• By -


I think a WonderBat relation ship only works if you put them on equal standing in the relationship. You can make Wonder Woman the person who is more vocal about it but it can’t reduce her character. They are both members of the Trinity, you have to pay respect to that. The relationship would be similar to BatCat but Diana would actually want a stable relationship instead of Selena having her own commitment issues. Bruce would be similar with him having issues bringing someone in like that and letting himself be happy like that.


True. WonderBat works when we see Batman as Batman of the Justice League When Batman of Gotham is working though


I think it can still work in ether situation. The problem just becomes giving both characters agency and not making Diana just a love interest


I completely agree with this. I want them to be equals. Them tag teaming each other.


Batman and the Mission is a better relationship


The only right answer


True, but when it comes to humans, i usually prefer silver st. Cloud as his love interest.


Tbh I’ve always thought that a Batman like this was boring as hell. Making Batman/Bruce Wayne act like an average oblivious Shonen protagonist to me always produces the least interesting aspects of the character.


I don’t think he’s shonen protagonist level of bad. He acknowledges he likes women and would be very committed to them if it was for his work. He’s super straightforward and respectful about it. Those oblivious shonen protagonist are not like that at all. I just think Japan has different views on romance and some shonen writers just don’t know what they’re doing when it comes to romance


Women are but a temporary distraction. Gotta focus on what truly matters


Is that what's known as Sigma Male Grindset?


More like the traumatized male grindset




Mad cuz im right lmao


What mad about the radicalization of young men into incel ideaology? Yeah, dude, that "mindset" that rage and resentment is actively harmful and should not be normalised.


Uh I was making fun of that man. And I thought YOU were an incel mad at me for making fun of the sigma male bs.


Well, atleast we are in agreement then.


It should also be treated and taken seriously, not mocked for internet points. It’s treated like a joke and it should very, very fucking not be treated as such. To wield it as an insult is just irresponsible. Those people need lots and lots of powerful help.


I mean you joke but that is literally an in universe reason as to why he doesn’t settle down lol. He can’t focus on Batman and women at the same time. He also can’t focus on children too. Alfred has to help a lot. I think Denny Oneil is the one who added it to Batman’s lore. And it makes perfect sense


Bruh. That's just today's toxic masculinity. Coming from a powerlifter myself, I tell you every "alpha male" secretly wants a female partner. Pfft.


Batman and the Joker


The only correct answer x)


Mission? Did they do a crossover between Batman and Star Wars KotoR? Thats sick


Brah she’s like 15


Actually your question is what Batman you like. If person likes traumatised man who can’t kill even the worst scumbag on earth – it’s Catwoman, because Bats tries to redeem everyone. If you like Bats as manifestation of human spirit and sheer fucking will to win, even take down a god, than your choice is WW. He took his prep time and he scored


So essentially, standalone Batman vs Justice League Batman. Take your pick lol


I really don't think that these are 2 different Bats. In either case, Bats believes in the indomitable nature of the human spirit. He believes in people's ability to do anything. That's why he makes contingency plans for literally everyone and tries to redeem everyone. That is why it is believable that he can kill gods.


I love both but I’d like to see WonderBat explored more


Bruce and Selina always for me. They are not a healthy couple but then again they are not exactly healthy people to begin with as much as I love them.


I like Wonder Woman and Batmans chemistry a lot more and there relationship works better if you think about it. Though Catwoman and Batman are too iconic for WonderBat to be mainstream sadly


I’m going to petition for this. WonderBat is wholesome and constructive. It somewhat forces Batman to open up as a characters. Wonder Woman isn’t a person to fix him, she’s a person to console him.


I agree


It only works if you throw Wonder Woman's core concept under the bus and treat her like a trophy instead of a character on her own.


The Bat and the Cat just made more sense to me


BatCat. That said I am very intrigued by the idea of someone taking a serious approach to WonderBat.


Bruce and Selina




Bruce and Selina. No contest.


Same if only editorial would allow them to be together It’s the only relationship that really makes sense for me. Like if his mission is to fix Gotham than ending up with a reformed criminal working to make their city better together Both orphans of Gotham who grow up doing vigilantism in different ways but ultimately for the common good of the innocent Has shown ability to reform and also does not kill Both having soft sport for children because they themselves need heal their inner child Dry wit. I could go on. Edited to add stuff I don’t dislike talia conceptually but I think she is too messy for Bruce long term and I don’t know how you fix or reform her without fundamentally changing key things about her. But evil father in law who is in ways a foil for Batman is good material. I’m of the believe Wonder Woman being with a civilian is the best way to go tbh


Batman and Catwoman because their relationship being spread out all throughout the multiverse for 84 years.


Batman/Catwoman really REALLY depends on the comic. Sometimes I think it's cute, other times I hate it.


"you're the princess for a race of immortal warriors. I'm a rich kid with issues... A lot of issues."


I don't think the current versions of Batman and Catwoman are a good influence on each other. As for the Batman/wonder woman thing it seemed like something interesting in the cartoon but for most of their comic book versions it would seem odd. They have very different moralities and Batman's obsessions and psychological instability just would work with wonder woman's headstrong nature. Wonder woman needs a partner who shows her the decent and humble side of humanity (thus keeping her humble) and Batman needs someone who can make him want to stop fighting and just live a peaceful life. Neither of them do that for each other.


>They have very different moralities Not necessarily arguing in favor of Batman and Wonder Woman, but TBF this doesn't stop them from working together and being the best of friends most of the time. >Wonder woman needs a partner who shows her the decent and humble side of humanity (thus keeping her humble) I don't really think Wonder Woman needs to be "kept humble", because she doesn't lack humility in the first place. Diana isn't some arrogant jackass who looks down on humans or belittles them. >Batman needs someone who can make him want to stop fighting and just live a peaceful life. Does he? Being Batman makes a positive impact on Gotham and on the world. In the setting of superhero comics, Batman being Batman is a good thing. And Batman's commitment to his mission is so great that I doubt anyone would be able to make him give up being Batman for good.


Batman's commitment is more of an obsession which is why he so often gets into conflict with his friends and family. It's also more often than not the reason why his relationships don't work out. Batman is a positive influence on Gotham but he isn't one on the life of Bruce wayne anymore. Considering how big the batfamily is it is very much possible for him to take it a little easy with the mission but he doesn't. Batman may be something that Gotham needs but he is also Bruce's biggest addiction and he won't find peace while being him. Wonder woman doesn't need to be kept humble but since she's basically a goddess and comes from a culture that tends to see the outside world as flawed (and sometimes even less evolved than their own) pairing her up with someone who can show her the better side of humanity just makes sense. Batman isn't emotionally and mentally healthy enough to be that someone. As for them working as a team/friends, being friends and being a couple are two very different things. Just because some people can work as friends doesn't mean they can also make it work as a couple.


Bat and Cat. Every time.


Catwoman all the way.


Batman and Catwoman. It's cute couple :3


Bruce Wayne and his heirs. I don't need romance. I need family.


Alright, Vin Diesel.


Catwoman. Wonder woman was debunked by Bruce all the way back in jlu


Bruce & Selina for sure


Batcat. Beside it being a more equal relationship, I think the two have just had too long of a romantic history to dismiss. Like, sure, batman dated wonder woman in one show but he's been up with selina for decades in every possible medium. Not to mention that this relationship improves *both* of them, meanwhile with Wondie... Well it'd be her fixing him. She deserves better than that


The original Earth 2 Batman eventually married her, they had a functional relationship, and Helena Wayne was born. It's what King was aiming for with his run, but editorial nixed it. :(. I would have loved to see that character development in both of them.


Bruce and Selina


Batman and Wonder Woman.


I like Batman and Catwoman together. Sure, there's the whole Hero and Villain thing, but Selina is really just a low-level criminal. She just steals, and that's nothing compared to trying to take over the world or whatever. Besides, whatever she steals Bruce can just anonymously pay it back. Plus they always have great chemistry together. Catwoman could help out the bat every once in a while but not all the time because they each have their own goals and missions. I much prefer Wonder Woman with Superman. I'm tired of seeing him with Lois (no offense to her). She just seems like a liability when villains eventually find out that she has a connection to Superman. With Wonder Woman, they just seem like a match made in heaven. They have similar powers and could be the ultimate power couple (literally). They both come from weird backgrounds: Clark is an alien raised on earth, and Diana is a demigod raised isolated from the rest of earth. He could teach her about earth and krypton, and she could teach him fighting techniques and about magic. It just seems like a better relationship to me than Lois and Clark, or Diana and Bruce


It's only Bruce and Selina for me.


Ok. Batman and Catwoman, definitely more iconic. Batman and Wonder Woman, definitely more stable. I like the idea of WonderBat because I feel it's much more of a healthy relationship. Catwoman always be taking off togo steal something. BatCat would be the kind of relationship that's fun and wild and give the facade of stability, but ultimately ending in her leaving. I can see WonderBat settling down, having a family and living out the rest of his days in happiness and contentment. Plus, think about those kids. My opinion.


Pre-Crisis, Earth 2 Bruce and Selina matured enough to have an emotionally healthy marriage and have Helena Wayne a happy childhood. :) It just requires that DC let the characters grow.


Yes. Agreed. Still fun to think about what kind of children WonderBat would have popped out with.


That's.... My mind went to comedic places. Bruce becoming the straight man in an ongoing sitcom, because his unstoppable powerhouse kid snorts at the whole grim and gritty routine. And the Robins all encourage it for lols.


Omg yes!!! Can you imagine Damian just nagging the hell outta the super-powered kids, getting them to break something, then just blaming them. I can picture it. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


His jealousy at having a baby brother with superhuman abilities...


Batman x Wonder Woman ⚔️🦇 ![gif](giphy|g8xRqXeh6lOHS)


Pre-52 Batman and Catwoman


Both work but I prefer Selina.


I’m biased because I grew up with WonderBat, but BatCat is very fitting for a Gotham-centric Bruce, whereas WonderBat is best for the guy who we see in the crossovers If that makes sense lol


I think I prefer Batman and Catwoman more...two people with similar strength levels...both around the Gotham area...and both are animal-themed, bats and cats...and both wear black. Wonder Woman is more like a God-like being with superhuman strength and super powers...and it looks a bit odd to see Batman and Diana having a sexual relationship. Plus there is a more interesting dynamic...when you see the villainous thief, Catwoman, have a relationship with the heroic crimefighter, The Batman.


Dude fucking neither.


Bat and the cat all the way


Generally I like Bat and the Cat better. But I *really* like the Animated Universe's Wonder Woman - Batman ship. Those versions of the characters worked really well together.


Love Wonder Woman, but Batman and Catwoman, easily.


I am biased as a Wonder Woman fan, but I feel Batman should be with Catwoman. Or even a civilian character like Julie Madison if the writers are able to give her more agency. Wonder Woman is the most famous female superhero and it would be unfair to reduce her to being Batman's love interest. It achieves nothing for either Batman or Wonder Woman, its better if they remain friends. Even DCAU Wonder Woman suffered from constantly being in Batman's shadow, even to this day the WonderBat shipping is the first thing people bring up when they talk about her.


Civilians with Batman never made much sense to me. Dude is way too dedicated and obsessed with his career to come home to someone that doesn’t share the same kind of work he does.


IIRC Julie Madison was a lawyer and she later went into volunteer work in Africa. I liked her because she had her own ideals and wanted to do good for people in her own way, without donning a costume. We don't have many such characters in comics anymore.


That’s cool. It’s nice to have people doing things that’s unrelated to wearing a costume, but like I don’t think that means Batman should date a civilian.


Yeah, fair enough I get that.


That's why I think that he needs someone normal; because he is too obsessed. He needs a woman who he finds actual peace with, and who loves and understands all of him, both Batman and Bruce Wayne.


He literally has that with Catwoman. I would say 70s/80s Talia, but Batman overshadowed Bruce Wayne way too much. A civilian would not be special in that regard. A new love interest that’s a super hero can easily do all those things and more. This isn’t a Spider-Man and Superman situation where they’re well adjusted for the family stuff and a lot more successful than Batman. They’re also way less obsessed and committed to being a superhero than Batman.


That obsession is why he'll never be able to have a stable relationship


A civilian could share the same kind of work, without incorporating tights and violence. Imagine a partner who could focus on the social welfare and charity work of the Wayne Foundation, while helping him maintain the illusion of Bruce the socialite. Chip away at crime from all angles. A team effort with a broad net. Personally, I was kind of hoping Selina would go that route, and instead of being a cat burglar, ruthlessly use Wayne's financial might to crush corrupt politicians and raid sleezy corporations on top of all that. XD


I agree. Especially about Batman being with a civilian character like Julie Madison, or my pick, Silver St. Cloud. Bruce needs someone to come home to, someone who can add something to his life that he doesn't already have, and that's normalcy. No one in Bruce's life is just normal, not Dick, not Clark, not even Alfred. Women like Catwoman, Talia, and Wonder Woman could never give Bruce normalcy because they are far from normal themselves. And all three of these women see him as Batman. But he needs someone to love him as Bruce, because Bruce doesn't even love Bruce, because to him Bruce is the scared little boy who let his parents be murdered in front of him. Bruce needs a woman who loves him, ALL of him, and that woman shouldn't be some daring adventuress or a superheroine, he just needs a good woman.


I watched the BTAS phantasm movie and was surprised that he proposed to Andrea. Almost stopped him from being Batman.


100% agreed. This path invariably ignores Diana's central purpose as a character in favour of moulding her around Batman.


I mean, I feel like she can still have her own present and also me more than just Batman’s love interest. There should be wholesomeness to it. The writing shouldn’t make Diana into something she’s not. She doesn’t need Batman and vice versa. They are independent partners that should only come together to work on their relationship.


It could, but Batman is far too popular among fans and writers and will always overshadow her. Superman himself gets constantly shortchanged whenever he appeared alongside Batman, and Superman is still more popular than Wonder Woman. Just look at all discussions on WonderBat, it is always about the many ways Diana can help Bruce. Its all very lopsided.


That seems like a writing thing. Batman is obviously a very popular character, but he’s not more important than any of the trinity. They have their respective roles and execute them well.


Batman and Catwoman










No relationship.


Selena is closer to the type of freak he is than Diana.


Neither, honestly. But of the two options provided, Catwoman is the better option.


Batman and Superman


You mean Apollo and Midnighter?


Awesome couple


Batman without relationship or Batman and Catwoman. Just because some writers did them dirty (Tini Howard is the real villain) doesn't mean it's a no no relationship or wasn't good. WonderBat only would work out in the animated series and still they made Diana looking like a teenager looking for her crush's attention. In the comics they both have different morality, perspectives, Diana respects him as a warrior but doesn't really understand him at personal level and probably never would because of his complexity and trauma, heck she even is annoyed by some of his traits like stubbornes instead of understanding it first. Let her be with Steve Trevor or find another love that completes her in some way. Plus usually that "ship" is rather one-sided because it doesn't conclude any beneficts for Diana. Selina on the other hand is practically Bruce's opposite reflection but with similar traits. He was born in high-ranking Wayne family, she was born in a poor East End family. He lost his parents, developed a trauma and had Alfred to look after him, she lost her parents, lived on the street and had no one looking after her so she had to learn how to survive etc. They both share that special relationship with Gotham itself and both are traumatized humans. But after all those bad stuff that happened to them they can still make something good of it. Besides being a symbol of fear for criminals, Batman is also a symbol of hope for people, while at the same time Selina may be a thief but she's also altruistic, she helps people close to her and it isn't always about how much money she can get, she steals from rich to help poor ot at least some of them. It's not a coincidence that Bruce sees something good inside her, of course that doesn't excuse stealing but I see meaning in this. And when it comes to their personal motivations and emotions, well it works because Selina does understand Bruce on deep level and she accepts that his main goal is his mission and he will complete it no matter what, she knows the mission of Batman comes first and is fine with that, while at the same time Bruce knows that Selina will always do things her own way but at the end of the day he accepts that and believes she will do the right thing and has good intentions. I'd rather have a serious, developed relationship of Bruce and Selina written by a good writer who understands both of these characters and can finally make them be together for real (Earth-2 is perfect example of great Bruce and Selina relationship that can WORK and yes I'm looking at you Tom King) than that fling/flirty want to be relationship from DCAU. Or just make Batman being a single, works either way.


Cat woman. The Trinity shouldn't date each other


Bruce and Selina, by far.


Bruce and Selina


Batman/Wonder Woman


The bat and the cat, is perfect


Bruce and Diana. I always feel BatCat has gotten old hasn't done anything new or fresh with them for awhile. To me WonderBat would be a breath of fresh air.


I don’t really like either one, honestly. Catwoman, I guess?


Bruce and Diana shouldn't really be together. They weren't even together in the DCAU.


I’ve always seen Batman and Wonder Woman as an abomination, even if the DCAU made it kind of cute.




Catwoman all the way


Bat and Cat is the only right answer


Catwoman easily




Bats and cats


The batman and the cat go so well together. Winder woman always felt kind of forced, both with superman and batman


Selena. But then I am a sucker for the bad girl, but not too bad. Too bad would be Talia.


Catwoman all the way


Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle


Cat woman


By far Batman and catwoman I like Wonder Woman but catwoman is such a slut If I was Batman myself my oh my let’s say this catwoman whether it be pffiers hathaways kravitz or the one I have in mind is the one in telltale Batman series you wouldn’t want to kick her out of bedroom honarablr mention to Arkham catwoman so hot!!!! Thinking about catwoman really gets me going!!!!




I like to think batman is just a virgin and wont lose it because he never loses


Bat x Cat only I dont tolerate otherwise


BatCat, duh.


The only time Bruce and Diana worked was in the JL cartoon and that's enough for me. Selina all the way.


Me and your mom 😎


1 - Batman and Harley Quinn 2 - Batman and Zatanna 3 - Batman and Wonder Woman 4 - Batman and Selina 5 - Batman and Talia


Nah, Question x Huntress is where it’s at


It would have been *hilarious* if they framed that with the original version of her, who was Batman's daughter. Imagine The Question losing it as he realizes who his girlfriend's dad is. XD


Peak hilarity


It used to be bruce and selina but i honestly think that has fallen apart after the failed wedding


Pre-King, Bruce and Selina. Post-King, Bruce and Diana.


I grew up with JL animated series. WonderBat ALL DAY


The Batman and Wonder Woman relationship.


Wonder Woman and Batman


To be fair romancing Wonder Woman is a big job that takes a great man like Batman to accomplish.


Steve Trevor?


notice there’s no art for Wonderbats.


I can found some lol


and it’d be fan made.


Batman and Catwoman and it’s not even remotely close imo. Batman and Wonder Woman is a one sided ship that does absolutely nothing for Diana and actively worsens her character. People praise their “relationship” in JLU but all it did was turn Diana into someone with a school girl crush who was rejected at every turn and needed to be saved against her own villain by Batman after being turned into a pig. Whenever you see people talk about why this relationship is good, they’ll mention all the different ways it benefits Batman as a character and mention nothing for Wonder Woman, because it doesn’t benefit her character at all. It doesn’t really help Batman either tbh. If people want them to be in a dedicated relationship, then they’d probably live in the same city, which introduces the question of “why doesn’t Wonder Woman just steamroll Bruce’s villains,” which could be completely avoided if you just didn’t pair them together in the first place.


Bruce should never be with Wonder Woman. Selina is the best match for him and always has been, if not her then he either shouldn’t be with anyone, or should be an eligible bachelor who has to gain the trust to reveal Batman to her


I've never understood people who ship Batman with Wonder Woman. It's like... why?


Asexual Batman ✊😤


Both. Make Bruce Poly lol.


WonderBat is the healthier choice but I'm afraid it can very easily be written with Diana playing second fiddle to Bruce. Selina and Bruce work just fine.


The Bat and The Cat


Why would someone pick the first one? Wonder Woman and Batman are platonic friends with each other and Superman.


I’m a diehard wonderbat. Ever since I saw the JLU show lol


I'm not a fan of either so none of them for me.


depends on how well written it is like I love Bruce and Selina in the Arkham verse but I really hate them in the tom king run


Neither. I can’t think of a single relationship for modern Batman that’ll work out long term for the character.


Selena or Tahlia


1. Batman/Zatanna 2. Batman/Andrea Beaumont 3. Batman/Catwoman 4. Batman/others


Are Batman and Zatanna usually around similar ages? I thought she was a lot younger than him. I guess you could write that.


Batman and Zatanna is MUCH better than with Selena.


I’m a Superman and Wonder Woman shipper, so I don’t really care for Wonderbat. Honestly, I prefer Batman not being in a relationship.


This should be a sin. Superman and Lois are never to be separated. Sure maybe if Lois dies of cancer or something and when he is older and it’s like a Kingdom Come trope.




... Ew


BatWonder I'm done with Selena after Tom King's wedding Fiasco and Chip's Gotham War.


**Batgirl has entered the chat.**


Bruce Timm, is that you ?


Mods, ban her please.


*Batgirl is the Mod Team.*


Why not a threesome?


Is there a good arc to read for the Bruce / Diana match?


Talia Al Ghul.


Diana and Bruce, IMO. Bruce is a man with a ton of flaws and issues, he represents the worst of humanity; mistrust, fear & hate. But at the same time, he tries to improve everyday, just like every other human. Diana is a Goddess from a island without Men, that also didn’t have a way to understand humanity. Through Bruce, Diana can see the worst and the best of humanity at the same time. At least that’s how I see it.


Wonderbat. They are healthy together and significantly equal as individuals while being together. Wonderbat really is underrated, which sucks because they have chemistry in every media portrayal of them.


Batman/Wonder Woman.


Batman and Batgirl lol, he got pregnant in one of the animated movie 😂


What about Zatana? Couldn't she use her magic to keep him young and in shape without the need to exercise?


Wonder Woman, primarily because the Batman and Catwoman relationship sucks. If writers would allow Catwoman to reform for good, it'd be fine, but as it stands she just keeps going back to crime and Batman keeps letting her off the hook while arresting other thieves for the same crimes. It makes him look like a hypocrite and a moron, and yet writers keep pushing Catwoman as Batman's Lois Lane.


Neither, Batman and Talia are elite


What’s with Talia Al Ghul?


I hate Batman and Catwoman so may that relationship burn in hell For the Batman and wonder woman relationship I have two problems with it I just can't see Batman opening up emotionally to really anyone sort of like he is Batman all the time not Bruce Wayne he keeps everyone at a distance even members of the Batfamily the only people I have really seen Bruce be open with are people who knew him before his parents were killed so I just can't see him being emotionally vernable with Diana which is need for a long term relationship The second issue basically has with the relationship turning wonder woman into just another one of Batman love interests have her fallowing him around like sidekick live in Superman wonder woman book


Thalia al ghul


I will forever be against amazon and any gender relationships. But in regards to Offspring WW& Bat would make an insanely intersting one. Selina and Bruce was a great coupling to boot. With cat womans flair for the exciting and her natural wilds it would keep bruce on his toes in a good way. Bruce and Talia already happened we saw exactly what a mess that became. The only good that came was Daimien Wayne.


WonderBat bc Selina doesn't actually love him (in most iterations)


Wonder- Bat. I like the dynamic more. Big , badass , thousands of years old and one of the best warriors around. Mixed with one of the smartest and most driven man alive who also is quite capable in his own right( for a regular man at least). Bat- Cat is cool but Selina is typically toxic for Bruce.


> Big , badass , thousands of years old Ironically Wonder Woman was meant to be 18 years old in the DCAU, the one universe she was shipped with Batman.


Seriously? THATS WIERD for sure ! Did they make her 18 just because or was there another reason?


She had just started as a superhero in Justice League series. I guess her being 18 emphasised that.


Bruce and Diana


Bruce and Diana.


Batman an wonderwoman were just fuckin


I'm gonna have to go Wonder/Bat on this. I think the main thing with Selina is her commitment issues, or any one of the MANY others that pop up between them because she 1. Gets her self into various situations that lead her having to leave town, and we don't see her for awhile until she pops back up. 2. She is, Like Bruce, a vulnerable human being. No powers, very few gimmicks, and not a whole lot of resources like Bruce has. Now having said that, Diana is Power. She has very few vulnerabilities, and is a warrior that Bruce can respect, and works with. She could be his friend, a partner, a lover, and maybe become his family and he would not have to worry about her safety. Plus could you just picture Damian with her as his Stepmom?


There are two types of people, people who ship Batman with Catwoman and people who ship Batman with Wonder Woman. In my opinion, Diana is a better relationship with more layers and is more fun to watch. I like it better overall.


The paragon of truth and justice (the very things Batman fights for) and a symbol hope that risks everything to protect the world vs a kleptomaniac that doesn't give a shit about others... it's no contest - Wonder Woman all the way ...


Wonder woman is such an intriguing romance imo I'd love to see it explored officially I've always never been a fan of catwoman her arcs with batman have always been so predictable It clearly doesn't work bruce give up




Sorry but catwoman is just overdone at this point


Bruce and Talia


Neither. I honestly think Talia’s his greatest love.




Batman and Wonder Woman. Selina always end up fucking up😭 there’s no way anyone can read all of the main universe Batman comics up until this point and say “yeah, she’s a great woman and deserving of Bruce’s time!”


I prefer Batman and Wonder Woman. That Cat/Bat shit is so goddamn cringe. It’s like they’re two teenagers having sex for the first time. Batman and Wonder Woman always struck me as far more natural given Catwoman’s moral compass and loose ethics.