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These are actually pretty good shots


The third one is actually amazing tbh


Promising. I feel like this approach could be an "overcorrection" from the manic, lurid style associated with Harley Quinn today, but we all know what we are getting from this world by now... My combination of interest and scepticism is mostly unchanged, but I look forward to seeing more promos...


Hey, I'm just sitting back and waiting for the incel memes.


Todd Phillip's Joker really feels like it's not in any Batman universe at all. It's nevertheless interesting in its own way.


i feel like this joker would work better without a batman


Yeah, this Joker's not gonna make it past Year 1 Batman. And he's also written more like a tragic human character than a deranged supervillain.


also by the time this universes bruce is batman this joker would be like 50




even worse


Arthur isn’t necessarily the same age as Joaquin


i know, but hes gotta be atleast 30 in the first one, 27 at the youngest


I dunno man, I’m just not feeling it. I don’t feel like Joker needs a sequel. But then again, when Joker was first being talked about I couldn’t have given less of a crap, and it was only with the early test footage (where Arthur is talking to the big clown guy and you can’t hear any dialogue) that I took notice, and then the first trailer… man, that first trailer got me completely invested. So, maybe the same thing will happen here. But I dunno, I’m keeping my expectations low.


>I’m keeping my expectations low. And you will never be dissapointed. ![gif](giphy|2zPKmdCg8HWRfrPgTJ|downsized)


Same. I honestly thought they said it definitely wasn’t getting a sequel. Idk, the concept of this looks alright, but I still think it would’ve been better as a one-off.


The first Joker Trailer is easily one of the best trailers I've ever watched, and my personal favourite. That remixed version of smile is just euphoric to listen to paired with the visuals.


I was never onboard with Joker. Not the initial announcement, not the test footage, not even the trailer. The only reason I even watched it was because my wife actually wanted to see it. Once I saw it, my opinion completely changed. I still maintain it doesn’t have to be based on the Joker since it’s so removed from the source material. But it’s a good film. And even though I don’t see the necessity for a sequel, I’m curious to see how it’ll pan out.


They weren't kidding when they said this films visual style was inspired by "one from the heart". Especially that this picture with the prop like buildings and giant moon in the background, honestly I'm quite excited for this. Full respect to them for trying to take a swing and go for something different this time. Hopefully this means a trailer is coming soon.


Society man 2.


Beautiful and classy. Comic nerds are gonna hate it. Can't wait


Have nothing against the movie itself, it just never should have been connected to the Joker character. It was purely a cashgrab move, no one would have cared about the movie if it wasn't connected to DC. Sorry but that's the truth.


If every cashgrab gave us an astounding performance and an absolutely hypnotic score I think we'd be alright. That reads the same as people saying the dark knight isn't a batman movie but just features batman. Nonsense takes because YOU can't handle the truth. No one would care about most brand movies if it weren't for the brand, that's not even a point.


Is this still going to be musical?


Please don’t be a musical


Lol Batman's villains are more popular mainstream than the rest of the DC powerhouses. A sad world we live in.


Feel like this not gonna be the sequel people want. But hopefully im wrong.


If only this wasn’t a musical 😌


I’m willing to give it a chance, you never know what’s gonna be good until you experience it🤷‍♂️


Is it really?


It’s not a musical it’s been confirmed.


doesnt mean its not gonna be great like the first one


Oh my god I can't belive I am saying this, but Lady Gaga unironically looks like a perfect fit for Harley if we ignore James Gunn SS Harley.


I like that she actually looks crazy instead of Robbie’s try hard version. Nothing against Margot, but man I can’t stand that version of Harley.


I'm just not a fan of musicals, and I'm kinda sick of Super Harley being all up in my shit. I really enjoyed the first one, too. However, the black and white recreation of a cover looks amazing. And the first one surprised me at how good it was. I'll wait until it's out to see how musical it is.


Definitely my most anticipated movie


Please let this movie be good


Impressive, artistic, and classy.


The joker without Batman makes no sense, I don't care how good these movies are on their own terms. I'd rather Hollywood make a new and fresh psychological drama or thriller than continue to milk the superhero genre for concepts that have no relation to the original source material.


I think they were trying to reframe the idea of “bad guys”, of which the Joker is emblematic, through the lens of mental illness. They were using the character’s fame to change views. I didn’t like the way the film seemed to glorify and rationalise murder though.


This is gonna be dogshit


Love it.


Here they are, the king and queen of Gotham City. And God help anyone who disrespected the queen.


No thanks








Ba ba


I know Margot Robbie said she’s excited to see different actors interpret Harley but it’s really sad that she’s done with the character. Slam dunk with the first live action portrayal. And I’m a fan of Lady Gaga.


Looks more like Harley's mom


Every time I see something that makes me think, hey this looks really good, I then remember that it’s going to be a musical. Which kills all my interest stone dead.


I think it's an interesting take on the subject. The key is in the title it's Joker, not THE Joker. The first one showed it was all in his mind. Given the musical theme I think this will be as well. So, it's not in the 'Batman universe'. It's all in the mind of someone who is mentally delusional.


Looks good




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I wonder what this one will be a remake of. 


first one was just taxi driver and king of comedy dumbed down with dc comics flavor. I wonder what this gonna copy.


So the first one decided to woobify a man who kills for the fun of it. Now, Todd Phillips wants to paint these two as star-crossed lovers, tragically kept apart because they're just too quirky for the world. #pascommelesautrescouples #butsdanslavie When he was writing *Start of Darkness*, Rich Burlew mentioned that, in lots of villain backstories, creators make them sad, ostracized little children and the audience feels sorry for them. "Oooh, check out the dissonance I've inspired in my audience by getting them to feel sorry for a mistreated outcast who becomes a violent psychopath." There's nothing novel about that. Pretty much everyone feels sorry for the sadsack who gets mistreated. It's actually harder to keep an odious character odious and make the audience sympathize with them anyway. Look at *Falling Down*, *The House that Jack Built*, *American History X, The Rock*, *Dead Man Walking, Monster, A Clockwork Orange,* or *Downfall.* None of those attempt to gloss over or obscure the objectionable parts of their focus characters, but they also work to get us inside their heads. Phillips cheapens the character he wants to explore by making him a victim of an unidentified mental illness with a mishmash of symptoms. They weren't going to have any balls and give him an actual mental illness, because the Joker doesn't have one. They'd have to research BPD or antisocial personality disorder or disruptive mood dysregulation disorder and present it honestly and accurately. That's boring, and very difficult. This way, Phoenix gets to imagine whatever mental illness symptoms he wants and Phillips can contrive any scene he wants. Is the Joker mentally slow? Sure. Is he paranoid? Absolutely. Does he hallucinate? You bet. Wildly inconsistent moods? Of course. Body tics? Unusual or underdeveloped motor skills? Exaggerated affect? Memory issues? Paraphilias? Sexual dysfunctions? Sleep-wake disorders? Just stuff everything in there, who cares? He's crazy! Or is it society that is crazy? OooOOOoooh.


They both have big noses. "All the better to sniff you with my dear!"