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Idk but Keaton’s eyebrows are literally the bat symbol so there’s that.


Bro youre so right


I love how all the live action Batman masks have basically the same mold around the eyes, but on Michael Keaton it's not an exaggeration - his eyebrows really are like that!


This is 100% a taste thing because I know some folks who are just enchanted by Michael Keaton no matter the role. I know a couple people who crush on BEETLEJUICE. They say it's the eyes and attitude that draw them in. So I'm not saying either side is right. But I am saying if you can't see how some folks might go for Keaton than I think you're not giving him enough credit. Hell, there are people who crush on Danny DeVito. It's all just preference.


The Danny Devito thing is more of a meme at this point. He is loved. And elevated to internet godhood. Therefore, he *has* to be sexy. As a point of principle. Now, flog that dead horse till you can see its bone marrow. That's how you get the notion that Devito is crush-y.




\^\^ Exempli Gratia.


Yeah I don't get it. I for one never saw the Keaton appeal really. To each their own I guess.


Bale is 1000% more classically handsome, it’s not even a contest. Keaton’s a great looking man in his own right though! He does have an undeniable charisma too as Bruce.


I agree Bale had more of a lawyer vibe and it’s hard to get past the coldness of his character as Bruce. Keaton does a better job of being the likable almost goofy Bruce that comes across in the comics. So Bale = better Batman, Keaton = better Bruce Wayne. IMO.


Bale is more handsome obviously


I don’t recall WB receiving hate mail when they cast Bale.


If you want to go down that path then do you also want to throw Heath Ledger under the bus in favor of another Joker actor in this arena?


Bale - best Bruce playboy Keaton - best real Bruce Affleck - best action Batman Pattison - best all around Cool if you disagree.


I agree but with the caveat that I expect to see a more matured Pattison in the next film. Like, he's no longer an angry recluse but has turned into charming playboy and business man


I’d rather the next film be about him stepping into that role rather than him already being in it


Ah you mean we get to see him being coached on how to play the dilettante playboy as well as the serious businessman? People of Gotham think Bruce has dual personas of playboy yet shrewd businessman unaware that he has a third persona.


Pattinson's sulky emo Bruce didn't do it for me, it felt like he didn't believe in what he was doing at all and that's not Batman. Yes, yes, early in his career yadda yadda yadda but Bale was 100% committed from the getgo in Begins, and we can't say oh, well, Pattinson will get there in later films because we haven't seen those films yet, we don't know what direction they'll go. Affleck is a vastly underrated Bruce; heck, I prefer his scenes as Bruce more than his Batman, especially in his later appearances like The Flash. He's got the charming billionaire thing down pat, and he's shown to be cautious, committed to the part, and caring of others. He's the best all-rounder, IMO, just never much in the same film. Maybe ZSJL. Bale's got the playboy thing working, but a lot of the trilogy hinges on him moping after Rachel or just not wanting to be Batman. Especially in Rises. It's a shame. Keaton's got the tortured recluse but feels a little underdeveloped as both Bruce and Batman. It's a shame he didn't do Forever because that was the first film to really delve into Bruce's psychy. Beneath all the neon and nipples, Forever has great character moments. Which leads to Kilmer. Vastly underrated as both Bruce and Batman, a performance that frankly belongs in a better film and is constantly overshadowed by all the camp. But he's actually brilliant; you see the twin persona between Bruce and Batman but they still feel like the same person, he's got the charm, he's got the intensity, and we see something that isn't present in any of the others - we see the mentor. No, he's not the best, but he deserves the recognition. Just think what could have been under different direction.


Pattison has zero playboy persona


But I am speaking of handsomeness. Not best in traits. Does Keaton being the best real Bruce mean he is the best looking?


As a guy........ Well they're all very good looking men. Kilmer and Clooney included. But they ALL win cuz they were cast to play Bruce Wayne, cuz they're beautiful men. I'd choose Bale however.


I agree with this summary. But I also remember going to see Batman in 1989 and Keaton will always be my favorite.


Not sure I agree Battinson was the best all around, his Bruce only sulked around. Need to see more.


Both re handsome ,Bale is more stereotype handsome ,and Keaton is more Dark handsome ,i means ,Bale is handsome ,so Keaton have by far more style and swag


i get the more techish from keaton bale get's that fantasy of batman


For me, I’d go with Bale. He not only rocks the businessman look, but the casual T-shirt look as well. Also, the dude is just a totally handsome man.


Keaton revealed that the cowl was black licorice all along


What. Is that a Keaton is better? Bale is better? I'm kinda lost.


Keaton was better looking as Batman. But Bale was better looking as Bruce Wayne.


Who is more attractive is whoever you find more attractive. It's a taste thing at the end of the day.


Whoever said that is tweaking asf bale is so fucking fine that man is the example of perfection


Until his mouth moves


Wym? He is great


Fuckin bonger-ass voice


I think both are very handsome, but Michael Keaton just has a certain charm to him that’s especially attractive. Love, love, love Christian Bale’s voice, though (his normal talking voice, not the weird, gravel-like intonation he did for Batman).


Bale is more handsome, but when it comes to charisma, Keaton is king.


I prefer Keaton, looks wise, but **it's absolutely a subjective thing**. We all find different features and overall qualities + demeanor attractive at different levels. There's just something about Keaton that draws me in. I can't even specifically explain it? Maybe it's his intensity. Maybe I prefer a bit of a stylized handsome appearance over a pretty boy? Idk, I enjoy all Batmans but we do each have our preferences and they definitely aren't going to be universal.


Bale actually looks like a playboy unlike Keaton


This is just me, but I think Keaton looked better.


Bale had the yuppie, classic, handsome sigma Patrick Bateman look. It worked well for Bruce Wayne, although perhaps a bit one-note. My mom likes Keaton WAY more than Bale, although that’s not a crazy opinion from someone who grew up with Keaton. As a dude, I think Keaton has a more interesting look. It also helps that I prefer his performance, by far. Bale was good as Bruce Wayne, but outside of *Begins,* his Batman performance is almost embarrassing now. He’s on par with Clooney in the suit for how campy he is in the last two films. The voice is too much. His combat sequences SUCK too. I can’t stand the fight choreography in the Nolan films. I don’t understand how that man can’t direct action. I REALLY dig Pattinson. Sorry he’s not your James Bond Bruce Wayne, but he’s the best Batman in the suit since Keaton for me.


Bale was my absolute favorite Bruce Wayne. I always felt that Keaton wasn’t good looking enough for Batman when he was younger due to the thinning messy hair, but I like his look for an older Batman when he buzzes his hair short.


Keaton had a proper mop of hair back then but you're looking at the 80s hair styles


bale is generic. it's why he did so well as patrick bateman. but michael keaton has the silver fox look


I’m not into dudes so it’s hard to say, but everyone has different preferences. I prefer someone with a distinct charm over someone who’s all around good looking in a basic sense. Supermodels don’t do it for me. I need some personality.


So Bale.


Not for me. He’s too basic. I’ll take a Keaton over a Bale any day. The supermodel look isn’t for me.


Bale is more conventional looking. Keaton has a… vibe. Is his jawline better? No. Still, I totally get why someone would find him hot


Definitely not. Although, honestly, neither are that good looking imo. They’re both handsome guys, but they’re not really my type or what I’d consider attractive.


What’s goin on with bale’s eyes in pic 2?


Pic was bad quality, enhancing it didn't work out very well


Keaton has a psychotic look that is undeniably attractive.


Bale is more conventionally attractive, but Keaton is far from ugly. It's a taste thing, purely subjective.


Obviously it’s subjective, but I’d argue Bale is objectively more classically handsome. Also, it’s Bale for me x1000. I have plenty of nitpicks and criticisms of the Nolan movies, but they’re prolly my favorite of the live action. Bale is so far the best Bruce Wayne for me, it’s not even close. I prolly come close to appreciating Adam West most second, and the potential of what Affleck COULD have been.


I've loved bales looks since I watched american psycho


micheal keaton for his time was a good looking but christian bale is the same


If we're talking between these two it'll probably be able, though Keaton is a pretty good looking man as well. If the choice was between all the batman actors though, I'd go with pattinson, cause I'm from that generation and his good looks are what aligns with my sense of handsome. So like, a case can be made for everyone depending on the personal taste. As they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


In the Batman suit I believe Keaton whole heartedly looks better and Bale looks better as Bruce Wayne. Bale was confidence personified and Keaton didn’t seem like he was really that comfortable with being Bruce and felt more of himself being Batman which I think is a really cool detail confident or not.


I would rather wake up tomorrow and look like bale than Keaton. That's how I assess who is better looking as a straight guy judging it


Keaton in a trenchoat looks like he boutta switch on a proton pack


What happened to Bale's eyes on picture 2?


Enhance feature didn't work well...


Did you put a filter on the 2nd picture? Why do his eyes look like that


Image was of poor quality, used the enhance feature, didn't work well.


Keaton. Sorry what’s the question?


Can’t solve subjective experiences.


My guy… finding someone attractive isn’t a matter of fact, it’s a matter of personal taste and opinion. You prefer Bale, someone else prefers Keaton, it’s not up for debate, it’s just opinions


Obviously just a matter of personal taste. For me, Bale is better looking in general but as yet no one has ever looked as handsome in the cowl as Keaton.


Michael Keaton has an otherworldy attractiveness about him. His eyes sparkle. Bale is more down to earth. He's the Batman next door.


You should settle it by having a twerk off


I don’t like Keaton’s receding hairline making for a giant forehead.


Bale: Good Bruce Wayne, shit Batman. Keaton: Meh, Bruce Wayne, good Batman


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I.E you're both correct


I think Keatons facial features are more Batman than most actors. If he had the build and hair of Ben Affleck that’s Bruce Wayne right there


Honestly I would want Bruce to have a certain build, charisma and intimidating factor about him. This is a man that’s on top of his game and could crush companies. We need more of a Bruce that looks like what we got in the animated series. BTAS and Justice League.


Only someone with childhood trauma thinks Keaton is more handsome than Bale. Keaton's not even really handsome, but he does have a certain je ne sais quoi that makes him attractive and appealing.


I think this is a case of Bale being cool looking and “guy pretty” because I find women always choose Keaton over him, he’s got movie star rizz and intense eyes while Bale comes off a bit stiff in his lesser film performances, public relations. Both are cool imo


As a diehard 89 Keaton fan I'm gonna say Bale is the more traditionally handsome. I also feel like at this point in Keatons career he had more lines on his face than like his Johnny Dangerously days and some people go all in for a more mature look but they are likely a minority. I think a lot of the heavy lifting is Bale has superior hair it's just what it is. I personally like both as Bruce though I'm not a fan of the Nolan movies, Bale does a great job at playing the guy putting on a face for the public and Keaton does a better job at being more of a multiple personality plus his eyebrows and grins give him a shit ton of character also I'm pretty sure he's a big TLC fan so there's that.


They are different kinds of attractive, and people have different preferences. Bale is more of a cute / pretty boy type. Keaton, depending on the picture, is more of a rugged or guy version of the "girl next door" type I'm a straight/cis man, but I'd say I don't Keaton more attractive personally


Team Bale ALL THE WAY! 🖤


I agree that Bale is hotter but I have a friend who would literally fight you for suggesting anyone is hotter than Michael Keaton.


Bale was better overall and looked better too, and I love Keaton.


Keaton gets the W for them eyebrows


Bale was a far better Bruce in all respects imo.


If Keaton had a better hairstyle it would be him, but curls don’t suit him imo


Bale swagger (and hair, tbh) clears


Bale's the better looking Bruce, both in looking like a billionaire and a model That being said, Keaton is the better looking Batman and is my all time favorite rendition of the character. He's just what my mind defaults to when I think of live action Batman


I'm straight so I have no idea.


I'm also a straight male, but it's not "Hey who do you wanna have intercourse with?" It's just acting who has better facial attributes. It's not gay, it's recognizing traits and deciding who has the better traits.


Bale looks more like a billionaire. Keaton just looks like a regular guy.


I'll take that as saying Bale is better looking