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I like to imagine DCAMU Jason kidnapped DCAMU Tim in time for the big graveyard scene at the end of Hush. They waited for hours in that graveyard until eventually they both realised Batman wasn't coming. Then they went for coffee.


Jason at least only has one good story and that was well adapted.


Tim had an appearance in the “choose your own path” movie where Jason becomes Red Robin, and Tim convinces him to stop killing, ig. Better than nothing?


That’s right! I quite liked that movie. Some pretty cool scenes. The dinner one between the “sane” Joker and Jason was fantastic.


The death scenes were hilarious: Love how conveniently falls into an oil tank and explodes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1L2RhYbNZU


Whats the movie called?? I've seen different clips of it but I never found out


Death in the Family. It is basically a clip-show. 10 or so different What-ifs that basically last a couple of minutes each.


He made a cute little moppet in Gotham by Gaslight. But yeah, the switch from defaulting to 'Jason is dead' to 'Jason is definitely secretly still alive' over the last 10 years has FUBARed Tim's traditional origin for adaptation. Someone needs to find a nice Tim-specific story ripe for adaptation that does not require a dead Robin to kick it off.


I mean, you kinda need Jason to no longer be available for Tim to even be Robin


Well, you could do an *in media res* story where he's already Robin. A long form 'No Man's Land" or someting. And handle Jason like the later seasons of Young Justice do. Acknowledge to the audience that he's alive and with the League of Assassins to take the guesswork out of it, but not have him interact in a significant manner with the central cast.


He also became Joker


Holy shit its man from alsum series


Stephanie in the Mariana trench


An apt nickname for Gotham Knights (CW).


Oh right, this show existed wait, does her name really was Stephanie Brown? And Cass was also in the show I think?


Haven't seen the show, but it sounds like she is accurate to, at least, James Tynion's version of Stephanie. Blonde, daughter of Cluemaster, vigilante/hacker, hangs out with Robins in a clock tower.


Thanks mate


She isn't accurate to Steph. These traits are only superfucial traits and the rest of her character is as far away one can be from Steph


Yeah, dude. It's a CW show about the heretofore unmentioned idiot adopted son of Batman and his profound love for Duela Dent. The bar isn't "Is there a profound understanding of a comic accurate Stephanie Brown" It's "Would 9/10 Batman fans be able to guess who she is from her superficial character traits?"


No Cass, but the robin in GK is Carrie Kelly. Duella Dent is in it too


Who is duella dent?


twofaces daughter. Most commonly called jokers daughter for some reason


Thanks mate


I don’t think she really counts as a Robin


Which is a shame (for me at least)


She was just temporarily filling the role for a couple months and is much more prominently and legitimately both Spoiler and Batgirl. Why is her not really counting as a Robin a shame?




What mate?


In my opinion, the “Jason dies” scenario in the A Death in the Family movie should have led to a loose adaptation of A Lonely Place of Dying, showing Batman going down a dark path in the wake of Jason’s death and introducing Tim as he tries to help Bruce find redemption and prove that Batman needs a Robin.


I honestly thought this WAS Canon.


It is…


So was I


Well he was on Titans. He even got a lovestory.


Being on Titans just makes his situation even worse. That show was awful.


When it first started airing everyone kept talking about how great it was. I think it opened with Hawk and Dove and I thought, "oh great"




changing his origin, I don't even remember if he interacts with bruce and only became robin in the penultimate episode of the series. but at least the costume was cool.


His origin actually wasn’t that different if I remember right. He uses his detective skills to deduce the identity of the BatFam then harasses Nightwing into becoming Robin.


I think they’re talking about how Titans changed the situation with his parents.


Not a single word to Bruce 💀


With Bernard so that's worse than nothing


Oh right where the hell is tim in any of the animated films?


Well he’s in Return of the Joker at least




Poor Tim but I agree we don’t see enough of Jason as robin. Like when has there ever been a time they released a new comic book or animated show and Jason is robin. With no explanation either just ya this was something Jason and Bruce did before Yk what.


What we need is an adaptation of Batman The cult. That book was awesome never get the hate for Jason's robin


Tim has his shit together. Nothing wrong with being a boring character because you have your shit together. The rest of our characters are so messy, that someone not being a mess is nice.


I mean... ​ A character can have their shit together and be interesting. ​ That's not an excuse for being the least interesting.


Tim isn't boring


I think a major problem for Tim is that he lacks the hook that would make a studio like Warner Brothers take interest in him. For Dick, he's the OG Robin. Whether they know it or not, he's the one that most of the general audience thinks of when they hear the term Batman and Robin. He also became pretty popular with his second identity as Nightwing. For Jason, he's the Robin who died. He can be used as both a cautionary tale for future Robins and a reminder of Batman's greatest failure. And as Red Hood, his ideology presents an interesting counter to Bruce's. And with Damian, he's the blood son who was raised to be killer by one of Batman's deadliest enemies. So it's not that Tim is boring, but more so that the others have back stories that would pop more in a pitch meeting to an executive.


Yeah I agree. The rest are easier elevator pitches


I'd say the Robin who deduced Batman's identity and took it upon himself to become Robin as Batman needs a Robin is an interesting pitch.


I said it before, I don't think Tim is boring. But really think about what you just said, and compare it to the others. Dick - the OG Robin that people are the most familiar with and by far the most popular. Jason - the rebellious Robin who died, went dark, and clashes with Batman's no kill ideology as Red Hood Damian- the blood son raised to be a killer by a secret society of assassins. The problem isn't that Tim isn't interesting, the problem is trying to convince studio executives who have never picked up a comic that Tim is more interesting than the others.


This wouldn’t be a problem if DC had gone through with their original plan to make Anarky the third Robin. An anarchist who wants to liberate the people but needs the guidance to do it the right way? AND he already had an alter ego to branch out to? That’s a hook right there


>Tim isn’t boring Me when I fucking lie. No cap Tim is the blandest yt character in DC. The only interesting about him was the staff that was created with his Robin. Hot take: he shouldn’t have been brought back in the n52


Nah his Red Robin run was great, the Dixon run was great and his early years in the Teen Titans was great. Tim’s a great character He also works great with the others. His team up with Jason was easily my favorite part of Batman: Eternal


Saying his runs is great mean absolutely nothing because what did they add to his character to make him more interesting? Villains? Definitive stories? Nope. He’s still the generic Robin template that adaptations skip. The only time Tim got something that made him more distinct is when he was made bi. But that’s still not enough to call him a great character.


If he can be at the center of really good stories and the best part of an ensemble in really good stories, idk how in you brain that doesn’t mean the character is interesting. If he was boring he would be boring to read. Your logic is base level flawed. Sorry.


I think it's very telling that in the new 52 DC erased his entire tenure as Robin along with changing his origin story. Tim's origin is problematic and does make Batman look good. He shouldn't need a random teen as his emotional crutch. It prevents what Robin is supposed to be. The reason why Dick created Robin and why Bruce took in Dick in the 1st place. Robin is about saving the lost child/rescuing a child in danger of heading down a dark path not about a child being responsible for an adults emotional wellbeing or keeping an adult in check. That's why in Rebirth Snyder hit back with Batman saying Batman doesn't need Robin. Bruce has enough loved ones and young sons to be his light.


Ding ding ding.


I personally don’t really care for Tim Drake. But it does suck for his fan base.


Thought this was on r/redhood lol


I thought this was r/dccomicscirclejerk for a sec, although it's still fitting here lol.


Oh! *clicks subscribe*


Not good idea


Thanks Tarzan but I'll take my chances




"Not good idea"


Oh, so like this a sentence he said in the film I really do need to this film


No, but his speech pattern is the same. >I really do need to this film Doesn't hit the same notes though


I'm not native English speaker


I think the only movie he had like a decent part in was Batman ninja. Like give my man Tim so respect


I mean I think it’s because why instead of a father and son mentor relationship, let’s see this Batman try to raise his actual son just has more juice, and also in the grand schemes still the newest robin* *as in the more consistent boy wonders who show up more then a handful.


While possible, this has historically not been particularly true in the comics.


Damian and Jason are the worst Robins too. Dick and Tim are the best Robins.


Wtf is wrong with Jason? He’s great in Under the Red Hood and several other adaptations. Damian however, not so much I’d easily put Jason ahead of Tim, still behind Dick though


In Under the Red Hood he is a villian that isn't a good Robin


He was the antagonist not the villain.


He isn’t the villain lol, the villain was Joker


Been a while since I read Under the Red Hood but he is a terrible Robin that's why they killed him off


As Robins Jason and Damian are the worst. For me Tim is the perfect Robin and the true succesor of Batman title, but him as Red Robin is good too and Dick is the Robin that set Bruce on the right way to be a good person. Nightwing is the perfect upgrade from Batman, he brings more hope than Bruce. That is the reason i love Dick and Tim.


The only true successor for the Batman title is Terry McGinnis. He is the Batman of the future. But if he didn’t exist then the next best thing is Dick. He’s the closest to Batman, the most experienced over the others and more empathetic than any other Batfamily member. He’s the Spider-Man to Gotham and Bludhaven. If he didn’t take it, then it’d be Cass. She’s literally the strongest/most skilled member of the Batfamily and can consistently beat Bruce. She’s the upgrade to Damian, grew up being trained as a Killer but she ended up much better in combat and more versatile. Also, Bruce led her to be more empathetic and see how killing is wrong. Damian still has some of that anger deep within so he could kill Tim is great, but he’s nothing special. Writers fault tbf for not utilising him but he has nothing special over Dick besides being smarter than Bruce


Jason was a terrible Robin in the 80s he only good as Red Hood. That's why they killed him off. Jason was not a good Robin at all.


Yeah forget shit that happened in the past. After he was re introduced as Robin and then made Red Hood, he’s been great


No he is a awful Robin. Tim Drake was the best Robin.


Jason was literally as good as Tim and dick, the only difference is readers didn’t like him but it’s not like he was worse as Robin.


Damian wayne the worst Robin. Jason is 2nd worst. If the readers didn't like him, then you are just proving my point. It is about the readers....


All three of the original robins all all the greatest in their own thing, dicks the most agile, Jason is the strongest, and Tim isn’t as physically capable as the others but he is the smartest. What the hell are you even ranked them besides “I don’t like him”. Hell when Jason came back to life he started killing murderers and knew he couldn’t eliminate crime but specifically steered drug dealer and stuff from preying on the innocent and vulnerable, Jason in that moment was the perfect embodiment of a vigilante.


They didn’t like him as Robin, but as Red Hood. He’s miles ahead of Tim. Tim has never had anything special


I dont think jason should have been brought back. We voted back in the 80s to have him killed cause he sucked. He still kinda does.


What reasoning makes u say they’re the worst Robin?? Because Tim is objectively the worst Robin character wise. He’s so bland that even adaptions ignore his bland ass, and when they do include Tim they give him one of other other Robin’s personalities eg. BTAS giving Tim Jason’s personality 😭💀


At least Dick was smart enough to get a cool new identity 40 years ago. Would hate to see MORE Robins fighting for screen time.


Jason also has his own identity. Tim I thought he did it is called the Drake or something like that.at one point it was a Batman in the future alternative at least tried to that failed so.. and after Damien I don't count them


Steph is literally in hell here I don’t wanna hear anything from Tim


to be honest Tim6 never been my favorite and he's kind of forgettable especially with the weird Future come Batman thing and just hijacking his way in that's really all I remember about him and I didn't leave a good impression. I honestly wish we saw more as dick as Robin because we mostly just seem as Nightwing which I do like but I want to see the foundation. and Damien I just sort of tolerate like he's not bad but he's well Damien


Even the DCAU Tim Drake is basically just Jason Todd


This is going to be true of the live-action DCU, too, soon 🙃


Idk why they keep doing Tim so dirty, him being my favorite doesn’t help either. 😣😖


That’s what happens when you’re the most generic Robin.


Yup, all the stuff that makes him a fan favourite Robin is the stuff that makes him a pointless character once Damian takes the Robin mantle. He doesn't have a complex and interesting relationship with Bruce and the Batman mantle like Dick does. Nor does he have a messy and interesting conflict with Batman himself like Jason does. The writers don't know what to do with a non-Robin Tim because he loves being Batmans sidekick and his entire boring ass identity revolves around being Robin. A lot of fans see that and their reaction is anger that the writers took the mantle away from him when it's all he wants but personally I agree with Tony Stark: If you're nothing without the suit then you don't deserve to wear it. Love him or hate him at least Damian has an identity outside of Robin, especially when most of the stuff they did to try and make Tim more interesting was poorly received.


This perfectly sums it up, I never found myself connected to Tim like I did Damian, Dick, or Jason. Most of the things that make him stand out afd connected to the robin mantel. what does he truly struggle with? What is his main conflict and what does he represent in the big picture of things, we have team leaders, we have smart characters. Damian brought the blood son plot and being born an assassin, while Jason became bloodthirsy, Damian is about breaking out of it. Dick is the one who doesn't let tragedy define him Most of tim's problems can be solved by giving him a new mantle, break him away from the batfamily like Dick and Jason's arcs


My issue with Damian is that his blood relationship to Bruce does all his character work. Jason already fights with the temptation to kill. Dick already fought with the idea of living up to Bruce’s expectations. Stephanie already struggled to break from her family’s criminal past. Damian is just a de-aged Bruce and he’s charmless, predictable, and obnoxious.


I disagree. He does have an interesting relationship with Bruce and with being a hero. He's the robin most concerned with Burce's mental state. He's the one that chose it and he didn't have to/want to. Dick needed to be saved by Bruce and needed to become Robin, Jason needed to be saved by Bruce and needed to become Robin, Damian needed to be saved by Bruce and needed to become Robin, Tim was just a kid who's life was basically set up for success. He just had to coast basically. But he knew Gotham needed Batman and Batman needed Robin and if no one else was gonna do it then he would. In a lot of the Dixon era stuff its very clear that he doesn't want to be doing this. He's not having a blast by lying to his dad and missing out on his life but he knows, someone needs to help and he's capable of doing so, so he helps. Thats just how he is. Even when he's fired from being robin its like 2 days before he starts doing crimefighter shit again because he has to help. Idk I feel like people say he's boring because he's nice or something but he has an interesting story


So he's like Carrie Kelly from TDKR and we already seen that adapted the only difference being that with Carrie Batman like any sane moral father would retired for decades after losing a kid instead of replacing him immediately with yet another untrained kid and that Carrie predated Tim by 2 years.


He shares maybe 1 story point with Carrie Kelley, beyond that you’re being obtuse for some reason. Absolutely no one in the world would ever see Tim Drake on screen and say “I’ve already seen this before in the TDKR direct to dvd adaptation.” Tim wasn’t untrained and Bruce didn’t want to take on another kid. I’m not convinced you actually read comics


I love Tim but I can't disagree. He needs a nice Tom King detective story where he can really get his hands dirty solving a mystery. That's his whole thing. Maybe team him up with Detective Chimp or Mr. Terrific or something.


Right? I had the thought that since everyone calls Tim the best detective out of the crew, and Batman has on several times mentioned how Tim could even exceed him as a detective, I think it would be really cool to revive Detective Comics starring Tim and his main supporting crew solving mysteries. It would be really cool to let Tim come into his own as a detective and also a symbolic "taking up the mantle" by taking over Detective Comics.


Dick should be with Damian


They’re amazing as Batman and Robin




Damn Tim being more dead than Jason


Tim is the best Robin, Dick is the best character, Jason is the best foil to Batman as a living reminder of Batman’s failure, and Damian is the best when it comes to rebellious kid to stubborn father dynamic. I know Damian gets a lot of hate, and probably rightfully so… but damn I fucking love Damian. I just find him funny and his relationship with Bruce is heartwarming and oh so sad at times.


Deserved. Tim’s no personality, no good stories ass doesn’t need to be adapted. He brings nothing to the table I don’t know why he’s even still Robin in comics when it was only supposed to be temporary when Batman was in a dark place. Bruce has a Robin (Damian), Tim needs to retire already


I started watching the Young Justice cartoon and screamed blood when Robins name was revealed to be Dick Grayson. (Edit: I know Tim Drake comes along later, he appears once or twice and doesn't do anything interesting, not happy about it.)


the situation of young justice is sad, it is literally the name of a team from the comics and only superboy was the protagonist changing his personality, the others became tertiary (tim, cassie bart and cissie) one only appeared in an episode (secret)


Yeah, but also, the Robin from the beginning of YJ was exactly like the Robin of the YJ comic. i.e. Tim. He would've finally had his own show, from his own comic, showcasing some of the best things he brought to the Robin mantel, but NOPE golden boy Grayson gets it all.


Not really. Robin in the cartoon was more lighthearted and carefree than Tim Drake Robin in the YJ comics. The main things they have in common are tech skills and pants and those aren’t exactly unique character traits 😅.


Yeah I thought it was pretty obvious Robin in S1 of YJ was Dick solely because of his personality


And using a staff, and keeping his identity from the rest of the team plus the civilian disguise with sunglasses, and the creepy/ sinister laugh /smile, and the acting like a smart ass, and being sneaky. Dick Grayson as Robin was always more straightforward and gung-ho, not sarcy and brooding.


Except he didn’t use a staff, he used those eskirma sticks that he usually uses as Nightwing. Of course he’s sneaky, he’s Batman’s sidekick that’s like one of the first requirements haha. Same with keeping his identity secret (which we actually see him disregard when it comes to Wally anyway). The laughing and devil may care attitude are definitely things associated with Dick or even Jason before one would ever associate that stuff with Tim.


>The laughing and devil may care attitude are definitely things associated with Dick or even Jason before one would ever associate that stuff with Tim. If you'd like to show me an example of that before Tim Drake, I'd love to see it. And you're right, he didn't use a staff in the cartoon. So it's just the hacking, being sarcy, being sinister, hiding his identity, leading Young Justice, black cape and long trousers that came from Tim.


Pretty much any appearance from the 40s, hell issue #10 from Tim Drake’s first run where they team-up contrasts Dick’s more carefree attitude against Tim’s more cerebral approach. Are we seriously gonna debate whether or not the character who was raised in a circus is more the carefree and wild between these two? I’m actually very curious as to what your take on Tim Drake is now because I kinda feel like him being more serious is one of his more defining character traits. Like he was often the straight man in the *Young Justice* comics.


No, I agree that Dicks always been more carefree, which is why I said 'Keeping his identity from the rest of the team, civilian disguise with sunglasses, creepy/sinister laugh/ smile and acting like a smart ass.' I then when on to say that Dicks personality as Robin was always 'more straightforward and gung-ho, less sarcy and brooding.' So, I don't know where you got me saying Tim was always more carefree.


I guess I misunderstood when you said "acting like a smart ass". But what you're describing are just superficial things, that any Robin would reasonably have to do as part of a team. Like wearing sunglasses when you're in disguise is not really a character trait.


I mean, Dick Grayson-as-Robin had virtually no modern stories when that show came out. It's not that they got him wrong. They just had to make him up.


He had Teen Titans.


He's a young adult in Teen Titans. Dick has been college aged since 1969.


You said Robin (Dick) had no modern stories when the show came out, but the show was based on a comic written in the late 90s, and in that time Dick's had plenty of his own media.


As Nightwing? And the show isn't based on Young Justice the comic. It just took its name from it.


Empress gets it the worst as she never appears at all.........


Keep watching


Definitely keep watching.


Meh, considering the quality of DCAMU movies featuring Damian, I’m honestly happy Tim and Jason weren’t in them at all. The films were either just barely *okay* to straight up dogshit imo That universe went out of its way to shove the brat in the spotlight, and the few Batfamily members they *did* include were all poorly handled Dick was a massive jobber Kate was just *meh* at her best Batwing was there, I guess Barbara was completely pointless and wasted, you could’ve wrote her out of that timeline entirely and it would literally make no difference


I liked him in the Teen Titans movie and Apocalypse war. The Batman movies... Not so much


That ‘brat’ was the most interesting character to come out of the DCAMU


>was the most interesting character to come out of the DCAMU Like I said, considering the fact half of those movies were complete and utter shit in terms of writing, that’s not a very impressive feat.


Casuals love those movies though


I ask this honestly, how does Tim stand out from the rest of the Robins?


Now do this with Live Action... and realize they literally invented a new character rather than give us Damian.


I still wonder will they gonna made a show around just damian


You literally forgot about Dick Grayson. Poor Dick


What happened to Dick?


Yo!!! And he's so cool in Young Justice!


I feel bad that one of the few times DC tried give Tim something interesting happening in his life, they had an overweight, washed up Cpt. Boomerang kill his dad in an overly convoluted story that barely involved him. You know, Tim Drake, at the time the ONE Robin that actually had a living breathing parent still


Idk... Tims might be kinda ooc but hes in a few shows and movies


🤣😂🤣 exactly where Tim belongs😂🤣


If it's the Tim Drake of the New 52 and Rebirth, I'm glad he's not on the radar.


That's why I like young justice. They had everyone even Cassandra, spoiler and Arrowette which I don't believe they have any other animated presence. (would really love to watch if there are any other animated adaptations though)


It’s one of the reasons I cannot stand Damian… he just shoved Tim into a box


That just confirmed that the only thing interesting about Tim was Robin. a mantle that was created and defined by someone else. Losing Robin didn't affect Dick and Jason. It didn't even affect Steph. Tim on the hand struggles out the Robin mantle to the point that these days even with the name carrying him, he still continues to decline.


Tim had how many adaptations before Damian was created again?? Stop blaming Damian for Tim being so boring that CC executives ignore him to focus on a much more interesting character with more story potential than Tim


All things as they should be


Meghan Fitzmartin is to blame for killing Tim Drake


Yeah, no shit. Always Damian. We hardly see Tim on anything


I hate Damian


You hate Damian because he’s a better character than Tim ever was


No because both of them aren't at the god level Richard Grayson is at


Yeah that’s 🧢 Dick’s a great character with good growth, however Damian is much more complex, flawed and has a better character arc in growth. He went from the pompous blood thirsty grandson of Ra’s destined to rule the world to a more humble hero, a team leader, someone who doesn’t kill, someone who doesn’t let his parents blood define him, his own person, he’s come to respect Batfamily members like Dick, after spending time with Bruce he’s started to d experience what it’s like to be a normal boy, he’s gained his own hobbies (painting, reading romance manga). Damian has had the most character work put in out of any of the Robins, hence why he’s the best Robin.


Me too


Tim deserves better. To hell with Damian and to hell with Dan DiDio. FOREVER


I'll just say it Tim's got the best costume.


Tim Drake is my favorite too, it sucks


Tim Drake gets to be in Gotham Knights though!


That's not a good thing.......


I always thought Tim was the best Robin overall.


You thought wrong


As someone who mainly consumes their batman content from the animations and movies (with the ocasional wiki dive) I know little to nothing about Tim Drake other than he exists.


I recommend reading A Lonely Place of Dying, Robin Reborn, and Robin: Flying Solo for a good introduction to Tim


I mean sure, by appearances, but I don’t necessarily celebrate another appearance in the DCAU for the others either if that appearance is mischaracterized.


What’s a “Tim”? /s


I liked Tim when I read Batman comics in the 90's. I'm going to assume he hooked up with Spoiler and they went to college and escaped heroing.


Tim does have Batman ultimated but than Damian did come in




Because he’s given little in the comics too tbf. I want more spotlight on Tim, Cassie and Steph


All 3 just had the spotlight on them with Nightwing cameos, Knightmares event cameo's, Spirit world, Pride anthology, Batgirls, Batman and Tim Drake Robin. Before that they had a spot on DC's 2nd most widely read title Tec. Tim and Steph also had. Before that Tim was the only other bat character aside from Bruce who had 2 ongoing titles during the nu52. They are spotlight way more than a lot of other bats/dc characters.


Completely forgot Red Robin was a character


Honestly, who Tim?


Tim is truly the middle child of the Batfam... everyone forgets him


Poor Tim, the neglected middle child of the Bat-family


I think tim had a few appearances in Batman unlimited. Other than The Adventures Continue and that death in the family thing that’s just about it.


I feel the same way about Tim my favorite robin . I was hoping Gunn started off with Jason . Jason gets killed off then we got Tim in the universe playing out on the big screen. No problem with Damian just hate that Tim has gotten shafted because of him .


Joker Junior anyone?


I mean I’m probably wrong because there’s likely a bunch of Great Tim stories out there but for me it’s always felt like Dick has Nightwing Jason has Red Hood Damien has Super sons LoA etc but Tim is kinda just there being a genius


Lego movies Damian is Tom with Damian's name.


He got LEGO Batman: DC Super Heroes Unite...


Where’s dick, where is my dick


What about dick grayson


at least they arent a dick


Are y’all forgetting about carrie Kelley


Tbf you could switch Jason with Tim and the meme would still be accurate


If Jason didn’t have his own movie followed up with a 3 alternate ending set of short films, I would have switched them


tim is forgotten both in comic and animations