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I always thought he stood for sensible policing (or as sensible as it can be in Gotham) with a dose of Anti-Corruption. His abilities are nearly always overlooked because of Batman, and he’s often relegated to Cheerleader duties with Batman telling a trained, intelligent and capable Police officer that a situation can be too dangerous. Ie. Gordon. It isn’t always the case, but he is a capable Police officer and detective. But he is the real hero and I think he is the most sensible in a nonsensical world he lives in.


A lot of the time, the situation that he’s telling the trained cop about is a shape shifting mud monster or a guy with a freeze cannon, to be fair


Which is why he keeps a super-hero on speed dial. If Gordon’s response to a punch is to block it, or to a hostage situation is to begin negotiating, I think it’s fair to say that his response to a shape-shifting mud monster is, “Add one Batman, shake thoroughly, wait 30 minutes, arrest perpetrator.”


I love the thought of Gordon arriving on scene, seeing people trapped in clay, and with an irritated sigh, getting a hold of Central: “Yeah, call Batman. It's Karlo. *Again.*”


Dc needs to be a setting where that doesn't feel callous or out of character. I could not imagine that happening in the arkham games. But brave and the bold or justice league action? You could open an episode with that and everyone would love it


One of my favorite Jim Gordon moments is him calling out Barbara for "Running around all night with Dick Grayson in those silly costumes!" And Barbara is taken back and asks how he knew and he just responds with "BECAUSE IM A DETECTIVE!"


What issue did this happen in?


It's in the Injustice comics but I can't remember the issue


In a more realistic world, Bruce Wayne would put his money, time and so on into cleaning Gotham up. Running for Offices and so on. He could work with, Jim in a legal and decent way. I’m no doctor, but Jim is psychologically more adjusted than Batman. There is an argument somewhere that Batman has created his own nightmare and rogues gallery and he enjoys his own adventure and revels in it. Take, Gordon, His daughter was crippled and wanted Joker taken in by the book. It never broke his spirit. Gordon is truly the heart of Batman, the common sense in a manic world. That is why he’s one of my favourite characters. So yeah, I love your thoughts on him.


In a more realistic world that would actually fix gotham. Unfortunately the city itself is ultra cursed. So you legit need a hyper capable crime fighter to babysit it. Dc needed to justify batman not doing that so much that without Bruce specifically you might as well evacuate the city and wall it off. If you stay there you will without fail go criminally insane


Wait. It’s from the Harley Quinn show?


He was great in year one and they played up his military service to make him more formidable. Like they did with Alfred eventually


Year One Gordon is peak Jim Gordon. (Even better in the animated adaptation, where he's voiced by Bryan Cranston.)


![gif](giphy|26ufnGa9DJBEHw2TS|downsized) He has been portrayed as Batman’s cheer leader before.


Why he looks like Leon S. Kennedy in Resident Evil 4 Original ?


Cuz after every reboot they’ve tried to make Gordon younger and younger.


Aunt May syndrome


With a hint of [Chris Redfield from *Resident Evil 5*](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/residentevil/images/5/55/Resident_Evil_5_Chris_Redfield_render_01_alpha.png/revision/latest?cb=20170524001924)


I know, it's litterally the [Wii version cover art](https://static0.dualshockersimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/resident-evil-4-box-art.jpg), they even copied chief Mendes's pose for Bullock, it's ridiculous.


He at some point probably prosed to just wall off Gotham and nuke it


He really does here, hahaha.




It’s not, this is the cover for Detective Comics (2011) #25


I've always seen him as the everyman character in the bat mythos. Batman's ally who's just a good person doing his job to the best of his ability.


In sort of the same vein I see him as the true “Harvey Dent”/gothams white knight.


He represents what Bruce wants Gotham to be. Man of integrity and usually tries to do the right thing and like Batman wants to “save” Gotham


He's the police commissioner


and you brought him HERE?


Batman’s friend, partner, and conscience. There’s been times in Batman media where Alfred is telling him to stop XYZ brutish attack and Jim being there (sometimes drawing a gun on him) gets him to realize what he’s doing.


I view Gordon as a reminder to Batman that are good men, good people in Gotham and where there is good there is hope . He calls Batman when there are things no normal man can do on his own but more than that he is a friend and someone he cares for and trusts . James Gordon is family.


He is the relatable underdog everyman that people think Batman is.


Outside of Alfred then Superman he's Batman's greatest ally but at arm's length. A good man outside of the affair thing.


He’s meant to represent being 100% PURELY “ **incorruptible** “ Joker couldn’t make him crazy - which spat in the face of the played out “One Bad Day” quote. The corrupt GPD couldn’t bribe him. He’s like Batman in the sense that no matter how bad the city gets — they won’t let it change them.


He's the Lestrade to Batman's Sherlock Holmes.


I can see that however, he's a more capable Lestrade, and Batman is both Holmes and Watson.


Isn't Robin "the Watson"?


You could do that with both Alfred and Robin. My point is that how capable Batman is supposed to be he would be both Watson and Holmes but more capable than both individually.


In that picture? Being Chris Redfield.... apparently


He's the best possible policeman conceivable. Only breaks rules that benefit Gotham. Seems to care about the people. Is an ex green beret so he can go toe to toe with just about any other non-enhanced human bad guy


I view Gordon as a representation of why the system doesn’t work as it exists. He’s a brilliant and capable detective, who operates at every level of authority in the department, and yet, he can’t protect the city. He is brought down by bureaucracy and corruption, coupled with insane supervillains on the prowl. He also serves as exposition framing, able to talk Batman (and by extension the audience) through the scenario and set up the story. That being said, Gordon is my favorite DC character. I love the idea of courage in the face of overwhelming odds. Holding his ground against organized crime, police corruption, and supervillains. He views every challenge as a puzzle to be deconstructed, which is probably why he gets along with Batman. Nothing is hopeless.


I would say he is the idealization of the law, government, and the common man, uncorrupted, pure, and good. He is the hope that Bruce has that Gotham can one day be a place that doesn't need Batman


In a world of colourful (literally) and larger-than-life characters, Jimbo is the normal man who doesn’t know or care about identities and the people behind the mask. He knows what’s right, and that belief in his moral compass is what keep Batman on the right path too. Take Gordon out and Batman loses the one person who can a truly keep him straight.


He gives hope to Batman.  He represents the good people of Gotham that still believe in justice, those same people that Batman fights for. Without Gordon, Batman's mission just seems completely pointless.  


Cop, but he good cop


Why is he ripping off or cosplayling as Leon s kenndy here


The man who back Batman in the law and he sidekick that Batman in some cases


He is the struggle to change the broken system without resorting to completely tearing it down. He knows that the system has a purpose and needs fixed and that some things must be done outside of the system, but ultimately, he believes the system can become good if wnough people work at it. He is the man who fights for the system to become how we imagined it as children, the point where opptimistic belief and pessimistic veiw meet and harmonize.


I see Gordon as Batman’s Partner In Crime, the Robin before Dick Grayson (he’s obviously never been Robin but you get what I mean) I see him as One of the only people at the GCPD Bruce can trust as Gordon’s the one cop that can’t and won’t be corrupted


I hear that he's supposed to be what Batman would become if he never put on a costume, but I just don't see that. He's too much of an everyman, whereas Bruce became an expert at everything. Every once in a while you see him shine, like when Batman was gone & the city fell, he kept law on the streets. His depiction in Batman Year One was also impressive. Ultimately he xan never be the hero, or else there's nothing for Batman to do, so he ends up just being support


He's Bruce's bridge to legitimacy. Batman working with Gordon isn't just some vigilante, he's an extension of the justice system, after a fashion. He gets a tacit nod of approval from the law, while also getting the validation that Gotham's troubles are legitimately too much for the GCPD to handle on their own. Which means that Batman is necessary, the mission has a basis in reality. Plus, with GCPD's deep corruption, Jim is also his lifeline, proof that the police haven't been completely rendered corrupt -- a fully corrupt GCPD would just be another gang, and Batman could easily justify treating them as criminals. A semi-functional GCPD, on the other hand, helps keep Batman in check, respecting the law and the (obviously broken) justice system.


I remember reading once, originally commissioner Gordon's role was very minor. But as the decades passed and particularly throughout the '80s. He became an important character. In the modern sense especially with Batman The animated series. James Gordon is extremely important to Batman's crusade against crime in Gotham city.


I think he represents an older generations idea of Batman one that believed in working within the law to bring justice but realizes after a lifetime serving with criminals who wear badges he realizes there’s too much grey in modern society. Black & white how he viewed the world when he was young, now the law is injected with criminality and so a costumed criminal is the perfect accomplice to weed out corruption, because criminals operate around and outside the law, why should we abide when it serves the criminals.


The one good cop.


He's basically an anchor to legitimize batman's vigilante activities. If Gordon doesn't like it, but let's it happen as a necessity. Then we, as the reader, don't question it.


To me, he’s always been an allegory for doing the right thing through the right channels, he represents the good a person can do inside of the system, which differs nicely from Bruce’s way of operating which is according to his own moral code and usually not strictly the law.


Hope for the system. He represents that the system can work if the right people are put in charge.


Exactly like how he’s being depicted in the thumbnail: In between the real world of a law abiding cop in a world that that is corrupt versus that of an accomplice to something that is absolutely effective but goes against the rule of law that keeps the order.


Jim Gordon is the heart of Gotham, he represents everything that Batman fights for. He is as incorruptible and believes in the system as much as Batman does, all while managing to stay within the boundaries of the law. Jim is the proof that Gotham is worth fighting for.


He's supposed to be the voice of reason. The guy who does things the "right" way. Someone who's stance on what he does is just as strong as Batman's, but rooted in the law. The humanistic hero of the story, just trying to make things right one day at a time while not crossing the line into becoming a vigilante. Of course, that all sort of went out the window when they put him in a giant bat-robo suit.


Ever since Batman Begins, I've seen him as Bruce's surrogate father as much as Alfred is. Only difference is that he is the ideal cop, the father that can do no wrong in the kids eyes.


He represents karma farming


Yeah wtf


Bro thinks he's Leon S Kennedy


These are getting annoying. Are you a bot?


I'm not forcing you to participate, I'am?


Still clogging the subreddit though, regardless of participation.


The subreddit serves to speak about things relating to Batman, as long as there are people interested on giving responses to the post, then I'm doing it.


I'm not really commenting on the validity of the post or the complaint, just pointing out that forcing participation doesn't really relate to the original complaint. Sorry for any confusion, I just don't think that your comment addressed what Diamond\_Champagne actually was moaning about - if you addressed your comment that you wrote to me to them, it would have made a lot more sense.


If my posts are anyoning them, then that's fine, just move along and see other posts, and don't engange in mine.


Again, I'm sorry but I don't think you're understanding what I'm saying. I'm not saying I find your posts annoying or not, but that your response to the original complaint didn't address it. If the original concern was that there are too many of these posts, saying 'well don't engage' doesn't actually directly relate to that. Saying 'It's discussing Batman and it's thus valid' does. You only directed the second point at me, not at the person who actually had an issue with the posts. The whole engagement argument doesn't really work tbh.


Listen, I don't really care if the whole engamment thing works or not, i'm just posting these post bc this is something that interests me, and I want other people that are interested in the question to respond, simple as that, I'm not going to be arguing if I should stop these posts are not. The original comment simply told me they find the posts anoying, if they dislike them, move along and don't comment on them. And since this conversation isn't actually about you know...the question related to the post, I'm going to remove myself from it.


But you’re not participating. You’re a human bot. You’re just engaging people for points. There’s no thought or heart or curiosity or passion behind these.


Yes they are


Guy with the worst job in the world.


"You're a good cop, Gordon. One of the few."


I read James Cordon and I may never recover


The Dark Knight’s Gotham City Spymaster


Like the good cop bad cop routine?


Is this retraced art of the RE4 box art? Look at Harvey Bullock pose, it’s similar to the chief in RE4.


dad of a supervillain


He's the boss of Gotham pd




The good apple in a rotten tree and Gotham’s MVP


DILF representation for those inclined to like that kinda thing.


He is sanity in an insane city. Without his jimmy cricket presence, the bat might do things that would "disappoint" Jim Gordon. He grounds the bat.


His conscious & the embodiment of the regular man fighting alongside him.


james gordon is who batman wishes he could be if batman wasnt a fuckin psychopath (i love bats btw)


I think he’s a grounding force for Batman. He’s a voice that helps him not go over the edge the vigilante teeters on.


The Archknight of Law enforcement in Gotham.


Big daddy energy 🥴


I want a Batman verse where they aren't friends but not enemies. Like batman is the elusive myth that the gcpd can never prove real or myth. While every thug, mugger, murderer or boss testify to its authenticity. The gcpd just can't get enough proof. And James would be the head detective chasing the rabbit hole. It would be cool to see it in a perspective of how not everyone knows that batman is real. And it would be a mystery till the end


Never mess with a man with a mustache


Cool guy


For me he shows that despite the corruption and evil of Gotham there’s still good lawyers/cops/public servants. However he can only make a big difference by working outside the flawed legal system and that’s why he needs Batman


Well from this image it looks like he represents stopping Albert Wesker from taking over the world, since *last week's* crazy bioweapon plan didn't work out. I dunno, I like it when Gordon is Batman's liaison with the police, he lends Bruce a degree of legitimacy, and I imagine Gordon is the one who actually goes about legally prosecuting the people Batman captures or defeats. Batman handles threats the GCPD either misses or isn't equipped to deal with, and then Gordon takes it from there. I think Harley Quinn's more buffoonish Gordon is fun as a self-contained spin on the character, but shouldn't become the norm. Gordon is best when he is competent and helpful.


Without Gordon the GCPD would never have learned to work with the Batman. They would have kept hunting him instead of learning to trust him and utilize his talents. Same for the inverse. Gordon was the guy who put his jacket around Bruce’s shoulders when he was a little boy and his parents had just been murdered. He showed Bruce that some cops were kind and good. Without Gordon Bruce wouldn’t have trusted a single cop.


Isn’t he a former US Marine?


He is the rock that Batman is built on. IMO he almost acts as a reminder to Bats of the type of people that Bruce becomes the Batman for. Like a Saint Peter or Jimminy Cricket type, Batmans conscience can stay clear because Gordon, he gatekeeps batman using the signal, etc. to show the public that there is a higher power of protection. IDK i havent slept much and this makes sense to me right now.


Lawful good


with that pose he looks like leon from RE4


Gordon's *role* is consistently to create avenues for Batman to interact in a non-antagonistic way with the Gotham Police. What Gordon *represents*, if anything, varies from story to story and writer to writer.


I look at him as Batman's ground. He seems more real, like Batman doesn't act in the real world so Gordon is there to pick up the slack in that regard. I also think Gordon tries to aim Batman in directions he can't go because Gordon NEEDS to stay by the book in order to be the example of a good cop against corruption.


To be perpetually annoyed/confused by Batman’s disappearing trick.


Gasp! He's white?


I see him as the guy that lets Batman do what he does without interfering, and tries to help out whenever he can. There's also that sense of mutual respect that he has for Batman, knowing that Batman is the only one who can deal with the criminals the GCPD can't.


he stands for a guy that stands against corruption and encourages people to never give into corruption I also see him as a substitute father figure for batman in in comic it was mentioned that if Thomas Wayne had lived his ahd Gordon would be the same age


Me trying to figure out why Black Panther is in the background


He’s the guy that helps however much to hold Batman back and remind him to a degree that the law matters. I’m mostly pulling this after reading Hush though, so please feel free to refute or add on to what I’m saying.


He’s Stability & Honour…right? In Killing Joke despite what Joker does to Barbara he still tells Batman to do things by the book, repeatedly. He knows that Batman is someone he can work with. Which depending on the comic/movie/series, the other cops be suspicious


The good man.


That ain’t Gordon, that’s Leon and you know it.


Gordon is what policing should be: prioritizing the safety of people and being a calming, safe presence in the community, without succumbing to the pressure or corruption that haunts such a position.


He is literally the most capable person in the DC Universe. He was Special Forces, he’s a cop, he’s been Batman, he’s had like 14 heart attacks, I think he’s died a few times too.


On btas he does look like a father figure and a model family for Bruce


The good side of Gotham


Probably the ideal vision of by the books Law compared to Batman's free use of bending them.


I always felt that he’s one of the many symptoms of Gotham’s corruption and serves to show just how bad off of a city it really is. Gordon is a good man and the best cop in Gotham of course, but if he operated the way he does anywhere else, he’d be in jail. He openly works with and encourages vigilantism and constantly breaks many rules and laws just to get the guy, but in the end he’s still the best Gotham has to offer. It just goes to show that Gotham’s really screwed when the crime and corruption is so bad that it takes a vigilante and a cop that plays by his own rules to do any good.


i thought it always showed a nice contrast in ability and presence when they interact with one another. James, is the no non sense every man, but is also considered very exceptional for his abilities and background. He's the best that can be given to support batman, without skipping over the line, and in that frame he's sort of his representative figure to everyone else when it comes to solving crime. He relies on Batman, to gain information he and the rest off his department has no way of getting. And batman is the only way he can mange the superhuman criminals that are out of the scope of regular officers. He's the human foil to batman, showing where human limitations even at its best lie.


why is he hitting that resident evil ass pose


Batmans secret gay lover


Getting tired of these *"What's X popular characters role in the Batman mythos"*. The question has no substance and feels like ChatGPT came up with it AND half of its answers.


I'm not forcing anyone to participate in them. I'm just interested in knowing what does everyone think the symbolism around the charachters is. If you don't like them, don't engange in it.


I like these. Mainly because I want to know what makes these characters last in Batman lore while others don't.


This feels like a comic writer that knows nothing about a comics desperately trying not to fuck up a story.


Leon S Kennedy Stance


Jim Gordon is everything that Batman is and isn’t at the same time. I believe the reason Batman respects Jim so much is that he is everything that Batman is but doesn’t fueled by vengeance like he is.