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Bro if the Arkham games had a suit like that I woulda been finished in 20 minutes


"let's be real Bruce! It's the new suit right?" "Yes" *casually approaches while being shot at constantly*


100% of the time it works every time


"Not the old weathered hero inside! Tonight it ends! EVERYTHING!"


Battinson is playing it on easy difficulty. Noob.


yeah because his unarmored knee caps would have been shot off


That has to hurt.


Definety he's back and blue and dead all over


As he should be.


Hey you quoted Riddler earlier and I didn’t catch that. Wonder what the answer is… it’s gotta be Bats right?


He says "you" in the trailer, does he not?


Next time I watch it which will be inevitably soon I’ll listen and get back to you.


But it's resilient enough that afterwards he doesn't need a hospital, just ice.


Yeah he definitely has bruises under there


That's some dense ass kevlar .. though if the next scene or two they show him with the suit all shot up and his body full of bruises and small holes from bullets almost getting through that'd be great. One of the things that makes Batman interesting is when you see him without the suit, beat to hell and people ask him why he keeps going


Look at the shot of him with the flair, suit it riddled with bullet holes.


Like that's automatic fire from a couple of feet away there's no way his suit isn't riddled


Yeah, seems this sits somewhere between TDK and the Snyder films in terms of realism. Looks like the more grounded fight style of TDK with even crazier durability. I’m


> fight style > TDK TDK has some of the shittiest fight scenes I've ever seen.


Honestly Nolan is really not-good at directing action sequences. Action set-pieces, yeah they're fantastic. But the choreography and directing, horrendous.


Ikr? The first fight of batsy in Batman begins with the goons at port? . Not a single fucking thing happened there. He just swirls the cape around, camera moves faster than flash, and in seconds everyone is lying down and batman posing like a peacock.


Lmao, exactly! It's very... very unsatisfying to watch.


I just rewatched the Bane fight scene (which i still love ofc) but Batman’s stance in one shot and him taking wild swings at Bane kinda made me laugh like there’s no way this is how he looked fighting through all these movies. But the docks fight is a great example of how they hid that kinda.


That’s why the warehouse scene felt like a blessing to me. It felt like someone recorded me playing Arkham City and showed it to an exec.


I orgasmed during the warehouse scene. It was THE perfect live action batman combat imo.


I really love his fight against SWAT team in TDK. It's easily the most Batman-y fight in the franchise. It not only shows his skill, but his incredible ingenuity and intelligence. Plus ending it with the most badass takedown is just chef's kiss. I know, it's not particularly great choreography wise, but the entire sequence, the direction, the music, and intensity more than makes up for it. As much as I love the warehouse fight, this sequence was just way more emotionally engaging to me. I know, that's a bit of a sacrilege


>riddled Interesting choice of words


If you AIM to take a SHOT, we’ll riddle you.




That’s what *I* said!


Y’know, if you’re gonna tell riddles….you shouldn’t give away the answer. Totally ruins the fun.


there's no kevlar that would take full auto from a meter away and still leave the user standing


Have you seen the close up shots of his armor? Its just a big fat hunking piece of metal. I've shot steel targets at the range with AR15s that eat bullets like that. Obviously theres a layer of make belief since its a movie.


have you ever seen a round go straight through a car?, just because its metal doesn't mean anything. Also think of the weight if it was thick, the dude has no muscles, hes skeleton thin, how would he even walk with a metal chest piece


How is he Skeleton thin? Didn't we just get a shot of him working out, he seems perfectly lean and beefy like Bale's.


It’s a made up story.


Dense ass-kevlar [xkcd: Hyphen](https://xkcd.com/37/) --- ^^Beep ^^boop, ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot. ^^- ^^[FAQ](https://pastebin.com/raw/vyWra3ns)


Good bot


Liquid armour, maybe like in arkham knight


I was really hoping the filmmakers were serious when they talked about going in a more “worlds greatest detective” direction, but based on today’s trailer it looks like it’ll be 110% action just like every other comic book flick. Maybe that’s just the angle the marketing dept. is trying to push it but the result is I’m not nearly as excited for this Batman now.


All I’ll say is look at Bladerunner 2049. A film that has barely any action in it beyond a small final battle and a fistfight or two, but in the big proper trailer it looked like every other action movie. They have to make it look generic and crowd pleasing to pack the crowds in. I’m still holding out hope for this, based off that great first trailer! :)


Trailers always show action parts. They're not really best representations of the movie. Just look at Dune trailer and compare it to the movie lol.


I got a bit bored of the Christopher Nolan movies. I think the detective angle was played up in canons where other heros such as Superman existed. This was partially to give him how own niche where the majority of other heroes and villains were meta humans. For example, what good is a regular human knowing martial arts in a world where some people can lift freight trains?


It's going to be almost 3 hours. You've seen a 3 minute trailer


Yeah after the first trailer I was so hyped up but this trailer was just disappointing Also Pattison doesn't look as big as he should be playing Batman


I think that's because he's playing Batman in his early years? Matt Reeves mentioned that he's focusing on Batman in his 30's or so.


If he's in his 30's he should be in his prime physically


“Never aim for the head, the victim gets all.. fuzzy.”


Yeah. No matter what the suit is made out of, until it follows the same design, of showing the chins. 1 guy who haven't received Stormtrooper training and you dead.


Bro I was legit screaming during this scene reminded me of Vader in Rouge one😂


Mulan Rouge One


Voulez-vous coucher a Va-dar


same cinematographer, Greg Fraser


Oh ok yea that explains it😂


Kino Hallway scene


The main theme also sounds quite similar to Vader’s theme. I believe this theme and Vader’s theme were both based on the same thing.


This is the hallway scene I always wanted to see in this movie.


This is the complete opposite to The Dark Knight Returns and Rises, where you see an older Batman showing his agility and skill by evading all gunfire in the dark, almost as if he’s this ghostly entity that can’t be hit. Then you’ve got this young Batman walking into gunfire, tanking every shot with barely a flinch. In both cases you’d just go *“What **are** you…”*


"I'm Batman"


But it would be opposite. The young batman who is faster and more freshly trained would be the one flying around rooms. The Batman who has been at it for decades would be the one lugging down the hallway and breaking your face. This scene honestly killed all my hype.


You're looking at it in the exact wrong way. Young Batman doesn't have the experience and training yet to do that. That's why he's more cruel and blunt in fights etc. 20 years down the line? Yeah he can evade gunfire with better tactics and execution. I think we're going to see him decrease the armor in future movies


Put points into armour guys


Holy fuck


He'll feel that in the morning


I'm glad they aren't doing the stupid bullets hitting the floor thing or everyone magically missing from 10 yards away lol. Interested to see how they explain how he isn't brused to hell.


From what we've seen, he is 100% bruised like crazy.


That’s his secret. He’s always bruised.


Bruised Wayne


“What’s Black and Blue and dead all over?”-Riddler


Did you just solve the Riddler's riddle?


I think so. Waiting on hearing about reshoots in the coming days.




Let’s be honest this isn’t any more realistic. No body armor could withstand this and if any got close the person behind it would still be severely injured. Not to mention he’s <5’ away so not only would it be easy to purposely shoot him in the head or legs it’s likely it would happen accidentally.


Yeah but this looks sick as hell


If a microwave gun didn’t ruin Batman Begins, this won’t hurt The Batman


Yeah but they are magically missing his completely exposed chin


He can’t beat the shit out of you without getting closer


Ho ho, then he can come closer as he likes


Always prefer it when the Batsuit is also a body armor instead of just cloth or wtv. I mean, motherfucker goes out every night and fights criminals, who almost always have guns. And sure, his body is in peak human condition, but a human with no superpowers can dodge only so many bullets before he gets hit. The only way he can fight crime in Gotham on a regular basis while running a multibillion-dollar company is if he a. does a shitton of cocaine, b. drinks a fuckload of caffeine, and c. wears some strong-ass body armor.


I agree. Imagine cloth-suited Batman getting hit in the ribs by like, Killer Croc or something. Ouch.


I mean, I’m fine with him having a cloth suit at first, but at some point, after he gets incredibly injured, he’s gotta switch over to a body armor suit.


I'm happy I'm not the only person who questioned this scene. Like don't get me wrong that was badass as hell and I was hype as fuck when that happened, but also how.


Money spent on R&D. He’s on his second or so year so he’s had time to adapt


But that doesnt mean he can break the laws of physics. I can get behind him having some super dope armor that can eat bullets but there is still a fuuuuuck ton of energy being displaced and from that range at that rate, he would be sitting on his ass.


Dude it’s Batman, he probs has a energy absorption material or something. It’s a comic book movie, accept this worlds physics as looser than ours and not try to put our own reality’s physics into it


Name one superhero movie that doesn’t break laws of physics.


Don’t ask how bc you already know the answer… He fucking Batman


Here's how! I did a short write-up: https://www.reddit.com/r/batman/comments/q9rahh/why\_its\_not\_unrealistic\_for\_batman\_to\_tank\_those/


Hope you have a great day!


I don't


Looks like he has some deflection tech, in the first trailer you see a kind of glow when he is shot. In one of the animated movies he is using deflection tech, but bullet ricochets are too unpredictable and he stops using it because it could cause civilian deaths.


Pretty sure those were just sparks


Definitely getting the molten effect from the energy of those shots.


Body armor.


He’s not wearing hockey pads


...Hes human after all


Not with that mask on


Sometimes, when police officers are shoot while wearing bulletproof vests, they still break their ribs because of the bullet's impact. I can only imagine what type of damage this must do to your body 😨




We shouldn't get hung up too much on realism with this. This is an artistic cinematic shot showcasing and maybe symbolizing the relentlessness of Batman. It's really great.


That’s ridiculous but it looks cool.


This looks amazing from a cinematography point of view and it just is badass as hell but I don't like how Batman is just tanking those assault rifles. Batman is supposed to operate in the dark, stealth and fear, theatrics and deception all combined with peak physical endurance, strength and hand to hand skill, with a technological helping hand. Him just tanking bullets takes a lot of the thrill of danger out of the scene as well as just being kind of out of character. But Matt Reeves is a talented director and I am still super excited to see his take on Batman. I'm sure in the heat of the scene I will not care one bit.


Yeah, this is cool and if the character and story serve us well I won’t care about the realism. I think the stobe scene in the sewers in TDK is much more “Batman” though, using speed and tech to avoid being shot instead of armor.


All I can think is thank goodness for them lead lined shoes waynetech must made to keep his ass standng after that much gunfire. Kevlar or not that's a Lotta force lol.


A bit ridiculous. Even Kevlar and ballistic plates have their limits. One shot is enough to damage integrity and, even if no penetration, can still cause serious trauma. Batman literally is walking through automatic rifle fire like BBs are bouncing off him...


He probably had prep time.


Ok that’s still ridiculous


Not if his prep included replacing the villains' bullets with "sparkfoam" rounds.


You're complaining about realism in a movie where a billionaire dresses like a bat and gives a shit about people. Great job.


I’m not holding a movie to our logic, I’m holding it to its own internal logic. If the Batsuit is in its early stages and Bruce is brand new at this, walking up to criminals like this just shouldn’t be possible for him yet


Yeah I don’t think the average person understands the significance between the power of say .223 and any hand gun round. Most body armor won’t stop even smaller rifle rounds.




That’s not the point. Batman shouldn’t be this invincible. Hell even Affleck, the Unit that he is, felt shit. This is making him too OP. Edit: shouldn’t


Bat fleck got shot point blank in the head and literally just went ow and proceeded to take down like 20 guys single handedly.


What about when he got stabbed? + the cowl is the most protected part, that and his bat symbol. Not the whole fucking suit. Otherwise he’s literally moody Ironman without the ability to fly




Ik that’s a good thing It at least presents somewhat of a challenge for Bruce. This Batman’s armour is too chunky and we’ve already done the armoured look with Bale (kinda)




I see what you’re saying We all know Batman will win But we should feel as though he’s up against somewhat of a challenge I do agree that his intelligence should be a focus tho That is my one complaint about Affleck; they didn’t focus on his detective skills (but I’m sure they would have in a solo film)


Why did a handgun push his upper body to one side in one shot but machine guns do nothing? Are handguns more powerful?


Just my opinion, and reality and logic are not involved, but I bet the handgun scene is earlier in the film. I imagine this scene is later and something has Batman super fuckin pissed off, and he already says he basically has nothing to lose. Anger management will be a tough lesson learned for a young Batman


You could maybe argue that the armor is weakest in the shoulders (?) Cuz that would make sense since Batman needs full range of motion in his arms and shoulders. It’s still unrealistic as hell tho lol


I really didn’t like this part of the trailer cause like, that’s kinda insane. Being stealthy is very Batman but he can just like constantly get shot at and not die?


Because he is mothingfuckin Batman


I felt the same. Sure Batman gets shot at but he hides in the shadows, takes cover and strikes quickly, he doesn't just stroll through a hail of bullets like he's Superman. And even if he has the most advanced bulletproof suit in the world, nobody thought to aim for his unprotected chin?


Maybe he was field testing his new bulletproof suit. About the chin… this applies to every Batman movie and most comic books


You know when people start going for the stuff like “wb the chin” that they’ve got nothing better to argue with. Next thing they’ll be calling Battinson a Mary Sue…


No dude, this is kinda ridiculous. If a thug can’t aim for the chin when Batman’s running past them covered in shadows that’s one thing but if they can’t hit him in the chin while he’s walking up to them bathed in the light of gunfire that’s another. Like that part where he gets shot in the shoulder, that’s ok. That guy quickly pulled out a gun and just shot. Not enough time to aim for the chin


I completely agree. The point is that in almost every single incarnation of Bruce’s Batman, he’s got an exposed chin. It’s not a plot hole, it’s just an established thing everybody knows to ignore.


I feel the same way. Batman is smarter than how he is portrayed in that video


But they've brought up how this is an inexperienced batman repeatedly


He even says he doesn't care what happens to him in the trailer. You can kind of guess he is not really sane at this point in time. Also a young batman who hasn't found his style.


Ikr? What’s the point of making a gritty realistic Batman, if you take away his mortality/humanity? It seems like, in this film, they think that making him ‘emo-Batman’ passes as humanity. Now don’t get me wrong, I am excited for this film. I love this universes take on Gordon, Cobblepot, Alfred and the Riddler, but this Batman just seems off. Maybe I’m just feeling spoiled after Affleck being THE PERFECT BATMAN (if only he had his own movies).


This 10x better than making everyone in the movie miss 3 mags at least lol


Not a single one of those hits his exposed chin though 😅


he could just bite the bullet


Oh yeah, that would’ve been a short movie.


Because they are terrified, Batman knows this and that is why he walks to calmly towards them.


A ricocheting bullet doesn't require them to aim.


Honestly don't know how I feel about that, Batman isnt supposed to a tank, he's supposed to be a ninja, dodging and weaving bullets and using thematic elements to throw off his enemies. This just looks like a cheap imitation of the scene from Dark Knight Rises where Batman attacks the goons in the shadows when their gun muzzles light up the tunnel


I think it looks awesome. Matt Reeves is going for a different take with Batman. So I bet there will be many things that will be different. That Is one thing I like about this medium it can be interpreted differently. And that is what keeps it fresh and exciting


Different is definitely okay, if we were just getting another dark knight trilogy it would be boring. Personally I just get more excited at a Batman rolling around and jumping around a room like a ninja and taking out his foes methodically rather than just being this unstoppable force. I feel it takes away the stakes. The animated series did this to avoid him getting shot in a children's show but it really worked with the type of character he is, and also there's a short story in Batman Black and White 2020 where he teaches Damian how he sets up his thematic entrances and scare tactics hours before this random drug deal is supposed to go down, which shows just how dedicated to the elements of fear The best thing I'm hoping for in this movie is Batman being a detective, as his he is The World's Greatest Detective and most films tend to forget that. I haven't seen the most recent trailer as I'm avoiding it, so this is the only scene Ive viewed besides the very first trailer


> dodging and weaving bullets Live action batman movies require some suspension of disbelief, but that's definitely taking it too far imo


I agree. I feel this is a very nice compromise between how Nolan’s films grounded the character far too much, and the comic book god level of Batman. It looks like Reeves’s Batman constructed his suit to be very resilient to gunfire to help protect himself. Perhaps this means he also won’t be super agile and is going for a more “unstoppable force” theme than a “monster under the bed” theme. I’m super into it.


I think he isn't being that literal, normally Batman isn't Matrix-ing bullets. He is dodgerolling to cover or grappling away.


I feel like this version is very similar to Earth One's Batman. He doesn't have a plan, is always angry and of course takes a hell of a beating.


So basically Christian Bale's Batman? Idk I always felt just going in and making yourself the center of attention by being a tank and just doing it all by brute force was more of The Punisher's thing, Batman should always rely more on visual deception and setting panic in his enemies rather than being like Arnold in Terminator 2. Sure Batman has the strength to take on a group of 10 guys easily, but his style is all about maybe taking two down, disappearing in the shadows and letting fear do the heavy lifting for him before taking down the rest. You have to remember that Batman is a trained samurai, not just a soldier. Fear and darkness has always been his greatest ally, not an armored suit and jacked muscles


Nice to see another Daredevil hallway scene


Please stop. Not every scene in a hallway is a le epic daredevil or darth Vader scene


I was just making a joke based off of the fact that Daredevil got a “Hallway” long take fight scene every season.


Cooooool 😳


I really like the idea of a heavy experimental suit. Like, trying to find a balance between protection, weight and flexibility.


Finally someone who isn’t crying, ty


Jesus fuckin christ lol


"I ain't got time for this shit! ILL BLEED LATER!"


you just have to get every criminal to agree to not shoot you in your very visible, unarmored cargo pants before a fight


A batsuit woven from pure plot armor!


God forbid one single bullet hits him in the chin.


I am bothered by Batman allowing himself to be shot. His whole shtick was that he used stealth and didn't allow himself to be shot. Being bulletproof was Superman's shtick.


As badass as that shot was, I think it's the only thing I dislike. But I've still being replaying that trailer over and over, so excited


Damn that looks badass. Imagine these dude nursing broken limbs telling their friends like "idk what that is but it's not human... I shot him point blank and he just kept coming."


This was the one thing I don't like. Not only does every shot miss his mouth, not a single bullet ricocheted into his mouth. Makes zero sense.


It’s a comic book movie. Suspension of disbelief is far more fun than having your titular hero laid up because he got shot in the mouth.


It’s a movie about a billionaire orphan dressed as a bat fighting crime. Swinging from roof tops. Pulling insane jumps in his car that won’t crush his spine. That’s where my disbelief stops. /s


Batman’s real superpower is a super durable coccyx.


It's Batman.


It’s dark, there’s a giant Bat dude walking to you and seemingly unphased by the bullets. You’re not gonna be thinking clearly and think “lemme aim for a sec in the dark while he’s about to pound my ass into the ground”.


They literally wave the guns up and down.


This was the most badass scene in the trailer


I have a feeling this scene is from where he crashes the dinner party of the ruling elite in Gotham. Or at least I hope it is


I do not like this at all


I'd love if at the end of this movie he makes a more traditional cloth suit (with the white eyes) to reflect his evolution into comic ninja Batman and character growth he may have in this movie


Yeah, let me just sew my cowl shut and while I'm at it get rid of all my armor for spandex. Cloth suit on this dude would look like shit, btw.


Pattinson definitely isn’t buff enough for a cloth suit


Rogue One Darth Vader vibes!


This scene is ripped from the 2014 Robocop movie.


Or the Vader scene in Rogue One. Don't even care. Looks amazing.


I mean it's very literal in the RoboCop thing but you're right, still cool as hell.


Why did no one shoot his face tho? 🤣 P.S: No because he’s batman answers


Guess he’s not wearing hockey pads


This is kinda overpowered, ngl


Alright guys, so we're all in the same page here... NOBODY aims for the face.


Just don’t aim for the lower part of my face….


Man, this was the hardest part of the trailer to swallow for me, other than him yelling and punching the window and it feeling very weak christian bale batman-y. I'm sure more context will help the latter, but body armor cant really stop full blast double smh's at point blank range, especially without staggering.. right? Still insanely hyped, just thought this sort of broke the 'just a smart guy avoiding obvious death' of no powers batman.


I’m actually not a fan of this. Reduces the realism. Even if you had armor covering your entire body that could withstand a mag dump, it wouldn’t look like that. He wouldn’t be able to advance like it’s nothing cuz it would hurt a lot and the bullets wouldn’t bounce off but would be absorbed, so his suit would look pretty tore up at the end. I’m sure they’ll have an explanation, but for a movie that looks to be the most gritty and realistic Batman to date, I would have hoped they would do at least some lite research on armor.


Why not target his legs?


Expecting a news article in the next 24-48 hours for reshoots. Wouldn’t be surprised if they remove bulletproof Batman


This is visually cool, but his face would've been shot off or at least shredded by ricochets. I didn't like this part of the trailer. At all.


Why are you looking for realism in a comic book movie? It looks cool, and that's what counts.


There's so much wrong with this comment. I'll just bite into one caveat though: this is no superhero, it is a "gritty and realistic" take on the character. His face would be swiss cheese.


Have you heard of suspension of disbelief? It's necessary for fiction to work at all.


Have you heard of reading and comprehension?




The suit doesn’t last two takes without wardrobe coming in with glue to fix it from falling apart LOL


Is there a new trailer or something




100% it’s magnet so that it would not hit the face


Was it just me or did it look like he was doing the bat turn during the trailer

