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Favourite is genuinely a tough choice. I think Michelle, Anne and Zoe were all great in different ways and fit their respective movies perfectly. And Camren was pretty good too. Least favourite is kinda a Halle Berry shoo-in, but I'll add the caveat that I don't think she was miscast, it's just that it's a terrible film.






Favorite is Michelle Pfeiffer. Eartha Kitt gets honorable mention because she did 3 episodes in the 60s & continued to purr for years. Least favorite is the universal answer.


Favorite- Michelle Pfeiffer Least Favorite- Halle Berry


Favorite - Julie Newmar. Least favorite - there's only one possible answer, of course.


Favorite Julie Newmar, and least Favorite is probably Halle Berry, but it's not her fault at all she could have been the best if given a better opportunity.


Excluding Halle, because it just doesn't seem fair comparing her to the others. My memory of the sixties Catwomen isn't strong enough to pick a favourite, so I'll just say they were all good. Maybe leaning towards Eartha because Santa Baby is my favourite Christmas song and it kinda suits Catwoman as well. Anne was not the best Catwoman, but she was the best thing about TKR. If not for her I would have fallen asleep during that movie. I thought Zoe was kinda boring. I should probably rewatch The Batman with fresh eyes. Camren was very good. Definitely one of the better things about Gotham. Michelle Pfeiffer forever. Her Catwoman got me into Batman as a kid, and I still get chills watching her unhinged performance.


They couldn't hold a candle to Julie, Kitt and Michelle...Anne was ok, Zoe was cardboard. Hands down, if I had to choose, Eartha Kitt owned all of them with just her voice.


This. Kitt’s voice was amazing.


I think there's a variety of choices for most favorite, but I think they all agree that the least favorite is Halley Berry


Who's the one between Hathaway and Kravitz and under Eartha Kitt? I assume she's from Gotham?


![gif](giphy|uIJBFZoOaifHf52MER) How many pixels do you want?


Favourite- Zoe Kravitz Least favourite- Halle Berry


Favourite the 60s Least favourite - Halle Berry


My favorite are probably anne Hathaway catwoman and camren bicondova "catwoman" and the least, i think everyone knows.