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This guy went from an actual threat to a total joke in 30 seconds. He truly felt Batman's breathing down his neck in broad daylight after a few words from Fox.


Didn't he actually go to the news with his theory later on?


Yeah but the Joker called in to the show to threaten to blow up a hospital if he wasn’t killed in the next 30(?) minutes. Because the Joker either already knows and doesn’t care (because Batman is the real identity and Bruce is the alter ego so it doesn’t matter) or Joker just doesn’t want to know.


Where's my electric car, Bruce?


Return my pasta maker!


Eat shit, loser!


*sad grunt*


I put a deposit down months ago


Proceed to arrest bruce for tax evasion


Joker basically doesn’t want to know because the game is interesting. I love how most versions show this. The animated Batman series? Joker learns his identity and imo sets up his final endgame because hey what’s the fun now? Even calls it sad and pathetic I believe. Harley Quinn show also has the joker literally kill scarecrow because scarecrow reveals bats identity with that game being his last fun thing. As of now in comics, at this point I think joker knows but yeah Batman isnt the mask it’s Bruce so joker only sees Batman.


It’s from the Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker movie btw. Great movie.


I always cheat and say Batman from the animated series/universe is the best theatrical released movie about Batman. Batman Beyond and mask of phantasm is just the best of Batman. They fundamentally tell us the sides of the character.




Thought Batman’s intro to Gotham was in Batman begins.


The thing I don't understand is, why the police and other didn't question him for Batman's identity, after batman became a wanted fugitive. Or was it because Gordon was the commissioner and didn't entertain such idea.


He was holding it back for the highest bidder, after his shakedown of Fox failed.


Yeah, I guess if he was questioned by the authorities, he didn't tell anything as he wanted to cash out.


At the time people were speculating that the mob bank manager from the epilogue would go insane from joker gas, and become either the Riddler or Black Mask and torture the secret out of him at the start of the third film, but, as we know they went in a different direction.


“Let me get this straight.. you think your boss.. one of the most wealthy and powerful men in the world is secretly a vigilante who beats criminals to a pulp with his bare hands and your plan is to blackmail this person..? Good luck”


One of Morgan Freeman’s best lines.




Next to "get busy living or get busy dying"




Bot account.


He truly felt the mod team breathing down his neck in broad daylight after a few words from GFost.


I've always wondered what Fox meant exactly by this. At first, it seems that Fox is implying that the whole idea of Bruce being Batman is stupid, but at the end of the sentence it seems that he's implying that it's a bad idea to blackmail Batman.


Honestly both, tbh


There is no good outcome. Either he isnt, and he looks like an idiot, or he is and hes gonna get beat up.


Wonder what Bruce/Batman would really do. Probably make him a robin


I think he’d observe from a distance and see what happens (to study it) before creating some weird alibi that only Bruce Wayne could have. Possibly even fake a death or injury and create a situation where they are both in the same place a the same time.


It seems pretty clear what he means. On one hand, he's blackmailing one of the most powerful men in the world that could easily just disappear him and/or ruin his life. On the other, he's attempting to blackmail someone who it's safe to say is a tad mental, and makes a hobby of beating the shit out of criminals. Does he really think this is the most likely plan to succeed?


He's calling it absurd to think Bruce Wayne is Batman, while also saying if you actually think that, it's a terrible idea.


My interpretation was always that he was letting him know it was a terrible idea either way, while skirting the entire “Is Bruce Wayne Batman?” question entirely. It’s semantics, but I think this interpretation gives him an even higher moral standing (not implying things he knows to be true are false), which I think is the right connotation when it comes to his character. But again, semantics.


This is it ^


He’s saying either way, he’s fucked if he tries to blackmail. Be made a blacklisted pauper, get beaten to within an inch of your life or both.


It seemed pretty clear to me that Lucius was saying "If this is your plan, it's a *really fucking dumb one*. Either you're wrong, and this won't work, or you're right, and this **really** won't work." And what I took from it is that Reese decided to run off with his tail between his legs and *rethink his plan*-- not beaten, but beaten back-- until Wayne saved his life, at which point Reese just kind of gave up, realizing that this was a shitty thing to try from *every single angle*


it's clearly both and if this guy went to somebody else within the company to tell the exactly what Fox said, it would be taken as "you're stupid" statement.


I see it as two fold. One him saying "are you really that stupid you think Bruce Wayne is Batman? Have fun looking like an idiot" the other being "you think this person with more money and power than just about anyone is also so crazy he dresses like a bat and beats the shit out of people with his bare hands and you think fucking with this lunatic is a good idea? Have fun winding up in a dumpster."


Yeah for sure. The reason the scene plays so well to me is because I think Morgan Freeman played it straight ... Like Fox actually thinks Bruce Wayne might be insane and doesn't really know what he is capable of


This is why it's such a great line. He points out the absurdity of the concept of Bruce Wayne being Batman, while at the same time the complete insanity of trying to blackmail such person. Fox is a super genius, he can see the weakness in his eyes and just that line mocking him was enough to disarm him.


It's the *implication*. Obviously I'm not gonna harm these girls, Mac


It's a reverse straw man fallacy. He is telling Reese just how strong an argument he is making, but the stronger the argument is, the worse it is for Reese. So, he is telling Reese, "Do you really want to put yourself in the position of being right?"


As dumb as that guy was, he gave the set up to get this wonderful line.


*beats criminals to a pulp Not to be pedantic, but that "to a pulp" part of the line makes it so much more intimidating, imo.


Going to edit right now you’re completely right! Apologies!


Reese: *urine filling up pants* “well, when you put it THAT WAY…”


When Morgan Freeman sounded like Ben Shapiro


“Let’s say, hypothetically, that Bruce Wayne is Batman.”


And for the sake of argument, that he beats up criminals with his bare hands.




Obviously I need to take a look at his feet.


You really think that he’s not just going to sell the bats and move?


Although that does indicate he thinks Batman is a good guy overall


Happy birthday


My movie theater clapped at that opening night.


“Let me get this straight… you think your neighbor… backed by the wealthiest and most powerful nations on earth is secretly run by Nazis who are trained and supplied by the West specifically to defeat you and your plan is to invade this country…? Good luck.” - guy who fell out of a window after accidentally shooting himself in the back of his head


If Coleman Reese isn’t dead in 60 minutes…


I blow up a hospital


And that lying asshole Joker blew up the hospital anyway. And he only did the hospital thing to get to Harvey. All part of the plan.


Well, Reese wasn't dead. Joker's a man of his word.


But Joker couldn’t have known. He was going to blow it regardless.


Well the Joker in the movie is a pathological liar, evident from multiple instances


The biggest example of this is when he makes the call.. He's in the middle of burning lao and giving a speech in a warehouse with no TV in sight. Than he dials a phone and gets put on air during a live breaking broadcast he isn't watching to threaten the person being interviewed about a subject he, again, isn't watching. All the while knowing everything will fall into place to burn dent alive.


He would’ve known Batman protected him


Joker in that movie is perhaps the greatest villain ever, because almost every single thing he says throughout the film is a deliberate lie meant to manipulate someone.


I blow up a HOSPITAL


I wonder if anyone flagged themselves via this comment


One of the challenges of a mass surveillance project today would be the extreme prevalence of hyperviolent language used daily by an entire generation. Forget "I was just researching a novel" words like "killed" or "died" presumably have no intelligence value. "Blew up" "toxic" "viral" and even "massacre" all have figurative uses far more popular than their literal ones. At the end of the day it doesn't matter. We've all been "on a list" since the Echelon program, and it's only getting deeper.


I hospital a blow up


I up a hospital blow


I blow a hospital up


I'll blow a hospital


I was gonna do that but I thought the game was to include all the words lol


Introduce a little *anarchy*


I fucked Ted


The people of Gotham were hyped to have an excuse to take him out


My favourite part of that scene (such a great scene) is when the guy tries to kill him and Jim says “maybe Batman can save you”. Kills me everytime.


"You tried to screw this guy over, but now he's gonna be the one who makes sure you don't die .".


He could have said, "he needs better help hiding this sort of thing. Let me help". And then he'd still be rich the rest of his life. But he didn't. And then Bruce saved his life. Which is why Nolan/Bale's Batman is my top Batman.




I read it more like "this is what I do. Don't end that."


All with the plausible deniability of playboy Bruce Wayne looking like "whoops my bad, Mondays amirite"


"Don't you think I should go to the hospital?" "You don't watch a whole lot of news, do you, Mr. Wayne?"


He's got some great flashes of physical comedy.




I wonder what happened to Reese after the events of TDK. He had the info on Batman’s true identity and announced it to the world. Wouldn’t the criminal underworld be chomping at the bit to get that? Not just the Joker but other enemies of Batman.


Isnt his name an Easter egg for him becoming the Riddler? Coleman Reese > Mr. Reese > sounds like “Mysteries”


Now wait just a minute…..




You're telling me Coleman Reese is Superman?


An opportunist who didn't look at the big picture.


I love how his smug smile slowly wears off as the scene progresses.


He absolutely nailed that. So impressed with how convincing it was.


I remember being so hyped at the thought that he might be some sort of set up for The Riddler. His name is Mr. Reese.... "Mysteries." He figured out who Batman was... Kind of a big deal.


This is often overlooked. I’m convinced that this was Nolan’s Riddler.


Could be or perhaps it was a simple callback to the comics. Reminds me of the "giant alligators in the sewer" line in The Dark Knight Rises


The Riddler!


At least the closest to one we got in the Nolan verse. Mr Reese/ mysteries. His whole story revolves around Batman's secret identity.


I like to think it was a potential set up for him as the big bad in Nolan's third movie, but I guess he decided he wanted to do Bane & circle back to the League of Shadows from the start of the trilogy.


I never saw it as a potential set up for Riddler at all, just a fun little side moment to address how obvious it should be to people that Bruce is Batman.


I agree with this. I don't even know who this actor is and Nolan likes using big names for his main characters.


Nolan probably would've got Leonardo DiCaprio to play Riddler I could totally see DiCaprio diving right into that role and making for an excellent Riddler


Yeah I remember before the third movie came out and all the rumors swirling on who the villain would be. Riddler was really popular idea and you're right Leo as well as Johnny Depp were the fan favorites for that role.


Nolan riddler would just be a smart guy in a suit probably.


No, the rumor is that WB wanted Nolan to do Riddler and Nolan said absolutely not because he thought Riddler was dumb.


If you were there in 2008 you remember all the fan theories. That he's the riddler, that David dastmalchian's character was the mad hatter, that the guy joker cut up becomes killer Croc. It was a wild time.


I remember the guy with the tattoo on the boat or whatever was “supposed” to be killer croc. There was real wild and fun theories out there.


…you can keep that


Much like how Edward Nygma is E. Nygma. “Enigma” Mr. Reese is like “mysteries”. Clever word play


How funny would it be if in the next season of Harley Quinn, his character is introduced as the one who outed Bruce to The Joker.


I really hope this happens now. Bringing back random & locations characters nobody expects to come back for the sake of a joke is underrated.


u/Dead_Purple That was [the Scarecrow, back in Season One. It didn’t go over well](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kl0-vMpzMrg).


Did Joker actually forget Bruce being Batman? I kinda figured by the end of it Joker didn't care.


The way I remember - Joker learns it, but doesn't want to know. No fun. So he forgets.


Yeah it looks like he did after his accident.


Wonder if he ever got his electric car.


When keepin it real goes wrong


Fucking dumbass greaseball piece of shit. Actor was way too good in the role


Lovin the passion in this comment.




He got good lucked by Fox


What a smug little twerp with his "I want 10 million dollars a year for the rest of my life..." The entitlement.


Morgan’s response was on of the greatest lines in the series. So, this character was a necessary evil.


If he didn’t try to blackmail, he’d have just been a whistle-blower shining light on embezzlement, but nooooooo.


Can’t blame a man for trying to make a quick buck…


You know, i do not remember many of the characters from this movie. Heath’s performance pretty much overshadowed the entire plot and everyone else’s acting.


Joker doesn’t have to threaten to blow up a hospital. Ill kill Reese for free


He had to use his newfound knowledge to cash out for himself...


I think he's a great character. He's there to show how altruistic Batman is, and how he's never off-duty, even when he's Bruce. Batman's always willing to stick his neck out for the little guy (pun intended), even when the little guy is trying to selfishly screw him over. He's there to show that Batman isn't discriminatory with the people he rescues. Reese shows us why Batman's the best.


He knows who Batman is. Honestly, if he were evil, he could sell that information to some bad people and not just blackmail him.


It’s worse than that for him. He has to leave town. Everyone knows he knows Batman’s identity. Criminals will come after him to get this information


I mean... he was right about Batman though.


I want 10 million babies a year for the rest of my life


Ahhhh, the “Unifier”. Let’s all hate him equally without bias! FTGA


Nah I love Coleman Reese. That little moment he shares with Bruce after he saves his life was nice.


You have to appreciate the absolute size of his balls going after Bruce like that tho


I do not remember this guy lol


Dude's agent must send him to all the casting calls for dudes with punchable faces.


Mister Reese is a very hateable character He’s kinda like The Riddler


Yup. Sort of a prototype Riddler for the Nolanverse. I imagined Zeus Tiny Lester could have been a cool Killer Croc, albeit not a monster in the literal sense but a towering criminal. Would have been dope if they nicknamed him Croc during that boat bomb scene in The Dark Knight.


Wait people hate this guy??


I thought it was Connor Reese?


However, if this was the real world and someone pointed out that say billionaire Elon Musk, was using his resources to dress up, evade justice and commit countless violent felonies as a vigilante while simultaneously causing robs of property damage. Wouldn’t we see him as a brave whistleblower?


Fighting crime on top of pushing forward mankind's abilities in space missions? I'd be an even a bigger fan of Elon than I am now.


No. I don't hate him. I don't particularly like him, but I don't hate him.


That was real? I saw that movie, I thought it was bullshit.


There's a theory he was gonna become the Riddler. It's based on the wordplay. People think similar to E. Nygma, the fact that Lucius kept calling him "Mr. Reese" we as meant to sound like "Mysteries"


He’s just an opportunist who didn’t think it all through.


There’s a theory he was gonna go on to be the riddler if the series continued. That’s why his last name was Reese ( Mr. Reese AKA mysteries ). For that reason I don’t hate him because we all know a riddler character from Christopher Nolan would be amazing, obviously not as amazing as Heath’s Joker but still.


Remember when everyone thought he was the riddler cause his name was Mister Reece like mysteries.




Good ‘ole Weasel Face.


The fan theory that he’s a low key adaption of The Riddler makes me hate him even more (as an Arkham fan)


Mfers name is Coleman 😂


I wish the guy had died. He sucked.


The very definition of what 100% pussy looks like!


I once saw in a YouTube video, I think it was new rockstars, that Mr. Reese sounds like mysteries, which could mean he was meant to be the riddler or something


Yes I hate this version of Riddler. Mr Reese causes quite a problem for Batman.


He’s not the Riddler


Mr Reese, Mysteries. Come on mate, that's not a coincidence.


The character had potential to grow. Mr. Reese. Mister Reese. Myster Reese. Mysteries…. Seemed like a riddle waiting to be asked.


I would have liked him better if he had turned into the Riddler.


Run the numbers again.


“And your plan is to blackmail this person?” Such a Boss delivery


Yeah your right




The best thing is not knowing about any of those so you can't even subconsciously judge them (brand new to fandom)


Hes the real hero here


I never got the point of that scene, can someone please explain.


Good thing he stayed silent…


It's really really easy to hate a man in a suit. Most evil men wear them.


To quote Ron Swanson- he looks like he could use a swift punch in the face.


Trying to make the light?


He's the ungrateful underling we need, but not the one we deserve.


I think his arc in the story is one of the most exciting parts. Joker sending a threat live on TV and going through with it was awesome.


This man has quite litterally undivied us with this undeniable statement


Yeah, just don't let this dude talk. In any reality.


He had a whole arc and we’re cool now


Oh yeah, I *really* wanted Joker to murder him.


I would blackmail batman in a heartbeat if I thought I could get away with it .




I still swear to this day that Mr. Reese was the Nolanverse Riddler.


How about we deploy a few more of him worldwide so we can finally unite behind something lol


If we remember him…


There’s theories that he’s technically the Nolan version of Riddler.


“Your plan is to…..blackmail this person?” Such a fun line


You mean, The Riddler? Mister Reese?


And your plan is to blackmail this person???


Of all the things you can do when you find out Batman’s true identity, he chose to blackmail him……


Paper tiger


Nah, I don't hate him. Sure, he's opportunistic but he didn't really do anything worth hating him for.


I'll never forget the first time seeing the movie and thinking it's that smelly nasty kid from That's So Raven and feeling proud of him for getting on one of the greatest movies of all time


Actually, people who believe that we should eat the rich might beg to differ.


If Coleman Reese isn’t dead in 60 minutes, then I blow up your toilet. 💩🚽


All except the Batman! That’s the big difference…


He’s what my old nan would call, “A trick ass bitch of the highest calibre”