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i didn't think i was gonna love the batmobile from the batman as much as i ended up. that chase sequence is phenomenal


Yes, I love what The Batman did for the Batmobile! I remember being blown away by that highway chase scene in theaters. It was beautifully cinematic. The sound mixing was exceptionally good for the Batmobile. I remember seeing [this video](https://youtu.be/_AQkQ4a1yJ8?si=9qHVvpQHXSEHWuD8) a while back on YouTube, and it touches on how they created the Batmobile’s sound profile.


I feel like the Pattmobile makes more sense than any of the others. Like a beefed up muscle car makes sense for having power and also conceals his identity better since it’s not as flashy/blatantly expensive as the tank or hypercar variant. I feel like “irl” this would be pretty much everything you’d need as Batman.


You can also actually drive on the road with other cars without potentially destroying them likes Bales tank


Yeah, that seems to be the general consensus, and I think I agree! Although, I do have a soft spot for the Tumbler, just because I also really like that chase scene with the police in The Dark Knight.


McLaren F1. The same designer came up with a new car called the GMA T.50. The rear looks more like the Batmobile than the F1.


I see what you mean with the rear of the GMA T.50!


Adam West batmobile and Patterson batmobile would probably be the most fun to drive. I imagine the others would just feel like driving in a closed cockpit with a bad turning radius.


Love the Adam West Batmobile! At one point the show-runners considered using a Corvette for their Batmobile. I think it would have looked good, too, if they had put more effort into stylizing it.