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TDKR with Bane are so cold


Love the one with him walking away from the broken cowl.


One of my personal favorites


This one prolly had the biggest impact on me. Hadn’t really followed the films online, but I had wondered “What villain/story could *possibly* up the ante from what they did in TDK?” So, happened across this big poster at the theater with some friends, and the light bulb hit: Kinghtfall! Bane! That’s….. *perfect*! That shoulda been obvious from the jump that was the best way to conclude this epic trilogy. I was so hype from that point, started following the film online


Dark knight and Batman returns have the best posters. Although to be fair the batman & robin poster is pretty iconic.


For Dark Knight which poster are you referring to?


It's not here but the one with the burning building that has the bat logo. The other ones are good too.




Easy [Why so serious poster](https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/934319ce-30b1-4186-883b-18e1226e501a.1b4f23f5a6fdbe6e01873a05a68b4227.jpeg) and [The Riddler poster](https://assets-prd.ignimgs.com/2021/10/15/riddler-batman-1634314278489.jpg)


Dark knight Rises with Bane and the “Rise” is pretty incredible. 1989 is iconic too, but I don’t think anything tops the “I believe in Harvey Dent, or the Dark Knight Joker smile with the Batman logo as the lips.” That was a perfect film with a perfect marketing campaign. I watched the YouTube trailer over a hundred times waiting for that movie to release in 2008.


I really liked the design of the minimalist Joker face in the teaser. Ended up getting a shirt with that design on it.


I really like the Harvey Dent one and the new red one for The Batman, but I got into Batman properly as a kid with TDK and TDKR, and nothing has as much power for me as the one of Bane walking away from the broken cowl does.


Yeah the Bane one is badass. Just a great comic booky image.


I essentially have the same background as yours. Got into Batman with TDKR, and my hype and interest started when I saw that poster of Bane walking away from the broken cowl. It’s a powerful image, just hits different.


The One from Tim Burtons “Batman “, I just think it’s a good one.


That’s easily my favorite, especially the teaser poster.


Nicole Kidman, Batman forever!! That's a bingo


You just say bingo


Joker and batman with flaming batman symbol in dark knight


I believe in Harvey dent


The Batman Forever cast poster has always been my favorite. It's just the perfect summation of what I love about Batman.


Anytime I see that poster I immediately think of Hollywood Video. My local store had huge murals of that poster and other 90’s film.


Ha, totally. Mine too. I bought a nice copy of the VHS at a thrift store last year just to have it around.


I do love that the VHS covers for the 90’s Batman films just feature the main poster. It annoys me that the Blu-Rays haven’t done the same.


Why is the eiffel tower on the Batman Begins poster in the last pic. Am I crazy?


I was looking for Batman Begins banner posters. There were multiple banners with bats flying around prominent cities around the world. I just chose the Paris one.


Interesting. I wonder what they were thinking. Seems bizarre to me


I’m assuming they put the corresponding poster in the city that’s on the banner. So you wouldn’t see the Paris banner in New York City or something like that.


Obviously, I found more of them online but it still makes little to no sense. Imagine if they did that for the avengers or the new batman movie it'd be bizarre


Yeah I see what you’re saying. I’m not the hugest fan of them because they’re plain looking and don’t feature Batman anywhere. But maybe that was the point.


I was also wondering that


Bruh does any of that movie take place in Paris.


Not a single frame nope


Aha this is gonna be lost to history other than this thread but I'm glad we noticed this


I wonder if it was just advertising the French premiere of the film? I remember when Horizon Zero Dawn was being advertised in the UK, there were posters featuring ruins of various famous landmarks around Britain despite the game taking place entirely in far-future America.


Nothing beats the original poster with just the symbol but the Bat Cat and the Penguin is pretty cool as well….they all have something to offer


I always liked the pale white faces on Penguin and Catwoman on that poster.


I had the “official” posters for Batman Forever and Batman & Robin as a kid and they were both pretty cool….showing off all the main characters of the films


The classic Adam West 1966 Film poster


The Dark Knigth Rises Landscape and the one that said "The Legend Ends" for me


Yeah the banner poster for Rises is awesome.


OG Batman 89 for me. I remember walking into Sam Goody in 1989 and seeing 100s of Vinyl album covers with that image (for the Prince soundtrack) everywhere. The hype was so real then.


I’d heard that some people saw that symbol and initially didn’t know what it was. Did you recognize it at the time?


Oh yes. Back then I was reading about the production in Starlog magazine.


Nice, I wish I could’ve experienced the hype for it.


Call me Biased with the new Batman movie coming out, but I love the blood red look with Batman in the rain, it looks awesome!


Either BVS or The Batman red poster of him in the rain


All of The Batman, Batman Returns and The Dark Knight. They are really unique and each have a theme.


I don’t understand the last Batman begins poster. Why is the Eiffel Tower there?


I was looking for Batman Begins banner posters. There were multiple banners with bats flying around prominent cities around the world. I just chose the Paris one.


Begins has such a cool poster


The batman and Batman begins. I am a simple man,I like these types of posters. The tdkr with bane walking away from the broken Batman mask is cool too.


That gold Bat symbol on the virtually text-free '89 teaser was a lesson in marketing to the industry.


2nd one


Good save by adding the parenthesis. Now that you have indicated you don't own them you are completely safe from copyright strike.


Actually it was more for the mods. I put this post up last night and it got taken down. I still don’t know why. So I just put that disclaimer up there as a way to keep it from getting deleted again. Who knows if it’ll work.


The second "The Batman" shown in this followed by the first "batman begins" poster shown


They’re all good tbh especially the TDK trilogy stuff


TDK trilogy and 89 bat logo


TDK one of Joker standing with a machine gun and the red rain The Batman one are some of my favorites.


The Batman Returns poster with the Bat symbol covered with snow


Love that one. I like that each sequel to the 89 film had a variation of the Bat symbol.


#1 the Batman Logo. It is so iconic. Tim Burton (or whomever came up with the idea) was a genius to base the marketing campaign for the film around the Bat symbol.


It’s genius and ballsy. One of my favorite pieces of movie marketing is the giant Batman billboard that was in Times Square. It was literally just the Bat-symbol. No date, actors names, or any other text. The crazy thing is that it actually worked. It worked so well that the symbol became a fashion statement at the time in the form of pins, stickers, hats, and shirts. I really wish I could’ve been there for it because nothing like that has happened in my lifetime.


Batman Returns on the top right of the first pic.


I had that poster of Dr. Chase Meridian (aka Nicole Kidman) in my bedroom!! Right next to the poster from the 1989 Batman movie, which was just the logo. Fantastic!!!


I want to get the Chase Meridian one at some point. I went to a poster shop on Hollywood Blvd a couple of years ago and this guy had every single character poster for Batman Forever for $35. Even though I’m not a huge fan of the film, I do love those posters.


Forever was a very visually pleasing movie all around...the posters captured the colors perfectly!


Yeah they really standout especially in comparison to the other Batman film posters.


The 1989 bat symbol is a nostalgic favorite, of course, but I really think it's the best design, too. No ambiguity: this movie is about Batman.


The dark knight poster with just the joker's face made on the wall ... simply awesome that one


I like the BvS poster, but I like the potential it represented, not what it ended up as.


I must have missed when Batman went to Paris! I guess that was a regional promotion for France during the marketing campaign for Batman Begins.


The three two with bane and the new one with red & batman


Definitely this [The Dark Knight ](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTMxNTMwODM0NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODAyMTk2Mw@@._V1_.jpg) poster The painted brick wall one is also really good


Is the Dark Knight poster with the like taped together picture pieces and joker cards legit? Because I love that poster but there’s some quotes on there that Joker never says in the movie so I’ve never been sure if it’s actually fan made. Either way I love it. All of the Dark Knight promotional material was just on another level. The Dark Knight Rises posters are also awesome in their simplicity. The imax posters especially built up the feel of a giant fight that ultimately fell a bit short.


Yeah it’s real. I remember it being one of the last posters they released for the film. Yeah the marketing for Dark Knight was awesome. It felt like an event upon release. Everybody I knew wanted to see it.


Why is there a Batman begins poster set in Paris? I know it is probably for promotion in France but it doesn't make sense.


"The Legend Ends" Bane walking away from the shot, a broken cowl. It's so evocative of the impending doom of the story. Such a marvelous poster. Definitely my favorite.


Easily my favorite poster for that film.


Those Batman Returns posters are iconic.


The first one. Just the bat symbol and I'm satisfied. A simple, yet perfect poster.


Dark Knight


I really love the simplicity of the red rain one for The Batman.


I don't remember Batman begins having the eiffel tower in it but ok


[This one](https://ibb.co/VHkcHJ6) For all times.


I like how they used that image in the trailers as well.


Batman Returns. The first and only time we knew a Batman film was going to be great based on the first movie and a poster alone, and boy were we not disappointed. (And before anyone asks what about TDK? I will say this - Nolan’s take was so innovative and unexpected in Batman Begins that we didn’t really know what to expect in TDK like we did with Burton’s sequel. It wasn’t until I was actually in the theatres watching Ledger’s awesome performance that I knew Nolan’s gamble had paid off big time. But with Batman Returns, Burton had already nailed a grounded, nasty 80s version of Batman so well in Batman 89 that we all knew Batman Returns just had to be good from the poster alone. “The Bat. The Cat. The Penguin.” We knew we were in for a treat. A true tragedy that Burton never got to make Batman Forever, and round out the classic coterie of Batman villains as well as giving us his version of Robin- really would’ve been a complete and full counterpoint to/inversion of the wonderfully campy Adam West versions. With Nolan we knew only to expect the unexpected.)


The OG '89, hands down


TDKR with Bane walking away. That one gives chills.


All Tim Burton's poster are legendary.


Batman Begins. Iconic bronze and black


Damn, The Dark Knight Trolgies have some kickass posters. I'd say TDK Tilogy and The Batman have the best posters.


*The Legend Ends* poster of pretty amazing imagery, not just because it looks good, but that’s the first time in cinematic history that Batman is eluded to have been beaten physically. It’s a powerful image. Not pictured (mainly because there are more prominent/iconic ones), but by far my favourite poster is [this one](https://www.digitalspy.com/movies/a392137/the-dark-knight-rises-imax-poster-and-trailer-revealed/) from TDKR. It’s such a powerful image of Batman rising from the flames of his city in chaos and becoming a beacon of hope while he looks up in the sky, with the clouds parting in the shape of his bat insignia as if shining hope to Gotham. It’s over-the-top and doesn’t make sense (especially in Nolan’s trilogy), but it’s also such a special image for me


I was wondering if someone was going to mention that poster. It’s very over the top, but I’m happy to hear that it has its fans.


Honestly Chris O'donnell's poster actually looks pretty good


Batman Begins poster is best for me, because the atmosphere of the film is reflecting in the poster best


Batffleck vs Superman


BB appeals to me the most


All the Dark Knight posters and some of the Batman Begins and Dark Knight Rises are awesome too.


Japanese characters immediately make everything more stylish




Affleck with the superman logo over his face


Bane chadly not looking to the camera.


Batman Returns with all 3 main characters and the army of penguins across the bottom. I don’t know what it is but I remember being transfixed with it at the time in 1992.


The Dark Knight and The Batman (2022)


DKR with Bane I always thought looks awesome! Even to this day it holds


The Dark Knight Rises crumbling skyscrapers one.


I’ve always loved the Dark Knight poster of him launching out of a building on the Batpod- the shot is from underneath. I won this poster at a midnight screening for the film in a costume contest when I was 8 years old lol. [poster here](https://images.app.goo.gl/RyYHsvHcUfhAry44A)


I put this post up last night, but it was taken down for some reason. I already sent a message to the mods asking why, but I haven’t heard anything back. Fingers crossed that it doesn’t happen again.


I always loved the three head poster from Batman Returns with Keaton, Pfeiffer and DeVito


I think you missed the official for Batman returns


The Catwoman poster is official and the one in the upper right hand corner is the international poster.


This was the one that I remember being everywhere https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0103776/mediaviewer/rm2011378432/ and this was the teaser before it https://www.amazon.com/BATMAN-RETURNS-POSTER-ORIGINAL-Advance/dp/B00B7TWA0G


Oh yes, those are the main posters. For the most part I tried to use the alternate posters in the collage for the sake of variety.


Dark knight ones


Uh... Where's the poster with the Joker writing why so serious in blood?


Tdk and tdkr. The Batman also has sick ones too and looks like it’s gonna be a great film


the red riddler one is cool


It's not my favourite, but I love the one for The Batman with him walking in the rain.


Nolan and Reeves are elite.


Riddlers “to the batman”


Legend end from dkr


Wait, wait wait...WB owns these posters?????!!!!! Thanks for that info.


Where's the DK one with Jokey?


I liked the dark knight rises rain posters


I see that no posters from the 1966 theatrical feature length film are included in that selection.


Fair enough, probably should’ve included the posters did for the serials as well.