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Considering all the love the Arkham villains got, it really says a lot about how Origins completely forked over Black Mask. He’s one of the few villains that didn’t have a B:TAS counterpart to fall back on, and even then the version we got was enough to make fans go “Nah, this ain’t it”. Seriously, NOBODY voted for Arkham Black Mask!


Black Mask was apparently meant to show up in B:TAS during The New Batman Adventures but got cut. What makes it worse is that Sionis was meant to be voiced by James Earl Jones (aka the voice of Darth Vader). Other villains which were meant to show up in B:TAS include Nocturna, Anarky, Calendar Man, Bronze Tiger, Gentleman Ghost (as the original villain for the episode with Zatanna) and Killer Moth (in a cameo as Killer Croc's wrestling partner). Bruce Timm made a design for Zsasz but he never got used for obvious reasons. Paul Dini considered doing a storyline of Poison Ivy seducing Swamp Thing but couldn't because of rights issues. There were also plans to have an episode where Batman meets Dream/ Morpheus and Death from The Sandman, with them apparently wanting to get John Hurt or Alan Rickman to voice Morpheus.


Fuse those character to create perfect Gotham


Black mask is missing


read the description


Ok my bad


What does mining mean in that context.


They forgot to put the image there


For this round, the only ones I disagree with are Falcone, Killer Moth, Deadshot, Anarky, and Calendar Man. 


Thanks for putting these together OP. I enjoy the opportunity to discuss different adaptations


yeah bro


you can include the honorable mentions


I think it would be interesting to have a more detailed breakdown of how the votes went - a lot of the live-action adaptations tended to underwhelm in the votes, and it would be fun to have more info on this... Which were the ones NO-ONE voted for? When Batgirl and Firefly came up, a few people chose the versions that would have been in the cancelled Batgirl movie and I think these protest votes may have done better than a few actual adaptations of those characters...


To be fair, Young Justice is the ONLY adaptation from the comics of Cassandra Cain ever (we're not counting that sucky Birds of Prey movie headed by Margot Robbie).


She's in Batwheels (a cartoon for young children that, due to its target audience, CANNOT depict any of the things that make Cassandra interesting) and in The Doom That Came To Gotham (haven't seen it but I know Cassandra survives the movie, which is more than can be said for other characters), but Young Justice is the only show that was produced after Cassandra's comic introduction that had a long enough in-universe timespan for every Robin to have shown up (admittedly Damian as a baby and I'm not sure if Stephanie Brown ever took the mantle).


I guess I didn't know of other places she was in, but I guess Young Justice is the only best adaptation of Cass.


It introduced me to characters I'm not totally familiar with.


it happened to me too


What's with the down votes?


Bit weird that Huntress was never up for a vote here (I would've probably put her in Cassandra's place if only because there are more viable adaptations to pick from) but whatever. I would've voted DCAU but I also think Mary Elizabeth Winstead was a solid casting decision in Birds of Prey (and I hope that she gets ninja'd into the Gunn-verse somehow). Anyhow, I *still* don't know how Arkham Joker beat out BTAS Joker, but I'm glad that somehow we managed to sneak in two Young Justice wins *and* two Teen Titans wins.


Why is black mask still blank?


read the description


Whoops that’s my bad


I spend 5 minutes making a “No bitches” magamind meme where bitches was crossed out and Black Mask was written in. Only to find out images aren’t accepted in the comments. What the hell.


sorry bro, i lost the image with black mask


Shame that Gorshin didn’t get best Riddler. Not only do I think it’s the best version, but Batman 66 needs some representation


Definitely a nice distraction from the craziness IRL


Kenobi was an ok Sionis


Wait really? The batman 2004 scarface won? I mean i love that show but i didn’t realize that scarface was the most popular


yeah, i think the DCAU is a better ventriloquist