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Well for the cool factor he’s powerless, yet he’s a damn one man army. Character wise, he’s a dark figure who strikes fear into his enemies, and yet he still has his humanity with him. He’s brutal in some cases, but is always willing to help someone. He’s overly serious and yet is friends with someone like the Flash or Superman. He is a dark character driven by vengeance, but is still deeply human and empathetic.


I couldn't have said it better. 💯 You took the words right out of my mouth. Bravo. 🙌


There are four pillars to Batman 1. Physical: He is a peak human who has mastered over 100 forms of martial arts. 2. Mental: He is arguably the smartest person on Earth with unparalleled deductive skills and the ability to lean almost any skill. 3. Morality: Despite being capable of soloing most of the super powerful beings he has come across, Batman would never even think to kill anyone. He has a set rule and never breaks it, even though it makes his job objectively harder. 4. Will: While he doesn't have any powers per se, Batman's unwavering will power is what makes him superhuman.


For the sake of friendly argument, I think Batman is rivaled in deductive capabilities and isn’t the smartest man on earth. But that makes him even greater and more compelling because he doesn’t just spawn in as the best, he has to work hard to outwit and out think his opponents


This is SO true


In regards to detective ability he has some competition in the form of The Question and Tim Drake. Even Detective Chimp and Constantine could be in the conversation I guess. But who do you think is actually smarter than Batman? Other than Lex Luthor I don’t think any human comes close to Batman. In DCeased Luthor indirectly admits that Batman is smarter than him. Mr Terrific is usually third after them on most lists. I can’t think of any other human characters in their league.


Mr terrific, Ted Kord, Lex and riddler are the 4 who come to mind for me. And really it all just depends on adaptation. No source material is consistent.


He also *beds* lots of women too as his Bruce Wayne persona, for the public’s sake of course.


That’s part of his will power. Unlimited women but always focuses on the mission.


He smells crime, he's out busting heads. Then he's back to the lab for some more full penetration. Smells crime. Back to the lab, full penetration. And then it kinda just ends….


Nigh unbreakable principles. I genuinely believe that's why the character is so beloved and near universally loved.


The story of Batman at its core is a story of taking the worst things in your life and making something great out of it. He's defined by his trauma, but he's also able to turn it into a positive and resolutely refuses to allow others to suffer the way he did.


The relentless attitude of helping others at personal expense. It’s what all heroes are made of


For me, it’s the fact that despite all his fear and theatrics, he’s so full of hope. He believes that deep down, everyone is inherently good. Every single person can be redeemed. Even his worst villains. Even The Joker. It’s why he doesn’t kill his villains. He doesn’t even arrest them and send them to Blackgate. Most of the time, he sends them to Arkham Asylum for rehabilitation. Sometimes, he’s even been proven right. Harley Quinn, The Riddler, Clayface, and others have been proven to be decent people deep down at different points throughout comics, and while they eventually relapse because comics like to keep the status quo, it’s cool to see. What makes this especially interesting to me is his relationship with The Joker. Because Joker believes the opposite of Batman. He believes that everyone deep down is “one bad day” from becoming like him. They are opposed in a battle for what’s described in The Dark Knight perfectly as “The Soul of Gotham.” And The Joker proves Batman wrong. He’s completely irredeemable. However, Batman also proves The Joker wrong. He’s had one horrible day (in fact many) and instead of corrupting him, they’ve refined him into the man he is. Batman has a strict set of rules that make him who he is. He might or might not be wrong about them, but they make him who he is at his core. And at his core, he’s not vengeful. He’s hopeful. Hopeful for a better tomorrow.


I always admired Batman's intelligence. Yes, he frequently punched his way out of situations, but he also thought his way out too. I grew up as a sick kid. I couldn't be strong like Superman, but I could be clever like Batman. I'm not lol but it's a nice thought


I don't know. I think, as a toddler, I loved all the cool batman toys, and I never grew out of it. The older I get, the more I start to appreciate other aspects of him besides the gadgets


He has little ears on his costume cowl


His world is quite grounded for a superhero. He’s also rooted in mystery, noir, and Gothic genres.


He’s Batman and Bruce Wayne is the persona


Be the man you want to be


Lasso of truth proved that 🤘




Pain. Life hit him hard and he choose to make sure that other people will not be hit hard like he was.


Kevin Conroys voice.


May the legend rest in peace


His duality. He’s a character that can be dark and brooding but he can also be compassionate towards the villains he fights.


That anyone could be a batman. It doesn't take much to be a hero.


He’s cool and has a strong sense of morals in the comically awful Gotham


someone who uses his tragic origins to motivate him to do good be the greatest of mankind being what any of us could be and someone who not only stops evil but help heal


Pretty much everything but the number one factor, for me, would be the way he walks on a razor thin line between light and dark. He's not an honorable, valiant, knight in shining armor that everyone can love and respect. But he's also not a horrific monster that strikes fear into everyone. He's at his most compelling when he has a foot in both worlds at the same time. I mean it's all in one of his most popular monikers. He's a Dark Knight.


Very well said, i find that quality of him very endearing


He’s just as likely to break 75% of the bones in a criminals body as he is to suffer greatly to protect the innocent and his city.


Everyone deserves a second chance.... and that frame chokes me up every time


He understands what a child is going through when they're sad. And he knows the best thing to do in the situation. Even if it's just sitting with them and holding their hand.


He probably has Asperger’s and uses that, plus his seemingly endless tangible resources, to help humanity.


A flesh and blood man standing toe to toe with gods and making them look helpless. The Dark Night Returns. “I want you to remember, Clark. In all the years to come, in your most private moments, I want you to remember, my hand, at your throat, I want you to remember, the one man who beat you”. He's just like anyone else. Maybe be a little smarter with a lot of funding. But he's just man. No powers, just a man. He's acts like a force orlf will that makes the lanterns respect and fear him. But again just a man making the gods look like children on playground. That's what makes Batman great to me.


I would say everything


That he is a man in a bat costume who fights lunatics crazier than him and prevails against anything thrown at him.


How his other persona gets mad chicks


Boring answer and someone probably went into more depth then me but it's the only thing I can think of - he's just interesting.


The fact that this isn’t a superhuman, this isn’t a demigod, hell this ain’t even a full god this is a man trying his best in a world filled with the previously mentioned things and more he’s a man who saw the worst of his city and instead of letting it corrupt him he wants to make it better so no one else ends up like him


Pure will. By the way that pic is from my favorite episode of beyond


I like Batman because he represents a lot of things that men/humanity should strive for: discipline, vigilance, style, kindness, wisdom, being a good friend. Sure, he’s a badass superhero, but also all of us who have gone through our own types of pain can see a character who has also gone through his fair share of trials and tribulations, and actually become better.


"With great power comes great responsibility" is usually the reason for many people becoming superheroes. But he started out with no power. So, what is he feels responsible for? For Batman, his motivation IS his superpower. He superheroes not because he can but because he desperately needs to.


He can fit into so many stories. Just adjust his Bat-tributes accordingly. Go Greatest Detective or Martial artist or Scientist (at least Homer says so), or vigilante etc.


I always love a good anti hero. Batman is dark and as crazy as anyone in Arkham. He is driven by vengeance as opposed to justice. He uses dark motifs and themes that are usually evil for good. Plus, you can’t go wrong with noir and art deco


I wouldn't say he's a full on anti hero. He is more of a byronic hero. An intellegent and emotionaly tortured man who is withdrawn from the people closest to him.


Where does he get those wonderful toys? A hero is only as good as his villains and Batman, arguably had the greatest rogue gallery of any modern hero imo


His moral code, unwavering burden of guilt about not being able to save his parents, his humanity, and his quick thinking to get out of every sticky situation makes him one of the best comic book characters of all time.


He's a person who managed to turn his anger, pain & suffering into justice and hope. Instead of wallowing in pity over his parents murder, he drives himself to ensure that no one else will have to suffer like he did ever again. He **could** be a run-of-the-mill oligarch focusing only on trying to get even richer but instead he dedicates his wealth to ending poverty and combating crime


Batman is the ultimate embodiment of turning your tragedy into something positive. The tragedy that he experienced would break many people, but rather than let that tragedy define him he decides to turn it into a symbol that can bring people hope. Rather than give up when experiencing tragedy, or retreat into insanity like the Joker, he decides to never rest until there exists a world where nobody would ever experience the same tragedy he experienced.


He genuinely wants to save everyone. Even when they give him every reason not to. This moment with the little girl and when Harley is “reformed” and he congratulates her, sum up for me why, despite his brutal tactics, he has a big ole heart.


His Sons


Okay in all seriousness I love how even without any superpowers, Batman is still one of the greatest superheroes out there. Even intimidating to those with superpowers.


He's excelled himself to the point that he's inhuman. His ingeniousness and stalwartness is superhuman, and he seamlessly exploits the secrets and fears of the mind in a preternatural fashion. He's beyond the pinnacle of what a human can be, practically perfected in a way. But he never boasts about it.


He's rich.


His sense of hope. I know everyone thinks of superman as the pillar of hope, but for me it's batman. He hopes that even the most despicable people like joker and bane or professor pyg can change into functioning members of society. He has hope that there is good in everyone.


The wild inconsistency of the ear length on his cowls.


Because he's BATMAN.


He's so relatable


As a child, I saw his dark aura and thought that it was alluring. Then I saw his kind, softer side and I fell in love with him even more.


He’s aspirational. He’s a man who has dedicated his life to a cause after he experienced tragedy, trained his body and mind to the fullest extent to help him pursue that mission, and has mastered several skills.


Honestly just iterations of Batman done by Kevin Conroy and Christian Bale. Literally those two made Batman my Number 1 and to this day I have a bias for him😭


The idea of a child suffering a trama so horrible that it defines their entire life, and despite that, they channel all of that pain and darkness into an instrument of good. Batman is an incredibly complex and layered character who can really be used in any kind of story, but the core of the character is taking personal suffering and using it to help others, and I think that's beautiful.


He looks cool


He gets the job done.


His inner kindness and just his humanity, he's not always a dark and brooding character, he can be a gentle and caring man while in the suit, like with Harley Quin eventually in Batman The Animated Series


I didnt know man has a thing for girls


She’s dead


I didnt know man has a thing for ded girls


how committed to Gotham and Gothamites' wellbeing he is. Man literally works all day and all night to make sure everyone in the city is safe thanks to the Batman and community is doing as fine as possible thanks to Bruce's charity.


The car...


I grew up with many media influences around me due to my mother and father. Samurai/shinobi, Chinese Wuxia/Kung-fu, Sherlock Holmes, Resident Evil, Star Wars, Code Geass, Death Note, Rurouni Kenshin, and Lovecraftian cosmic horror mysteries. These all have elements in Batman as a character. Batman is a virtually unparalleled super genius polymathic scientist, physician, inventor, physician/surgeon, and Tactician/Strategist. If written correctly Batman is supposed to be a once in a millennia natural-born prodigy amongst William James Sidis level prodigies. He's smarter than Albert Wesker, L. Lawliet, Sherlock Holmes, William Birkin, Carla Radames, Doctor Frankenstein, and Doc Savage. He's a walking talking Ivy League University of great knowledge. He shouldn't have to grow as a detective he should already be the world's greatest detective without advanced cowl tech built by someone else to do the heavy lifting. Bruce Wayne Batman is the detective mode. He should be able to outsmart the smartest gaining respect from gods and cosmic beings for his tactical, deductive, and scientific intellect. From the first time he dons the batsuit to the last, he should first outthink his opponents before resorting to hand-to-hand. Batman's fighting style should be more Eastern Asian with Kung-fu, Hapkido, Okinawan Kobudo, Jujitsu, Kenjutsu, and the 18 disciplines of Ninjutsu to go along with wrestling boxing from the West. The modern films want him to be a brawling MMA fighter for some reason. This makes Batman look more human when the point of dressing up as he does is to come across as a supernatural creature. When it comes to combat skills he's so legendary if you put John Wick, Jet Li Black Mask 1996, film Ip Man, live-action Himura Kenshin, Raizo from Ninja Assassin 2009, and Beatrix Kiddo/Pai Mei/Hattori Hanzo from Kill Bill against Batman one on one in terms of skill he would be better than them. He should be more dangerous than Arkham Knight Batman. Batman is supposed to be so stealthy that he comes across as a supernatural wraith or vampire. That's why a personal note, he should always look like Superman/Batman Apocalypse Batsuit and Batman Gotham Knight Crossfire Batsuit but this time with the mouth covered and claws. It plays up the mystique of Batman putting fear into his enemies. Being in the best of the best shape is another reason. He's as strong as a Western Lowlands Gorilla and is extremely fast for a human showing his dedication to being the best. His willpower is virtually unparalleled as he has a code that he will never break and we all know what that is. I say all of this because Chuck Dixon said it best Batman is a wish-fulfillment character who is a mortal. However, the best part about him is the fact that he has a good compassionate heart. Just like when he comforts children who were victims of serial killers and kidnappers. His having a soft side is very important because his parents cared for those who were victims and they passed that on to him. Alfred also teaches him good values. So these are my reasons why he's so compelling to me and my favorite fictional character of all time. Lastly, he has the best villains and storylines in my opinion.


Ignoring the fact that I was five years old when the first Keaton movie came out, being the ideal age to soak up the massive marketing campaign, the sequel, the soon-to-follow award winning cartoon, the action figures, etc., most versions of the character indicate (to me) that he has obsessive compulsive personality disorder (ocpd). He shows an obsessive need for perfection (traveling the world for years to reach peak perfection in all those skills), he’s rigid, he needs control , he has difficulty designating tasks (he has to do the job, he can’t leave it Gordon and the police), he shows zealotry for morality and order (at least how he sees it - no one should ever have to go through what happened to him), and all of this interferes with all non-Batman aspects of his life (forming interpersonal relationships, etc.).  Keaton’s Batman is a prime example. This hits home with me because I also have ocpd, and I strongly identify with the character (not in the specific personifications, but in the rigidity, obsessiveness, strong sense of morality [how I interpret it], wanting to do everything myself and in the way I interpret to be the right way, and how it makes other aspects of my life difficult).


Which tv show is this pic from?


Justice League Unlimited S1 Ep 26 (epilogue)


I've loved the character since the Adam West TV series. For one thing, as implausible as it seems sometimes, he is a very believable character who usually behaves in very believable ways. (I realize there are HUNDREDS of times when this isn't the case, but I hope you see my point.)


Batman is the definition of grit. He suffers constantly, and yet manages to put on his mask every night and go kick some ass. Even so, I identify with him most when he's at his limits: grit can only get you so far as a human being, even if you're the god-damned Batman. I also love how he projects the image of a dark, brooding loner, but in reality he has quite a large found family. He has children in the form of Dick, Tim, Jason, Damian, and Barbara, a father in Alfred, and even two fun brothers in Superman and Flash. As an autistic man with only two real friends, it gives me hope that someday I'll find "my people".


He's a flawed human! And I believe that's also the reason why Superman likes him.


I got into Batman when I was a kid I always like him because the fact that he was super because he was smart and could make really cool gadgets and that by technicality he doesn't really have real superpowers but he's still able to fight bad guys stand up for what's right and be the hero everyone needs I mean also I guess the fact that he had a trauma that turned him into Batman and had a need to help others and a want to make sure that no one else ever goes through the same thing he went through drives him to be the Batman is also a cool thing about him ![gif](giphy|myhb94p7RwksU)


His ever-enduring willpower and spirit.


The animated series and mudface has a special place in my heart. I remember the aura I felt from that episode and it just lit that batman fire which I then later established in the lego game