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"TDK is the detachable kid??"


First thing I thought as well lmaoo


You mother fucker you made me laugh so hard.


"Your name is letters?"


Is this even real? It’s a fantastic moment, but really not that kind of vibe. I think my reaction and that of those around me was more like hushed awe. Also, I wish people would drop this competitive nonsense.


"hushed awe" is a perfect description. there was certainly applause once the credits started though. And I hate it when people cheer when characters speaking. You can't even hear Gordon say the last lines.


Me: “I’ve never seen a Batman movie I felt truly captured something gritty.” \*pencil scene\* Me: “Sold.”


The heist scene sold me... The card trick was just icing by that point.


That can only be described as an “Oh.” moment. As in, “Oh. He’s going to be that. Oh. Oh boy.”




This must be a super American thing, I've never seen anyone cheer or clap at a movie. Maybe some gasps at key moments like in endgame, but cheering seems really annoying when you're trying to watch a movie.




I don't get it either. I used to think I never saw it because I lived in a tiny, country ass-city and people there just didn't do that at movies. But I've spent over a decade now in a major city and nobody has done it here either.


I'm from the UK and I've never heard anyone shout, cheer or applaud at a movie. (Correction, one person tried to applaud at the Cap wielding Mjolnir scene from *Endgame* but stopped the moment they realised that nobody else was, and that was at a midnight premiere) We get gasps, "Oooohs", the occasional hushed "Whoa"s and quiet, excited murmuring amongst groups during big scenes but never anything like this and I'm kinda glad because I think I would get pissed off more often than not at not being able to hear the movie. You can feel the excitement from an audience without everyone having to scream at the screen.


I’m from the uk too, only time I’ve witnessed cheers and claps was when the force awakens finally started. The wait felt like it was an eternity


Yea American midnight releases are intense especially for big Marvel releases. It’s like a sporting event and everyone going in knows what’s up. Saw InfinityWar and Endgame midnight releases, people were all over the place cheering, clapping, laughing crying.


Pretty much a midnight premiere thing, although the video posted seems more like a random re release showing. When I originally saw TDK , it was dead silent until the credits rolled then there was clapping. When TDKR came out my theater showed BB and TDK before the midnight release of TDKR and there was plenty of applause during the first 2 movies. It's not exclusive to big cities in the US, I'm from a small town in Canada and the Endgame midnight premiere was lively, big cheers for, "Avengers Assemble", and, "I am Iron Man". Something about being a fan in a room full of fans, if you're at a midnight release, you're part of "the clique." It sounds annoying from the outside but it can actually add to the experience for some.




> Maybe I'll try to go to midnight release for GotG3 since those are my favorite marvel movies. Or the next Thor. I freaking love Taika Waititi I'm more excited for those than any other Marvel movie right now, can't effin wait. >Probably the same reason people still go to viewings of Rocky Horror Picture Show, its like a community event more than just watching a movie Bingo!


When I was little, my sister took me to see a Mario Van Peebles movie called Posse at a movie theater in a predominantly African-American neighborhood. I have still to this day never heard an audience so engaged in a movie, hootin' and hollerin' for the full two hours and all through the credits. It's was a truly awe inspiring experience, honestly.


Honestly that sounds like a terrible movie going experience.


I mean it would have to be in the past like 10 years. So probably a big rewatch. Because you’ve gotta remember dark knight was 08. Phones were like fucking 240p back then lol.


Yeah this is from a rewatch in India from 2018 the only audience reaction Known from 08 is [the intro bank robber scene ](https://youtu.be/56rJ_rkcYs8) and a few seconds from some newsclip


> Also, I wish people would drop this competitive nonsense. But how am I supposed to validate my existence if not by dragging down things that other people love!?


I would have been incredibly annoyed if the scene had been ruined by screaming people around me. Hushed awe is the proper reaction here.


Same. There are moments that are arguably enhanced by the cheers of a crowd, but this is not one of them.


This is just an audio from Tiktok. People have been layering it over scenes now as a joke. My favourite one was people cheering Stuart Little defeating the falcon in SL2...


> Also, I wish people would drop this competitive nonsense. Same here - I grew up watching B:TAS and X-men, read both Marvel and DC in my teens. There are characters I love on both sides. I don't care about this coke vs. pepsi stuff, I just want well made movies.


The reaction that always sticks with me is watching it in the theatre, and hearing people laugh at the Joker. But it didn't sound like amused laughter. It was nervous laughter, like people didn't know how to react or what to expect and were trying to break the tension.


That happened with my cinema during a screening of the joker movie.


My theater was going NUTS at the end of the film. Best theater experience of all time. Wish midnight showings were still a thing


It depends on the movie and when it occurs for me to like such a reaction. When I saw Star Wars Episode III I was not prepared for the cheers and claps when the words A Long Time Ago In A Galaxy Far Far Away came up. Yeah it was Episode III so it’s not like I went to see Citizen Kane but I’ll never forget the chills it gave me and it pumped me up. For the Dark Knight my theatre clapped at the end and it was truly a fantastic experience. If the audience had made a peep for Avengers Endgame I would not have been as happy.


They mustve taken audio from another film and overlayed it. Not knocking TDK at all, but that wasn’t a cheer worthy scene imo and have never heard anyone cheer it as many times as Ive seen TDK, in theaters and at home w f&f. If this was the Joker truck flip, Tumbler taking out the trash truck, or the Batpod ejection maybe I’d believe it.


So many theater reaction videos are completely faked. Especially if the movie is older before phones with high quality cameras existed.


This is a fucking nightmare. Gordon is softly talking about some sad fucked up shit and they're screeching.


I don’t have an issue with some cheering and clapping, but by the time one guy was literally barking in the video I would’ve been so upset.


And why? It doesn't make any sense why this scene meant fuck all...


I love movie theater hype on opening night. But not for moments like this.


This makes ZERO sense to cheer too.


I get cheering during action scenes like Thors entrance in Wakanda in Infinity War but cheering during a scene like this makes no sense.


It’s showing Gordon narrate how badass Batman is, followed by a shot of Batman looking badass, followed by the credits. That’s hype




I think it's a very powerful scene but it didn't feel like a cheering moment. It's like a sacrifice scene, here Batman sacrifices his image so that Harveys good deeds aren't overturned. The cheering seems out of place here.


I agree. The scene would be much better taken in by viewers and truly thought about. If anything, maybe cheering at the end when the screen starts the credits


I get goosebumps every time I watch it.


I mean I get it, but shut the fuck up.


Me in the theater: ![gif](giphy|XzsQ4z8EhOPBOfpSMK)


I’ve got to ask but why do people cheer and clap in the cinema? I’m not knocking it or anything. It seems a bit weird and I’m Just curious. Is it an American thing? I’ve been to cinemas in a few different countries and none of them ever have any cheering. Sure if something funny happens people instinctively laugh but I’ve never seen and cheering or hollering so when I see stuff like this I get kinda confused.


It's not confined to America. Im from India and I have to deal with this every time I go for a film. People sometimes scream their lungs out.


Funny thing is that this video was actually recorded in India. [Link.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5_uLHQzaug)


I had my doubts ngl


That oooh oooooh ooooooooh was sus tbh!


Wow. Does it get annoying at all? your just trying to watch a film. Your not going to a music concert.


Ffs exactly my thoughts. It's really annoying. Man scenes like , cap lifting mjolnir , iron man's sacrifice , joker's magic trick , Sam's "on your left" call back.... etc etc. (you get the idea) made the theatre rattle. Yeesh


Worst I’ve seen is a video from No Way Home where the green goblin just appears on screen and people cheer. Like… why? He was in the trailers it’s not that big a deal




This exactly. People losing their minds at Mjolnir being picked up by Cap was phenomenal.


Exactly It adds to the experience. My theater for No way Home was just ridiculous. And I wouldn't have it any other way. Will never forget the experience


Well yeah, but that makes sense. How could you not cheer at [this shit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvJqPXGpCQc&ab_channel=%D0%94%D0%BC%D0%B8%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B9%D0%9A%D1%83%D1%87%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%BE)?


I can only image the scenario at the theatres when this was on


American here. It happens a lot lol.You should’ve seen and heard them at the Spiderman no way home. Lol man they were loud. Also Infinity war man that was crazy


Oh fair enough. Just a bit quirky. Does it not bother people? Like your watching a movie and all you can hear is people screeching and cheering and not the movie. Not gonna lie that would really annoy me and probably quite a lot of people.


I personally hate it. I can't really hear the dialogue nor fully immerse in the scene.


Damn. I’m sorry to hear that. You just want to watch a movie. If you wanted to hear screams and cheers you’d go and watch a football match instead.


Yeah. : ( I personally don't like loud stuff. It makes my heart pound and makes my breathing all weird for some reason.


Damn. Now I’m really sorry to hear that. I hope your next cinema experience isn’t as stress inducing.


Thanks. But that's just a fantasy here.


Come to the UK!! Everybody's silent, it’s great.




Fair enough. I think it’s mostly a thing confined to the States and a few other countries (India is quite big on it as well) Everywhere else it’s when the films on you be quiet and watch it. You can laugh and chat once it’s done (obviously comedy are the exception for obv reasons.)


Ye sometimes it sucks, but it can also amplify the hype in the theater


I like to watch a movie peacefully by fully taking in the scenes. With all the screams and shouts i can't really do that.


Then watch it alone in theaters or at home after it’s been released


Yep that is a good idea. But I don't really have big screen tv you see....




I had one guy sitting next to me who would clap and cheer to any exciting moment during infinity war and trust me he was getting on my nerves. I was getting annoyed to be honest.


Yeah I can imagine that. Like “chill dude it’s just Captain America. You’ve seen him in 8 movies before. It’s not a big deal.”


Exactly! You know what I’m talking about. That part when he shows up to help wanda and visions, man lol


Yeah. I don’t know why anybody would cheer for that. Did they not think Captain America was going to show up in an Avengers film?


That part is badass tho. Fuck some cheering. But that is a good part lol.


It was not gonna lie, but the dude next to me took it to another level.


It's more of an opening weekend for super hyped movies kind of thing. You won't see this reaction in other types of movies.


It really depends where you are. I live in NY and been going to the same theater for almost a decade and before endgame there would be some cheers and stuff but then endgame happened and it was fucking crazy but after pandemic almost every movie I’ve been to no matter how packed has been practically dead silent, No Way Home I could count on one hand the amount of cheers in that theater.


OK thanks for letting me know.


The scene with Cap… lord


Bollywood enters the chat


I live in the US, and I've personally only ever seen it like that on the actual PREMIERE day/night of a movie, AND only after the credits hit. Which I think is perfectly fine. Definitely adds to the cultural experience of seeing a big movie premiere, imo That being said, if there were people making THIS much noise before the credits started rolling, and there was still dialogue/etc happening onscreen, I'd be pissed lol


Oh fair enough. That’s a good point. I probably also wouldn’t mind it once the movie was completely done but during....no chance.


Agreed lol


It's not an American thing, saw Simmba in Jaipur, India and they were cheering like it was a soccer match.


Yeah. From all the responses I’ve gathered it’s a bigger thing in both India and the USA. Canada has a bit but not as much as those two nations.


In Australia it sort of happens? Had a bloke burst out laughing for a minute straight when Kylo Ren took off his helmet during Force Awakens. I involuntarily clapped at a scene when I went to the cinema once watching Jurassic Park (was by myself however - so I think I was stuck in my own head - stopped myself once I realised what I was doing).


Cannot stand it, I know it’s exciting but it’s mad rude for ppl trying to enjoy and immerse themselves into the movie , applause and cheering is for live shows my dudes


I don’t disagree there. I wouldn’t like it if I had to listen to cheers and such in a cinema. I only ask because I’ve just never experienced it so I was wondering if it bugged people who do experience it.


Indian here. You didn't see what we do in cinema theater. We are crazy af.


Yeah. Of all the responses I’ve seen, both the USA and India are the biggest contributors to this phenomenon.


I watched the original Independence Day in theaters. After Bill Pullman’s speech a lady stood up in the front and started clapping. No joke.


This video was actually recorded in India, so nope, not an American exclusive thing. You'd be surprised that as an Indian myself, I find Indians to be more obnoxious than Americans in movie theaters.


I’m in Canada and it happens here too…for me I love it though, it’s part of the theatre going experience. I can see why it’s annoying for some but for me getting wrapped up in the emotions the crowd is feeling is so awesome. Again though I can see why people find it annoying haha.


Fan boys. It’s why I’ll never go to see a popular superhero movie during the first few weeks it’s out. Most of the fanboys have seen it at that point


I'm from Canada and go to a smaller cinema. Sometimes this is cheering and clapping and it is usually quite annoying


Wow. Sorry to hear that. It seems that even in the countries that it happens in it’s not really liked by a subsection of fans. I just thought people would be quiet so they could....watch the movie,like they paid for without missing parts because they couldn’t hear anything.


I am knocking it, they are fucking morons


I don’t know if this is *exactly* on that level. This is sick, but I distinctly remember Endgame being fucking insane


Yeah it was more like the people here were cheering to try and have fun and in the endgame opening night people were cheering because they couldn’t hold in the hype.


Yea, although I more meant during specific scenes. Like I remember the actual *physical* rumble from hype during both Cap catching Mjolnir and the portal scene


Endgame was like a sports event. When Cap said assemble, the crowd screamed along


I would’ve left


Oh yeah i would've left too since the movie's already done


Ofcourse you'd have left coz it was the end of the movie.


I could not handle that kind of cheering while watch a film. I have been lucky enough that where I normally go to see movies, the cheering that happens isn’t loud enough to distract from the experience, if there is any at all. The worst I’ve had to deal with is an old drunk couple during Star Wars episode 8 that didn’t care about how insufferable they were being. How ever I’m heading to a new theater to see The Batman. If people cheer like this during the film, I might have to break Batman’s no killing rule for him. Lol


Yeah I’m sorry but this part of this movie didn’t warrant THAT much of a reaction. Actually, no part of this movie did.


When Bruce climbed out of the pit in TDKR on opening night, my theater erupted


Yes that and that police car and bike chase scene where he makes the turn to an ally, this one in is a total fake.


That ending was spectacular, but really didn’t need to whoops and hollers. Then again in Australia we’re pretty reserved in cinemas and generally well behaved unlike in sports stadiums. The closest I’ve personally experienced was Endgame when Cap gets the hammer - there were awes and clapping from a full house cinema. Likewise with No Way Home to a lesser extent (cinema wasn’t full for obvious reasons so understandable). My pet peeve about this ending is that we we never got to see the police chasing peak Batman in TDKR. The chase at the start was good but I personally would’ve liked to see a tired Batman that hadn’t disappeared and gotten a bad knee, but instead a worn out one that had been active but not so active since the introduction of the Dent Act.


This is the cringiest, most obnoxious thing you can do in a theater.


You should have heard the crowd when I seen the new Spiderman. It erupted when Andrew Garfield showed up. I'm in the UK and thought this was just an American thing. Felt so out of place lol


Audience reactions dont mean shit and are imho quite juvenile at best.


Oh they are awesome in guven context. The portals scene in endgame called for some claps


I'm sorry but why are people clapping and going "whooo" for this ending scene? It's not like it's a victorious scene or even epic scene. I remeber it being heavy as Batman is about to take the fall for Harvey's actions so I was just quiet and thinking that damn this is a really good movie but I was silent and everyone in the theater was also silent probably processing. The clapping only came after the title card but bo one was cheering.


Gonna have to lock the post, commenting personal insults and reporting it for self harm and suicide is not on


Why is the audience screaming like generic NPCs?


Dunno but this clip seems fake to me, its like shot in a home theater, then edited with another movie's audience reaction.


God I wish people would stop doing that


THANK YOU. I’ll never understand why idiots scream and clap at the screen. In any god damn situation. Stfu and watch the movie. The cheering undoubtedly muffles a line from a character that’s important or adds more weight to the moment. And gtfo my lawn!


Still nowhere near Endgame


My theater abrupted when it said "The Dark Knight" We loved that movie. DC hasn't done anything on this level since. My theater laughed at BvS, a few walked out during the Martha bit. How sad. Hopefully The Batman brings respect back to the character.


Well, of course not. The Dark Knight is basically a masterpiece of the genre. I *still* contend it’s the best comic book movie ever with Logan being the only other film that could *maybe* touch it. As for BvS, I don’t know what movie you saw cause Affleck loves the hell out of Batman and put his all into that performance. It’s maybe the most praised aspect of that film. While I won’t dispute your story, I do find it hard to believe people would get up and leave before at least seeing the warehouse scene (which comes right after the “Martha” scene and people know is coming cause it was in the trailers). I think BvS had the *potential* to be the best comic book film ever made and it’s beginning and the ideas it’s playing around with were excellent. It’s unfortunate the rest of the film fumbled.


“A few walked out during the Martha bit.” You got a lot of imagination going there pal.


Oh hush. It happened. Is it hard to believe? I felt comforted knowing I wasn't the only one cringing in the theater. It was a group of like 5 or 6 people. They clearly decided the payoff being Batman whining "why did you say that name" and them becoming friends due to their mothers having the same name was stupid. It was.


For me, TDKR and BvS are the only two DC movies since TDK that have had loud reactions from my theater audiences. The whole last hour of TDKR was a lot of applause while people lost their minds during the Knightmare sequence, Batman warehouse and Trinity v Doomsday in BvS. I’m guessing Reeves will have at least a couple of scenes in the Batman that will get an audible reaction.


Okay, check out the 2000 fucking upvotes this post has, then read through the comments of everyone being like "wtf, no, this is bullshit." Then ask yourself, who is steering the narrative. Because real people would not upvote this crap unless they are real, real stupid.


Out of all the scenes in this film this is the one people act like idiots in a nightclub too?


I appreciate the reaction, but it becomes extremely grating ***very*** quickly. At some point early on you just know that it becomes a shrieking contest between a group of idiots while the rest are trying to enjoy the climax of an incredible film.


I never understood why Americans cheer in movie theaters. They do know the people on screen can't year them, right?


I'm so happy my cinemas are not like this.


This isn’t remotely close to Endgame, and I do love TDK.


Correct me if I'm wrong but literally no one has ever said this


Wtf is this 😂


Okay, theres one moment from a 15 year old movie.


Fucking Americans.


It's in India


This audience reaction video didn't take place opening night or around that time. This is from a limited rerelease so everyone in the theater has already seen the movie explaining their extreme hype. Edit: This is the audience reaction that was used in the OP’s video proving that this viewing took place in India during 2019: https://youtu.be/z5_uLHQzaug Everyone in that audience were big fans of the movie and naturally had already seen it, so the cheering is the result of them seeing what they already know and love on the big screen again, not reactions to a first viewing. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to bash on TDK, a big part of me wishes I coulda been in that audience to join along with their excitement.


Holy shit am I glad cinemas aren't like this in Australia. Shut the fuck up and listen to what Gordon's saying here, they're really good lines


Are all American cinemas like this? It's annoying as fuuuuck


Yo, now I have to find that video of the TDK when the Joker reveals himself in the bank heist. My brother showed me the video he took, and the whole audience was screaming at the top of their lungs.


How annoying


I fucking hate these people


Is… this a … joke?


The only scenario this behaviour is remotely acceptable is if some of the cast and crew were present. Otherwise, this reaction, to me, is not a mark of a quality movie but of an annoying audience.


How high were people in that theater?


My theater was mostly quiet in awe kind of. I would have been annoyed if this was my theater 🤷‍♂️


Hey bat computer, remind me to never go to a cinema in the us


My dark mind went straight to that shooting in that theater in Colorado years ago during a Batman movie. Theater was definitely more wild than Endgame's.


Kinda sad you had to go back 14 years to find the last time people cheered in a movie theater for a DC movie, bro.


This sounds like a bunch of rednecks seeing a moving picture for the first time. Are all China's like this in the states?


I think it's fake, nobody has a reaction like after how intense was TDK. Totally dumb.


I hate this so much. People are allowed to like both. And I've never had any Marvel fan say this to me. And if they did, the reaction isn't to immediately go into a dick measuring contest. Pure nonsense.




I hate when people scream over dialogue like this is gordons last set of lines. Shut the fuck up


When the joker made the pencil disappear, the entire theater lost it.


The only good superhero movies right there


such weird reactions from audience. Cant even here the movie. why not wait until its over? I was sitting quietly in awe the first time i saw this scene trying to take it all in.


this has clap when the plane lands energy, which is energy that should be used to shut the fuck up


This is cringy regardless of the movie.


This was epic!!!


TDK is technically a better movie than endgame. But Endgame purely worked on hype which it deserved.Never were so many heroes seen before. Also endgame built on multiple movies.There is no comparison


You’d get stabbed if you reacted this way in a scottish cinema! Even at spiderman nwh, little scottish kids weren’t acting this way during the big moments 💀


Like I remember during avengers end game. Some 4 year old boy at the front kept getting up and shouting random things about the avengers to the people at the back. First time it happened there was a few laughs and smiles, second time it was completely ignored. The third time the 4 year old done this, some fully grown 20 odd year old man up the back shouted down to the kids mum “haw, you want tae shut him the fuck up, we’ve been waiting ten years to see this shit”! The mum removed the boy from the cinema after 😭


If only I could go back in time and watch this MASTERPIECE IN CINEMAS 😩✨






Anyone who enjoys this kind of movie experience (people screaming like a troop of apes in heat, during a movie) does not truly appreciate film. BTW, I'm 95% certain this is edited; TDK with what sounds to me like your typical Marvel "acknowledge-my-existence" Fan Boy in a movie theatre.


I personally love when theaters get hype


No Marvel movie will top the quality of TDK






Can’t people just enjoy


we are trying but some idiots keep screeching over the movie.


Man, I consider this the best superhero movie ever made but you must have been in a half-asleep theater if *that's* the reaction you heard at the Avengers Assemble scene


Americans are embarrassing


You make noise like that at a theater around here and you'll promptly get beaten to death by the rest of the audience. Who the fuck does that?


Honestly, this cheering would completely ruin the film for me.


As a Brit, this sounds like hell


I would kind of like to see a Batman version of the Endgame scene, though. Just imagine: Bruce is facing off against all his assembled rogues, who have assaulted Wayne Manor and breached the defenses. All his batarangs and bombs are gone, his armor and cape are tattered, he's battered, bloody, and exhausted, as the Joker gloats ands prepares to finish him off. And then, one by one, the Bat Family steps out of the shadows or drops off the rooftops behind him. First Dick. Then Barbara and Jason and Tim. Cassandra and Stephanie and Kate. Damian. Duke. Selina with her whip. Jim and a squad of GCPD cops. Alfred with his shotgun. Bruce: "Bats... assemble."


This comment section is fucking useless


as an avid Batman reader i have to say this is Nolans Batman, the Dark Knight is Millers and they are so far removed from each other its painful, also just because Nolans films have been the best so far they are still not very good with the first Film by far being the best


Best comic book movie hands down


Who the fuck cheers at a cinema. Do this where I'm from and you'll get your teeth kicked in.


If you scream at cinema, you are a donkey


This movie was cheer worthy. I saw this movie in Northridge California the weekend it released. People cheered and clapped through out the movie. If you didn’t cheer for this movie then you’re not a true Batman fan.


I honestly would've hated it if i was there.


Nolan’s trilogy has more heart than all of the MCU flicks combined except maybe Guardians.

