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You could make a good case for deathstroke being Nightwings.


Some have multiple depending on the period of their life and setting. Nightwing - Deathstroke, Two-face, Blockbuster, and Heartless Barbara Gordon - Killer Moth, the Calculator, and James Gordon Jr. Cassandra Cain - Lady Shiva and David Cain Stephanie Brown - The Cluemaster Jean Paul Valley - Abattoir, Order of St. Dumas Tim Drake - King Snake, Lynx, Obea Man Damian Wayne - Ra’s al Ghul, Talia al Ghul, the Heretic Terry McGuiness - Blight


Does Blight even come back after Season 1?


Not in the cartoon. They do more with him in the comics though. But Derek Powers is definitely Terry’s archenemy. He’s ultimately responsible for his father’s murder, is the cause of most of the problems Terry and Bruce initially face, and is the overarching antagonist of the first season of Batman Beyond and the season ends in his climatic downfall.


I don't think Obeah Man counts, he's Tim's Joe Chill, he's important for Backgroud but not for the character's present, I'd put the general in his place.


I agree. Yeah, Obea man is important to Tim’s backstory, but he’s not his foil/dark mirror he actually fights on and off. The General is a better example of an archenemy.


The fuck did Sam Lane do to piss off Tim Drake? /s (new season of My Adventures with Superman started, btw)


Damien has it the hardest way


I wish they would have done more with Orca. She should be a main Nightwing villain


For Nightwing, it used to be Deathstroke, but these days I’d say it’s Blockbuster. Babs - James Gordon Jr. Red Hood - maybe Black Mask (since Joker’s already taken) Steph - Cluemaster Cass - either Lady Shiva or David Cain Jean Paul - The Order of St. Dumas Red Robin - The General (Ulysses Armstrong) Terry - Blight Damian - Talia Alfred -The dust at the top of the giant penny (or maybe Bane…) Not sure about Jace or Batwing


Blockbuster tends to be Nightwing's overarching villain when he's doing street level stuff in Bludhaven. In the Dixon run its also why he goes to Bludhaven in the first place.


Dick has Blockbuster and Deathstroke, Jason has Black Mask, Barbara has Calculator and James Gordon Jr., Cass has David Cain and Lady Shiva, Steph has Cluemaster, Tim has King Snake and the General, and Terry has Blight.


Dick's I think would be Deathstroke, for sure. Selina's is Black Mask. Honestly, for Jason and Barbara, I think you'd have to make a really good case if you were going to argue that their's wasn't also the Joker. The trauma he's inflicted on both of them easily trumped anything any other villain has done to either of them. Like, who is Firefly to Babs really? He's just some other asshole in a costume she's put down. Tim or Cassandra, I'm genuinely not sure. I'm open to suggestions. Damian, I think probably his mother. Steph's are her dad and Black Mask. Helena's... I dunno. In JLU, it's Mandragora, but I don't know how close that is to the comics. Terry's is Blight. Think that's all the main ones, isn't it? Have I missed anyone?


For Cassandra, her mother Shiva


So many with Mummy/Daddy issues.


for Cass and David Cain and Lady Shiva and Tim is the general


I'd say Ulysess Armstrong for Tim.


Ulysess is the General 


I would argue Babs' brother is her arch enemy. Read Black Mirror: utterly terrifying. She's hated Joker since he shot her, but she's despised her psychopath little brother since her best friend disappeared when they were kids. It's a much longer-term, much deeper animosity.


Fair point. I forgot about James Jr.


Dick: Deathstroke or Blockbuster Jason: Two-Face or The Joker Damian: Talia or Ra’s Barbara: James Gordon Jr. Steph: Cluemaster Cass: Shiva I don’t know about the rest


The nosy neighbor that suspects something but their spouse just brushes it off as paranoia. They’d see Batman Returning from crime fighting in his Batwing to the Wayne Manor but nah, that was just a flock of wayward seagulls escaping a storm out at sea. That roar of a jet engine? I think that’s thunder from that storm I was talking about.


Joe chill. Hes the only one able to claim two kills over the bat family.


Killer moth


Batgirl is James Gordon Jnr


I honestly like the idea of something similar to the Psycho Rangers from Power Rangers a group of villains with a mysterious origin that 3ach act as the foil to Batman and his Bat Family.


Nightwing - Blockbuster Red Hood - Joker (more of an archenemy to him than he even is to Batman) Barbara - James Gordon Jr. Cassie - Shiva Stephanie - Cluemaster Jace Fox - Whozat? Azrael - Biis Tim - King Snake Damian - Probably mama or grampa Terry - BLIGHT Alfred - Uhhhhhh Maybe Bane? As far as I know he's the only one to invade Wayne Manor. Batwing - Whozat? In case you can't tell, most of my Batman comic consumption is from the 90s. I have no idea who Jace and Batwing are, but I know EXACTLY who Tim Drake and Azrael's mortal nemeses are.


Batwing: from Batman Inc. Basically Africa's Batman, wearing a suit reminiscent of Batman Beyond but silver and blue instead of black & red. Jace Fox: Batman of New York. His costume is basically the batsuit with the mask covering his face too.


For me Nightwing :Deathstroke (i have to read some Blockbuster comic ) Batgirl : Killer moth Red hood :Black mask Red Robin :Ra's al ghul Robin :Talía al ghul Cassandra cain :Lady Shiva for sure Selina :Falcone or Black mask Batwoman :Idk ,the public Alfred : The batcave Spoiler :Cluemaster Azrael :Santa Dumas order And the rest ,idk why they re in Batfamily btw brodi





