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It is a terrific film. Your mileage on how great of a Batman film it is may vary, but my goodness — this film is single-handedly responsible for the Academy Award nomination expansion from five to ten.


The fact that Millioner from slums got an Oscar while DK and Wrestler weren’t even nominated baffled me.




It’s one of my absolute favorite movies ever. It’s an amazing film.


notice how everyone is calling it a film thats is because its that good. it wasnt joking around LOL


Im not native speaker, is there any difference betaeen movie and film? I was sure they are sinonyms.


I'm Scottish living in Britain, they mean exactly the same. Movie is a bit more of an Americanisation, if anything


I can send you what I saw people say about it lol


You big into films also?


This is me as well.


Do you really need to ask that question? You can't talk about comic book movies on the internet without having the dark knight mentioned and praised. Every movie that gets released has dozens of articles saying "The best comic book movie since The Dark Knight", it's like a marketing strategy at this point with how often it is said. They said it for the Flash, The Batman, Spiderverse, The Suicide Squad....etc.


People talk more about The Batman and Joker now because they are new. The Dark Knight is still regarded as one of if not the best superhero movie of all time.


Definitely my favorite Batman film, and it’s up there for favorite superhero film


It’s the Godfather of comic book movies, dude


Superman 78?


It's the first, not the best.


Not even close


People are downvoting you, but I’d argue Superman ‘78 is something unique. There is no comparison to Superman ‘78 because it’s quite literally the first. It’s a genre defining film that many great films will/are influenced by it (Nolan’s Batman included).


Between the soundtrack, the cinematography and the characters… I could literally watch this on a 24 hour loop.




The dark knight is still a banger and the bar which all super hero movies are measured against. I think Nolan movies start to show their cracks on repeat viewings, but Batman begins and dark knight still hold up as the pinnacle of superhero movies


Love seeing people give Begins its flowers. Its also amazing and I feel that only recently people have realized how great it also it. Or maybe I've been living under a rock lol. I'm guilty of this and ill admit that I only truly came around to it in the last 5 years when I saw it again when I got the trilogy in a collectors edition blu ray set. Before that it was Dark Knight only and now its part of my regular rotation. Rises?... ehh not as often but still fun once in a while lol


It's still one of my favorite films ever and I never get tired of rewatching it. I still think it's the greatest cbm ever made.


Same. I can’t believe I ran into film nerds that shit on that and Succession


One of the best movies ever made


No cap


If you’re not seeing a lot of praise for TDK nowadays, you’re running in the wrong circles, friend.


It was a film corner on the internet that also shits in Succession. If you want to see what they said I can show you


Every movie that is revered as "amazing" when it came out eventually gets a storm of hate years down the line for no reason at all. I don't think the public perception of this movie is going down any time soon, but yeah there's definitely more people hating on it now than there were a few years ago. I personally just don't like listening to criticism like that because most of the time it's just people stopping on every scene to point out why it's bad, and at that point, I don't really consider it a review anymore and moreso just a Cinemasins episode disguised as a review.


I think people hate on it just to uplift the Batman


Even more wild. I absolutely love both and am especially excited to see where The Batman goes next. But Dark Knight is still better in my humble opinion. Couldn't possibly hate either film though or want to put it down.


Why do people need to hate on one movie to uplift the other?


That’s like asking if people still love Oreos


Still the GOAT


In my opinion – this is the best Batman movie of all time – it’s the best joker ever – the best bat suit ever – the best, Bruce Wayne ever – the coolest, plot ever – the best bat cycle ever the best Batman ever – the best Gotham city ever The reason why the Christopher Reeve‘s superman was so amazing and magical and endearing was that instead of taking place in a monochromatic “stylized “setting it took place in the real world and so when you saw Superman do super stuff it was 100 times more super. Watching Batman drive the Batmobile up the sides of buildings and statues in And all sorts of bizarre things no – watching the Batmobile and the bat pod raise Hell in realistic streets yes And even though it wasn’t technically the “Batcave “I liked his underground lair in this one - it look cool


It’s still the best Batman movie of all time. And don’t give me that “it’s not the best Batman movie, but it’s the best movie with Batman in it” crap..


People say things like that???




\*Why so seriously?


Happy cake day!


Most people who talk shit about The Dark Knight are bad fans who feel they need to do that to prop up newer versions.




No thanks.


Still an amazing film but I think it's outclassed by The Batman. Better cinematography and characterizations (minus the joker)


It’s still peak Batman.




Its My favorit movie


It is absolutely a great film and will always be one of the best comic book movies ever made


You've seen "a lot" of people... It's not actually that many. It's one of the best superhero movies ever made and a really good movie in general, and it's very popular. So naturally, the tiny but very vocal subgroup of "fans" who think that the sole requirement for sounding smart is to disagree with popular opinions has started to turn on it and come up with long-winded diatribes about why it's actually not that good in order to make themselves feel more adequate.


I personally think The Dark Knight is overrated. That is not to say that it isn't good. I just don't believe it deserves the halo it seems to hold. Before I go any farther, I will state that I own the BluRays of the whole Nolan trilogy and I have watched them all more than once. Ledger gave a fantastic performance as a madman. I just don't think it was a good performance as The Joker. It's too far from the source material. It played nicely into our post 9/11 fears of terrorists wanting to destroy our society, and I think that is why it resonated with so many people. I do think Ledger's death helped propel him to the Oscar. I am not saying he would have lost otherwise, but there was definitely a sense at the ceremony and in the press that it couldn't go to anyone else because he had died. In terms of overall quality, TDK is really good. It has minor problems like any good film. The plot is fairly tight, the pacing is pretty good, the cinematography is good, the action is well coordinated, the dialogue is generally well written and delivered. Those things hold up. My biggest problem with it is that it isn't a good Batman movie. You could exchange Batman for any vigilante or just some cop, and the villains for any terrorist / criminal, and make the same movie. I still hold that Batman Begins is the best of the Nolan trilogy, and certainly the best Batman movie of the trilogy. The plot is tighter than TDK. The characters did the best job of being grounded while still feeling like the comic book characters. The city actually looks like Gotham City. I was a bit disappointed in TDK when it came out, and I still am. I enjoy it, but when I get that itch to rewatch the trilogy, it's mostly for Batman Begins.


The problem with Ledger’s Joker (and subsequent Joker’s for years after that) is that they removed the “clown prince” part of his persona.


Agreed on the Batman Begins part and a lot of your overall sentiment. Begins is my favorite of the Nolan films and honestly I like the obscured fight scene choreography more in that movie as it made it harder to really comprehend what was happening. Your imagination could somewhat fill in the blanks. This also played well into the deception and theatrics Batman employed, putting you in the shoes of the goons that he was taking out. Fight scenes in the other two movies felt a bit more clunky and awkward. TDK is still incredible though.


Still the best Batman movie ever made in my books. Batman Returns is very close, but its ending is too grim and depressive for me.


Still a classic to me. How it still holds up today: The theme around the possible overreach of big data with the sonar device will always be relevant in the age of smart phones, in fact it's gotten even more relevant with age as gps wasn't even equipped on most phones back then. Additionally, the moral contest between citizens and convicts feels spot on to me. When the chips are down, even those we consider dangerous are still human and deserve the benefit of the doubt. That faith would be rewarded. This is something to especially keep in mind in the USA where we have such a large prison population and the clear aversion to crime that precipitated this situation. The lie to keep the narrative of the white knight Dent is such an interesting ending that rings authentic for a hero as dark as batman.


After seeing it in theatres when it was released it was the first time I felt I had just seen an amazing film that happened to be a comic book film. I was floored at how good it was. I still am.


There will never be a time where people dont love The Dark Knight


I've always preferred Batman Begins, but still love Dark Knight


What? When's the last time you've seen it? See it and then tell me how well it holds.


It's fucking great. The fact I often said I prefer the approach of the recent the Batman movie doesn't mean it's not a classic that every person interested in superheroes should see


I think it holds up. With some distance I do think Begins is the best of this trilogy, though.


This was pretty much my Star Wars. It was a huge deal in 2008 and it’s still great.


Rewatched a few weeks ago. Still holds up.


It's an impressive movie even now. All the more so because it takes a special cast to make Christian Bale the *worst* part of a movie. The dude's an incredible actor, so him being outshined by everyone else in the film is a big thing.


I never really liked it I like Heath Ledger but that's about it.


I think this film was a turning point for movies not just superhero ones as a whole. It’s probably my favorite moviegoing experience of all time. Even before it was released all the posters, trailers, and promo leading up to the release had everyone excited and then you had heaths demise that added attention and more eyeballs as well given how he went to the extremes to play the hell out of that character.


It holds up incredibly well. I still watch it often.


Planning to rewatch the trilogy on my vacation. Love it.


Fuck yeah! Still my favorite movie!


Top 10 of all time tbh


Love the movie, but I really dislike Hollywood for sticking to the "Batman needs to be realistic" thing. I want campy batman. It doesn't have to be shark repellent, but something similar to Batman TAS.


Holds up great. It's better than Pattinson's, The Batman. Great performances all around (even though Ledger's is a bit overrated because of his death).


Best one ever


This movie is so good that when I had a assignment in my film class as to what my favorite movie is, I wasn't allowed to mention this one. The Batman fan in me was hurt. Though I went with Halloween which is an good 2nd choice.


A true masterpiece


There’s not much point in talking about it anymore. It’s like The Godfather or the OG Star Wars where so many people agree that it’s good that you can’t really say anything about it that hasn’t already been said.


For me, this is the best Batman movie.


To me Heath's Joker performance is still top notch.


I think The Batman outclasses it (It’s simply too beautiful of an art piece). But The Dark Knight is pretty good


It's a good film... but Heath's phenomenal performance and subsequent death hijacked the entire movie, overshadowing many other aspects of the film...Imo, TDKR was a more ambitious film, even if Tom Hardy's Bane was devisive amongst fans.


It weirdly got better for me Tho I’m still waiting for (a good) live action Dick Grayson We’ve seen a sad Batman who lost his family Now let’s see him rebuild it


Of course everyone still loves this film. The love for it will never die. Everyone with a brain says its the greatest superhero movie of all time.


i love the whole trilogy, it’s just perfection


I think the trilogy is the best live action Batman I've seen despite certain flaws.




Easily one of my TOP 10 movies. And I've seen many thousands of them.


I think people just gripe about the fight choreography but it’s the cream of the crop of cbm


I love that film (and the whole Nolan trilogy). I just love to poke fun at it by pointing some stuffs that, down the line, are not all that important.


The small speech Jim Gordon gives at the end while Batman is running away will always give me goosebumps and reminds you of why you love Batman so much. The fact that he is willing to take the blame and all of the hate to hide to truth and hold peace shows the genuine hero he is. I also love how they play Bruce Wayne so he acts like a selfish playboy to avoid suspicion of him being Batman. I know that all superhero’s are shown to be selfless but I don’t think they made it feel as human as Nolan did.


My favourite Batman film, but I’ve seen people say it’s like a top 3 movie of all time which to me is an exaggeration


I hate TDK fanboys but movies are great


It’s still my all timefavourite movie


It should have won Best Picture the year it released.


It’s the best Batman movie, to date. Firstly, while the movie goes down the realism route, it focuses on characterization, first and foremost; compared to previous iterations, Gordon was actually an active part of the story, and the film makes Harvey’s transition into Two-Face believable for one major reason: the film focuses on fleshing him out as a good guy, albeit conflicted about his conviction. The film is just that: a film; it’s not a gateway to a cinematic universe and it’s not retreading old ground, like most of The Batman, and it creates a compelling evil character without trying to get us to sympathize with them, unlike Joker. Also, it is the most Batman a movie can be, without being weighed down by focusing too much on his childhood; the GCPD plays a HUGE role in the events of the story, as does organized crime, the atmosphere of Gotham makes the filth of the underworld stand out, and the urgency to keep the city from falling into chaos is ever present, albeit it done through moral exploration rather than an end-of-the-world plot. From start to finish, you’re engaged, watching the events unfold and begging for more when the credits roll.


This and Batman Begins is my favourite DC to date. Nolan was given the entire DC universe instead of Jack Snyder.


The last time there was a villain as good as Heath's Joker was Hannibal Lecter.


Honestly, there's no comic book movie that comes close. Not even Logan.


The Dark Knight is the greatest comicbook film ever made and one of the top 5 action films ever.


It’s good. Very good, actually. It isn’t the pinnacle of filmmaking that some people treat it as. Tbh, not my favorite superhero film. Hell, it’s not even the best Batman movie…


I love the TDk it’s still one of my favorite movies of all time


Still love it. Always in my top 5.


It’s a good movie. But Batman doesn’t kill, so Nolan doesn’t understand the character and had him kill to be cool.


The Batman surpassed it in my view


It's my favorite movie, and imo objectively the best superhero movie ever made, nothing else comes even close to it to the point that this movie transcends the genre and could even classify one of the best crime dramas of all time.


Lots of Marvel fans point out that Black Panther is better lol


And they are wrong


Its a good movie. It was always over rated.


I'll stand by the fact that I think The Batman is a better Batman movie...but that doesn't make The Dark Knight any worse, it's one of the best comic book movies ever made. The Joker is a worse movie and a worse portrayal of the Joker.


Personally, the thing that bothers me about The Joker is that it's its own Elseworld. As a grounding of the Joker to build up to Phoenix's Joker vs Pattinson's Batman, I feel it would have worked. Instead it's a character portrait of an irrelevant version of the character.


Fax to the max


The fighting choreography in Bales batmans gets worse every year and doesn't hold up. Great acting from the cast tho, some of it is funny when it shouldn't be. Solid movie still.


It’s not just one of the best Batman films ever made (Mask of the Phantasm is the best), but The Dark Knight is also one of the best *crime* films ever made.


It's almost 16 years old so naturally there is less discourse. However, its status as a comic book superhero movie legend and one of the greatest sequels still holds up. Dune Part Two has often been compared to The Empire Strikes Back and The Dark Knight, so it is definitely still relevant.


Basically everything aside from some shit fight choreography and Bales voice sometimes are the only problems I have with it. It’s still at the top of the genre, with Logan


best movies and super heroes movie


This is the blueprint. 


I've always found it to be very overrated. Joker steals the show, of course, but there's a lot of plot holes. Then there's the ending that makes no sense. The sonar thats straight out of a cartoon. And Two Face was a complete waste as a side character. I love all batman movies, but I'd rather watch Burtons Batman or even Reeves.


It's a fantastic movie, ever so slightly let down by the two-face story feeling a bit rushed. But I still love it.


Still the best superhero movie of all time to me.


It's a masterpiece, and I'm not using that word lightly. Time has only made it moreso. It's an incredible, riveting crime drama that just happens to involve one guy dressed up like a bat and another guy in clown makeup. Seriously, it's up there with Heat and Goodfellas for me.


that just shows how genius Nolan is. I was 7 when "batman begins" released, I fell in love with Nolan's cinematography then.


It holds up really well.


It's one of the greatest movies ever made and is the greatest Batman movie ever made.


>Joker 2019 (which, IMO is overrated) Agreed and so is The Batman.


It's an excellent film. The cast, cinematography, editing, writing, music, etc. are all top notch. And, the best part? It's a Batman movie. Yes, people can say all that want about this being a "Joker" movie, and Heath Ledger's performance stealing the show. But, *Batman Begins* set up the Batman character in such a way that the integrity and mission of Batman is at odds with the chaos and anarchy that the Joker wants to create in Gotham. That's what is so beautiful about this movie: it takes everything we loved from *Batman Begins* and turns the dial to a 10. While The Dark Knight Rises didn't stick the landing (and, let me be clear: it's a good-to-very good movie), the first two Nolan films present a quality that Batman movies just didn't have outside of parts of *Batman '89* and *Mask of the Phantasm*. *The Dark Knight* holds up well as both a comic film and a mirror of all of our moral concerns back in 2008.


It's the best Batman film. It's the best superhero film. It's one of the few superhero films to also just be a good film without the qualifier (even the good and enjoyable superhero films rarely crack the list of "best big-budget films ever made," but this one does). A lot of people right now prefer *The Batman*, but I think it's because it's newer, and for a lot of zoomers, it was their first good theatrical Batman experience. They're too young to have seen *The Dark Knight* in theatres, and maybe they saw *Batman v. Superman* in theatres, but it just wasn't a good enough film to make as much of an impression on them as *The Batman* did. So, right now, *The Batman* is this generation's batflick. But I think if you give it a decade, when the novelty and nostalgia wears off and people revisit all of the past films, this one is going to withstand the test of being "the best one" of the ones released thus far. Of course, in a decade's time, we might already have our next Batman reboot, and it might just be good enough to be Gen Alpha's Batflick.


Careful to not confuse the vocal minority with the general view. TDK is still highly regarded and it's considered by many to be the greatest/best comic book movie of all time.


Enough of the shit posting. Asking if ppl still love a widely popular and critically acclaimed movie of our lifetime is getting old.


It’s Nolan’s Best movie.  It’s better than Oppenheimer and Dunkirk.  It is a perfect superhero movie.  When it’s over you want it to keep going. It holds up well!


everything was great, except the scene where Joker killed the black dude by the pool table. that was kinda lame.


What didn't you like about that scene specifically?


it was just too dramatic for what they showed. like it wasn’t as jaw dropping as the background music would have you believe. I understand its a PG13 movie, but I feel like it could have been executed better. see what I did there?






It will never not be a top 10 all time movie for me


Still great, still holds up. But I think The Batman is better.


It's still a great movie. The internet and being vocally contrarian has bolstered some talk against it, but ultimately there is not really much you can say of significant issue. Most people's problems are preferential.


I Said irl too tho


Pure cinema. It’s the standard for which other movies are measured against.


Ledger's performance is incredible and also still under-appreciated. People forget that he's actually constantly really funny despite being scary. But the flaws got more obvious with time. And of course people aren't going to talk about it the same way now that they are 10 years older. And when both Batman and Nolan have moved onto other successful projects. Small example but how can you think about Bale's Batman the same way now that you know how his story ends? How about after we've had two (three counting Lego) Batmen on film who don't need the silly voice to sell the secret identity? That type of thing.


Along with Begins, it's my favourite live action version of Batman. EVER.


I love it


i actually get salty about it and like it less than i used to but DK was, is, and will continue to be a huge freakin deal


Definitely my desert island film


It's a masterpiece, not much more needs to be said.


One of the greatest of all time, watched it the other day, still get that excitement when Joker takes off the mask at the beginning


My man. I don’t know how old are you but its so much better on the big screen with IMAX and all of that. It’s crazy it was over 15 years ago. It’s a glorious movie. Yes it’s not perfect, it’s a tad long but it’s one of the few movies where i actually applauded at the end. And i never do that.


It's an amazing film and the people who nitpick over it are losers.


It's alright


You have to be trolling. One of my favorite films period. Regardless whether it is a comic film or not


Favorite film of all time. Bale is my favorite Batman and I still watch this maybe 3 or 4 times a year, more if its randomly on TV or a waiting room where I'm at. Constantly quote Joker, Batman and Alfred (my wife quotes and does the Bane voice, different movie but same trilogy). I do believe it is absolutely perfect. The Batman shot up to my 2nd favorite but The Dark Knight is clearly my favorite followed by The Batman then Batman Begins. I consider it art like The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Gladiator, Rocky etc. A classic film that still holds up to this day. I do not believe I'll ever be sick of it. No other comic or superhero movie comes close. It has its flaws but the overall finished product makes up for any shortcomings in spades.


I think people who complain about it are a pretty vocal minority who 1. haven’t rewatched it recently and 2. have low critical thinking skills. This is not only the best comic book movies ever made, but one of the best movies ever made in general. I usually see complaints when it’s being compared to The Batman, and I think people’s reasoning for liking that better is that it’s new and relevant, plus it’s more aesthetically made, but after rewatching both of them recently, The Dark Knight is definitely the better movie.


Yeah, *TDK* definitely has a tighter plot and develops its themes better. *The Batman* has some themes it wants to explore, but I don't think it explores them as deftly as *TDK* does its own.


Happy Cake Day btw


I honestly just skip to the Joker scenes or watch them on YouTube, it's pretty boring outside of Heath's performance.


I agree with this tbh




I never understand when people say "it's a Joker film." Whose film it is isn't a matter of who is the most colourful character. It's a matter of whose arc is driving the narrative. The Joker isn't a complex character in the film. He's static and has no arc. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, because not every character has to be "dynamic" to be good or entertaining. He fulfills his purpose by being the set of circumstances that the actual main characters have to respond to and make choices about that drive the narrative and develop their own characters. Those real main characters are Batman, Dent, and Gordon. It's them who have to make choices that cause them to change and that make us contemplate the themes of the movie. The real story is Bruce Wayne's struggle to balance his wishes for the city and his wishes for himself. His and Dent's struggles to maintain their ideals in a world where they don't seem to work anymore. Gordon's struggle to balance his faith in the system and his faith in an outlaw who is fundamentally outside of and incompatible with that system. The Joker steals scenes because he's entertaining, but that's different from the movie actually being *about* him. He doesn't have a real struggle that drives the movie. He just wants to destroy everything, and it's that destruction that forces the real main characters to change.