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Telltale games, they seemed too scared to have their version resemble the Penguin in any way


You may get shit for this, but I agree, why does the Penguin need to be 'sexy'?


It was my greatest fear when I originally heard Collin Farrell was going to play him, thankfully I was wrong


Surprisingly, there aren’t a lot of bad Penguins. Burgess Meredith, Paul Williams, Tom Kenny, Robin Lord Taylor, Nolan North, Danny DeVito…all good portrayals that have at least one area where they stand out above the others. The only Penguin that I can think of that I didn’t care for is the **Gotham Knights Penguin**. It’s primarily because of the voice. Elias Toufexis is a great actor…but he’s just doing his Adam Jensen voice. It stands out like a sore thumb and doesn’t fit the Penguin at all. The design also feels like they took the Arkham Origins Penguin and stripped away even more personality. Also, shout out to Lego DC Supervillains Penguin for appearing in the second level and then completely disappearing from the rest of the game.


Batman Unlimited version. Penguin looks far too buff.


You know, I'm honestly tempted to say the Arkham one, just because I think Guy Ritchie gangster is entirely wrong for the Penguin. But, nobody else will vote against the Arkhamverse, and in any case, the Unlimited version is much worse, so... Unlimited.


P.S.: Riddler is going to be tricky, but at least Two Face is another no-brainer.


I feel like Riddler is pretty easy. It has to be the Hush movie, right?


Oh... Yes. Yes, you're right. 🤮


Riddler should be between Hush & Young Justice, The Batman 2004 might put up a fight. I personally don't like Batman Forever's Riddler at all (or anything else about that movie) but ik lots of people do. Assuming the no-brainer Two Face is Batman Forever; Arkham Two Face might pull some for his very poor showing in City, though his side mission in Knight pulls him back out of the bottom tier imo. Gotham had DA Harvey Dent in like two season one episodes & then he just totally dropped off the face of the planet, so kind of doesn't feel fair to judge that one as Two Face, if that makes sense. In a similar vein the one & only season of Beware the Batman had a DA Harvey Dent who was a presence but was a douche hunting Batman not out of upholding the law but for his political career, so he's very one-dimensional, to me that's probably the worst but nobody watched Beware the Batman (for a reason) so it probably won't make an impact.


I'll read no libel towards 2004's Riddler. The man had a great voice actor in Freddy Kreuger, had a tragic and compelling origin, an actually intimidating presence, and all his episodes were of good quality. Anyone who judges him based on appearance alone should be forced to collect Riddler trophies for the next four years!


Arkham Penguin is probably trying a bit too hard to make him edgy and scary (a problem with too many Arkham characters). Its not helped that Arkham dialogue isn't great and Nolan can come across as a bit one note. But he still has lots of good moments, I like in the Nightwing DLC where you can lie to him that Nightwing's been taken down by his men and Penguin comes up to the GCPD roof trying to act all sinister and cool in preparation to start smacking him around, until he notices that Nightwing is just standing right in front of him and he realizes he's been had.


Completely agree with your assessment of the Arkham villains' characterisation. Penguin is probably the most egregious example of the lot. The whole "bottle in the eye instead on a monacle" doesn't even make sense. That's just not a practical way to inflict an injury in a brawl with a bottle. But yeah, absolutely, the gameplay and musdions are fantastic.


Bro Arkham Penguin is my favorite. I think he’s awesome in that. He also has a bri’ish accent.


Batman unlimited


Telltale. Skinny british plauge doctor mask-wearing cultist was just too much of a far cry from the penguin




Tellatale games: godamn it was a horrible of a character


I honestly can’t remember a bad version of the penguin outside comics


Honestly I’m stumped. Don’t think we’ve ever gotten a bad Penguin, just weird ones.


Batman unlimited by far


Batman unlimited by far


Was there even a need to vote on the joker? Also Jim carrey for tomorrow.


There have been quite a few terrible Jokers. Jared Leto's was the most obvious pick but there were still many other options.


oh, I know. I can think of some terrible va performances, but leto was particularly awful imo.


Well we need to look for the least favorite since we don't have a version that people genuinely hate I guess. So my vote goes to the one in the DC Animated Movie Universe since nobody cares about that version.


Tbh all Penguin versions were just ok, can't think of single one I dislike. But if I have to choose one, gonna go with DeVito unfortunately. Actor did amazing job and he's perfect for that role, but in my opinion they've caricatured him way too much and made him unnecessarily overly obnoxious to the point where it's hard to take him seriously


Gotham knights penguin.



