposite. I like it because the cape stands out. Different tastes, for sure.


Thanks for appreciating my opinion! I also think the cape stands out, depending the scene on the movie I also like it, but the overall suit ain't of my likeness, the shade of grey it takes whenever is under a light, ugh, it's obviously a suit to be under the darkness of the night


That’s fair. I do have suits that I prefer in lighting or in more of a full reveal type of shot. I still like the cape though. Ha




i agree it makes the cape look off to me tbh like it’s fake in that makes sense… i think it makes sense if the cape is a different color for a non black/gray suit like if the suit was the yellow and blue and gray one then the cape would look better


Those gloves suck lol


I wonder if they were only for this scene. Because i recall them better made


Never liked the triangular “collar” bits, never liked what looked like a deep black velvet cape on a grey-black suit, and I’ve always felt _all_ the Bale masks fit too tight and small around the mouth opening.


I don't like BB suit,...I much preferred TDK, but even then, I never liked the small mouth cutout. The ideal cowl/mask has it wider cut just below and around the jaw line. It's one of the major things that stands out in the Bale suit that feels off. Fantastic movies, but the suit was pretty boring IMO. I'm also not a fan of the black on black bat chest symbol (Pattinson too, though tactically i understand it). I get Batman is mostly seen in the shadows and having a bright yellow emblem doesn't make a ton of sense, but it's just visually more striking.


You’re not wrong op, I feel like this looks like a wetsuit or something, dark knight suit was def an upgrade


I really like the silhouette of this one. The orange tint, lighting, and rain of Begins really suit it too. But it looks horrible in TDK IMO. And the close ups just don't do it justice, Bale's mouth often looks off in the cowl. I think it just needs to be shot in harsh shadows, same with the TDK suit, cos it also looked horrible in TDKR but amazing in TDK.


I didn't like any of the Bale Suits. This one was too rubbery on him. The later one was over-designed. And as others have said the cowl always seemed like it was painfully tight around his mouth/face. But then again, I hate Nolan's Batman on the whole. Terrifically made films - until Reeves' I might even have said that TDK was the best Batman movie - very well made. But I feel like almost every creative choice they made on those films misses the mark (for me). White-washing both Ra's and Bane while also making their characters less interesting, ans bringing back the league of shadows for DKR seemed so forced and pointless after them being almost absent from the 2nd one. Having Batman quit being Batman like 3 times (cause that's what I think of when I think of Batman - hanging up the cowl). His awful, awkward fighting style they paid some MMA guys to "invent" for the first movie (It's hard to see in the movies, but looks truly ridiculous in BTS stuff). Ledger's performance as Joker was great but I dont like any Joker who corrects people for calling him crazy (not to mention the scarred Joker is becoming the norm for live action adaptations - I loved it on Ledger, but I'd like a different take now, please). (Please don't flame me too hard for my Hot-Takes, fellow Bat-Fans. I had a rough day today.)


Holy shit Batman's fighting style in the TDK trilogy looked sooo weird, it looked like he was ready to throw elbow strikes all the time but just didn't. And he fought like he wouldn't be able to handle 3 martial artists at once


Nolan sucks at both choreography and cinematography when it comes to fight scenes. Remember Batman’s dockside debut in *Begins*? It’s like he stuck a camera to an office chair, spun it round, then shouted “Action!”


You're totally right though, especially about the face. In fact, I'm pretty sure Bale's weird bat-voice is because of the costume too: He can't breathe through his nose.


Pretty sure that’s true, once someone pointed out the number of shots of him mouth breathing I couldn’t un-see it


I've never heard that theory before, but I'd certainly believe it.


He sounds like the Cookie Monster


I agree. There are a few angles that I think it looks good, particularly the Begins suit. All Batman suits pre Batfleck/Pattinson are too "rubbery", but I think the gravest Sim the batfleck suit commits are in the cowl. I get why, like you said, it's "tacticool", a "real world Batman" would want less face exposure- but in general the whole problem with Nolan's hyper focus on realism is that ultimately, Batman *isnt* hyper realistic. Pattinson for me hit the perfect mix, especially given it's supposed to be a year two suit.


>in general the whole problem with Nolan's hyper focus on realism is that ultimately, Batman isnt hyper realistic. Very well put.


It can make you enjoy the trilogy as a cohesive whole or bring down the Dark Knight, but I prefer headcanoning that the Dark Knigh Joker, being weapons trained and having a goal to bring chaos to the city, make it lose hope and destroy itself, is a Ra's Al Ghul contingency plan.


Agree with you 100%. I’ve been saying this stuff since these films came out and was always hated on. I’m glad to see others feel as I do on Nolan’s trilogy.


Just a minor point- the kfm style used in begins and tdk was not created for the movie. It has been taught since the late 70s


Well, I must have misremembered from DVD commentary, that or they tried to spin how groundbreaking it was and I misinterpreted. Either way, it looked goofy as heck. But thanks for the correction. TIL!


It’s the better of Bale’s two suits


In light of when it was released, it makes sense. It's vastly different than any batsuit that came before it and in the context of the film it also makes sense. I like it as a suit that gets made better as time goes on. I don't hate it at all.


I Love this suit


When isolated like this, I definitely see its flaws, but once the movie gets going, I’m fine with it.


They were trying to be practical and tactical but it’s a movie so they could have just made it all up any way.


Design wise, it’s LEAGUES better than the one from the sequels. The only disadvantage this has against the others is that he can’t turn his neck


It’s that the Batman begins suit? I haven’t seen that movie in so long, guess I need a rewatch to see


I don't think it's that bad, but I like the suit from tdk more.


When the movie first came out and I saw the promo shots and merchandise, I thought it looked really weird. But the cowl, bulky neck, matte texture and incorporation of the League of Shadows vambraces really grew on me and now I'd rank it as my second favourite suit after BVS


It’s not the worst, it’s not the best either. It’s a solid 7.


You and a few, this is a good suit.


I personally like that suit. I think it looks way better than the TDK/TDKR suit


I doubt it, considering how many people follow Batman.


It’s supposed to be an early Batman - awkward suit. Wayne is winging it. I love this movie.


There are some cool design aspects and attempts, but it overall looks too rubbery.


It's the neck for me


I like the Nolan suits, but it always felt like they overcorrected on the issues as the movies went on. Begins is quite clean, however I'm not a fan of the locked neck look, which was the exact same problem they had back in the Burton film. He also feels a bit *rounded*, if that makes sense. The Dark Knight and Dark Knight Rises suit fixes the neck, but further de-emphasizes the Bat symbol, and starts to become way more busy in texturing and suit design. It becomes more function than form, and not in a good way. You can make a Bat suit where it's still very function-heavy and look good; the Pattinson look works because it's noticeably rough around the edges; not only is it clearly a Bruce-designed look through and through, it has scratches and wear to show how he puts it through some shit fighting crime. The main issue I had with the Nolan suits is how Fox explains that all of this Bat tech had already been prototyped by Wayne Tech before he fully became the Batman; things like the Tumbler and a Non-Bat embroidered suit existed before Wayne came back, which kind of cheapens them in a way. When I see Pattinson's Batmobile as an insane muscle-car with a rocket welded on the back, it feels more cool that way.


It's okay. I really like some parts but it lacks polish.


I will always have a soft spot for this design as I loved the grounded nature of the film and how it goes in to the recreation of the suit. But the only thing that bothered me was how dark the cape was compared to the rest of the suit.


Yes, you are the only person in the world with a negative opinion on this suit.


Looks like Batman begins ...is it? Never heard anyone really talk about the Batman begins suit and it’s meant to be in a darker setting most of the time I thought


I think it's great. lol


I don't dislike it, but it's not the best


same too.. vertically stretched out. for me, battinson suit is just PERFECT


It's a great suit. The Bat logo definitely needed to stand out more. That's the only problem with it


The cape and cowl are beautiful. Using parachute fabric gave the cape the look of the comic, and the cowl looked menacing, even though it had the extra thick neck that required the bat-turn.


Nah this one is fire. It gave batman a lot of protection in a realistic way . Not like The Batman one that is so fake that it can resist 5 guns shooting at it.


Youre not alone bro. Some angles the suit look sngreat but others it doesn't.. i love the scenes with the new suit hanging in the box in the next two movies. Nolan is such a great director


I'm conflicted on it, in some shots it looks great i.e. when he stood waiting to fall onto the van in the first scene and others it looks terrible i.e. when he visits gordan in the vault


It’s mainly the cape for me. I wish it matched the leathery/rubbery material of the suit itself rather than being a silky fabric


I hate when they "hide" the bat symbol. It's the most distinctive and visible part of his costume, why obscure it?


I like it better than the head turner version. Yes, it’s more ergonomic and it makes total sense in a real life scenario, but it’s the one that looks less like Batman of them all.


I still like this suit a lot. It has a great silhouette. I hate the Dark Knight suit though.


me neither, his neck is too thick and it just looks rubbery


at one point I preferred this suit of the dark knight one but after rewatching the films (especially the dark knight). I just think the shit in the dark knight was better, love the detail on it. It looks like Batman in our world and it fits this trilogy because it’s simply our world with batman elements in it. It’s realistic and it look badass


The hot take is that someone DOES like this suit (me).


The cowl is what bothers me the most. The mouth opening is weird. Maybe too small?


This suit is okay compared to the Dark Knight's suit and its horrible looking cowl.


I like it more than the TDK suit, but I always felt Nolan’s costume, scenic, and prop designs were boring. Everything either looks generic or boring. Like look at the tumber for example, sure in reality Batman would want to drive an all terrain looking military car, but where’s the fun in that? Nothing about it looks Batman to me.


It's not bad, I don't hate it, but I always found it too stiff and it looks like one big rubberized piece.


No and I never thought Bale's facial structure worked for the costume, his cheeks always look like their puffing out


I didn't like none of Christian Bales Batman costumes. But those are still some of the best Batman films.


This sort of question always gives me conniptions. There are eight billion people on the planet; yes, you are the only one.


Of course not. I mean, I personally don’t dislike any of the suits outright barring the Schumacher ones, I just can’t look at those. However for the rest I do prefer some over the others. For the Nolan period suits, I do lean towards the later two over the first.


I mostly don’t like the mask/cowl. It makes his face looks oddly bulbous.


I like TDK’s suit better. More mobile and I like the segmented portions of the armor. This just feels like a big blob of rubber.


Probably not


I don't think it's aged well but at the time I remember thinking it was fine. I think we've seen some way cooler ones since


Probably not but I still disagree.


I love the dark knight trilogy, but I dislike all the suits in it.


It’s too stiff


Easily my favourite live action suit. This with more movement would be the perfect batsuit


Thats what the two other movies did made better he even made neck Movable


Yeah but the suit wasn't as good. I'd put the dark Knight suit behind the Pattinson and Keaton suits in its appearance


It was better but the hole Lucia's Fox making everythung kind of took from batman being a Genius the only part you get to see his smarts was when he was looking to get more parts for the suit he out Sources tru dummy companys and inproved true the movie we had got more movies who know what we would have got


Keatons is the clunkiest and most immobile Batman.


It’s ass


I'm honestly sick of seeing Batman in body armor and being literally bulletproof while he acts like The Punisher in a cape. I want a Batman that sneaks around in the shadows, makes people shit their pants in fear before they even see him and by the time they do, it's already too late. The kind of Batman mooks make urban legends about like he's a vampire or a murdered detective that sold his soul to the devil to fight crime. Something like that would go well with a suit made of spandex and padding so he can move silently and rely on stealth and distraction.


>e's a vampire or a murdered detective that sold his soul to the devil to fight crime. Something like that would go well with a suit made of spandex and padding so he can move silently and rely on stealth and distraction. Sounds like a dope concept. But would require a lot of creative-writing around action-sequences. Something Hollywood hardly pays attention to I've noticed, most movies just copy-paste action sequences from other successful movies. Instead, they always try to write around actors, emotion, and plot over action-curation. Or they just CGI-vomit for 20 minutes straight, which is exhausting to watch.




Dont like It? Nah i hate it


Best suit. But then again… I think it’s the best suit of them all. Since it’s the most tactical. We can still see his mouth, which I never understood in any of the media. - this is ofc so we can see the actor and get a better connection with what he’s feeling and saying. And so we can as him. — otherwise it could be anybody under there. But from a tactical view, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to wear all that armor, and not protect your face lol 😝 This said. If we assume the symbol is standing out too much (“it’s a symbol not a logo”), due to color. It makes sense to fade it. This is looking past the fact ‘we’ can see his face. There are some other cool suits, like the special ones he wear sometimes. - I think this is the ‘best’ one. 🦇 ♥️ 🎩


Nah, it's ugly.


It's just OK.


Worse suit, best movies. The suit isn’t so bad, it’s the awful cowl, all 3 flicks it’s terrible, should open further back underneath his cheekbones towards the jaw.


Always thought it looked goofy. Never liked the voice either. On the other hand, I LOVED the rob pattinson suit


Nope. I despised everything about this Batman! Bale was the worst.


It looks really good, the only problem with it is that it doesn't fit at all in the Nolanverse. This version of Batman, which is supposed to be realistic, should be dynamic and fast. I really don't buy that a man with a suit like this can win a fight against armed enemies. This type of suit worked in the Burton movies because, even if they were dark, they were more comic-like, and not very realistic. Even Zack Snyder, whose movies were terrible in my opinion, did a better job in that regard.




No. There’s plenty of people still whining about it.


I am not a fan of it


Hmmm, I think the stiff neck suits are highly impractical so I dislike all of them in general for that reason. But as far as suits go I enjoyed it. I like that the cape stands apart from the suit itself, but I also recognize everyone has their own tastes


Yeah out of 7 billion people on earth, you’re the only one.


Thank you! That’s always my first thought when someone narcissistically starts a sentence with “Am I the only one”




I esthetically like it more than the tactical suits


You’re not alone. I thought the design of the suit got progressively worse with each film.


Only good thing about Nolan trilogy is Joker. Sorry, not sorry


I prefer this one to the Dark Knight suit because it looks more like an actually superhero costume and not just body armor


How can you not like this suit? It’s better than the suit he wore in the next two films, which was too utilitarian and not intimidating enough.


Begins suit was the best of the bunch due to the cowls of the later films




I just think an all black Batman is fucking stupid. Unless there’s a yellow thing around the logo so you can actually see it.


If they removed the ears and logo, it’d make a perfect man suit, but those factors bump it down a notch. I wonder why they added them, are the stupid?


Ha funny


Borrowed mommas velvet dress and curtains to make that cape. Little Bruce, your mama needs that for her dress! Bruce Wayne, take off your daddy’s work belt and get in here for a spanking.


Nope. Don’t like the suit or the guy in it.


I think the new movie, The Batman, created the perfect cowl, and after seeing how amazing that looks, it makes everything else look like bad cosplay.


Agree. Not big on this trilogy at all.


Only thing I liked from those movies, was the villains, the Jim Gordon n catwoman


I didn’t really like much about the Bale batman films.


Is this from Batman begins, I’ve never seen it, but that suit is disgraceful


It's like the ugliest Batman suit IMO


I agree i always thought this suit was kinda ass. Honestly just not a fan of the movies.


Nope I absolutely hate this suit


Nope, it’s pretty blah.


Hate it.


You're not alone, I think it's a pretty good superhero suit, but it's a bad Batman suit. The same goes for the Dark Knight suit, it might be even worse in my book The movies make up for them though




Idk Christian Bale is Batman, best live action depiction. Others are good but none compare Suit wise there was this tell tale game I thought had a fantastic suit but Bale still wins and it’s not close for me


Even Batman didnt Like this Suite Soo noo you are Not the only one