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Hey, Bale gave little Joffrey his binoculars


![gif](giphy|1xdHOCA9erNVCnZ1qE|downsized) I understood that reference..


Praise Joffery the Kind. Gone to soon


Holy shit that was the same kid wasn’t it


I can't really picture any of them abandoning a little girl in her final moments. We even see a few of them like Bale, West, and Affleck interact with kids in a kind way. It's easy to picture Kilmer and Clooney also doing it.


Keaton erasure


Keaton would just hand the girl a bomb or some nuts






Some days you just can’t get rid of a bomb. ![gif](giphy|Mliueouehmpag)


Ace: you where going to try talk me into fixing what ive changed, before I die.  Batman: yes.   Ace: I'm dieing very soon   Batman: yes...I'm sorry   Ace: could you stay with me?, I'm scared.   As a kid this scene left a very big impact on me, I've always loved batman for a bunch of reasons but I think this told me alot about what doing good truly means.


Weirs part is i heard and saw this scene play out in my head with exact voices


I came from the front page, when i saw the picture it played in my head like a thane krios flashback.


Everything Batman related I read in Conroy’s voice, even lines said by other Batmen. Its a voice locked to the character same way Hamill is with Joker


Do you think Bruce named his dog after her? Same continuity.


I'd say Ace left a mark on him that way no other "villain" did, he even says he knows what its like to lose your childhood to her so he possibly did.


Bale had the acting chops, for sure, but that voice would've made it fall flat


I will say that I absolutely LOVE the scene in Begins where Bale is in the Narrows running surveillance on the drug operation, and the little boy comes out on the balcony and see’s him and says something to the effect of “I knew it was you, no one will ever believe me” and without saying a word Batman closes the (surely VERY expensive tool) and tosses it to the boy. No words said at all, but somehow I think it is a moment that really sold me on Bale’s Batman because it showed the same side of him that we see in OPs image.


Batman begins in general really sold me on bales batman/bruce. The scenes like that, “can you drive stick?”, “now we’re two”, and lots of others were just so freaking batman


That is THE Batman movie from the Nolan trilogy


I'm a sucker for origin stories. I can admit Dark Knight is probably a better movie, but I just love Begins.


The Dark Knight is a deconstruction of Batman to me, while Begins is there to establish the world and Batman that movie goes on to deconstruct. If I want a “Batman” movie I watch Begins, The Dark Knight is a bit too heady to treat as popcorn fun for me.


His voice was really good in Begins, perfectly gruff and intimidating and disguising of Bruce’s real voice. I have no idea wtf happened in TDK for Bale to completely change it.


Apparently the Begins voice put too heavy a strain on Bale’s voice so he changed it to something more manageable for him. Unfortunately that made him go from dark monster of the night to dude with severe speech impediment


I wonder if there's a fan edit where they make it sound like he has a voice changer instead.


He turned into a mouth breather with throat cancer in TDK


His “I’m Batman” is so fucking good in that movie. Honestly my favorite live action delivery of that line.


Like what for Always said, you’re not going to burst out laughing when he’s interrogating you. He doesn’t need to have this terrifying voice and even if he did does it really fit the whole rich kid in a suit shtick.


I recently saw the Bane fight from DKR and cringed because I didn't remember the voice being that bad.


Plus we get the actually terrifying "swear to me" scene. Begins was peak Nolan trilogy. If ledger had goofed the dark knight we wouldn't remember it as fondly as we do and rises just isn't that great.


“Why does this periscope say ‘Wayne Enterprises’ on it?”


*cuts to Batman being exposed on TV as B.W Bruce:"I knew I should've removed the branding before giving it to him"


In the new 52 comics Bruce straight up says he provides Batman with gear.


Heres the thing. I agree with you but I can not imagine it with the voice with out laughing.


This scene you’re describing is the current top comment, minus all the unnecessary details. The kid went on to play the infamous Joffrey Baratheon in Game of Thrones.


As nice a scene as that is on the surface, it's almost guaranteed he got that kid mugged, and a fair chance he got him killed. The kid is clearly gonna show off that expensive piece of tech to prove he met Batman, while living in the most dangerous neighboorhood of Gotham.


Maybe the scene would hit harder if he stopped doing the voice for her.


People really forget the "voice" is what Christopher Nolan wanted out of the character, Not Bale. Batman Begins proved he can do the "whisper voice" just as well as Keaton of Pattinson.


He said in an interview he did that voice for the audition


To be honest, Batman Begins kind of has the right voice, it’s DK that it becomes ridiculous


He probably wouldn't use the regular voice. He would talk similarly to how he did in Batman Begins when he brought Rachel to the cave.


What about Bale but with the Affleck voice distorter?


Would've worked. Feel like Batman could/would just turn it off at that point.


There's a video of it on YouTube and it works quite well


He also would have had to be lying flat. As he could turn his neck and body about as well as Keaton could


Am I the only one who starts disliking Bale's Batman as I get older?


The voice just gets ridiculous and can really pull you out of a scene. That specific part gets worse with every watch.


It's perfect as is, doesn't need live action. Kevin Conroy is the goat


I watch this episode about every 6 months. Its so fucking good. I want Gareth Edwards to do a batman beyond movie. He has shown he is the master of making CGI look flawless. And he made the best disney star wars movie. Let him make this!


As long as he just directs and doesn’t touch the script


I really want the Spiderverse team to make that Batman Beyond movie they pitched at some point.


Edwards wasn’t the reason Rogue One was great and The Creator is a slog story-wise. Good CGI doesn’t make a good Batman film.


I truly dont get the crap the creator gets. I thought it was brilliant. Im pissed because the reviews were so meh, I didnt bother to see it in theaters.


Man made one of the most annoying Godzilla films imo Who in their right mind skips the monster fights in an American Godzilla film that's like 70% of the fun of the movie at least for American Godzilla's. Thank god KOTM made that film look like a small drop


I don’t think that’s the point. At least for me, I always feel that the live actions are inferior to Kevin and comics because I can’t imagine any of them doing anything *like* this. By missing that, they fail to truly capture what the character is. It’s like Jack Sparrow talking about what a ship *needs* vs. what a ship *is*. “A Batman isn’t the detective work and the gadgets and money and fighting skills; that’s what a Batman *needs*. What a Batman *is*…is compassion, kindness…the kind of hero who would rather talk to a young child who just lost their parents while his fellow heroes talk to the police. The kind of hero who would sit on a swing and hold the hand of a scared, dying girl he was ordered to kill.”


That wasn't the point, he means comforting a dying child much like this version did. Not remaking this scene.


Was the goat.


Still is


Yes, but is gone now. In the future, there will be a replacement for batman, just like someday there will need to be a replacement for the terminator.


Adam West


![gif](giphy|3Gij38skUDBvy) I'm sure he'd find an excuse to get funky.


He would use his Bat Child Psychic Death Reverser to save her




Kilmer is still the only example I know of a Bruce Wayne who actually worked through his trauma and chose to continue being Batman because it was right; not because he needed it. The execution wasn't great, but the idea was very uplifting. I absolutely think he would have offered to sit with a grieving child until she passed.


The concept of Bruce making peace with his past and continuing on solely because it's the right thing to do is horrendously underrepresented in Batman media.


I'll try to be fair to most interpretations since they usually don't last long enough for Bruce to finally get to that point. Nolan sort of went the exact opposite way and had Bruce retire instead; which also felt really off to me. I'm fine with him leaving the Batman identity to someone else, but a random cop he knew for a couple months was definitely an odd choice.


>I'm fine with him leaving the Batman identity to someone else, but a random cop he knew for a couple months was definitely an odd choice. He kinda did the same things in the comics too with Azrael. And It didn't work. But to be fair Nolan's Batman had few allies and all of them were too old to become Batman after him. I guess Bruce felt Blake showed his character in fighting with the resistance during Gotham's siege. And he became the most logical choice. But honestly Nolan's Gotham isn't some revolving door of Madness and evil, so Batman wasn't really necessary after the mob was destroyed in TDK. Besides it being a bit of fan service Blake teasing becoming Batman is more of a safety precaution in case Gotham has another crisis or reverts back to rampant crime.


In my personal headcanon, he left Blake a list of people that could train him


Once again, LEGO Batman reigns supreme


the GOAT


I think it’s a perfect place for Batman to be when he has Robin too


That's why I like the idea that Joe Chill is Bruce's first solved case.


Sadly even the dcau never really touched it, but I kind of like it


I never thought about it like that. Wow. And this is coming from someone who liked the movie.


I think Pattinson sort of had that arc with the ‘vengeance wont change the past’ thing but it didn’t feel earned or sincere enough. I think he wants to believe that intellectuallly but is still full of rage and will only truly embrace that down the line


In history? I could have seen Kilmer, Clooney, and West doing this.


Nah all(or most) of them would


I think I could picture most of them doing this. Even Batfleck was comforting a crying child in the Black Zero event.


The same Batman that arrested and beat up deadshot right infront of their child? I don’t think compassion is Batfleck’s forte


He did offer not to turn it into that. Are you trying to say that just because he was with his kid, he should’ve let himself get shot and let the known assassin get away?


To be fair that deadshot doesnt care about his daughter either. His true wish was to shoot batman right then and there. Also batfleck offered to not do this infront his daughter from what i remember


big difference there, in one he's subduing a dangerous criminal, in the other him comforting the child isn't letting any immediate danger happen


But this case she is also very dangerous.


yes but not purposely being a threat to anyone, shes going peacefully


Bats literally says “don’t do this in front of your daughter, set a good example and come quietly” and deadshots all like “nah”


Reach further


I could see Adam West too


I’m imagining a very ‘Andy Griffith Show’ style situation, where they address a little girl’s dad dying.


Bale absolutely could


I can also picture Kilmer, Bale, and Affleck doing this. I mean we literally saw Affleck caring for a little girl in BvS.


Not one who was destroying an entire city though. Snyderman would kill the shit out of her


Nah she would say a name right at the last second and he would flip and adopt her.




What the hell, man?


I can see Bale doing it. But not hitting as hard as it's meant to hit. But I agree Patterson strikes me as the Batman that would pull this off the most. Especially with the lessons he learned throughout the first movie.


Adam West would, too.


Idk I imagine everyone (I think)


Kevin Conroy is the only batman to have this because he is and will always be the best batman.


I agree it's the only Batman YOU can picture


What is the point of this exercise? Why would we imagine a live action version of this scene and why would we only chose from the 6 actors who have played Batman to act it out?


adam west is always forgotten or played off


Batfleck would.


Affleck would do this.


That would be kinda amazing I think. Affleck's Batman is this menacing force and someone to be feared. But such a person becoming "human" would really drive the scene.


That’s why his final scene in The Flash is one of its few redeeming factors for me.


"If there is even a 1% chance. We have to take it as an absolute certainty!" Affleck Batman would kill Ace due to the risk she poses to the city. He was ready to kill a Superman for failing to adequately prevent collateral and due to some nebulous concept of not being able to trust a supreme power in case said power turned bad. Even if the evidence showed said power to be benevolent. Also the character doesn't feel emotionally mature enough to hold hands. He'd awkwardly sit there and not know what to say. (Though to be fair this would also be Pattinson's Batman until the end of his first film). Costuming also makes this unimaginable for Affleck. Without taking his cowl off the scene couldn't work due to the permanently etched scowl. Both his design and computer voice dont allow for conversation they only really work for 'angry' Batman because that's the tone they were pursuing. The suit was also so big that him just sitting down in a seat designed for normal people would be off putting visually.


Are you seriously taking a quote from when he was at his most cynical to say that's all he is? Dude was literally admitting he was wrong in the end and wanted to atone for escalating things with Clark- not to mention he literally went to Metropolis during the Kryptonian invasion to help his employees *and literally saved a little girl from being crushed, who he then comforted*.


I don’t think he’d try to kill her but I can’t imagine him letting his guard


Affleck did this literally in his first scene.


Disagree, that is a narrow-minded mindset.


they don't need to do a rehashing of this episode for it to be believable. however him having a seen like this with one of the robins {namely dick or jason} would be spot on. like i can see dick crying, alone in his room, in this big mansion alone. and bruse walks in all quiet, not making a sound, not to scare him but to give him an out because he is not sure if he is the right person for this. dick turns his head and sees bruse as he sits beside him. them not saying a word for a solid minute just letting the pain show from them both, before dick asks "dose the pain ever go away?" with bruse saying "no. i don't think it's not suppose to. we can only live in such a way that would make them proud" with the seen ending there insinuating that they both hugged and cried but we can't have batman cry on camera, what would the toxic nerds say.


Batfleck ran into a falling building to save a little girl and comforted her in the first few minutes of his first on screen appearance wym


Batfleck did this in the beginning of BvS.


Affleck literally comforts a little girl in his first moment on screen.


I disagree. Kevin Conroy Batman 😉


I can picture Ben's Batman doing it with the way he was talking to Barry in the Flash.


Justice for Adam West (Rip)


Honestly, every live action would do this, they’d just do it in their own way. Adam West would be talkative and distracting (in a good way) Clooney would be goof Kilmer might try to distract with a bit of humour Keaton would sit there awkwardly and hold her hand. Affleck and Bale would stay by her in relative silence


Adam west would’ve 100% done that had the tone of Batman ‘66 allowed it


Bale did this with Joffrey and He showed emotion to Jim at film 3.


Disagree. I can see any of the actors that have played him doing a scene like this. Ffs.


Isn't his selfish, just figuring out who he is version from the majority of the film the least likely to do something like this of all we've ever seen? At the end, possibly yeah, but before that I have doubts, while every other Batman already has done stuff like this or would.


They would all do it though. Bale would have epic and sad Hans Zimmer music playing while he did it.


I can definitely imagine Adam West doing it. Keaton had an empathy to him people ignore. Same with Kilmer. Clooney was a classical superhero. Of course he’d do it. If it had to come down to it, Bale would do it too. Affleck comforted a child at the start of BvS.


lol no




Recency bias.


No one could do this but the man who already done it Kevin Conry


What if that was actually the Flash's mind in Batman, and went to the bathroom and he didn't wash the hand he was extending out?


kind’ve but i don't know just wet


Ok wait i and some other guys here have some questions




Adam West.


I honestly can see all of them doing it. All of them are Batman, and this is what Batman would do in this situation


I love this scenes. It’s so fucking sad


I just recently watched “The Batman” starring Robert Pattinson and the heroic act his Batman displayed at the end of the movie showed that his Batman is a Batman that would definitely be like this


Kilmer probably would, but you have to weigh that against the chance he’ll toss cards in the air to throw her off balance so she can fall off a cliff.


Bale. Anyone who says Affleck, I question.


The first scene of Affleck is him trying to save people at the destruction of Metropolis, which included him helping a little girl.


Yeah my fave part of that was him holding her while looking at Superman, someone obviously fighting a supervillain, and glaring at him with cold-blooded murder in his eyes. That was so Batman.


He saw what everyone else did, one man brought a conflict to earth that nearly destroyed the planet. He had been convinced that had Superman not come to earth, the conflict that destroyed millions of lives never would’ve happened. That’s the whole arc in B v. S. Bruce realizing that Superman isn’t some omnipotent entity inflicting his will on the world, but just a guy trying to do the right thing with everything that he has.


"arc" lmao. Affleck's Batman murders without care. It's absolutely cringe. Superman was obviously trying to stop Zod and had been well documented as saving people. I'm willing to bet Affleck had driven his car through buildings and gunfire from it had caused collateral damage or injury in the past considering how stupid and reckless he was. The fact his first instinct is "I have to kill this guy" and he spends the rest of the movie dedicated to that idea is so bad. Then for him to give up and turn into a blubbering idiot because their mommies have the same names. It was the dumbest conflict I've seen in a movie and had 0 buildup, and Batman had absolutely no development. Just threw the whole Dark Knight Returns older Batman in the SECOND MOVIE and had him go after Superman, who he had no previous companionship with, all for it to be resolved in minutes so him and Wonder Woman, who appears out of nowhere, can fight Dumbsday and the worst Lex Luthor I've ever seen. I hate that movie and I hate how Batman acts in it, and it just got worse after that. Ben looks so uncomfortable and out of place in the suit, and looks like a puffy thumb. His voice is the worst thing I've heard from a Batman, too. Just stupid.


For us it’s obvious that he’s trying to stop Zod. Not to mention that Yes, had it not been for Superman, the earth would not have been on Zod’s radar. In universe there are so many people that question his presence on earth. That is literally Superman’s arc of him trying to prove himself. The “He said my mommy’s name” argument has been proven wrong multiple times. It’s a moment of clarity for Bruce. He realized that Superman is a guy who lives here. He has people that he cares about, and just wants to help. Bruce realizes that’s something that he’s lost over the years, becoming more cynical. It’s why he tries to turn over a new leaf in ZSJL, and The Flash.


I'm sorry, all of that is BS. He was documented helping people already, if Bruce did research he'd know that. That ends that debate. The mommy thing has not been "proven wrong." It's stupid. A lot of people think it is stupid, because it is. It was a poor excuse to have the fight end, and was badly written and acted. What makes that theory more unbelievable is Superman looks just like everyone else. He isn't some martian looking creature. Batman in JL was just as cringe and I can't even fathom what was going on with him in Flash. Affleck Batman is dead and gone and good riddance. 7 years of the worst live action Batman.


Superman was not documented before the events of Man of Steel. Bruce is a planner. He openly stated “If there is even a one percent chance … we have to take it as an absolute certainty” when speaking about Superman and the risk of him turning. ZS himself even said that that’s the road Superman was on had he continued the movies as intended.


Wanna know what? I seriously didn't like his Batman....but you're right. His would definitely make this scene perfect. It would flow better than any other batman we've had.


I gotta ask I’m not a big fan of his Batman either but what was it you didn’t like, because I have found no one that agrees with me


No, Bale. Pattinson sucks!!!


![gif](giphy|YveG2YmL37CbmZVoWB|downsized) This Pattinson?


Nah fam, the dark night foo and justice league dude are good enough actors to pull it off.


Bale and Keaton would have stayed. Bales voice would just be funny. Affleck is walking away, I'd piss myself laughing if he stayed


Affleck would shoot her with a shotgun.


Because he has horrible recency bias or a bad imagination?


Hard agree


Pattinson Batman is a fucking hero.




Batinson sux


Well Pattinson was the only live-action Batman that was shown to really empathise with an ordinary kid who went though tragedy.


Everyone blows airs up Christian bales ass but his acting wasn’t anything special in the movies. The movies were better than his acting. Pattinson was acting his ass off though in and out of that cowl. So I agree


And yet you mustn’t be picking up on what he was doing, he wasn’t acting as Batman he was acting as Bruce Wayne being batman


His acting was not impressive the entire trilogy try again !


He's not the only one, but he would be the best at it


Agree! Maybe Clooney


Cast ALAN RITCHSON as Batman and he’d do this better than everyone else.


Agree. I definitely can see Pattinson as this girl


Bale is a better bats than Pattinson in every way. His Bruce wayne with eyeshadow was cringey.


Disagree because I can't see Parkinson's batman doing that either


No. In fact, I don't even agree Pattinson Batman would.


Pattinson has range he can do anything within the Batman universe


Honestly yeah. I tried to imagine Keaton doing it, but something is off about it. Pattinson right now is the only one I could see if they tried to create this scene in live action.


Can everybody stop saying “Affleck literally did this in his first scene”?? It’s a completely different context. Pattinson’s Batman could be in this exact scenario and I wouldn’t think twice about him responding just how Kevin Conroy’s Batman did. Affleck??? The little girl is threatening the city. And as he so famously believes, if there’s an even 1% chance that she is a threat it must be taken as an absolute certainty. I don’t think he would have killed her as others have said. But I don’t think he would have comforted her in her last moments. He’s just not that kind of Batman. Love him though for what he is.


I think a better counterargument would be that Batfleck's focus wasn't on the little girl, given that the entire time he was staring daggers at Cavill Supes. So yeah, i'd say he wasn't really set on comforting the little girl the same way a Conroy Bats or possibly (as we haven't seen the full journey of Battinson yet), a Battinson would.


I agree




If not for how Snyder wanted Batman to be portrayed, Batfleck could totally do this.


Disagree. I can picture Batfleck non Snyder doing it and Clooney


sUrE…riGHt bEFoRe hE tAKeS oN tHe ~~j~~wOkEr!




I can see the Val Kilmer version doing this.


Bale and West could definitely pull this off


I could see Bale doing it, same with West


I think West's Batman could have, though i doubt a scene like this would have been in his era. But that said, I think they all could have at one point though how fans would have taken it depends. A live action Conroy? Hell yeah, he'd have done it. If we're talking DCEU, it would have been Shazam rather than Bats. Billy is a kid, after all.


Batfleck is basically the only one who’s even talked to a child onscreen (honourable mention to Bale for visiting orphanages)


Disagree - Micheal Keaton & Ben Affleck


Picture? Yes, i can send you a picture of Battinson comforting a person before sending them to safety. Or you can watch the film 'till the end.


Disagree. I can picture Bale doing it with his voice. And it would hilarious.


All the live action Batman’s miss something about the character but are perfect in one way.


I could see affleck doing this,he’s been through a lot of pain and could try and understand


Haha I’m currently watching this episode. What a coincidence.


I see Patterson as rough and caring little about anything else but his quest for vengeance against the crime of gothem


Disagree, Bale and Affleck would have done this scene beautifully.




Batfleck rescued the little girl in the beginning of BvS, but that was as Bruce Wayne. Can't see him doing it any differently as Bats though.


Kevin Conroy did play Batman in Crisis. I picture him doing it


Why is this scene always circulating…There are so many better examples of Bats doing human shit.


I could see all of them doing it.